My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 7: like him


After Mu Xiaoya left, everyone from the Bai family gathered around them. They kept a distance enough for Bai Chuan to feel comfortable, and carefully inquired about what happened at the Mu family tonight.

"Xiaochuan, what did Xiaoya's parents say?" Bai Guoyu had never been so nervous when his company went public.

"Did they agree to your marriage with Xiaoya?" Li Rong asked more specifically.

After all the questions he wanted to ask were finished by his parents, Bai Zheng could only follow behind his younger brother and wait for the answer.

Bai Chuan kept walking, walked through the living room, stepped up the stairs, and went all the way to the second floor, only to reply three words as if he had reacted: "I don't agree." After speaking, he continued to walk forward and locked himself. into the bedroom.

"Didn't agree?" The three of the Bai family formed a group at the entrance of the stairs.

"Oh, it's actually understandable." Bai Guoyu was more rational than his wife, and although his heart was a little sour, he could still think from the standpoint of the Mu family's parents. If he was Mu Xiaoya's father, he wouldn't want his daughter to marry a mentally abnormal person.

"I just said that Xiaochuan can't go to Mu's house alone." Bai Zheng regretted it.

Bai Chuan didn't like to talk, and his cognition was different from that of normal people. Even if others scolded him in person, he would not necessarily respond, and he didn't know if he was wronged at the Mu family this night. When he was usually in the company, he could not wait to arrange Bai Chuan's office under his nose.

"Bai Zheng, you have asked someone to prepare a gift. Tomorrow, your mother and I will visit Mu's house in person." Bai Guoyu thought for a moment and decided to go there himself.

"What if the Mu family's parents still disagree?" Bai Zheng asked.

"There's no other way. We can't force people to marry their daughters into our family." This possibility is not impossible.

"What about Xiaochuan? Xiaochuan likes Xiaoya so much, don't you see how disappointed he was when he came back?" Thinking of this possibility, Li Rong couldn't help but worry.

"Is Xiaochuan lost?" Bai Guoyu asked in surprise. Wasn't his son the same paralyzed face as before? .

"Of course, you men are just careless, so obviously you can't see it."

Bai Zheng, who also didn't see it, silently looked away.

"In short, no matter what the Mu family thinks, we must show our greatest sincerity." Bai Guoyu made a decision.

When Mu Xiaoya returned home, her parents had long since disappeared in the living room. Mu Xiaoya paused for a while, then turned around and went to her father's study on the first floor.

He raised his hand and tapped the door twice, then pushed the door open and entered.

"Ask what you want to ask." She calmly stood in front of her father's desk, Mu Xiaoya knew that during the time she sent Bai Chuan away, her parents' messy thoughts were almost sorted out.

"Is it true that you and Bai Chuan got married?" Until now, Shen Qingyi still couldn't believe the fact that her daughter was married.

"It's true." Mu Xiaoya said very seriously, "Bai Chuan and I got the certificate on the day Grandma Bai died. It was too rushed and you were invigilating the school, so I didn't have time to tell you."

"The day Mr. Cui died? What about these days? When we went to Mr. Cui's memorial service, the Bai family didn't say anything." Mu Ruozhou frowned.

"Probably they also felt it was very sudden."

"What do you mean?" Shen Qingyi was puzzled.

"There have been too many things these days. They also suddenly knew about my marriage with Bai Chuan, and since Grandma Bai left on the same day, they probably didn't have time to figure it out." Mu Xiaoya explained.

"What do the Bai family think about your marriage?" Mu Ruozhou asked, if Bai Chuan's family were like them and caught off guard about this marriage, what would their reaction be?

"Actually..." Mu Xiaoya smiled bitterly, "When I was in the cemetery today, Bai Chuan's mother asked me if I really planned to continue this marriage."

"What do you mean?" Shen Qingyi asked sensitively.

"Bai Chuan's mother said that although they really hope that Bai Chuan can have a company, they don't demand it."

"..." After listening to her daughter's recitation, the Mu family's parents felt even more heavy. What does this say? It shows that to marry Bai Chuan, the Bai family did not make any persuasion or inducement, it was entirely their daughter's own willingness.

"Why did you marry Bai Chuan?" Shen Qingyi asked in confusion, "Is it because of Teacher Cui's last wish?"

As neighbors for many years, Shen Qingyi and Grandma Bai have always had a good relationship, so she naturally knows what Grandma Bai thinks. In the past, when Grandma Bai talked to her about Bai Chuan's future, Shen Qingyi would even optimistically persuade Grandma Bai that there would always be a girl in this world who would appreciate Bai Chuan and not care about his flaws.

But human nature is always like this. As a bystander and a party, the attitude towards the same thing will be completely different. She admired and admired the girl who would take care of Bai Chuan for the rest of her life regardless of Bai Chuan's specialness, but she didn't want this girl to be her daughter.

Just like the heroine in the movie Beautiful Mind, everyone appreciates and admires the heroine's dedication and tolerance to John Nash, but not everyone has the courage to experience the suffering she suffered.

"I like Bai Chuan." This was Mu Xiaoya's answer to her mother.

She knows that for parents, there is no reason stronger than her liking. In order to convince her parents more, Mu Xiaoya continued to add, "Actually, I liked Bai Chuan from a very early age, and you all know that I used to go to Grandma Bai's house to find Bai Chuan. So a few days ago, Bai Chuan suddenly came here. He proposed to me, and as soon as I was happy, I agreed without even thinking about it."

"Bai Chuan suddenly proposed to you, have you ever thought that he might be for his grandma?" Mu Ruozhou reminded.

"I thought about it and asked him."

"Then how did he answer?"

"Bai Chuan said that Grandma Bai asked him to find someone he likes to marry, and then he came to me." Mu Xiaoya replied.

The Mu family husband and wife were silent again. Bai Chuan is an autistic child. A major characteristic of autistic children is that they are unwilling to communicate with others. They will not lie, and they will not find reasons to excuse themselves. It is their truest feeling. Bai Chuan said that he liked Mu Xiaoya, so he must really like it.

"Xiaoya, have you ever thought that you and Bai Chuan will have a hard time together?" Mu Ruozhou still couldn't help reminding.

"Yeah Xiaoya, although Xiaochuan is a good boy and smart, he has always been autistic, and he can't express his feelings like a normal person. Your so-called liking may disappear in a few days. It will be smoothed out by reality. At that time, it may hurt both of you." Shen Qingyi added according to her husband's words.

"Mom and Dad, I've thought about this, but I still want to give it a try." Mu Xiaoya said, "I only told you after thinking about it seriously."

Mu Xiaoya can actually understand the so-called worry of her parents, but as a person who has been reborn once, Mu Xiaoya feels that the ending for herself and Bai Chuan is just the same as the last life. She fell ill and died, and Bai Chuan became a widower. . No, it should be better. In this life, Bai Chuan can avoid the fate of disfigurement and become a good-looking widower.

"What about studying abroad?" Shen Qingyi asked again.

"I'm not going." Mu Xiaoya didn't plan to go to study at the beginning.

"Don't go? Going to SG to study design, isn't it your dream?" Shen Qingyi couldn't believe it.

"Mom, I'll explain this to you later."

Mu Xiaoya knew that her change was too abrupt, and the series of events made it difficult for her parents to accept. But she couldn't tell the truth. The hereditary disease that would break out four years later could not be detected at this moment. And the only thing she can do is spend the rest of her time with them.

"Mom, I really want to marry Bai Chuan, just like when you wanted to marry your father, you agree." The reason was almost there, and Mu Xiaoya began to adopt a coquettish strategy.

"You've already got the certificate, do you still need our consent?" Shen Qingyi pushed her daughter away angrily.

"I didn't do this right, but it wasn't an emergency at the time, and I really forgot about it later, I'm sorry." Mu Xiaoya disregarded her mother's dislike and posted it again shamelessly.

Shen Qingyi glanced at her husband helplessly, and Mu Ruozhou's eyes were also full of helplessness. As his wife said just now, her daughter had already obtained a certificate from Bai Chuan, and even if they objected, it would not change the fact that her daughter was married. Moreover, having been a teacher for more than 20 years, they are very clear that there are some things that children have not experienced by themselves. No matter how much you teach as a teacher, they will still not listen.

But as a parent, I know about my daughter's marriage under such circumstances, and I don't feel good in my heart: "This matter, your mother and I have to think about it again."

"Then how long do you have to think about it?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"After thinking about it, I will tell you naturally." After that, Mu Ruozhou got up and left indifferently.

Seeing her husband leaving, Shen Qingyi left her daughter with a self-seeking expression, and left in unison.

Facing the empty study, Mu Xiaoya scratched her forehead silently, and suddenly she burst out laughing. Her parents, who have been teachers all their lives, are the most reasonable, and have never had the idea of forcing children to do something or not to do something. In their hearts, she only wanted to, whether or not she wanted to judge this criterion.

They thought about it all night and asked her so many questions, but there was not a word that forced her to leave Baichuan, but they just analyzed the pros and cons over and over again and asked her if she really thought it through.

In fact, think about it carefully, in the last twenty-six years, apart from living a little shorter, not having a good relationship, and not spending much time with her parents, Mu Xiaoya felt that her life was actually very happy.

A gust of evening wind blew from the window, and the rice paper on the table top squeaked. Mu Xiaoya used a paperweight to press down her father's precious rice paper, and then went to the window to close the window. The window of the study is facing the yard of Grandma Bai's house next door. Now that Grandma Bai is gone, the yard is dark without any lights.

If I leave after four years, will my parents look at my bedroom the same way I look at Grandma Bai's yard now

Or, it should be more sad.