My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 51: Xiaoya likes me


As long as she didn't leave Yuncheng, Mu Xiaoya would go back to her mother's house once every weekend, and not only left after having a meal, but came back early in the morning until late at night, which would take a whole day. The frequency of going home this time is more frequent than before before marriage, and the parents of the Mu family all wondered if their daughter was bullied in the Bai family.

"Tell me quietly, are you uncomfortable staying at Bai's house?" Shen Qingyi quietly took her daughter aside while Bai Chuan was taken away by her husband.

"What are you talking about, I don't know how good my life was." Mu Xiaoya was dumbfounded.

"Then why are you tired and crooked every time you come back?"

"... Why am I so tired and crooked?" Mu Xiaoya said in disbelief.

"Which family married a girl like you, who ran to her parents' house early in the morning, and was reluctant to leave after dinner."

"I'm not married anymore, I'm afraid you guys think that your daughter doesn't want you anymore, so I came back to accompany you more." Mu Xiaoya lowered her eyes, preventing her mother from seeing the emotions in her eyes.

I just... want to spend more time with you.

"Don't worry, it's the start of school, your dad and I are busy, how can I miss you." Shen Qingyi smiled and poked her daughter's head, "It's just that you come here every weekend in a hurry, I still have to leave the senior year of high school. The students don't care, I'll be even more tired when I come back to cook for you."

"I'm your biological son, how can you treat your students better than me." Mu Xiaoya had some taste.

"Why don't I treat you badly? I'm back to cook for you. After you leave, I have to prepare lessons." Shen Qingyi said with disgust.

"Oh~~" Mu Xiaoya knew that her mother took her senior year of high school this year, so she would be very busy, and she had to attend classes on the weekends of senior three, so coming back like this would indeed increase her mother's workload. But if she doesn't come back on the weekend, what time should she find to accompany them.

"Also, don't buy so many things every time you come back. The Bai family is rich, but you can't be like this. It's not good for a married girl to always buy things from her parents' house." Shen Qingyi He warned, "Besides, your dad and I both have high wages, and we don't need you to buy anything."

"That's the money I made myself." Mu Xiaoya argued.

"Aren't you and Fang Hui clamoring to make the brand bigger and stronger, then save the money for later use. Although my mother doesn't know how to do business, it must cost money to do business, for turnover or something."

"Don't worry, don't delay." The brand will become bigger and stronger, and I don't know how many years it will take. At least within four years, Mu Xiaoya knows that it will not be able to reach the Haikou that Fang Hui had boasted about. So she doesn't need to save this money.

"Then have you ever bought anything for Xiaochuan's family? Didn't you say that the decoration of your studio was made for you by Bai Zheng?" Shen Qingyi asked while cutting shredded potatoes.

"It's... I'll give it away." Mu Xiaoya answered with a little guilty conscience. She promised to customize shoes for Bai Chuan's mother, but Bai Chuan's mother insisted on giving money, saying that she must be the first client of her studio. As for the shoes designed by themselves, the Bai family has only three pairs of shoes, but they only spent Bai Chuan's money.

"What is considered?"

"I gave it, but it's not worth much." No matter what, Bai Chuan gave it away from her. Just like what she gave to her parents, it was equivalent to what Bai Chuan gave.

"Value is not important, mind is the most important thing, understand?"

"I understand, I understand, why do you keep nagging me, menopause is coming."

"If I'm in menopause, see if I don't nagging you to death."

"Okay, okay, I'm sure I won't talk back then, I'll be considerate of you." If... I can wait.

Mu Xiaoya was distracted, and she cut off a large piece of the potato in her hand.

"Oops, let's peel it, the potatoes are half small. Let's go out and play with Xiaochuan."

Mu Xiaoya was pushed out of the kitchen by her mother, but she did not go to the study to find Bai Chuan, but returned to her room. She sat in front of the desk with her chin against the desk, and she slumped on it as if she had lost her bones, staring at the scenery outside the window.

It's been almost three months, time has passed so fast, the leaves in the yard are starting to fall.

In fact, a lot of things happened in the past three months. Graduating, getting married, and opening a studio. At first glance, Mu Xiaoya felt that the past three months were more fulfilling than the previous 20 years. But why is it always empty? It is because there is no more time-wasting capital.

Every time she went home, Mu Xiaoya's mood would be a little complicated, because every time she saw her parents, she would think of how little time she had left. And this feeling will be much better when she is with Bai Chuan, and sometimes Mu Xiaoya herself will forget that she still has a genetic disease. Mu Xiaoya knew that this was because she had changed Bai Chuan's fate of being burned, but she could not change the fate that her parents would eventually lose her.

As for Bai Chuan, even if he loses himself, he still has his family. In the last life, he had a very good life without him for the past four years.

"Xiaoya~~" Bai Chuan's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Mu Xiaoya turned around, and the moment she saw Bai Chuan, she subconsciously smiled: Yes, Bai Chuan in this life will definitely have a better life.

Seeing Mu Xiaoya's smile, Bai Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. It's gone, the oppressive aura that enveloped Xiaoya just now is gone.

"Did my dad pull you to solve the math Olympiad problem again?" Ever since he discovered that Bai Chuan likes to use the simplest formulas when solving math problems, Dad Mu likes to pull Bai Chuan to solve the problem. Solve all the new Olympic math problems. In this way, when he lectures to students, it will be easier to understand, even students with poor foundation can understand.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan nodded.

"My dad is so annoying, next time you don't pay attention to him, why do you give him questions all day long."

"It's not annoying." Bai Chuan actually likes solving problems, because every time he solves a problem, he can remember the days when he helped Mu Xiaoya review mathematics. During the four years that Mu Xiaoya was in college, he often did math problems in the study by himself.

Bai Chuan walked over, followed the window in front of Mu Xiaoya and looked out, Bai Chuan saw his own courtyard.

"After lunch, let's go take a look." Although Bai Chuan never said it, Mu Xiaoya knew that Bai Chuan missed Grandma Bai. So every time she came over, she would go next door with Bai Chuan to have a look. Sometimes I take a book or two, and sometimes I don't take anything, just walk around the yard.


After lunch, the two went next door.

"Xiao Chuan, let's go to your previous room." After so many visits, Mu Xiaoya has not yet entered Bai Chuan's room.

"Okay." Bai Chuan took Mu Xiaoya upstairs, then pushed open the door on the right side of the stairs, "Here."

"Isn't your room over there?" Mu Xiaoya looked at the small room in front of her, and subconsciously looked at the master bedroom on the left.

"Moved here." Bai Chuan walked in. There wasn't much room to stay in the small room. He glanced at the room, then stretched out his hand to straighten a book on the desk, and sat quietly in the room. The only bed in the room.

Mu Xiaoya also walked in at this time, she looked at this small room with only seven or eight square meters, her eyes were full of confusion.

Her house is almost the same as that of Grandma Bai's house. The room where Bai Chuan lived was the smallest room on the second floor, with the window facing the north. Even when the weather was particularly good, the sun would only come in in the evening. In their house, this room has always been used as a storage room. Mu Xiaoya didn't understand how Grandma Bai would let Bai Chuan live in this room. It was so humid in winter.

Mu Xiaoya observed carefully, the longer she observed, the more she discovered, the details of this room and the room they were living in now were similar. A light gray bed, white walls, a gray and white desk facing the north-facing window. There were two books and a lamp on the desk, which were placed at the same angle as the room they were living in now.

"From here, you can see my room." Mu Xiaoya looked out the window and saw the pink and white curtains in her room opposite.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan nodded.

"Then did you peek at me often before?" Mu Xiaoya joked.


Bai Chuan's magnanimous expression made Mu Xiaoya, who was smiling happily, suddenly froze.

"When did you move here?" Mu Xiaoya asked in a low voice, but she already had the answer vaguely in her heart, she just wanted to confirm it.

"October 1, 2015." Bai Chuan's memory is always accurate to a specific year and month.

It was my first vacation as a freshman.

Mu Xiaoya didn't dare to ask any more, she was afraid that if she asked too much, she would not be able to bear it. But she felt that she should give some response...

"Xiao Chuan, you really like me, don't you?" Mu Xiaoya asked a question that she already knew the answer to.


"I like you too."

This was the first time Bai Chuan heard Mu Xiaoya say he liked him, he was very happy, he stood in front of Mu Xiaoya and smiled like a child who had eaten candy for the first time.

"Don't take a peek in the future, if you want to see... just look at it in an open and honest way."

"it is good."

The two went back after walking around for a while, but Bai Chuan's good mood continued, and even the parents of the Mu family noticed it.

"I'm picking up money? I'm so happy to be back after going out." Shen Qingyi glanced at her daughter suspiciously.

"Xiao Chuan won't be happy because he picked up money, your son-in-law is not that kind of superficial person." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Then why is Xiaochuan so happy?" Mu Ruozhou asked curiously.

"Ask him yourself." Mu Xiaoya refused to be a microphone. She found that her parents still seemed to be habitually treating Bai Chuan as a patient who was not good at communication, but it was clear that Bai Chuan had made a lot of progress.

Shen Qingyi glanced at Bai Chuan, took a chopstick and sent shredded potatoes to Bai Chuan's bowl, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Chuan, why are you so happy today?"

Mu Ruozhou was also interested in waiting for the answer.

Bai Chuan stopped his chopsticks, stared earnestly at the mother-in-law who asked him a question, and replied happily, "Xiaoya likes me."

"Pfft~~" Mu Ruozhou couldn't help laughing when he heard the answer.

"Silly child, if Xiaoya doesn't like you, how can she marry you." Shen Qingyi also laughed.

"Hmm." He only found out today.