My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 70: Don't understand sadness


People with autism only want to hear what they want to hear or what they care about. If it's something they don't care about, they can automatically block it even if you repeat it countless times in front of them. But if it's something they care about, even if you just casually say something in front of them, they will remember it in their hearts, and even keep it in their hearts.

Bai Zheng is just an assumption, but every time this assumption goes through Bai Chuan's mind, he will be irritable and want to smash things.

No, control yourself.

In a panic, he opened the drawer on the right, and Bai Chuan took out the earphones inside and put them on for himself. His emotions gradually eased after the surrounding noise disappeared and only Mu Xiaoya's singing remained in the world.

"What's wrong with Second Young Master?" Outside the office, Fatty slipped his chair to Astro Boy's side, "I haven't seen Second Young Master wearing headphones for a while."

"It's probably a quarrel with the general manager." After all, the second young master just came back from the general manager's office.

"Hey... Big news, Second Young Master beat up the general manager." Astro Boy's voice fell, and someone suddenly shouted loudly.

"No, how is it possible." Everyone wentssips excitedly.

"It's absolutely true, this matter has spread in the company group. I checked i. The source of the gossip is the first secretary of the general manager's office."

"I'm going, you kid went to the gossip group next door to Hei, but the news from the general manager's office shouldn't be fake."

"Our second young master is mighty, even the **** dares to beat him."

"Am I the only one who is curious about what the general manager has done to our Second Young Master, so that the Second Young Master, who is too lazy to say a few more words, suddenly started?"

"I'm more curious, how can our general manager, the younger brother, be willing to anger our second young master."

The discussion in the R&D department was in full swing, and while discussing, he secretly observed Bai Chuan's expression through the glass, relying on Bai Chuan's inability to hear, and openly and aboveboard gossip about the parties.

Astro Boy listened for a while, then took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Mu Xiaoya: Second Young Master called the general manager, and was in a bad mood at the moment.

The mobile phone number was given to Astro by Mu Xiaoya, so that if something happened to Bai Chuan in the company, someone in the R&D department could contact her directly.

Mu Xiaoya was shocked when she received the news, how could Bai Chuan beat Bai Zheng? She immediately replied to the message and asked: What's going on

Astro Boy: I don't know. Anyway, the general manager must have been beaten. It is said that his eyes are bruised. (Gossip from the latest addition.)

Mu Xiaoya frowned: What about Bai Chuan now? How are you feeling

Astro Boy: Er Shao is wearing headphones, and his mood is still stable.

Mu Xiaoya: Okay, thank you.

How could Bai Chuan beat someone? And listening to Astro Boy's narration, although Bai Chuan's mood fluctuated, he did not get sick.

In addition to worrying, Mu Xiaoya was more curious about what happened when she took the initiative to hit someone when she didn't have the disease, so she could make the good-natured Bai Chuan want to hit someone in a hurry.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Chuan appeared at the entrance of the studio on time, he ran in like a gust of wind, and hugged Mu Xiaoya on the sofa tightly in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoya, who was suddenly hugged, wanted to raise her head in astonishment, but found that Bai Chuan was hugging so hard that she couldn't move.

"Xiaoya." Bai Chuan lowered his head and buried his face in Mu Xiaoya's neck, his voice muffled, as if he had suffered endless grievances.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoya asked again patiently, and at the same time couldn't help muttering in her heart. She got the news that her husband had beaten the eldest uncle, but it looked like her husband was wronged.

"Will you divorce me?" After Bai Chuan asked, he subconsciously hugged the person in his arms a little tighter, as if he was afraid that his daughter-in-law would suddenly run away.

"Divorce?!" Mu Xiaoya looked confused, "Why should I divorce you?"

"Not divorced?"

"Don't leave."

"You promise." Bai Chuan was still worried.

"I promise, if you don't feel relieved, we will tear up the marriage certificate when we go back, so we can't leave." Mu Xiaoya laughed, she had to express her position quickly, otherwise she would be overwhelmed by Bai Chuan. Gas is coming.

"Well, tear it up when you go back." It turns out that there is such a method. If he knew it, he would have torn it up long ago.

Really want to tear it up, Mu Xiaoya is speechless: "What's wrong with you, why did you suddenly mention the divorce?"

"It's all the eldest brother's fault." When Bai Chuan thinks about it now, he still thinks Bai Zheng hates him very much, "He was divorced himself, so he wanted me to be divorced too."

"Not really." Mu Xiaoya didn't believe it, how could Bai Zheng be such a person.

"Then why did he suddenly ask me to divorce you?"

Mu Xiaoya was stunned, thinking that she had solved the case.

"So you beat him?"

"Yeah." Bai Chuan paused and asked, "How do you know that he's complaining to you?"

Bai Zheng came to me and complained, how could it be. Mu Xiaoya was almost amused by Bai Chuan: "It was Astro Boy who told me that he told me that you beat up the eldest brother."

"Well, beat him up! I hate him!" Bai Chuan felt indignant even thinking about it now.

The reason for the fight is known, but how could Bai Zheng let Bai Chuan divorce him for no reason? Mu Xiaoya thought for a while and asked, "Big brother is not such a person, have you misunderstood, did he say something before?"

"I gave him a gift, and he took it." Bai Chuan felt a little aggrieved, and knew that he wouldn't give him a gift. "Then he suddenly asked me, what would happen to me if you left me?"

I see…

Mu Xiaoya understood, she pulled Bai Chuan's arm, motioned him to sit down beside her, then moved the cup of coffee that had almost spilled over to Bai Chuan, and persuaded, "Brother is saying if, if it is a kind of Assuming, he doesn't really want us to get a divorce."

"I don't like this assumption." Bai Chuan frowned, "I hate this assumption."

"I know you hate it, but..." Looking at Bai Chuan who was extremely resistant, Mu Xiaoya suddenly realized a problem. Now Bai Chuan's expression and understanding of emotions have improved a lot than before. So if he leaves after a few years, will he really accept this parting rationally as he wishes? A little sad, but not too sad

Bai Zheng was obviously worried about this, so he would test Bai Chuan after he told him that he might be ill. And Bai Chuan's response was obviously beyond his expectations, and also beyond his own expectations.

"Xiao Chuan, I will not divorce you." Mu Xiaoya became serious.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan nodded happily, no matter how many times he listened to this kind of assurance, he wouldn't get tired of it.

"But if I'm sick..."

"Are you sick? Let's go to the hospital." Bai Chuan stood up from the sofa in fright, and dragged Mu Xiaoya to the hospital.

"No, you sit down, I mean if." Mu Xiaoya reluctantly comforted Bai Chuan.

"Why do you all say ifs, I hate ifs." Bai Chuan hates these assumptions, because behind every if, there are some bad things, big brother is, so is Xiaoya.

"Because cousin..." Mu Xiaoya asked, "cousin left suddenly, cousin-in-law is very sad, so am I, how about you?"

"I... I'm not sad." Bai Chuan honestly answered his inner feelings, "I... I don't quite understand that emotion, sorry."

Bai Chuan couldn't understand this sad emotion, but his reason told him that this situation was wrong, because it was a very bad thing for someone to leave.

"You don't need to apologize, it's very good for you to be like this." Hearing Bai Chuan's answer, Mu Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Chuan really doesn't understand, he doesn't understand sadness, how good it is, "You don't need to understand, It’s good to never know.”

Bai Chuan hummed ignorantly, he always habitually let himself grow in the direction Mu Xiaoya expected, if Mu Xiaoya wanted him to understand, then he would study hard, if not, he would work hard to maintain undisturbed. He didn't ask much, as long as Xiaoya didn't leave him.

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend again. Shen Qingyi, who had not let them go to dinner for several weeks, suddenly called Mu Xiaoya a day earlier to let Mu Xiaoya go to the weekend. The two did not dare to neglect, and went to Mu's house early on Saturday morning.

"I asked you to come over for dinner, why are you here so early?" Shen Qingyi gave her daughter a blank look, "My dad and I have to go to school in a while."

"You haven't finished preparing for the final exam yet?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"It's not that easy. It's just getting the papers. After that, we have to arrange exams, mark the papers, and a lot of things." Shen Qingyi said.

"It's okay, you guys are busy with your work. Bai Chuan and I will go to the next door to read a book for a while. In the afternoon, we'll go shopping, and I'll cook for you in the evening. Just remember to come back and eat." Mu Xiaoya arranged.

"Now that I'm married, I'm really getting more and more virtuous." Shen Qingyi smiled, "That's fine, you cook, and then let your dad wash the dishes."

"I wash the dishes." Bai Chuan quit, how could his father-in-law take away his own work.

"Good son-in-law, I didn't hurt you in vain." Mu Ruozhou felt relieved when he saw Bai Chuan talking like this.

Bai Chuan hummed happily, he didn't know what he did, but he still understood when the old man was complimenting him.

Bai Chuan's reaction was so funny that he couldn't help laughing for a while. Afterwards, the Mu family went to work at school, while Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan stayed at home for a while, then went to the study in the next yard to read. In the afternoon, the two of them went out shopping and stuffed the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Because Bai Chuan especially likes to eat at home, Mu Xiaoya's cooking skills have improved a lot in the past six months. In the afternoon, a very rich dinner was prepared. Four people, six dishes and one soup. The soup was a big tonic chicken soup that had been stewed all afternoon, so that the two elders of the Mu family who were still at the door could smell the fragrance from a distance.

"Still making soup?" Mu Ruozhou strode into the kitchen, "Yo, it's chicken soup, I haven't had it for a long time."

"Then you can drink more later." Mu Xiaoya smiled.

"Okay, I'll go change clothes." Mu Ruozhou laughed and turned back to the bedroom to change clothes. Shen Qingyi glanced at the dining table and found that the food was almost ready, so she also went back to the house to change clothes.

Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan prepared the chicken soup together, and when they brought it to the table, the two elders of the Mu family also changed their clothes and walked out.

The four of us ate at the table, the food was delicious, the people at the table were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious. When the meal was almost finished, Mu Ruozhou and his wife looked at each other and put down the chopsticks in their hands at the same time.

Mu Xiaoya immediately guessed that her parents had something to say.

"Xiaoya, your mother and I called you here today because we have something to say to you and Bai Chuan." Mu Ruozhou started talking.

"You say." Mu Xiaoya put down her chopsticks and listened. Seeing Bai Chuan, he also stopped the movements in his hands, imitating his daughter-in-law's appearance, and sat upright.

"Some bad things have happened recently. Your cousin... suddenly disappeared." Speaking of Lin Han, Mu Ruozhou couldn't help but sigh again, "This life is so impermanent."

"Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it directly," Mu Xiaoya found out that being a teacher likes to make a foreshadowing of twists and turns, and her father, a math teacher, is no exception. In fact, as soon as her father spoke, she had already guessed what the second old man wanted to say.

"Let me tell you." Shen Qingyi knew that her husband was uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to take over the conversation, "It's your cousin's disease, it's a genetic disease, we learned later, it is said that as long as you have a relationship with Lin Han People who are related by blood may have this disease in their genes.”

Genetic disease? !

Bai Chuan, who had been listening quietly, stood up abruptly. He looked at his father-in-law and mother-in-law with horror on his face, and asked in a trembling voice, "What genetic disease?"

When Lin Han was found to have hereditary disease, Bai Chuan was not in the hospital at the time, and Mu Xiaoya did not deliberately mention it to Bai Chuan after she returned, so Bai Chuan did not know about the genetic disease until now.

"Xiao Chuan doesn't know?" Shen Qingyi looked at her daughter suspiciously.

"I didn't say it." Mu Xiaoya shook her head, while comforting Bai Chuan to sit down again.

"What kind of genetic disease? Xiaoya and her cousin are also related by blood. Does she also have a genetic disease? Does Xiaoya have the same disease as her cousin?" In just a moment, Bai Chuan's powerful logical thinking reminded Bai Chuan of all possibilities. The more he thinks about the consequences, the more he is afraid, the more afraid, the more uneasy he is. A sense of helplessness that he hadn't felt for a long time was constantly expanding in his mind.

"Don't be nervous first, just listen to me." Shen Qingyi knew that Bai Chuan was worried about Xiaoya, and hurriedly explained, "Xiaoya is fine, I have inquired about it during this time, and most of the women in our family have grown up. I have dizziness, I have it, and Lin Han has it, but Xiaoya doesn't, so Xiaoya should be safe."

Mu Xiaoya glanced at her mother, blinked, and said nothing.

"What about mom, will mom get sick?" Hearing that Xiaoya was fine, most of the helplessness and anxiety subsided in an instant, and the rest was about her mother-in-law's worries.

"This is exactly... what we want to tell you today." Shen Qingyi said.