My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 52: make you better


Almost all the furniture for the new house has been bought. Go to the business hall on Monday to connect to the Internet, and you can move in at any time. The Bai family was also prepared that Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan would move out at any time, and they always asked them what they were missing at the dinner table.

"There's no shortage of them, the shopping card given by eldest brother hasn't been spent yet." Mu Xiaoya said.

"It's so cheap?" Even a million was not spent on decorating a house.

"..." Mu Xiaoya.

Sorry, my fault, I can't even spend a million, it's so useless.

"Cough... Then when are you going to move?" Li Rong glared at her son in disgust. You don't care how much they spend. And Bai Zheng, who was scolded for paying the money, had to bow his head to eat silently.

"Next week." Mu Xiaoya said with a smile, "Although the newly bought furniture doesn't smell good, I still figured it out."

"Yes, it is safer to ventilate, and there will be no harmful gases." Li Rong started the business with her husband. She has suffered hardships and is more grounded than her eldest son.

"Second young lady, when we move, I will bring my family over to help you clean up together." Uncle Li came up with the fruit after dinner and added with a smile. In this newly renovated house, many places need to be cleaned, and young people like Er Shao and Er Shao's wife are definitely not good at it.

"I don't need to clean up, and the room is not big. I've almost cleaned up in the past two days." Mu Xiaoya invited with a smile, "But when we move, everyone can go over and help us warm the room together."

"That's good, when will we move next week? I'll let the secretary free up his time." As a CEO, although he has a lot of money, he often has to socialize on weekends. Bai Guoyu understands by himself what it means to be a boss. When you have money you usually don't have the time.

"Then... or on Saturday, then I'll ask my parents to come with me." Mu Xiaoya suggested.

"Okay, I'll notify the secretary now." Bai Guoyu started to send messages to the secretary with his mobile phone, and Bai Zheng, who was beside him, also stopped his chopsticks silently, and used his mobile phone to pull out his schedule.

"No!" Suddenly, Bai Chuan, who had been silent for a while, spoke, staring at everyone with a serious expression.

"Xiao Chuan?" Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"What don't you want?" Everyone else looked over.

"I don't want you to come." Bai Chuan frowned, reluctantly, "That's my home and Xiaoya's."

"…" The restaurant was silent for a moment.

Bai Guoyu, who had just notified the secretary, put away his mobile phone silently, and Bai Zheng stopped flipping through the schedule, picked up his chopsticks again, and nibbled a piece of spareribs in his mouth. Li Rong, who had always been happy to see her son enlightened, became more complicated. Could this be the legend of having a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother, and now she doesn't even allow herself to go to the new house

"Xiao Chuan." Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, Mu Xiaoya hurriedly reached out to pull Bai Chuan's clothes and whispered, "The house and furniture were prepared for us by my parents and eldest brother. Now that we live in, we should invite They're going to be guests."

that is! The three of the Bai family agreed in their hearts.

"I also have money, I will return the money to them." Bai Chuan replied.

"..." Knowing that I wouldn't give you such a high salary, Bai Zheng nibbled at another spare ribs.

"Cough..." Mu Xiaoya's embarrassed face turned green, how could she explain this to Bai Chuan, "Xiao Chuan, we are a family, and the family has to move around frequently."

"We will come back for dinner every week." This is what Mu Xiaoya promised Bai's parents when they decided to move out. Every weekend, she would bring Bai Chuan back for dinner. The Bai family on Saturday and the Mu family on weekends are treated the same on both sides.

Mu Xiaoya held her forehead with a headache, why is there such a thing, I know you're wrong, but I just can't tell you how you feel!

The atmosphere was stalemate, but Li Rong finally eased the atmosphere and said, "If you don't go, you won't go, anyway, it's the same when you come back on the weekend."

"It's the same." Bai Guoyu also followed suit. Both he and his wife understood that when Bai Chuan committed a crime, no one could explain it.

"Humph!" Only Bai Zheng dared to use the tone particle to express his dissatisfaction, but it was only the tone particle, and he didn't dare to look at Bai Chuan when he hummed.

Although the Bai family compromised, the taste of a happy dinner still changed. On the entire table, only Bai Chuan was not affected in any way, and he still had to eat whatever he wanted. After eating dinner happily, he put down his chopsticks and sat beside him and waited for Mu Xiaoya.

"Xiao Chuan, my computer doesn't seem to be working well, can you help me check it out?" Mu Xiaoya who had not finished her meal suddenly said to Bai Chuan.

"Okay." Bai Chuan agreed, but didn't move.

"Can you help me take a look now? I'll use it after I finish eating."

All the people present were elites. As soon as Mu Xiaoya said these words, the rest of the Bai family looked at it, and it was obvious that they wanted to support Bai Chuan.

But Bai Chuan couldn't hear it, he unconditionally believed in Mu Xiaoya, nodded and got up and left without hesitation.

"Xiaoya, do you have something to tell us?" Li Rong waited for Bai Chuan to leave, and immediately asked Mu Xiaoya aloud.

"Yes." Mu Xiaoya replied, "I came back a little late on Saturday, and I didn't have time to talk to you about Xiaochuan's situation."

"What's wrong with Xiaochuan?" Saturday was the day when Bai Chuan went to the sanatorium to see Professor Feng. When Li Rong heard Mu Xiaoya's words, she thought it was Bai Chuan's condition that had changed, and her heart was immediately twitched. Similarly, Bai Guoyu and Bai Zheng also looked over.

"Don't worry, Professor Feng said that Xiaochuan is recovering well, and his emotions are more exposed than before." Mu Xiaoya hurriedly explained.

"It scared me to death." Li Rong patted her chest and leaned back on the chair, "Then what are you trying to tell us?"

"That's right, Professor Feng said that Xiaochuan is recovering well and can do further treatment. He suggested that we let Xiaochuan... go to get off work alone." Mu Xiaoya paused before saying.

"Being alone, does it mean that the driver is not allowed?" Bai Zheng asked.

"Yes. Professor Feng said that at the beginning, Bai Chuan could take a taxi to get off work alone, which would create a relatively safe environment with fewer crowds for him. After he got used to it for a while, consider letting him take a public seat. Transportation to and from get off work." Mu Xiaoya said.

"No, how can Xiaochuan take the bus to and from get off work? He is most afraid of the crowd, let alone let him go out alone." Li Rong was the first to object.

"The matter of taking the bus depends on Xiaochuan's recovery. When he gets used to it, I can let him go. If he can't get used to it, I won't let him take the bus." Mu Xiaoya explained.

"No, I don't agree to let Xiaochuan commute to get off work alone." Li Rong said decisively, this was the first time she showed such force in front of Mu Xiaoya.

"Calm down first, listen to Xiaoya finish what she has to say." Bai Guoyu and Bai Zheng were much calmer than Li Rong.

"Mom, I know you're worried about Xiaochuan, and I'm worried about him too. But I want Xiaochuan to learn some basic life skills, at least we won't be as worried as last time when he goes out alone. I want him to change. It's better." Mu Xiaoya said sincerely, "Of course, I won't throw Xiaochuan in the crowd all of a sudden. That's what I thought. At the beginning, I would sign a monthly contract with the rental company. , let them send a taxi to pick up Xiaochuan every morning and evening. I will know the situation of the driver and the car in advance, so that even if the car and the driver are different every day, Xiaochuan's safety is guaranteed. "

"Change different drivers and different cars every day, so Xiaochuan won't find out that these cars were deliberately arranged by you, and you can prompt him to communicate with the driver." Bai Zheng immediately understood Mu Xiaoya's intention.

"Yes, as for taking the bus, I have also considered it." Mu Xiaoya continued, "There is a car downstairs in my studio that goes directly to Yifeng Group, I will take Xiaochuan to the bus every day, etc. Xiaochuan arrived at Yifeng’s site…”

"I can let the security guard watch on time every day." Bai Zheng answered immediately.

"You are very thoughtful." Bai Guoyu nodded after hearing this. Mu Xiaoya sent it off, and Bai Zheng arranged for someone to pick it up, so as long as Bai Chuan didn't get off the bus, there would be no accident.

"What if, if the driver is unreliable, or Xiaochuan gets off at the wrong stop when taking the bus, how can we find Xiaochuan." When a person is overly worried, she can find all the safety in the world hidden danger. As a mother, Li Rong can easily have this ability.

"Now the mobile phone has a positioning function, I will check Xiaochuan's location at any time." Mu Xiaoya also took this into consideration.

"What if the phone is lost, there are so many thieves outside, and Xiaochuan is slow to respond."

"..." Mu Xiaoya understood Li Rong's worries, but she really had to follow Li Rong's assumptions, let alone Bai Chuan, even a normal person would not be absolutely safe in society. According to such overprotection, Bai Chuan could never have the ability to live independently. But Li Rong was an elder and her mother-in-law. Although Mu Xiaoya didn't agree with her in her heart, she was not good at refuting with a strong attitude.

"Then bring an additional positioning device." At this time Bai Zheng suddenly said, "I can install a positioning device in Xiaochuan's watch, but Xiaochuan is more sensitive to this aspect, he seems to be able to perceive something in the watch. I put a locator on him before, and he just threw it away. Is there any way you can keep him from wearing it?"

"I'll try." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"Bai Zheng, how do you..."

"Mom, if you want Xiaochuan to get better, don't be overly protective." Regarding Li Rong, Bai Zheng didn't have as much scruples as Mu Xiaoya, and without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Bai Zheng interrupted her directly.

"I… "

"I agree." Bai Guoyu also expressed his attitude at this time.

Four people, three to one, Li Rong was stunned and stopped talking.

"Then this matter starts when Bai Chuan and I move in." Mu Xiaoya finally asked.

"Okay, I'll give you the watch in two days." Bai Zheng nodded.

"Then I'll go up, Dad, Mom, eldest brother, good night." Mu Xiaoya glanced at Li Rong apologetically, she could understand her mother-in-law's uneasiness, but there were some things that had to be done.

As soon as Mu Xiaoya left, Li Rong couldn't wait to ask her husband and son, "What's the matter with you two, didn't you agree with Xiaochuan going out alone? Did you forget that Xiaochuan was lost four years ago? What happened one day and one night? When he came back, there was blood on his knees and elbows, and we don't know who hit him..."

Four years ago, Professor Feng once suggested that they should allow Bai Chuan to move freely, but once Bai Chuan disappeared suddenly, the Bai family searched for a day and a night but couldn't find it, and Bai Chuan came back the next day. It's just that when he came back, there were bloodstains on his limbs, and the abrasions were particularly severe. The doctor said that it was most likely hit by a car and handed it over. Since this incident, the Bai family never dared to let Bai Chuan go out alone.

"Xiaochuan's current situation is much better than at that time." Bai Guoyu said, "Also, I think Xiaoya is right. You must let Xiaochuan have some social common sense."

"What about in case of an accident, in case of an accident, have you thought about the consequences?" Li Rong said with red eyes, "I also know that Xiaoya did this to make Xiaochuan recover better, after all, no one I wish my husband was autistic…”


"Li Rong!"

Bai Zheng and Bai Guoyu stopped Li Rong's next words at the same time to prevent her from saying anything irreparable.

"Mom, I know if you care about it, it's messy, but whether Mu Xiaoya is doing this for Xiaochuan or herself, can't you see it yourself. If she disliked Xiaochuan's autism, why did she agree to marry him in the first place? If it's just to satisfy grandma's last wish, she can divorce at any time after grandma leaves." Bai Zheng reminded.

Bai Guoyu glanced at his son first, then turned back to comfort his wife, who knew she had slipped: "Didn't we agree to hand Xiaochuan to Xiaoya."

"I'm sorry. Old Bai, I'm just too scared. I can't accept that Xiaochuan has a little accident. After all, Xiaochuan is because of me..." Professor Feng said about the cause of "scholar syndrome". There is a medical theory called "left brain injury hypothesis". ". That is, damage to the left hemisphere of the patient's brain, the side "responsible for" socializing, causes the right hemisphere, the side that "processes" information, to develop abnormally. This damage is most likely caused by underdevelopment of the brain during pregnancy. Therefore, Li Rong always felt that Bai Chuan's autism was caused by her overwork during pregnancy.

"No, it's not because of you." Bai Guoyu has always known his wife's heart knot. The statement that Professor Feng said was only a conjecture and could not be fully confirmed. And if it must be said that it must be caused by the wife's overwork during pregnancy, then he is the culprit. At that time, Yifeng was busy with financing and listing. He was so busy that his feet were not touching the ground, and he hadn't stayed at home for three or four months in a row. And Li Rong was six months pregnant at the time, and she had to take care of the sick Bai Zheng at the same time.

Bai Zheng knew that his parents had fallen into self-blame for his younger brother again. If he had to say the culprit, he was only five years old at the time, and he was also one of the culprits when he was very untimely sick. But what's the use of thinking about it, can self-blame cure Xiaochuan

"What's there to be afraid of?" Bai Zheng said impatiently, "Renmu Xiaoya, a person who has no blood relationship with our Xiaochuan, dares to take this risk. As biological parents, can't you bear it?"

Bai Zheng's reason is a little unreasonable. The closer people are, the more worried they will be, but his questioning reminded Li Rong that love has responsibilities in addition to tolerance.

"Yes, you are right, I have no objection, I support." Li Rong wiped her tears and sat up from her husband's arms, "I'll go wash my face."

Bai Guoyu waited for his wife to leave, then turned to look at the eldest son on the opposite side, and asked with great interest, "You were the one who worried about Mu Xiaoya and Xiaochuan getting married before, why do you trust her so much now?"

Bai Zheng glanced at his father and didn't answer.

"What about you?" Bai Guoyu urged, even if the younger son didn't want to ignore him, the eldest son still ignored him.

"I started to worry because you believed it blindly, but now I feel relieved because I have seen people's hearts over time." Leaving these words, Bai Zheng also left the restaurant.

Bai Guoyu shook his head with a smile, and used a toothpick to pick a piece of watermelon from the fruit bowl to eat.

"Sir, your blood sugar is high and you can't eat watermelon." Uncle Li intercepted the watermelon in Bai Guoyu's hand.

"I can't eat... Then what are you preparing?" Isn't that greedy for me

"Second Young Lady likes to eat." Uncle Li smiled.

"… "

When Mu Xiaoya returned to the room, Bai Chuan was sitting in front of the desk fiddling with the computer, and when she saw Mu Xiaoya came in, she immediately reported: "The computer card is because the program is unstable, I will reinstall it for you, it will be available soon. already."

"Don't be in a hurry." It was an excuse, so Mu Xiaoya was naturally not in a hurry.

"When the system is upgraded, it will be ready to use." Xiaoya's computer is equipped with pirated systems, which are not only unstable but also incompatible, so she has no choice but to use it.


Bai Chuan smiled, and he was already very happy to be able to help his daughter-in-law.

"Xiao Chuan, when you were downstairs just now, you refused to let your parents and the others come to warm the house. They were a little unhappy." Mu Xiaoya still wanted to discuss with Bai Chuan what happened just now. There were so many people in the restaurant before, many She can't speak directly.

Bai Chuan was stunned, pursed his lips and said nothing. However, Mu Xiaoya could feel that his mood had changed. From this, it could be seen that Bai Chuan still cared about the Bai family.

"Shall we let them come over to warm the house on weekends?" Mu Xiaoya suggested again, "Just have a meal with everyone and leave soon."

Bai Chuan stared at the computer screen, his fingers digging at the corner of the table unconsciously, his face still unwilling.

"You still don't want them coming?"

"That's... our house, you only cook for me." Bai Chuan liked the house that Mu Xiaoya had depicted for him, and he didn't want any difference in these depictions. He knew that his idea made his parents and elder brother unhappy, but he just didn't want to. He tried to make himself accept it, but in the end he couldn't accept it.

"Grandma said, I can refuse what I don't want." Bai Chuan can change some things he can change for Mu Xiaoya, but there are some things he doesn't want to change.

Bai Chuan's voice was stubborn, but his face was full of grievances.

Mu Xiaoya felt distressed at once, wishing she could go back in time and take back all the words she just said. She clearly knew that Bai Chuan had no flexibility in this regard, and he didn't understand how to give up and compromise. But she relied on Bai Chuan's difference to her and demanded him to change.

"Grandma is right." Mu Xiaoya immediately changed her words.

The aggrieved Bai Chuan raised his head in surprise, surprised by Mu Xiaoya's change.

"Parents are angry, we just apologize. If we don't want them to go, we won't let them." Mu Xiaoya said firmly, as if she was the one who didn't let the Bai family go to the greenhouse.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

"I'm not angry." Mu Xiaoya felt that she should reflect, "Xiaochuan, what I said is not necessarily correct. If there is anything you don't want to do in the future, you can express it as resolutely as just now. I heard, I will definitely support you."

"Then I... I'll apologize tomorrow."

"me and you together."

Bai Chuan felt that what grandma said was really right. Those who truly loved him would not only not despise him, but would understand and support him. Even if he doesn't do well, or even makes a mistake, that person will stand by his side and bear with him.

"The computer is ready." At this point, the computer update is complete.

"Oh, then let's take a shower and sleep."

"Aren't you in a hurry?"

"… "