My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 60: growing up


On the first day Bai Chuan went to work alone, it seemed that even God took pity on him, so it started to rain lightly.

Holding the umbrella with her left hand and digging at the seam of her trousers with her right hand, she would occasionally look back at the steps. Even through the rain curtain and the two-meter steps, Mu Xiaoya could feel the deep unease on Bai Chuan's body.

"Stand there for ten minutes." Fang Hui, who ran to see the lively early in the morning, leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Nine minutes." Mu Xiaoya corrected.

"What's the difference!" Fang Hui rolled her eyes. Did this girl stay with Bai Chuan for a long time? Handan toddlers are sensitive to numbers. "Why not, look at how pitiful he is."

"No!" Mu Xiaoya refused decisively and simply.

"Is this cruel?" Fang Hui was a little surprised.

"There are things he has to learn."

"Seeing how distressed you were for him a while ago, I thought you were ready to take care of him for the rest of your life."

"I think so too..." With a wry smile, Mu Xiaoya sighed softly, if she could, she didn't want to force Bai Chuan like that.

"What did you say?"

"I said... Xiaochuan will definitely be able to overcome it, just like I asked him to go for a morning jog." Yes, just like a morning jog, he turned the things he once resisted and hated into a habit he liked.

"But are you really not afraid of Bai Chuan's accident? Although his family agreed, but if Bai Chuan really had an accident, they would definitely blame you." Fang Hui reminded.

"I know." Mu Xiaoya was already mentally prepared, "Bai Zheng is right, if something happened to Xiaochuan, they would definitely blame me."

"Bai Zheng? He actually said that?" Fang Hui stared, looking like she was about to freak out, "You've done this to Bai Chuan, why are they still blaming you?"

"I don't think that's what he meant." Mu Xiaoya explained, "What he meant should be, no matter who made this decision, once something happened to Xiaochuan, we would blame each other. Blame each other and blame ourselves. But love In addition to tolerance and protection, there are also responsibilities. If we want to make Xiaochuan better, we have to take risks. Since we have to take risks, we must have the courage to bear the consequences. If I want it, they must have it.”

"So, he still trusts you?" Fang Hui raised her eyebrows.

"Probably, Bai Zheng said it himself, I am the closest person to Xiaochuan in terms of law and morality."

"As expected of the general manager of a listed company, most people really don't understand what he said." Fang Hui turned her head and glanced out the window, and a taxi came slowly from the intersection. "There are already five."

Mu Xiaoya was also a little nervous, she held her breath, waiting for Bai Chuan's reaction.

Bai Chuan also noticed the car, he subconsciously looked back at Mu Xiaoya, Mu Xiaoya was also looking at him, but she refused to come over to help him.

Do you really want to take a taxi by yourself

The car was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that it was finally determined that Mu Xiaoya would not come to help him today, no matter what, Bai Chuan took a deep breath, raised his hand and stretched forward.

"Sir, do you want to take a car?" The taxi driver accurately parked the car in front of Bai Chuan, rolled down the window and asked enthusiastically.

Bai Chuan took a step back subconsciously, he turned around helplessly again, and found that Mu Xiaoya was still standing on the high steps without moving a step.

"Xiaochuan, take a taxi to the company tomorrow morning alone. Don't be nervous, it's very simple. Raise your hand when you see a taxi, then the taxi will stop and wait for the master to ask if you want to take a taxi. Click Head or answer yes, open the car door and sit in the back seat. When you get in the car, the master will ask you where you want to go, and you can give him the address of the company. After doing all this, you can wait as before. The company can get off the bus."

Bai Chuan silently recited the ride-taking procedure that Mu Xiaoya taught him last night. It took him a long time to recite this time. Fortunately, these taxi drivers were greeted by Mu Xiaoya in advance, so he did not rush.

Bai Chuan was able to raise his hand to get off the car, which was already a big improvement, and then waited for him to gather up the courage to get in the car and leave.

"Yes." Finally, Bai Chuan answered the driver's question.

"Then you get in the car." The driver secretly said, but he had a response, and then hurriedly reminded the other party to get in the car.

Bai Chuan was very skilled at getting into the car. He opened the car door, closed the umbrella, and sat in.

As soon as Bai Chuan sat down, the driver started the car and dashed out all the way, frightened Bai Chuan hurriedly turned around and looked behind him. But Mu Xiaoya's figure was blocked by the trees by the roadside and could not be seen.

"Sir, where are you going?" The master began to play his watch.

Bai Chuan froze, suddenly realizing that he was cramming into an extraordinarily small space with a complete stranger. He was so nervous that he couldn't speak, and even wanted to jump out of the car.

"Sir, tell me where are you going?" Seeing that Bai Chuan didn't answer, the master asked again urgently.

"I... I..." Bai Chuan's fingers had been quietly clasped on the inside handle of the car door when he was about to go down, when his cell phone rang.

"Xiaoya...Xiaoya..." Bai Chuan picked up the phone and shouted in a panic, as if drowning in driftwood.

"Xiao Chuan, don't be afraid, calm down, take a deep breath..." Mu Xiaoya's voice was repeated over and over on the phone, until Bai Chuan's mood calmed down, she asked, "Tell the driver, where are you going? Yet?"

"No." Bai Chuan shook his head.

"Then do you remember?"

"No. 1999 Sannan Road, Yifeng Building."

"Then repeat it to the driver in front of you, and he will send you there." Mu Xiaoya said softly, "Xiaochuan, don't hang up, I'm here with you."

This sentence gave Bai Chuan infinite strength. Bai Chuan forced himself to withdraw from the world where only he and Mu Xiaoya were alone, and tried to communicate with the driver in front of him: "I... go to No. 1999 Sanlin Road, Yifeng Building."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." The driver didn't look back or say anything else, as if he didn't see everything that happened later. Just checked the door locks again and made sure that the doors of my car were locked tightly.

The car just arrived at the corner of Sannan Road, and the security guard at the door saw it from a distance. He hurriedly took the walkie-talkie and shouted to the other end: "Second Young Master's car has arrived."

Then he stepped forward a few steps and helped Bai Chuan open the car door.

"Second Master, are you coming to work?"

The appearance of the little security guard completely calmed Bai Chuan's mind. He really arrived at Yifeng, and it was the security guard who opened the door every morning.

"Second Young Master, aren't you getting off the bus?" The security guard couldn't help but reminded Bai Chuan in a daze.

Of course Bai Chuan wanted to get out of the car. He was about to get up with the umbrella in his hand when he suddenly remembered something. He stretched out his left hand and took it out of his trousers pocket. He took out a hundred dollars and handed it to the driver in front: "Money."

Bai Chuan remembered that after arriving at the company, he had to pay the driver the fare.

"Looking for your change." The driver also settled the change early in the morning and grabbed it and gave it to Bai Chuan. As soon as Bai Chuan got off the car, he hurriedly drove away, as if he was afraid that Bai Chuan would sit up again.

"Xiaoya, I'm here." Bai Chuan still had the phone in his hand.

"Then go to work. After get off work, I will wait for you to go home with you in the studio."

"Yeah." Bai Chuan kept nodding his head, even though Mu Xiaoya couldn't see it. After hanging up the phone, walking into the Yifeng Building, looking at everything he was familiar with, thinking that he had really successfully arrived here by car just now, Bai Chuan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment and confidence.

"General Manager, Second Young Master is already in the R&D department." Lu Yang glanced at his phone, and told Bai Zheng, who was pacing back and forth in the office, the message from Astro Boy, who was restless.

"Understood, meeting!" Bai Zheng picked up the phone and notified his parents and Mu Xiaoya of the news.

"Yes." Lu Yang turned around and went out, notifying the executives who had been waiting in the conference room for more than 20 minutes that the general manager came over immediately.

Although Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan had been on the phone all the time, she was not completely at ease until Bai Zheng's confirmation message came. Only then did she relax completely. She smiled and looked at Fang Hui, who was with her the whole time, and said excitedly, "He did it, he learned to take a taxi by himself."

"Understood, look how excited you are."

"You don't understand, this is Xiaochuan's first step, and he will get better and better in the future."

"I don't understand, then I'll take a look at it later." Fang Hui also hopes that Bai Chuan can get better, preferably better and better.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Mu Xiaoya received a message from Bai Zheng: Xiaochuan, get in the car.

Mu Xiaoya immediately carried the unfinished design draft and moved from her desk to the bar by the door. His face was facing the direction of the road to ensure that Bai Chuan could see her the first time he came over.


Another message came from Mu Xiaoya's cell phone, it was Bai Chuan's: I got in the car and told the driver's studio address.

Is this asking for praise? Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but smile and encouraged: "The progress is great and deserves to be praised.

The taxi master, the road conditions are familiar and the speed is fast, so Bai Chuan arrived at the entrance of the studio five minutes earlier than expected. Mu Xiaoya was bowing her head to change a small design and missed the taxi that stopped at the door. But Bai Chuan glanced at Mu Xiaoya behind the glass window.

He held an umbrella, stepped on a cheerful pace, looked towards Mu Xiaoya, and waited for Mu Xiaoya to discover him through a glass window.

After Mu Xiaoya drew the last line, she subconsciously raised her head and looked out, wanting to see if the taxi had arrived. Whoever wanted to look up was greeted by Bai Chuan's proud smile.

Bai Chuan laughed outside, Mu Xiaoya laughed inside, the two were separated by a layer of glass, and neither of them moved.

Suddenly, Bai Chuan stretched out his hand to pick up some water on the edge of the umbrella, and then quickly wrote a line of words on the glass window soaked in the rain: Xiaoya, I'm back.

With just six words, the excited Mu Xiaoya rushed out of the studio, going in and out of the rain, and rushing into Bai Chuan's umbrella.

"It's so beautiful." Leng Yi, one of the only two employees in the studio.

"It's so romantic." Fang Hui, one of the only two bosses of the studio.

"Why don't you let Bai Chuan come in directly, and Sister Mu Mu ran out by herself, aren't both of their clothes wet?" Xiao Xin, one of the only two employees in the studio.

"Shut up!" The double contempt from Leng Yi and Fang Hui.

"… "