My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 103: Dirty division concentration camp


After eating and drinking, Xiao Hei lazily leaned on the sofa with a toothpick in his mouth and looked at Fang Ze and said, "If I had known you had such skills, I would come to your house every day to eat. I will pay for the food from now on." , how about you just be responsible for cooking."

"I want to be nice to you." Fang Ze put the leftover plates of the two of them in the sink and asked Lao Duo to wash them later. He said to Xiao Hei, "I order takeout for my own meals and cook them for you. What do you think? There are too many.”

"You are so industrious." Xiao Hei said, "If only you were a girl, I would marry you home."

"Actually, it's not impossible for men to have sex with each other." Lao Ao said on the side, "Isn't the atmosphere now very open?"

"Haha." Fang Ze looked at the two people in front of him and turned on the mocking mode without mercy. "You two singles are just cuddling together to keep warm, but you are actually teasing me. I went home and called my little girl."

Fang Ze said and went home. He had to prepare his thesis for the defense tomorrow.

Xiao Hei and Lao Ao also knew that Fang Ze would have to answer the question tomorrow, so they waved their hands and asked Fang Ze to leave.

Seeing Fang Ze leave, Xiao Hei turned to Lao Ao and said, "It's not unreasonable for this lolicon to be able to deceive a legal lolita. The level of this Western-style food is really high."

"Well, it's time for me to go on a blind date." Lao Ao said thoughtfully, "Although my cooking skills are not very good, I can barely eat. I don't want a lolita anymore. I have one." A half-ripe young woman will do.”

"Pfft." Xiao Hei looked at Lao Ao with wide eyes and said, "You belong to Cao Cao."

Over there, Xiao Hei and Lao Ao were talking about whether they should continue to insist on the glory of being single, and here Fang Ze had already gone upstairs and arrived home.

After entering the door, I turned on the computer, read the paper, and was about to go to bed, but my email box showed that I had received a new email.

When he opened it, it was a reply from a subtitle group that Fang Ze had previously worked for. It left the Penguin account of the subtitle group's reviewer for Fang Ze to add.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Why did I send myself an email in the middle of the night

However, Fang Ze still added the other party's Penguin account, and when he searched for it, it showed that it was a hamster's avatar ID called Calcium Oxide. He clicked on friend application and explained the reason.

It passed within seconds. It seemed that the other party had just sent me the email and hadn't slept yet.

After passing, Fang Ze politely sent him a good night, but the other party responded with a question mark instantly.

Fang Ze was wondering if he had added the wrong person, but the other party immediately withdrew the question mark and sent an apology.

Calcium Oxide: Sorry, I’m in the United States and forgot about the time difference.

Fang Ze: Boss, I applied to join the subtitle group.

Calcium Oxide: Yeah, I know. Our subtitle group of the Dirty Master Concentration Camp recently got married and has no time to do subtitles, so this recruitment is mainly to recruit English-speaking members. I read your self-introduction. You speak multiple languages. Where did you learn them? Of.

Fang Ze: Self-taught.

Calcium Oxide: I am self-taught. Is there any certificate or something I can take a look at

Fang Ze: This one only has a Level 4 certificate.

Calcium Oxide: [confused face] Brother, are you kidding me? Are you sure that the proficiency in English you wrote in your self-introduction is really proficient, or do you think you are proficient after passing CET-4 and plan to learn English here? Are you working hard for your CET-6 exam

Calcium Oxide: Let’s be clear. What we want is someone who is familiar with the logic of English language and can correctly translate an English conversation into Chinese with the same meaning. We are not someone who is only slightly better than machine translation and can only do literal translation.

Fang Ze: Boss, believe me. Although I don’t have a certificate, I am really proficient in English. I am the kind of genius that is rare to see in a million years. Give me a chance and give you a teammate who works hard and produces milk. . [Take off all your clothes, lie on the ground and pray]

Calcium oxide: [ugly]

Calcium Oxide: Well, please translate this passage for me first.

After CaO said this, he sent an English paragraph to Fang Ze. This English sentence is actually quite famous in China. People generally read this sentence as: Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

However, since Calcium Oxide has sent such a famous passage, it will definitely not be that simple. If Fang Ze really translates this sentence back in China, it will definitely be passed.

Because the rumored statement is wrong to begin with.

A typical sentence made by a translator taking the blame. This is a proverb, and its actual meaning is understood according to the Anglo-American legal system. The correct translation should be: delayed justice is equivalent to denying justice.

Of course, if you dig deeper, you may not know whether the translation was intentional. After all, according to the translation method you strive for, this sentence is definitely not so well-known in China.

However, Fang Ze still sent the correct translation to Calcium Oxide. After a while, Calcium Oxide replied again, "The basic skills are good. Do you know what points need to be paid attention to in the correct translation?"

Fang Ze: Old guy, little guy, he keeps betting, talks about God, and makes random metaphors, right

Calcium oxide: for example

Fang Ze: Oh, old man, why are you like this now? Could it be that the fog in the imperial capital destroyed it? May God bless you.

I bet if you had stayed here, you would definitely not be like a square dancing aunt now. Looking at your face, you look just like the bull terrier in Xiao Erhei's house next door.

Calcium Oxide: Phew, okay, it looks like a professional translator.

Fang Ze: Thank you for the compliment.

Calcium Oxide: Is it convenient for you now? I need to have a voice conversation with you to see how well you master daily vocabulary.

If you want proof, Fang Ze really doesn't have it, but when it comes to dialogue, Fang Ze is not timid.

He promises to be more Native American than Native American.

After all, Batman Bruce himself is an American.

Fang Ze answered the call with Calcium Oxide. The voice on the other side sounded a bit like Xiao Zhengtai's voice. It felt very strange. However, Fang Ze didn't care so much. With his excellent speaking skills, the other party almost thought he was talking to him. A Native American in conversation.

But Fang Ze could switch between Chinese and English at any time, so this Calcium oxide finally believed that Fang Ze was indeed a Chinese and had not found some foreigner to deceive him.

Calcium Oxide: The review has been approved. I will send you the introduction of our subtitle group and some internal regulations and processes in a moment. Then you add our penguin group and Waiwai group.

Fang Ze: No problem. But can I add it tomorrow? I have something to do tomorrow, so I have to go to bed early today.

Calcium Oxide: It’s okay, everything is fine. Several popular American dramas haven’t been updated yet, so everyone is free this week.

(End of chapter)