My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 76: sickness


After living in Bai's house for a week, after confirming that there was no physical problem, the two moved back to their own home. Although it was said that the people in Baijiayi came to eat and open their mouths, but according to the old saying, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as the grass nest at home. As soon as she entered the door, Mu Xiaoya felt that her own two-bedroom and one-living floor was much more comfortable than the Bai family's villa.

Paralyzed on the sofa, with a pillow in her arms, Mu Xiaoya sighed comfortably: "It's still a small home for the two of us."

"No, it's three people." Bai Chuan corrected.

"That's right, it's three people." Mu Xiaoya patted her stomach and apologized, "I'm sorry baby, my mother almost forgot about you."

After apologizing, Mu Xiaoya looked up at Bai Chuan, and found that Bai Chuan was putting things in the kitchen again. He put the pots and pans that he had spread on the cooking table back to the original place like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

This is OCD again.

Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but smile, sometimes she thinks OCD is good, people with OCD will clean up the room very consciously. Since they moved out, except for cooking, almost all other housework has been covered by Bai Chuan. Moreover, Bai Chuan has another great advantage. No matter how messy he made the house, he never complained, but just quietly cleaned up again.

It was already half an hour after Bai Chuan had cleaned up inside and out. Mu Xiaoya beckoned. Bai Chuan didn't even have time to take a sip of water and walked over.

"I'm sweating, did I make a mess in the room?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"A little." Bai Chuan nodded honestly.

"You despise me?" Mu Xiaoya raised her eyebrows, didn't she mess up the cloakroom a little while picking out clothes that day.

"No." Bai Chuan hurriedly shook his head and explained, "It's just a little messier than usual."

"What can we do in the future?" Mu Xiaoya deliberately frightened Bai Chuan and said, "When our child is born, the family will be a hundred times more chaotic than it is now, and children, no matter how you teach them, they will be disobedient."

Bai Chuan imagined the scene, and after a while, his brows furrowed quietly.

"Would you hate him because of this?" After the baby was born, Mu Xiaoya wanted to take it with her. She wanted to give the child a complete family of three when she was still healthy. But after having a child, life will definitely become very messy. If Bai Chuan can't stand it, she will consider going back to Bai's house.

Since reaching a tacit understanding with Bai Chuan, Mu Xiaoya no longer wants to forcefully change some of Bai Chuan's so-called shortcomings. She just wants their family, and the time together is happy.

"No!" Bai Chuan answered with certainty.

"So confident?" Mu Xiaoya was a little surprised.

"Yeah!" Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya and said very seriously, "You always littered things when you were young, and I didn't hate you either." So naturally, he wouldn't hate our children.

"How can I have it?" Mu Xiaoya firmly refused to admit that she was very well-behaved when she was a child.

"Yes." Bai Chuan gave an example, "Every time you read in the study, you will mess up the bookshelf."

"Have I put the books back?" She used to go to Bai Chuan's house to read books when she was a child, but after reading it, she would put it back consciously.

"But... you put them in the wrong order." In Bai Chuan's eyes, if the order is not right, then it is chaos.

"..." Mu Xiaoya stared at Bai Chuan and asked, "You remembered this for so long, say, were you angry at the time?"

"No, I just have a good memory."

Mu Xiaoya was amused by Bai Chuan's straightforward answer, and after laughing for a while, she took Bai Chuan's hand and gently pressed it against her abdomen, and solemnly demanded, "Promise me that you will be nice to him. "

"Yeah." Bai Chuan's palm was a little afraid to move, because there was a whole new life growing inside.

Mu Xiaoya didn't know if other people felt this way when they were pregnant. She could clearly feel that the nutrients in her body were being absorbed by the child little by little, and she suddenly became very edible. When the child was three months old, She was already eating three times as much as usual. And inexplicably like to eat sweets, almost two hours after eating, the stomach will be crazy hungry again.

But every time during the obstetric examination, the doctor's conclusion is that the metabolism is accelerated during pregnancy, and pregnant women need to provide enough nutrition to the fetus, so lethargy, easy hunger, and liking to eat sweets are also normal phenomena. Even Mu's mother comforted her daughter that eating is better than morning sickness. But Mu Xiaoya always felt that something was wrong with her, because she ate so much food, her belly was smaller than other pregnant women in the same month, and her weight did not increase significantly.

The doctor also felt strange about this, but after checking all the items, it showed that everything was normal.

Unable to find out, Mu Xiaoya had to relax herself and take good care of her fetus. Until the child was about to turn seven months, that day, Bai Chuan had just sent her to the door of the studio, and a somewhat familiar dizziness suddenly appeared, pulling her into the darkness.

When she woke up again, it was six days later, and she was lying in a private ward next to a haggard Bai Chuan.

"Xiaoya." As soon as Mu Xiaoya moved, Bai Chuan noticed it, he immediately leaned down and got close to Mu Xiaoya.

"Xiao Chuan..." Mu Xiaoya wanted to sit up, but just as she moved her hand, Bai Chuan held her down.

"Don't move, there is a hanging bottle on the back of your hand."

"Where's the child?" Mu Xiaoya lay down again.

"The child is fine." Bai Chuan held Mu Xiaoya's hand and gently placed it on her bulging abdomen, making her feel the existence of the child.

Mu Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, the child was still alive, and then asked, "How long have I slept?"

"Six days." Bai Chuan replied.

"Six days? Did I get sick?" At the moment of fainting, Mu Xiaoya had a faint feeling in her heart, the kind of dizziness that she was still in high spirits a second ago, and suddenly took all her strength out of it without any warning. Dizziness is uncommon.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan didn't hide it.

"Same disease as cousin?" Mu Xiaoya confirmed.

"The same, but not the same."

Bai Chuan's answer made Mu Xiaoya a little confused: "What is the same and different?"

"I called Professor Rong." Bai Chuan raised his hand and pressed the button at the head of the bed. Although he had listened to Professor Rong's explanation, it was better to explain it himself.

After a while, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor, and Professor Rong ran in from outside the ward with three young doctors and several nurses.

"You really woke up." Professor Rong saw Mu Xiaoya who was awake, and his face was a little excited, but he did not rush to talk to Mu Xiaoya, but quickly checked the various instruments in the ward.

"Professor, everything is normal." A young doctor wearing glasses, after synthesizing other people's opinions, Professor Chao Rong reported.

"Okay, then continue the treatment according to the plan we agreed upon before."

After Professor Rong arranged, the three doctors who came in with him went out one after another, and finally Professor Rong was left alone in the ward.

"Professor Rong, do I have the same disease as my cousin?" At this time, Mu Xiaoya had already sat up halfway with Bai Chuan's help.

"Originally yes." Professor Rong said.

"What is it originally?" Mu Xiaoya was taken aback, "Didn't I have a genetic disease? Then why did I suddenly faint?"

"I'll explain it to you slowly." Professor Rong knew that Yifeng Group would support his research for the patient in front of him, so he was a little patient when explaining, "The genes in your body do carry the same The same disease as my cousin. According to the data we collected and the analysis of existing medical records, we found that 60% of the onset of this genetic disease is between the ages of 22 and 30. Among them, those under 25 years old have the same disease. Most of the patients are women who have given birth to children."

"What do you mean?" Mu Xiaoya asked, "Could my illness have something to do with pregnancy?"

"That's right, when a woman is pregnant, the body's cells will accelerate aging. From pregnancy to production, the mother's cells will age for 2-5 years. That is to say, if you are not pregnant, your disease will probably be The disease will not develop until 2 or 3 years later. But because you are pregnant, the aging of the cells is accelerated, and the genetic disease genes in your body are activated in advance.” Professor Rong explained.

"Then... what should I do with my child?" Mu Xiaoya, who was already mentally prepared, was not afraid of getting sick again. She was afraid of her own disease early, and there was no way for her child to come into this world smoothly.

"Don't get excited yet." Professor Rong reassured, "Although you also have this genetic disease, your situation is different from that of your cousin."

"Don't be afraid." Bai Chuan gently patted the back of Mu Xiaoya's hand.

Mu Xiaoya glanced at Bai Chuan, inexplicably relieved.

"What's the difference between me and my cousin?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Your diseased gene has been disturbed." Professor Rong explained, "In simple terms, it is a genetic mutation."

"How is this possible?" Genetic mutation? This is simply a fantasy, she has never been exposed to any radioactive substances, how could she have a genetic mutation for no reason.

"Of course, it's not that exaggerated, I just gave you a more vivid and easy-to-understand word." Professor Rong said, "I have done research on genetic diseases for nearly 30 years, and sudden genetic diseases are the most difficult to treat. Yes. Because there is no warning before the onset of the disease, at present this disease can only be prevented but not treated in medicine.”

"For example, with this kind of genetic disease in you, I usually recommend that families with this gene prefer to have boys when they have the next generation. If it is a girl, there will be a risk of developing the disease after the age of 22, except for changes in Genes, there is almost no cure."

"Changing genes is easy to say, but it is almost impossible to achieve. Not to mention that it is not allowed in medicine, even if it is allowed in medicine, how to change genes and which part of genes to change is difficult to implement."

The more Professor Rong spoke, the more mysterious it became, and Mu Xiaoya was at a loss: "You said just now that my diseased gene was disturbed, what was it?"

"It's the jade bracelet in your hand." Professor Rong's thoughts were pulled back by Mu Xiaoya.

"Jade bracelet?" Mu Xiaoya looked at her left hand subconsciously, the green jade bracelet was still well worn on her hand.

"Jade is actually a kind of ore. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that jade supports people, but everyone only knows that jade supports people, but there are different opinions on how to support them. One of them is that because jade is an ore, it itself will release A kind of ray that is beneficial to the human body, this kind of ray is similar to radioactive substances, but it is milder and less detectable, so it can nourish the human body unconsciously." Professor Rong said, "Your diseased gene and I are in your cousin. The diseased genes detected in the body are exactly the same, but at the time of the disease, your cellular response shows a completely different state from your cousin. Your diseased genes are disturbed, making it unable to complete the last step of the outbreak. That is Say, although you are sick, your genes have not been able to fully explode, which has not caused the organs in your body to fail rapidly."

"Then I... Is my illness cured?" Mu Xiaoya had the feeling that she was dreaming.

"No," Professor Rong said. "Although your diseased gene has been disturbed, it has not been cured. It is still in a diseased state. Once the outbreak is completed, you will still die."

"Then, what the hell is going on with me?" Mu Xiaoya was confused.

"Until you find a way to completely calm the diseased gene, you risk dying at any time, but it is also possible that the genes in your body have been maintained in this strange balance."

"With this balance, I can live a normal life?"

"There will be some sequelae, you will be anemia, dizzy, and even coma for a long time." Professor Rong said, "But as long as the diseased gene is not completely broken out, your life will not be in danger. But... You don't have to worry too much, because The diseased genes in your body have never been able to explode completely. In the state of continuous regeneration of your own cells, the diseased genes in your cells are also constantly multiplying and repeating the process of explosion. Give us a little time, I believe, we will soon You can find a way to curb the disease.”