My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 46: I'll pick you up from get off work


Lu Yang hurriedly ran downstairs from the Security Section, and when he saw Bai Zheng who was looking back and forth at the door of the building, he couldn't catch his breath, so he couldn't wait to report: "General Manager, at 2:51, 2:51 out of the building."

"Have you called a car?" Bai Zheng asked.

"No, Second Young Master walked over there." Lu Yang pointed to the road on the right and said, "After entering Sannan Road, the monitoring system of our building will not be able to see it."

"Xiao Chuan didn't bring a cell phone or money." Bai Zheng threw an irritable fist on the commercial car in front of him, "What are the people in the Security Section doing for food? No one can watch it."

"Don't worry, general manager, the second young master must be looking for the second young lady's wife." Lu Yang comforted. But he also knew in his heart that the security department could not be blamed for this matter. In the past few years in the company, Second Young Master's daily commute time was more regular than that of the machine. Besides, people in the building were working normally. If there was no emergency, the security guard would Don't stare at the monitor all the time.

"It takes half an hour to drive from here to Mu Xiaoya's studio. How can Xiaochuan get there on foot?"

"General manager, Second Young Master is so smart, it will be alright."

"He's an idiot in everything except maths, and he can't even talk to people when he goes out. You tell me he'll be fine?"

"General Manager, Second Young Master, he has a good memory. Maybe he remembers the way to the Second Young Master's wife. We will drive along the road to find it, and we will definitely find it." Lu Yang suggested.

Bai Zheng gradually calmed down, he looked at his watch and arranged: "It's 3:16 now, Xiaochuan has just left for 25 minutes, you ask the security guard of the building, the driver, the driver to drive, and the biker to ride the bike. , follow the road to Mu Xiaoya's place and find it for me along the way."

"Yes, I'll make arrangements now." Lu Yang turned around and ran back to make arrangements.

Bai Zheng opened the car door and started the car while calling Mu Xiaoya.

"Hello?" The call was quickly connected.

"Mu Xiaoya." Bai Zheng was driving his car, his eyes kept searching on both sides of the road. Even though he knew that Bai Chuan had been gone for nearly half an hour and could not be still on the road near the company, he still dared not miss anyone on the road.

"Big brother?" Mu Xiaoya's voice was a little surprised.

"Did Xiaochuan call you?"

"No, isn't Xiaochuan at work?"

"He went to find you and said he was going to pick you up from get off work." Bai Zheng's eyes darkened, doesn't even Mu Xiaoya know

"He's coming to pick me up from get off work? I'll call him and ask."

"Don't call, he forgot his phone."

"What?!" Along with Mu Xiaoya's exclamation, there was also the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, before Mu Xiaoya asked again with a vibrato, "Brother, if you called me, does that mean you can't find Xiaochuan."

"...He not only didn't bring his cell phone, he didn't take the car I arranged for him, he went out alone." Bai Zheng didn't hide it.

"He... how long has he been gone, I... I'll go to him." Mu Xiaoya's vibrato had turned into a cry.

There was a red light ahead, and Bai Zheng almost had no time to brake. He was in a hurry himself, but he did not forget to comfort Mu Xiaoya on the other end: "Don't worry, I have asked the company's driver and security to find you along the way to your place. You stay in the studio. Now, I found him and sent him there. Don't run around, Xiaochuan is looking for you."

"Okay." Mu Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother, you have to ask people to find them on the way home, and Xiaochuan may also go home."

"No, when he said he was looking for you, he would definitely look for you." No one understood Bai Chuan's persistence better than their family.

"Then... Then look for it along the map. Xiaochuan remembers the map. He must have come to me along the map."

"I know." Bai Zheng hung up the phone, called up the mobile phone navigation, and started to move slowly along the road at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

"Mumu, what's the matter with you?" Fang Hui had just returned from the advertising agency and was walking to the studio with a bunch of posters, when she saw Mu Xiaoya standing at the door with red eyes from a distance.

"Fang Hui, Xiao Chuan, Xiao Chuan is gone." Seeing Fang Hui, the tears Mu Xiaoya had been holding back all flowed down in a rush.

"What." Fang Hui was stunned and froze on the spot.

"Bai Zheng just called and said that Xiaochuan didn't bring his cell phone and wallet, he left the company alone, and said he wanted to come here to pick me up from get off work." Mu Xiaoya said absentmindedly, "You said, it's such a long way. , will something happen to Xiaochuan?"

"Don't cry first, you..." Fang Hui sighed, turned her head in a hurry and called Xiaoxin, and when Xiaoxin ran over, she threw the picture album in her hands, freeing her hands Turning his head and hugging Mu Xiaoya, he comforted, "It's alright, don't scare yourself. Bai Chuan has savant syndrome, his IQ is higher than ordinary people, and he can remember many things after reading it once. Then he must also If he can remember the way he came to us, he will definitely not get lost. Maybe he will come by himself in a while."

"From the Yifeng Group to us, the road is nearly 20 kilometers. There are so many intersections, so many unknown strangers, so many cars..." Mu Xiaoya's face changed every time she mentioned a road condition. Bai Shangfen said, "Xiao Chuan doesn't like to talk or listen to others. I don't know if he can read traffic lights. He..."

"Mumu, Mumu, Mu Xiaoya!" Fang Hui grabbed Mu Xiaoya's shoulders tightly, almost shouting, "Calm me down."

"Huihui, I'm afraid." Mu Xiaoya's voice was full of helplessness.

"Isn't Bai Chuan coming to pick you up from get off work? Then you wait here. He likes you so much, he will definitely come over, you believe him." Fang Hui tried her best to comfort, but she also knew that for a self-confidence In terms of autism, walking 20 kilometers in a complicated city is too much anxiety.

"Yeah, Sister Mumu, our social order is so good, your husband will definitely be fine." Xiaoxin, who had listened to it, also comforted him.

"Xiaoxin, don't you have a battery car? You ride the battery car along the road to Yifeng Group to find it. I sent Bai Chuan's photo to your mobile phone, and when I found it, call me." Don't worry, Xiaoxin can only find it.

"Okay, I'll go right now." Xiaoxin put down the things in his hand, took the key and rode the battery car away.

"Mumu, let's go in and wait." Fang Hui wanted to bring Mu Xiaoya in.

"No, I'm waiting here." Mu Xiaoya pushed Fang Hui away and sat on the steps in front of the studio, holding her knees and looking straight at the intersection.

Fang Hui was helpless and could only sit down with Mu Xiaoya.

After waiting for nearly an hour, they did not wait for Bai Chuan or Xiaoxin's call, but Bai Zheng.

Bai Zheng got out of the car and watched Mu Xiaoya, who excitedly rushed over from the steps, opened the car door to check the situation inside the car, but she couldn't get a word out of what she wanted to ask.

What else to ask, if Xiaochuan was here, she would not be like this.

"Didn't you find it?" Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Zheng reluctantly.

"..." Seeing Mu Xiaoya like this, Bai Zheng could only comfort him, "Don't worry too much, it's not the first time Xiaochuan has gone out alone, it should be... It'll be fine."

Yes, Bai Chuan has grown so big, and this is not the first time he has gone out alone. When he got closer, he went out alone when he asked Mu Xiaoya to propose marriage. Going farther, Bai Chuan also sneaked away several times when he was a child.

Although they came back safely every time, Bai Chuan was different from ordinary people in the end. Even if they had returned safely 10,000 times, they would not be afraid to leave the 10,000th time.

"You're right, Xiaochuan is so smart, he will definitely be able to find this place." Mu Xiaoya comforted herself, turned and walked back to the steps to sit down again.

Bai Zheng sighed and returned to the car, intending to turn the car around and look for it again.

"Huihui, how long does it take to walk if you drive for half an hour?" Mu Xiaoya asked Fang Hui sullenly on the steps.

"More than three hours." Calculated at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour, it would take more than three hours for 20 kilometers.

"Xiao Chuan has been gone for almost an hour and a half. I'll wait another hour and a half. Did Xiao Chuan come over?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Yeah." Fang Hui didn't know how to answer other than nodding.

When she accompanied them to see the new house two days ago, she was just relieved that although Bai Chuan was not perfect, Mu Xiaoya looked very happy. But at this time, seeing Mu Xiaoya's dejected appearance, Fang Hui felt extremely uncomfortable.

Partners should be there to support each other, but Bai Chuan is an autistic patient who makes people anxious even when going out. Mumu's home is a place that she can only support herself. How much you like it, how heavy it is.

After another half an hour, Xiaoxin came back on the battery bike, he shook his head and found nothing. Knowing that Bai Chuan hadn't found it yet, he didn't say anything, turned his head and searched again.

After 20 minutes, Bai Zheng, who had searched back and forth again, returned to the intersection. He looked at Mu Xiaoya, who was still squatting on the steps, a little afraid to go over.

"General manager, everyone who went out has come back, but they haven't been found." Lu Yang said on the phone, "Otherwise, let's call the police."

"Don't worry, wait another hour." If Bai Chuan came to look for Mu Xiaoya, he would definitely come over in another hour. He ran back and forth twice, and the road from Yifeng Group to here was unobstructed, which means that there was no traffic accident on the road. As long as there is no accident in Xiaochuan, even if it is lost, they can be found with their Bai family's financial resources.

Comforting himself, Bai Zheng hung up the phone, and then irritably lit a cigarette. He was smoking intermittently, and just as the cigarette butt was about to burn out, his eyes swept across the rearview mirror inadvertently, and then his pupils suddenly contracted.

Ogawa? He seems to have seen Xiaochuan

Bai Zheng opened the car door in disbelief, and at one end of the car, he watched helplessly as Bai Chuan walked past... from the other end of the car.

At this time, Bai Chuan was covered in sweat, his cheeks were flushed from the sun, and he was holding a gift box tied with a purple ribbon in his hand. He walked forward in a hurry. When his eyes touched Mu Xiaoya on the steps, Immediately burst out a warm light.

This light stopped Bai Zheng's voice from shouting. He followed Bai Chuan's direction and watched quietly.

Mu Xiaoya also saw Bai Chuan, she stood up from the steps excitedly, and staggered towards Bai Chuan.

"Xiao Chuan!" Mu Xiaoya threw herself into Bai Chuan's arms fiercely, hitting Bai Chuan back, and the two almost fell to the ground together.

"Xiaoya, I'll pick you up from get off work." Bai Chuan looked at his watch, it was 5:20 now, and he arrived before Xiaoya got off work.

Mu Xiaoya gritted her teeth, trying hard not to let her whimper escape from her teeth. She hugged Bai Chuan tightly, preventing him from seeing her crying.

"I suddenly came to pick you up from get off work, are you happy?" In order to create a surprise, he didn't tell Xiaoya in advance.

"Happy, why are you here all of a sudden." Mu Xiaoya kept wiping away her tears, trying to make herself look surprised.

"I also brought chocolates, look." Bai Chuan moved, wanting to show her the chocolate box.

"Don't move, let me hold her for a while." Before the tears could be wiped away, her eyes were still red, and Mu Xiaoya didn't want Bai Chuan to see her like this.

Bai Chuan came here deliberately without telling himself. If he was told that he was crying, the surprise created by Bai Chuan's three-hour walk would be gone. He was so diligent, Mu Xiaoya couldn't bear to destroy it. She could only hold Bai Chuan tightly, crying hard in a place he couldn't see, and when she had enough crying and her mood calmed down, she let him go.

Bai Chuan stood obediently until Mu Xiaoya hugged enough and let go. After he saw the smile on Mu Xiaoya's face, he held up the chocolate like offering a treasure and said, "Astro boy said, you will definitely like to eat."

With Bai Chuan's hand, Mu Xiaoya tore off the beautiful bow and lifted the delicate lid, revealing a pool of black chocolate sauce inside.

"It's all heated up." Mu Xiaoya said.

"how so."

"It doesn't matter, we take it home, put it in the refrigerator, and it can be eaten as it is frozen."

"Yeah." Bai Chuan nodded.

"Look at you, your face is red with sweat."

"I walked for three hours and it was very hot on the road."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard work." Bai Chuan smiled foolishly, immersed in the surprises he had created, when he was satisfied.