My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 47: What are you afraid of


"Xiao Chuan, I heard that you went to pick up Xiaoya from get off work today?" During dinner, Li Rong pretended to mention this matter calmly.

Bai Zheng didn't inform her that Bai Chuan left the company alone without his mobile phone. She only found out after Bai Chuan was found. Although she didn't feel the fear for the first time, she still had lingering fears.

Bai Chuan has also been lost before, no, in fact, it cannot be said that he was lost, but Bai Chuan went out alone, and no one knows where he went. At this time, she will be restless, anxious and afraid, and when Bai Chuan is found, she will hold Bai Chuan in tears and tell him not to go out alone in the future. But this time, she acted very calm, as if Bai Chuan was a normal person, and there was nothing to make a fuss about going out alone.

"Mom, don't talk about Xiaochuan about this time." This was Bai Zheng's advice to her and her husband after returning. Li Rong didn't know why, but she knew that Bai Zheng had always acted prudently, so there must be his reasons for saying so, so she didn't ask any more questions, but just mentioned it at the dinner table.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan seemed to be in a good mood and answered quickly.

"Why did you suddenly think of picking up Xiaoya from get off work?" Li Rong asked again.

"Xiaoya will be very happy when she sees me suddenly." Xiaoya hugged him happily just now, since she was a child, Xiaoya never took the initiative to hold him for so long.

Mu Xiaoya smiled and glanced at Bai Chuan, confirming the surprise he created with her eyes.

The Bai family looked at the interaction between the two, and they were both relieved and emotional for a while. They were pleased with Bai Chuan's change, but they were afraid that this change would bring more uncertain dangers. The well-behaved Bai Chuan has already exhausted them, not to mention now...

"Xiao Chuan, which road did you come from?" Bai Zheng asked curiously. He sent dozens of people out, and he searched back and forth twice. It can be said that he searched the 20-kilometer road back and forth several times, but no one could find Bai Chuan's shadow.

"Many roads." Three simple words summed up the three-hour journey. In fact, except for Mu Xiaoya, Bai Chuan and others have always been concise and concise.

"Xiaochuan, tell me in detail, I'm also curious about where you came from. For three hours, have you encountered anything interesting on the road?" Mu Xiaoya wanted to know the path Baichuan came. If you know the path that Bai Chuan walked, it will be much easier to find out if similar situations happen in the future.

"Okay." Bai Chuan put down his chopsticks and started to recall his itinerary, "I came out of the company, turned right, entered Sannan Road, walked to the intersection of Puhua Road and turned left, then walked straight, walked to Qiufeng Road, and then walked to Shangde Road, and then walk to Qingyang Road…”

Bai Chuan talked one way after the other, some Bai Zheng knew about these roads, and some Bai Zheng didn't. But it also made him understand why so many people he sent out couldn't find Bai Chuan. From Yifeng to Mu Xiaoya's studio, the road conditions are not complicated. Drive along Sannan Road until you reach Minghai Road. After driving for another five kilometers, you will arrive at Guanchao Road. This obviously only required a trip of three roads, but Bai Chuan crossed a dozen different roads.

"Are you taking the short path?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Well, walking like this can save five kilometers." After visiting Mu Xiaoya's studio once, Bai Chuan silently calculated the distance between the two on the map, and naturally calculated the shortest route. .

Bai Chuan raised his head slightly, as if begging for compliments, Mu Xiaoya co-operated with a piece of braised pork for him.

"You can eat it too." Bai Chuan followed suit and gave Mu Xiaoya a piece.

After dinner, Mu Xiaoya made an excuse and sent Bai Chuan back to her room first. When Bai Chuan left, Mu Xiaoya suddenly stood up from her seat and bowed deeply to Bai's parents: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry."

"Xiaoya, what are you doing?" Bai's parents stood up in fright.

"What happened today is all because of me. Xiaochuan ran out of the company without saying hello because he wanted to surprise me." No one in the Bai family blamed her for this, but the Bai family didn't mention it. But Mu Xiaoya couldn't pretend she didn't know.

"This child, what are you talking about, you didn't know about this beforehand." Li Rong comforted.

"But if it wasn't for me, Xiaochuan wouldn't be like this." If it wasn't for her, Bai Chuan would commute step by step as before, and he wouldn't run out without a word. Thinking from another perspective, if her own child was lost, even if she knew in her heart that the other party could not be blamed for this matter, she would still be able to hold back her anger at the moment. What's more, this matter has a direct connection with her.

"Xiaoya, don't take this on yourself, it's not your fault, Bai Zheng is the first responsible person." Bai Guoyu suddenly said.

Bai Zheng glanced at his father and said nothing.

"What are you looking at, shouldn't you be watching Xiaochuan during work hours?" Bai Guoyu glared at his eldest son.

"That's right, it's my fault." Bai Zheng didn't argue, and simply admitted his mistake.

"But… "

"But what?" Bai Zheng interrupted Mu Xiaoya.

Today, he searched twice along the way back and forth. Although he rationally told him that Mu Xiaoya could not be blamed for this matter, subconsciously, he was still dissatisfied with Mu Xiaoya. As she said, if it wasn't for her, Ogawa would never have thought of leaving alone. He would think so, he believed, and his parents would think so too. It's just that they are all rational people. Even if they think so subconsciously, their reason will still successfully suppress this dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, Xiaochuan had nothing to do this time, and he soon went to Mu Xiaoya's studio, but what if this time Xiaochuan had an accident on his way to find Mu Xiaoya. Or, like last time, spent a day and a night outside before being found? Bai Zheng asked himself that he couldn't have no grudge against Mu Xiaoya, even though he knew that this matter had nothing to do with Mu Xiaoya. But the human heart is like this, there is no absolute selflessness.

But when he stood behind Xiaochuan and watched Xiaochuan walk for three hours, the moment he saw Mu Xiaoya, with her high-spirited appearance, Bai Zheng suddenly felt that he made his younger brother as dead as before. If you live, why not let him come back as he pleases.

So after he came back, he told his parents, don't tell Xiaochuan about his departure, don't make him feel that what happened today is wrong, and don't destroy the surprise he worked hard to create. They have to be like Mu Xiaoya, pretending they don't know anything, pretending that Xiaochuan concealed it very well, and pretending to be surprised.

"I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that Xiaochuan will blame you because of your accident."

Mu Xiaoya gritted her teeth and didn't speak, but the expression on her face had already explained everything, she really thought so.

"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't really approve of your marriage with Xiaochuan." Bai Zheng said suddenly, "because I don't believe that any person who is not related by blood will be like us and serve Xiaochuan wholeheartedly."

"Bai Zheng?!" Bai Guoyu couldn't help shouting to stop his eldest son, didn't he see that Mu Xiaoya was already remorseful, and he could still say such a thing.

"Dad, let me finish." Bai Zheng continued to ignore Mu Xiaoya, whose face was already pale, "I can tell you from the person in charge that you guessed right, if something happened to Xiaochuan because of you, we would really blame you. "

"Bai Zheng, stop talking." Li Rong couldn't stand it anymore, she comforted Mu Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, don't listen to his nonsense."

Mu Xiaoya didn't speak, she stubbornly looked at Bai Zheng, waiting for him to finish speaking.

"But... Would you leave Xiaochuan because you were afraid we would blame you?" Bai Zheng ignored his mother and continued his unfinished questions.

"No." Mu Xiaoya replied without thinking.

"Then what are you afraid of?" Bai Zheng asked, "You are Xiaochuan's wife, and Xiaochuan's legal partner. Legally, morally, and all secular regulations, you are Xiaochuan's closest person. You If you have the closest relationship with him, you should bear the greatest responsibility, and if you don't even have this responsibility, divorce as soon as possible."

Mu Xiaoya was silent, Bai's parents were also silent, and the restaurant was extremely quiet for a while.

"I see." Mu Xiaoya straightened up, no more confusion and guilt on her face, she smiled, turned and left the restaurant.

After Mu Xiaoya left, Li Rong glanced at Bai Zheng reproachfully, and scolded: "It's obviously good intentions, why can't you speak properly."

"What do you want to say?" Bai Zheng asked back.

"Don't you say that we won't blame her no matter what happens?"

"Can you believe it when you say this?"

"But if you say that, Xiaoya is under a lot of pressure. It was already very difficult for her to marry Xiaochuan." Li Rong was really afraid of Bai Zheng's words, which scared Mu Xiaoya away.

"Mom, Mu Xiaoya... She really likes Xiao Chuan, you can trust her once." After speaking, Bai Zheng also left the restaurant.

"..." Li Rong was stunned for a while, before yelling at the door of the restaurant for a long time, "What nonsense, I don't trust Xiaoya anymore."

"Okay." Bai Guoyu reassured his excited wife, "Bai Zheng probably thinks... Xiaoya is better than what we did."

Bai Guoyu was actually more curious about what Bai Zheng saw that made him suddenly have such a big change in Mu Xiaoya. He said these words after he concluded that Mu Xiaoya would not easily divorce Bai Chuan.

When Mu Xiaoya returned to the room, Bai Chuan was sitting quietly behind the desk reading a book. When she heard her coming in, she immediately put down her book and looked over.

"Your cell phone." Mu Xiaoya took Bai Chuan's cell phone out of her bag. It was given to her by Bai Zheng in the afternoon.

"I forgot to be in the office in the afternoon." Bai Chuan took it, remembering that he forgot his phone.

"Isn't your memory super good, why did you forget your phone?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"I didn't remember it." Bai Chuan felt that this kind of forgetting had nothing to do with good memory, but he didn't know how to explain it to Mu Xiaoya, so he simply didn't say it.

"Then what if I ask you for something?" Mu Xiaoya moved a square stool and sat opposite Bai Chuan.

"I'm on my way to find you." Bai Chuan replied.

"What if I'm out of the studio for something?"

"..." Bai Chuan frowned, assuming that he worked hard to go to Mu Xiaoya's studio, but Mu Xiaoya was not there, and then he didn't have a mobile phone and couldn't contact her, and he was in a very bad mood. "I have no idea."

"I don't know, then wait for me there." Mu Xiaoya held Bai Chuan's hand and said softly, "I will find you."

"But you didn't know that I was looking for you." Bai Chuan's logic was very strong, he always remembered that he made a surprise without notifying Mu Xiaoya.

"As long as I look for it, I will find it."

"Then... I'll wait for you." Bai Chuan liked this sentence, and he nodded happily.

"But... In order to prevent me from making you wait too long, don't forget to bring your phone next time, okay?"

"Yeah." Bai Chuan firmly grasped the phone and replied seriously, "I'll take it with me in the future."

"Have a full charge."


"Xiao Chuan... do you want to kiss me?"

Bai Chuan blinked, then leaned over and approached Mu Xiaoya across the table.

The wind from the balcony lifted a corner of the curtain and Mu Xiaoya's long hair, which was wrapped around the palms of the two, making it ticklish.

The author has something to say: As a scumbag, it is very easy to be possessed by the god of sleep when doing questions, not to mention that Bai's study is so comfortable.

The saliva that came out of the girl Ya when she was sleeping, stained half of the test paper.

The young Chuan frowned when he saw it, and after a lot of effort, he took out the test paper under the arm of the girl Ya, and carefully dried it in the sun.

When he turned around, the saliva flowed down the desk again.

Young Chuan had no choice but to sit next to the girl Ya and wipe her saliva bit by bit with a tissue.

The girl Ya woke up and opened her eyes. She saw the young man's beautiful face up close and blushed involuntarily.

"Why... why are you watching me sleep?"

"You're drooling."

The girl followed the boy's line of sight and looked over, a trash can full of tissues.