My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 44: angry


It was very late when the two came back yesterday, but they still did not escape Uncle Li 2.0's good eyesight. After going out for a day and coming back to change clothes, he reported to the Bai family's parents that night.

Mother Bai thought excitedly in the middle of the night, and the tossing father Bai couldn't sleep well.

"It rained so hard yesterday, Xiaoya and Xiaochuan must have been soaked in the rain, and then they changed their clothes by the way. What's the fuss about." Father Bai didn't understand, his wife was so excited.

"You straight man with no fun." Li Rong turned her back, lifted the quilt and lay down.

"..." How can I be a straight man, no, why am I not interested? Bai Guoyu sighed helplessly and did not dare to speak, for fear that he would be driven to the study in a while.

Because Li Rong didn't talk to Bai Chuan much when he came back last night, Li Rong couldn't help but ask a few more questions the next morning.

"Yesterday when there was thunder, Xiaochuan wasn't really scared?" Li Rong asked Mu Xiaoya.

"I'm not scared, Xiaochuan is no longer afraid of thunder." On a rainy day, even she looked a little frightened. Bai Chuan was still able to pull her into the rain, but she still looked a little scared. Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but think of the kiss in the rain yesterday, and she was so frightened that she quickly took a sip of the ice milk on the side to cool herself down.

Although I already knew about this from the phone yesterday, Bai Chuan, who has hated thunderstorms since he was a child, is suddenly not afraid of thunder, which still makes the Bai family feel a little mysterious.

Why did it suddenly get better

"Xiao Chuan, why are you suddenly not afraid of thunder?" Li Rong asked, looking at Bai Chuan.

Bai Chuan stopped eating and frowned in embarrassment. He heard his mother's question, but he didn't know how to express the change in his heart.

He just wasn't afraid anymore.

"Xiao Chuan, Mom asked you something." Mu Xiaoya thought Bai Chuan didn't hear it, so she reminded in a low voice.

Bai Chuan looked at his mother, and then at Mu Xiaoya who reminded him, then suddenly leaned over and kissed him before Mu Xiaoya could react.

"This way, I won't be afraid anymore." Bai Chuan felt that his actions should have been explained very clearly.



Bai Zheng's chopsticks fell on the table, Bai Guoyu's plate shattered on the ground, and Li Rong blushed even more than Mu Xiaoya. The difference is that Mu Xiaoya is shy, she is excited.

"I... I've eaten." It's nothing to be kissed, and it's nothing to be kissed by her husband, but when she was kissed, her parents-in-law and the grandfather's uncle stared at her, then it wasn't her face that Mu Xiaoya could hold on to. Mu Xiaoya dropped the chopsticks and ran away.

Bai Chuan was stunned for a while, then followed his wife's actions, put down his chopsticks, and left.

After the two parties left, the living room remained silent for a while, until Li Rong's excited scream broke the silence.

"Xiao Chuan is enlightened?!" Li Rong grabbed her husband's sleeve and shook it excitedly, "I just said, I guessed right, a woman's intuition is the most accurate."

"I saw it, I saw it." Bai Guoyu was also very relieved, but this kind of thing doesn't need to be so obvious. I didn't see the two children scared away.

After Bai Zheng was stunned for a moment, he calmly picked up the chopsticks he had dropped and continued with the breakfast he just hadn't finished. He is a serious person, not as old and shy as his parents, who actually talk about the unspeakable things of his son and daughter-in-law behind his back.

"Husband, you're right, they should be allowed to move out and live there. In just one day, there has been such a big progress." Li Rong was only worried about Bai Chuan's move out. .

"Don't worry this time?" Bai Guoyu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm so relieved." He Zhi was relieved, she wished they could move out today, "Bai Zheng, the house was chosen well."

"..." Bai Zheng has never been short of compliments since he was a child, and has never refused to accept compliments, but he really doesn't want to accept this compliment today. Does this matter have a logical relationship with the house he chose

"I've eaten, too." Bai Zheng couldn't listen anymore, he didn't even bother to drink coffee, he got up and prepared to leave the restaurant.

"Xiaoya is so busy with work, otherwise, I will ask Uncle Li to help them decorate the house directly, so that they can move in faster."

"I didn't say it all, let them decorate the room by themselves, Xiaochuan has obsessive-compulsive disorder, where is not satisfied, it should be uncomfortable again..."

"You said, when they move out and develop smoothly, will we be able to embrace our grandson next year?"

"Is it developing a little faster?"

"..." Bai Zheng's steps to leave, resolutely quickened a bit.

Here, Mu Xiaoya covered her face and returned to the room, only to feel that she had gone downstairs to meet someone.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Bai Chuan and I are a serious couple, what's wrong with kissing on the cheek?" Mu Xiaoya kept hypnotizing herself. But no matter how hard she tried to hypnotize, as long as she thought of the surprised eyes of the three people downstairs just now, she couldn't wait to dig a hole and get in.

"Yeah!" Mu Xiaoya threw herself on the bed, rolled up the sheets, wrapped herself into a silkworm chrysalis, and cried out, "It's all Xiaochuan's fault, why are you kissing me."

As soon as Bai Chuan entered the door, he heard Mu Xiaoya blame him, and his face turned pale. He stood at the head of the bed with pursed lips, looking at the rolling rolls of bedding, stubbornly waiting. She waited until Mu Xiaoya calmed down and finally showed her head from the quilt before she said aggrievedly.

"You said it, whenever I want to kiss, I can."

"..." Mu Xiaoya blinked and met her husband's aggrieved eyes, she was a little stunned for a while, what happened

"Have you forgotten again?"

"I... No." No matter how bad her memory was, she wouldn't forget what she promised yesterday.

"Then you plan to go back on it?" Bai Chuan's voice trembled, as if he was trying to suppress something. He can accept that Mu Xiaoya has a bad memory, because he has forgotten, he can remind him. But if Mu Xiaoya goes back on it, he doesn't know what to do.

"Repent? Then... "

"No!" Before Mu Xiaoya could finish speaking, Bai Chuan roared angrily. How can you go back on what you promised.

"You murdered me?" Mu Xiaoya was not only stunned, but also a little strange.

"I..." I didn't want to kill you, I just... I couldn't control myself.

No, I promised Xiaoya that I will try my best to control myself when I get sick. Bai Chuan reacted abruptly, he turned around quickly, ran to the desk, and found the headphones that Mu Xiaoya bought for him in the closet. Quickly open it and put it on the ear.

Bai Chuan closed his eyes and slumped on the chair as if he had been redeemed. When he closed his eyes, there was only Mu Xiaoya's singing in his world, and only the image of them on the hillside in his mind. That way, he won't get emotionally out of control.

This is... Angry.

Across a desk, Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan quietly. It is said that people with autism are emotionally unstable, and from time to time they will lose their temper for some inexplicable reason. But with Bai Chuan for so long, this is the first time she has seen Bai Chuan lose his temper. And the reason for the tantrum is quite cute.

After the singing in the headphones was over, Bai Chuan's mood gradually eased. He opened his eyes and saw Mu Xiaoya on the other side of the table.

"Xiaoya." Bai Chuan put down his headphones, his expression still a little aggrieved.

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoya responded, she was very curious what Bai Chuan would say to her at this time.

"You said that if you do something that makes me feel uncomfortable in the future, you can promise me a condition, right?" Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya nervously, for fear that Mu Xiaoya would forget about it. or regret it.

"Yeah." Mu Xiaoya nodded.

"Then... I felt uncomfortable just now." Bai Chuan said.

"I see." But you control yourself well.

"I want to make a request." Bai Chuan said confidently.

"you say."

"Yesterday's thing... You can't go back on it." Bai Chuan's tone was full of domineering, "You can't go back on anything you promised me."

"Okay." Mu Xiaoya chuckled.

Forget it, it's just being watched, what's the big deal? No way, I just need to be thick-skinned.

Bai Chuan, who had received the promise, was overjoyed. He followed Mu Xiaoya and laughed. The bit of domineering just now was like a fleeting flash in the pan, dissipating in his deep dimples.

Because of such a small episode, Mu Xiaoya was in a good mood all day, so that her inspiration doubled and her work efficiency increased dramatically. She released the new shoe design draft for the next season one week ahead of schedule.

"Have you been possessed by the Muse recently? You are full of inspiration." Fang Hui looked at Mu Xiaoya's latest design draft and said, "Also, I always think your design draft is better than when you were in school. There are many. Compared with you, the design drawings I drew can’t be produced at all.”

Although when she was in college, her grades were not as good as Mu Xiaoya's, but there was not such a big gap. If the inspiration is based on talent, and she can't compare in this regard, then even the completion of the design draft, Mu Xiaoya has surpassed her by too much. Mu Xiaoya's method of drawing design drawings is more concise and accurate, which is very different from the previous one.

"Didn't I plan to study abroad before? I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up, so I did more homework." Mu Xiaoya explained. Her current design ability was developed after four years of polishing and study, and it is naturally much stronger than when she was in college.

"Okay, anyway, the better you are, the more I will take advantage of it." Fang Hui was only amazed at the progress of her friends, she was envious, but not much jealous, "By the way, the sales report for the first week of shoes came out, which was better than we expected. Ten percentage points higher."

"Really?!" Mu Xiaoya took the report handed over by Fang Hui in surprise. She ignored the rest and went straight to the profit column, "One hundred thousand, we made one hundred thousand in a week?"

"Look at how stupid you are, where are we going? There are only three shoes in total, and we have to deduct the cost and give half of the profit to my uncle. Think about it, if all these are removed, the entire store will be sold. How much do you think we can earn for our shoes?" Fang Hui seemed very calm in front of Mu Xiaoya, in fact, she was not much better than Mu Xiaoya when she first got the report.

"I'm already very satisfied." When she was a designer in her previous life, Mu Xiaoya also produced several best-selling shoes. At that time, the company gave a bonus of only 100,000 yuan. Now she has opened her own studio and can earn 100,000 yuan a week, and this kind of profit is sustainable.

"No matter how hard I try, will I be able to catch up with Bai Chuan?" Mu Xiaoya said excitedly.

"Why, your Bai Chuan doesn't support you?" Fang Hui squinted.

"Raise him, he raises me, and I raise him too." Mu Xiaoya smiled, "The husband and wife are financially independent, and the marriage can be long-lasting."

"Why, there is pressure to marry into a wealthy family."

"No..." Mu Xiaoya replied, "It's just that my Xiaochuan is so good, so I have to work hard."

"Can you die if you don't show your love?" Fang Hui couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Show or not show people are going to die, why not show." Mu Xiaoya replied cheekily.

"Hey! Look at the goosebumps on my body." Fang Hui stretched her arm directly in front of Mu Xiaoya, showing the goosebumps on her arm.

Mu Xiaoya slapped her open angrily.

"Don't be afraid, you have become too good, and others will say that Bai Chuan is not worthy of you." Fang Hui joked.

"Don't be afraid, Bai Chuan doesn't understand anyway." In this regard, Mu Xiaoya really wasn't worried at all. Don't talk about Bai Chuan behind his back, even if you talk face to face, their Bai Chuan doesn't bother to answer a word.

"It's a tragic autistic person, and you tell me your superiority." Fang Hui sighed.