My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 105: Little games to enhance feelings


The advantage of a man having more friends is that he can always find someone to take the blame for you at critical moments.

Facing Lin Xiaoxin's question, Fang Ze's first thought was of the omnipotent Xiao Hei.

So Fang Ze quickly said, "Do you remember that guy downstairs? This is the suit he bought last time. It didn't suit him, so he gave it to me."

"Really?" Lin Xiaoxin looked at Fang Ze suspiciously and said, "Why do I feel that this suit fits your body so well, as if it was custom-made."

"You're wrong." Fang Ze continued to talk nonsense, "It's not clear in the video. In fact, this dress is a bit too wide for me, but it's about the same, so I plan to wear this this time."

"Really?" Lin Xiaoxin was eating potato chips while thinking about whether there were any loopholes in Fang Ze's words.

However, Fang Ze quickly changed the subject and said, "Don't worry about how I got the suit. Take a look at what I look like now. Am I handsome?"

"The effect looks very good. I always feel that the suit takes a lot of credit." Lin Xiaoxin said, taking out her mobile phone, and then the camera shook. Lin Xiaoxin bent down and switched the camera of her mobile phone to under the bed.

A tall girl under the bed was gesturing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Sister Qier, look at how handsome my boyfriend is like this."

This girl is Lin Xiaoxin's roommate Zhou Qian. She was holding a rubber band in her hand to tie her hair, while looking at Fang Ze in the video, and then said, "Handsome, so handsome, so handsome. I'm eating this bowl of dog food." It all smells good.”

"Hehe." Lin Xiaoxin lay on the bed and turned her phone around. The lens allowed Fang Ze to see Lin Xiaoxin again.

"If you pass, you can go for the defense now. If you fail, come to me."

"I'll find you a cat egg then." Fang Ze said as he walked to the second bedroom to get his watch.

As soon as he walked away, the door to Lin Xiaoxin's dormitory opened with a bang, and a woman walked towards Lin Xiaoxin angrily.

"Lin Xiaoxin, why did you kick me out of the club group?"

"You are no longer a member of the club, why can't you be kicked out?" Lin Xiaoxin looked at the woman and asked.

This woman was Lin Xiaoxin's roommate who got drunk and started trouble at the KTV before, and finally left the others behind. Her name was Yang Shuping.

To be precise, it should be her former roommate, because after that incident, she changed dormitories with others.

"I'm the vice president. Are you saying that since I'm not a member of the club, I'm not a member of the club?" Yang Shuping yelled at Lin Xiaoxin, "You are doing this to avenge a personal vendetta. You are not qualified to be the president of the club."

Lin Xiaoxin took a look at the video and Fang Ze hadn't appeared yet, so she turned off the sound first, and then said to Yang Shuping, "You also know that you are not the president, so I will kick you. If there is a problem with your character, I will still keep you." Are you celebrating the New Year in the club?"

"I'm going to sue you in the student union." Yang Shuping looked at Lin Xiaoxin angrily and said.

"The student union is here." Zhou Qian, who had tied her hair, raised her hand and said, "I am the next president of the student union, and it has been confirmed. If you have any opinions, you can come to me for feedback."

Yang Shuping, who was so angry at Lin Xiaoxin, was stabbed again by Zhou Qian. He looked left and right again, not knowing what to say, so he could only say "Just wait for me." Then he slammed the door and left. The loud noise woke up several roommates who were still sleeping.

One of the roommates looked at the door in a daze, and then said, "Yang Shuping came over to quarrel again."

"Otherwise, which sister still has such momentum, if she comes here a few more times, the door of our dormitory will be replaced." Zhou Qian complained.

"I guess it needs to be changed. I come once a week, which is more punctual than my aunt." The roommate got back into the warm bed and didn't want to get up.

"Zhou Keke, if your aunt comes here once a week, I guess we can't cure your hemorrhage even if we buy you red dates every day."

"Xiaowanzi, please show some virtue at the end." Zhou Keke said to Lin Xiaoxin with half of her face pressed against the pillow, "If you could give us even one percent of the tenderness you give your boyfriend, I would be able to live in this world every day. In the spring breeze.”

"Just a little bit, you can't tell the difference." Lin Xiaoxin made a face to her roommate.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxin finished making faces, Fang Ze appeared in the video. Lin Xiaoxin quickly turned the sound back on, turned over to the wall and continued chatting.

"Sigh." Zhou Keke shook his head and said, "Sooner or later, the show will be divided."

"Look at how envious you are." Zhou Qian said to Zhou Keke, "Hurry up and find one yourself."

"Lazy." Zhou Keke hid in bed and looked at Zhou Qian and said, "With Sister Qian'er as my husband, I can basically meet my psychological and physical needs."

"I have a whole campus of harem, and I can satisfy you psychologically, but forget it physically, it's too tiring."

"I'm not happy. Sister Qian'er won't play with me." Zhou Keke pretended to be pitiful and said to Zhou Qian.

"Why are all of them acting like drama queens lately?" Zhou Qian said as she approached Zhou Keke's bedside, pulled open Zhou Keke's quilt, and stretched out her devil's fingers on Zhou Keke's chest. "Why don't you call me husband? Come on, let me get rid of my hand addiction first."

"Ah! No, I'm not wearing anything underneath!" Zhou Keke's cry reached Fang Ze's ears directly from the dormitory through Lin Xiaoxin's mobile phone.

However, because it was very vague, I couldn't hear clearly what Fang Ze was called. So he curiously asked Lin Xiaoxin, "What's wrong with your dormitory? You're screaming so loudly."

"Oh, my roommate is playing a small game that can enhance feelings." Lin Xiaoxin said with a mysterious face.

"What little game?" Fang Ze was confused.

"Oh, don't ask." Lin Xiaoxin said, giving her phone screen a kiss, and then said to Fang Ze, "Hurry up and check the paper again. Remember to send me a message after the defense."

"Well, okay." Fang Ze waved goodbye to Lin Xiaoxin and then hung up the video.

When Lin Xiaoxin saw that Fang Ze had hung up the video, she quickly jumped out of bed and threw herself on Zhou Keke's bed. She shouted as she threw herself, "Sister Qian'er, give me some space, I want to touch Keke too."

Fang Ze read his paper in the bedroom and felt that there was basically no problem, so he packed up and went downstairs, where he happened to see Xiao Hei.

"This suit is nice." Xiao Hei looked at Fang Ze and said, "It's rare to see you dressed so formally."

"After all, I have to answer the question." As Fang Ze said, he remembered something and asked Xiao Hei. "By the way, Xiao Hei, do you know where there is a store selling high-end shoes around here? I'll buy some shoes. "

"Are you stupid?" Xiao Hei looked at Fang Ze, pointed at his watch and said, "Look at what time it is now and which shoe store is open at this time."


Only then did Fang Ze, a semi-otaku, remember that shopping malls usually only open at ten in the morning

(End of chapter)