My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 67: Lin Han became ill


Today is Saturday, the original plan was to go back to Mu’s house for dinner, but because the final exam was approaching, the Mu’s parents were too busy to leave, so they temporarily canceled it.

Mu Xiaoya didn't have any additional plans, so the two of them simply didn't go anywhere and stayed at home watching TV. When she was watching happily, Mu Xiaoya's cell phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and saw that it was her cousin Lin Han who called.

"Cousin." Mu Xiaoya hurriedly answered the phone.

"Xiaoya, today is the weekend, you shouldn't go to work, right?" Lin Han asked. .

"If I don't go to work, I also said that I will visit you and Leilei at noon." Mu Xiaoya would go to the hospital every noon to visit Lin Han's mother and daughter to ensure that Lin Han's health is in good condition. Moreover, Lei Lei's illness has improved a lot recently, and there is a nurse in the evening. Lin Han is relieved and her complexion has also improved. When I went to see her yesterday, Lin Han even put on light makeup.

Come to think of it, I have time to put on makeup, so I shouldn't be too tired.

"Then come here and bring your husband with you." Lin Han invited, "Papa Leilei arrived last night, and he wants to invite you to dinner."

"Cousin, you are too polite, don't rush to eat, wait until Lei Lei's illness is cured."

"Lei Lei's fever has subsided a lot. The doctor said that she will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow." Lin Han's tone could not hide the joy.

"Really, that's really nice."

"Xiaoya, come here, Lei Lei has been in a drowsy sleep for the past few days, and she didn't even call Aunt Sheng. She was talking about seeing you early this morning." Lin Han continued to invite.

"That's good... I'll come right now." Mu Xiaoya didn't delay, hung up the phone, and said to Bai Chuan, "My cousin invited us to dinner."

Bai Chuan nodded indifferently.

The two changed their clothes and drove to the hospital. On the way, thinking that the child was almost healed, Mu Xiaoya did not buy a fruit basket as usual, but bought a cute rag doll in the gift shop next to her and let Bai Chuan hold it in her arms.

"You seem to be holding the doll in a very harmonious way, otherwise I will buy one for you." In the hospital, Mu Xiaoya smiled and said to Bai Chuan, who was holding the doll.

"No." Bai Chuan refused without even thinking about it. He didn't want to hold the doll. It was obvious that Xiaoya felt better.

While talking and laughing, the two came to the children's ward. Lin Han, who got the news, had long been waiting at the door of the ward. Seeing Mu Xiaoya coming from a distance, he greeted him with joy: "Xiaoya, this is... you husband?"

Lin Han looked at Bai Chuan.

"Yes, this is my husband, Bai Chuan." Mu Xiaoya introduced, "Xiao Chuan, this is my cousin."

"Cousin." Bai Chuan nodded.

"Hello, hurry up, come in." Walking into the ward, Lin Han called to the man sitting beside the bed with his back to them, "Zhao Qi, Xiaoya and her brother-in-law are here."

Lin Han's husband is very tall, with dark skin and a beard on his face. His rough appearance and the delicate Lin Han look inexplicably inconsistent. This is a bit different from what Mu Xiaoya imagined. She thought that Lin Han's husband should be a gentleman with similar temperament to hers.

But after a closer look, Lei Lei's eyes are very similar to those of a man, but they are just eyes. Except for the eyes, everything else grows with Lin Han.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Qi." The man stretched out his hand and introduced himself with a serious expression.

"Didn't I tell you to smile when you meet someone?" Lin Han suddenly punched the man on the back.

Zhao Qi reluctantly straightened his back, and forced a smile to Mu Xiaoya and the two. That smile was stiff, like an old machine that hasn't been oiled for hundreds of years.

"Hello brother-in-law, I'm Mu Xiaoya, this is my husband, Bai Chuan." Mu Xiaoya smiled and continued to introduce, "Bai Chuan doesn't like to talk much."

"Oh, it's okay, I don't like to talk much." Zhao Qi replied.

"..." How can she answer these words, don't everyone like to talk, so they won't talk for a while

"Cousin." Fortunately, Lei Lei resolved the embarrassment in a timely manner. Although the girl in the hospital gown lost a lot of weight because of her illness, her white and tender cheeks were still delicate and lovely.

"Lei Lei, wake up, is it better?" Mu Xiaoya likes children by nature. Seeing Lei Lei calling her, she sits on the head of the bed very naturally.

"It's much better, Lei Lei is no longer dizzy. The doctor's uncle said that I can be discharged home in two days." The little girl replied obediently.

"After that, Lei Lei has to take good care of her body, but she won't get sick again."

"Yeah." The little girl seemed to have been tortured by the disease enough, umm loudly. Then a pair of big eyes stared at Bai Chuan behind Mu Xiaoya and the rag doll in his arms.

"Xiao Chuan, give the gift to Lei Lei." Mu Xiaoya saw it and motioned Bai Chuan to bring the gift with a smile.

Bai Chuan walked over, handed the doll bear in his hand to the little girl, and said softly, "Here you are."

Maybe it was because this girl had a little blood relationship with Mu Xiaoya. The little girl looked a bit like Mu Xiaoya when she was a child. As she got closer, Bai Chuan was stunned for a moment, and instinctively showed a smile.

The little girl didn't expect that this overly good-looking uncle would suddenly smile at her, and shyly buried her head in the rag doll.

"Leilei, why don't you thank my cousin?" Lin Han reminded the child to be polite.

"Thank you, cousin." The little girl raised her head again and thanked her softly.

"Zhao Qi, you take care of Leilei here, I'll take Xiaoya and the others to dinner." Lin Han said to her husband.

"Okay." They originally planned to go together as a husband and wife, but half an hour ago, the nurse put another bottle of hanging bottle on the child, and the two could not leave the child alone, so they had to let Lin Han go alone.

"Lei Lei is good, my cousin went to eat, and came back to bring you something delicious." After speaking, Mu Xiaoya stood up and wanted to leave, but the corner of her clothes was gently tugged by the child. Mu Xiaoya turned around suspiciously, knowing that the child might have something to say to her, so she bent over and leaned over again.

"Auntie, Uncle Cousin looks good." Lei Lei said in a low voice, and then she secretly glanced at Bai Chuan.

"Cousin thinks so too." Mu Xiaoya held back her smile and agreed, after all, wasn't she also confused by Bai Chuan's beauty when she was a child

The three left the hospital and went to the restaurant that Lin Han had booked in advance.

"Originally, we wanted to invite you when Lei Lei was discharged from the hospital, but Zhao Qi only has free time for these two days. He will go back tomorrow night, so it's a bit rushed." Lin Han explained.

"Tomorrow? Isn't Leilei going to be discharged the day after tomorrow? Why don't we go back together." Mu Xiaoya asked strangely.

"He's busy with work."

"Why are you so busy with work?" Mu Xiaoya couldn't help frowning, the child couldn't come to see a doctor, and she didn't wait to leave with her after being discharged from the hospital.

"Police." Lin Han said, "She is the captain of our city's criminal police. She was chasing an absconded murderer some time ago, and she just came back from H city."

"So my cousin-in-law is a policeman." Mu Xiaoya was a little surprised, but she felt that Zhao Qi's appearance was more convincing to say that he was the boss of the underworld.

"Do you think he doesn't look like a policeman?" Lin Han said, as if he knew what Mu Xiaoya was thinking, "I was quite afraid of him at first, but after getting along for a long time, I realized that he is actually a very gentle person. ."

"How did you meet?" Mu Xiaoya couldn't help gossip.

"When I just graduated from university, I went to the bank to do business and encountered a robbery. He saved me." Lin Han's tone was extremely gentle, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he knew the relationship between the two at a glance. Excellent.

"Real heroes save beauty." Mu Xiaoya said in surprise.

"How about you, how did you and Bai Chuan start?" Lin Han smiled and asked Mu Xiaoya in turn.

"We..." Mu Xiaoya glanced at Bai Chuan and replied, "It's a childhood sweetheart, I've known him since I was five years old."

"I'm seven years old." Bai Chuan added.

"You're enviable, right?" Lin Han sighed, it's not easy to find someone you like in your life, but some people have known each other since childhood.

The two chatted and laughed. An hour passed and the meal was almost finished. Lin Han got up and went to the front desk to check out.

Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan were sitting at the table waiting for the food they ordered for Zhao Qi's father and daughter. While they were waiting, there was a commotion at the door. Mu Xiaoya glanced in surprise and saw a man dressed in The waiter in the work clothes hurried over and shouted, "Miss, your friend fainted."

What? !

Mu Xiaoya rushed out, quickly squeezed through the crowd, and saw Lin Han, who had been chatting with her in high spirits just now, and fainted on the ground at this moment.

This is…

Realizing the possible reason, Mu Xiaoya only felt that she didn't even have the strength to breathe, her knees went weak, and her whole body collapsed. Fortunately, Bai Chuan chased after him in time and hugged Mu Xiaoya from behind.

"Xiaoya." Bai Chuan looked worried.

"Quick, call 120" someone shouted around.

"Call 120, the hospital is just across the road, find someone to carry it faster." Someone suggested.

"I'll carry it." Suddenly, an enthusiastic big brother was about to go to Lin Han on the back.

"Don't touch her, call an ambulance." Mu Xiaoya came back to her senses, she stood up from Bai Chuan's arms, walked to Lin Han's side and squatted down, raised her hand carefully to probe Lin Han's forehead.

"Once you have this disease, various organs of the body will decline rapidly, and the body will show abnormally high temperature. If it is not sent to the hospital in time, people are likely to lose signs of life within one to two hours."


Mu Xiaoya's fingertips were trembling slightly. She looked at Lin Han, whose cheeks were slowly turning red due to the high fever, only to feel chills all over her body.

Is it really because of a genetic disease? Mu Xiaoya closed her eyes in despair.

"The doctor is here, hurry up, get out of the way." Someone in the crowd shouted, and soon a medical staff carrying a stretcher came in and put the person on the stretcher.

Back at the hospital, after notifying Zhao Qi, Mu Xiaoya sat in the emergency room in a daze. She watched doctors and nurses rush in and out, watched Zhao Qi sign the critical illness notice three times in a row in the afternoon, watched him ask the doctor over and over again what was going on, and watched the doctor shake his head over and over again.

Ever... Did your parents go through this too

Mu Xiaoya only felt that she was like a ghost at this time, drifting back to her previous life. It was herself who was rescued during the operation, and her elderly parents were standing outside in despair.

"Xiaoya, Xiaochuan, what's the matter? Why did Lin Han suddenly fall ill?" In the evening, the parents of the Mu family who got the news hurried over.

"Dad... Mom..." The moment she saw her parents, Mu Xiaoya blurred the reality for a moment. She thought of her previous life and the near future. As long as she thought about her parents, she would experience this kind of thing again. The picture, the emotions that I have been holding back can no longer be controlled. She threw herself into her mother's arms, and the crying whole person twitched.

"sorry Sorry… "

"Don't cry, what's the matter? What are you sorry for?" Shen Qingyi looked at Bai Chuan who was suddenly holding her crying incessantly.

Bai Chuan didn't know what happened, he only knew that Mu Xiaoya was very sad at this time, and it was useless to let him comfort him. He really had no choice but to call his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Mom, cousin... cousin she... "

"It's okay, the doctor is treating her, she will definitely be fine." Shen Qingyi knew that Mu Xiaoya and Lin Han got along well during this time, but she didn't want their relationship to be so good.

After Mu Xiaoya cried for a while, her emotions slowly calmed down. Even if she knew the final result, she still insisted on the end of the operation and left the hospital after Lin Han was transferred to the intensive care unit.

Back home, Mu Xiaoya's mood was still low, Bai Chuan poured a glass of water and handed it to her, but she didn't even make a connection.

"Xiaoya, what's wrong with you?" Bai Chuan couldn't bear it any longer, he squatted in front of Mu Xiaoya, cupped Mu Xiaoya's face with his hands, and forced the other side to look at him.

He could feel the despair on Mu Xiaoya, but he really didn't know what to do.

"Can you tell me, what can I do to help you? I don't know what to do? Can you tell me?" Bai Chuan's tone was full of pleading, with fear in his eyes.

"Xiao Chuan..." Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan and said something she didn't dare to say to anyone, " can't be cured."

"No, the doctor said that the situation is temporarily stable." Bai Chuan comforted.

"If it can't be cured, the doctors there can't cure it." The doctor who treated her at the beginning was an authoritative expert in genetic diseases, but he was still helpless about her condition. Temporarily stable, isn't it temporarily stable? After that, my cousin will have repeated attacks until the light returns. But fortunately, the whole process was in a coma and was not very painful.

"Then... Let's change the doctor for the cousin." As long as the cousin is cured, won't Xiaoya be so sad

Bai Chuan was stunned, then took out his mobile phone and called Bai Zheng.

"I'm looking for the best doctor."

Bai Zheng: "..."