My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 5: A woman suspected of ex-wife


Bai Chuan stood in front of Grandma Bai's tombstone for a long time, and Mu Xiaoya stayed beside him all the time. Bai Chuan didn't leave, and Mu Xiaoya didn't rush him.

Having experienced a death, Mu Xiaoya has become more patient and calmer than before. She only has four years left. In these four years, she will not go to study abroad, will not spend a lot of time studying, and will not be in a hurry to find a job. Even her previous ideals are now realized without effort. When all this becomes no longer important, you will suddenly find that life slows down and time is infinitely stretched.

Mu Xiaoya has this feeling right now, and for the remaining four years, she hopes to spend the rest of it in a calm and warm way.


Mu Xiaoya, who came to the cemetery after just having some breakfast, was already hungry. She had endured it until now, her stomach couldn't stand the owner's neglect, and finally let out a dissatisfied cry.

Mu Xiaoya secretly glanced at Bai Chuan beside her, but fortunately Bai Chuan seemed to have heard nothing, and still stood in front of the tombstone blankly. Mu Xiaoya felt uncomfortable in her stomach, she couldn't help raising her hand to cover her stomach. During the movement, the emerald jade bracelet on her wrist accidentally knocked on a button on her shirt, making a crisp collision sound.

The voice was so soft that it was almost negligible, but Bai Chuan, who had been unresponsive just now, suddenly looked over. People with autism are very sensitive to some small and special sounds.

He looked suspiciously at Mu Xiaoya's gesture of covering her stomach.

"I'm a little hungry." Mu Xiaoya smiled embarrassedly.

"Let's go eat." Go to eat when you are hungry.

The brains of autistic patients are mostly linear thinking. They do not have as many concerns as ordinary people. What they want to do and what they need to do can be expressed directly and quickly. Of course, the premise is that they can have good expression skills.

Bai Chuan's expressive ability is nothing short of excellent. In his evaluation reports in recent years, his attending doctor, Professor Feng, suspected that Bai Chuan was actually a patient with acquired scholar syndrome. Bai Chuan's parents were asked several times if they had hit Bai Chuan's brain before he was one year old. Because Bai Chuan's recovery is really good, it seems that he already has social skills.

Xiaoya is hungry, she wants to eat. This thought prompted Bai Chuan to go out, but after walking a few steps, when Mu Xiaoya didn't follow him, he stopped in doubt.

"Grandma, let's go." After speaking, Mu Xiaoya caught up with Bai Chuan and naturally held Bai Chuan's hand.

Bai Chuan was stunned for a while, and it was the third time. At the same time, he had a mental realization: Mu Xiaoya liked to hold hands with him.

This realization made him a little happy.

The two followed the steps and walked down the mountain step by step. At the exit of the cemetery, a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked on the side of the road very prominently. Mu Xiaoya knew that this must be the car Bai Zheng left for them, so she walked over with Bai Chuan.

"Xiao Chuan." The two men approached, and a woman dressed in a black dress stepped out of the car, and she greeted Bai Chuan familiarly.

Bai Chuan just glanced at her lightly, and without saying a word, he looked back again. But Mu Xiaoya knew that for Bai Chuan, who didn't communicate easily with people, this simple reaction was enough to show that he knew this woman, and he didn't disagree.

"Miss Mu." The woman seemed accustomed to Bai Chuan's reaction, she turned her head and greeted Mu Xiaoya again.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Mr. Bai's secretary. My name is Wang Jing. Mr. Bai asked me to stay here and wait for you." Wang Jing opened the back seat door for the two of them.

Mu Xiaoya thanked her and took Bai Chuan into the car.

Wang Jing closed the car door and returned to the car herself. After starting the car, she asked, "Miss Mu, shall I take you back first?"

"Thank you, my home is..."

"No. 126 Fanhua Road, Qingyuan High School staff dormitory, building 18." Before Mu Xiaoya finished speaking, Wang Jing accurately reported the address of Mu Xiaoya's home.

"How do you know?" Mu Xiaoya was a little surprised.

"I used to go to pick up Xiaochuan. You and Xiaochuan live next door, so I naturally remember your address."

"I see." Mu Xiaoya was a little curious. This Wang Jing seemed to be very familiar with Bai Chuan, so she couldn't help but ask, "You and Xiao Chuan are very familiar?"

"Yeah." Wang Jing said, "I finished university with a scholarship set up by Yifeng Group, so I went to work in Yifeng directly after graduation. Mr. Bai was very concerned about Xiaochuan, his younger brother. When he was in the company, We need to pay close attention to basic clothing, food, housing and transportation, and as the secretary of President Bai, I have more contact with Xiaochuan." Yifeng Group is a company founded by Bai Chuan's father, Bai Guoyu.

"Then Xiaochuan must have taken care of you in the company thanks to you."

"It should be." Wang Jing changed her words, "Actually, I happened to be there when Xiaochuan went to propose to you that day."

"Are you here?" Mu Xiaoya raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"That day, Xiaochuan suddenly disappeared from the hospital, and Mr. Bai was very anxious. After we looked around the hospital and saw no one, I wondered if Xiaochuan had run home, so I drove over to look for it. Xiaochuan proposed to you." Wang Jing said with a smile, "To be honest, I was probably more nervous than you two at the time."

Mu Xiaoya smiled embarrassedly, but she didn't expect that the process of being proposed would be witnessed.

"Fortunately, I agreed."

"No, if you don't agree, I may agree for you." Wang Jing said half-truth.

Mu Xiaoya was teased by the other party and wanted to laugh, and inadvertently, her eyes swept across Bai Chuan Junmei's fair face, her heart skipped a beat, and Mu Xiaoya's eyes suddenly swept across the criss-crossing patch on Bai Chuan's face before her rebirth. scar.

"Why did you promise me?" Mu Xiaoya suddenly became sensitive.

"Miss Mu may not know, Xiaochuan is very handsome and smart. Although the situation is a bit special, he is also the top five candidate for the golden bachelor list within our group. Many girls in our company want to marry him. ."

Wang Jing said something like a joke, but Mu Xiaoya couldn't laugh anymore. If Grandma Bai died at the same time in the last life, then Bai Chuan was rejected by himself in the morning, and where would he go to find someone to marry temporarily in the afternoon? All kinds of coincidences combined to tell her that the woman named Wang Jing in front of her was probably the wife of Bai Chuan's last life.

As Wang Jing said just now, Mu Xiaoya didn't agree, but she agreed. No, it should be that she took the initiative to ask Bai Chuan to propose marriage. And for Xiaochuan, who just wanted to fulfill Grandma Bai's last wish at that time, it is very likely that he would really agree.

The more Mu Xiaoya thought about it, the more she felt that this guess might be true. First of all, the people of the Bai family cared so much about Bai Chuan, and they would definitely not let him get married to just anyone. As Bai Zheng's secretary, Wang Jing seemed to get along well with Bai Chuan. If Bai Chuan insisted on getting married before her grandmother died, then the Bai family might really agree.

If Wang Jing married Bai Chuan in the last life, then she was the one who hurt Bai Chuan...

"Miss Mu, Miss Mu?"

Mu Xiaoya fell into a trance in her own thoughts, and it was not until Wang Jing called her that she suddenly came back to her senses.

"What's wrong?"

"It's here." Wang Jing reminded with a smile.

Mu Xiaoya glanced out the window and found that the car was parked in front of her house, and Bai Chuan was sitting beside her and watching her quietly.

"Let's get off." Mu Xiaoya motioned for Bai Chuan to get off, and Bai Chuan obediently let Mu Xiaoya lead, and the two got off the same side.

"Miss Mu, I'll be waiting at the door. When you guys finish eating, I'll take Xiaochuan home." Wang Jing said.

"Secretary Wang doesn't have to wait. After dinner, I will personally send Xiaochuan back." With the guess just now, Mu Xiaoya suddenly didn't want Wang Jing to have too much contact with Bai Chuan.

"But... President Bai told me that I must take Xiaochuan back in person."

Mu Xiaoya frowned, she didn't want Wang Jing to send it, but Wang Jing was under Bai Zheng's orders, and she was not very familiar with Bai Zheng, so she was a little embarrassed.

"You don't want her to wait?" At this moment, Bai Chuan suddenly spoke up. He just heard what Mu Xiaoya told Wang Jing to leave.

Wang Jing glanced at Bai Chuan in surprise. This was the first time she had seen Bai Chuan take the initiative to take care of others.

"Well, I'll take you back tonight." Mu Xiaoya nodded.

"Go back!" After understanding what Mu Xiaoya meant, Bai Chuan immediately started chasing people without hesitation. And this was also the first sentence he said to the other party after seeing Wang Jing, his tone was stiff and unceremonious.

"Xiao Chuan, I..." Wang Jing was a little embarrassed.

"You go." Bai Chuan frowned slightly, why didn't this person leave.

As long as it is an employee of Yifeng Group, they all know a common sense, that is, they must not make Bai Ershao Bai Chuan unhappy, even if they frown, because once Bai Ershao loses control of his emotions, the chairman and the general manager will not be happy. Always talk to you at the same time. Therefore, after seeing Bai Chuan frowning, Wang Jing didn't dare to say anything, and immediately drove away.

"Don't you like her? Why did you drive her away?" Wang Jing left, Mu Xiaoya said she was very happy, but she still had to ask Bai Ershao, who had just suddenly chased people away with domineering, why he suddenly became enlightened.

"I don't like her." Bai Chuan corrected seriously.

"Don't like it? Then why did she call you Xiaochuan?" Mu Xiaoya raised her eyebrows, the assistant they met last time clearly called Bai Chuan the second young master, why did this woman just call you Xiaochuan? People are very close.

"... She wanted to call him." In Bai Chuan's cognition, Bai Chuan, Er Shao, and Xiao Chuan were just names for him, and there was no difference between the three.

"Let her call if she wants to call you?" Mu Xiaoya was very dissatisfied.

Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya in confusion, not understanding what she meant.

People with autism generally have difficulty communicating, even if their physical function of language is not poor. But when talking to people, they listen to what other people say, that's all, they have difficulty understanding any metaphor, metaphor, irony, idiom, etc. Therefore, Bai Chuan could not understand the metaphors and rhetorical questions in Mu Xiaoya's words.

"Don't call her." Mu Xiaoya also knew that Bai Chuan couldn't understand irony and metaphors, so she could only ask plainly and somewhat unreasonably.

"Oh." Bai Chuan didn't understand Mu Xiaoya's emotions, but he understood Mu Xiaoya's request, and he didn't find it unreasonable at all.

"In the future, only people who are very close to you can call Xiaochuan by the name, you know?" Mu Xiaoya explained.

"Oh." Bai Chuan seemed to understand.

So Mu Xiaoya called her Xiaochuan in the car just now, did it mean that he became close to him? A new message was entered into Bai Chuan's cognitive system.

Bai Chuan's obedience made Mu Xiaoya satisfied. She took people into the house with relief, and while walking, she instructed: "My parents should be at home at this time, and I will go in later. I'll talk about the marriage, you can just sit on the side, you know."


"I'm a little hungry now. Let's talk about the marriage after we have finished eating, so as not to have a bad dinner."


"So nice."

Bai Chuan's big dark eyes stared at Mu Xiaoya quietly, and did not show any resistance to Mu Xiaoya's coaxing a child. He even missed it a little because, for a long time, Mu Xiaoya hadn't coaxed him like this.

"Brother Bai Chuan, wait for me here, I'll be back soon." The little girl hopped away after explaining, and came back after a while.

"Brother Bai Chuan, have you been waiting for me here? Have you ever left?"

The little boy shook his head seriously, and he didn't take a single step away.

"It's so good." The little girl, imitating the adult's appearance, stood on tiptoe and wanted to pat the boy's head, but in the end, due to her limited height, she only patted the shoulder.

This time, there was no pat on the shoulder. Bai Chuan's eyes sank, then abruptly took Mu Xiaoya's hand and forcibly pressed it on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoya turned her head and met Bai Chuan's bright eyes.