My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 109: Killed


After watching the video call hang up, Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief and lay back, feeling as if he had just come off the battlefield.

"Okay." Wenbo bumped Fangze with his elbow, "My on-the-spot reaction ability is perfect. Why haven't I seen you so smart before when we were eating chicken?"

"I'm telling the truth," Fang Ze said shamelessly, "I didn't want to do anything when I came here tonight. I just wanted to find a girl to play games with. I didn't think of anything bad, so I didn't panic."

"Blow." Wenbo pointed at Zhu Longlong and Fang Ze and said, "You two have families, just blow here. If you are really chaste, why didn't you say it when you came?"

"Isn't this just to accompany you two?" Zhu Longlong moved the computer desk back, and then said firmly, "I just want to find a girl to play games with me."

"Hypocritical." Wenbo said.

"Prude." Rui Geer added.

"You have to believe me." Zhu Longlong looked at Wenbo and said, "I'm in such a miserable state. If any of you have a softer keyboard to lend me tomorrow, I'll have to carry the keyboard on my back to apologize."

"Mine is mechanical." Fang Ze raised his hand, "You can choose a red shaft or a brown shaft."

"Mine is an ergonomic one from Microsoft. I'll lend it to you if you find it comfortable to kneel on." Wenbo raised his hand.

Zhu Longlong looked at Rui Geer, "I heard that you have a static capacitor?"

"Go away." Rui Geer said immediately, "My keyboard is my girlfriend. If you dare to use it to kneel down, I will fight you hard."

"Ahem." Fang Ze said to Zhu Longlong, "I'm going to give you a suggestion. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Tell me something."

"You go to the cake shop to order a keyboard cake, and then carry it on your back to apologize. If she asks you to kneel down, just say that you bought it specially for her to eat. If you don't want to kneel down, that's fine."

"Okay, this is the way." Zhu Longlong quickly turned on his computer and searched for cake shops in the same city to see if he could buy a keyboard cake.

"You are indeed an experienced driver." Wenbo patted Fang Ze and said, "I, Wenbo, have been in love all my life, and I have never admired anyone, but now you have something that makes me admire you."

"That girlfriend of his is so innocent and not like the one I am." Zhu Longlong said while checking the information, "It's not easy to coax her."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Fang Ze also turned on the computer, then threw the silicone doll under his butt and threw it into the corner of the room and said, "Hurry up and play games."

Several people threw the silicone dolls aside, then turned on their computers and started playing games. Although it’s impossible for a girl to sit on her thighs, she’s already here and it’s hard to go back at night, so she just happily plays games all night and takes a taxi back tomorrow.

At this time, in Lin Xiaoxin's dormitory, Zhou Keke, who was lying on the bed, watched Lin Xiaoxin hang up the video and said, "Xiao Wanzi, you found a condom on your boyfriend's table. If you just let it go, maybe he will finish surfing the Internet." We’re about to check out a room, why don’t we make a surprise attack without asking for the location?”

"You have watched too many TV dramas, and you even made a surprise attack." Lin Xiaoxin got out of bed and started washing her face. Zhou Keke said unconvinced, "Some of the TV dramas are also true, such as catching the mistress."

Lin Xiaoxin untied her twin ponytails and draped them over her shoulders, then shook her hair without saying a word.

Zhou Qian, who was on the side, walked over and pinched Zhou Keke's face, "They are all little fairies. Don't act like a shrew and imitate others in catching mistresses."

"He goes out to play by himself. If he doesn't know what to do, it doesn't matter if he does it once or twice. If it happens too many times, I will definitely notice it as long as he is not blind." Lin Xiaoxin said vaguely while brushing her teeth, "The trust is given to him, in his own heart If he didn’t point out the number B, if he didn’t hold him in his hand as a treasure, why would I catch a mistress? I would just say goodbye to him.”

"Xiao Xin seems to be the silliest in the dormitory." Zhou Qian said, sitting beside Zhou Keke's bed. "Actually, she knows very well that the silliest one is lying behind me right now."

"Am I the stupidest?" Zhou Keke pointed at herself and said, "No way, I always thought Xiao Wanzi was very innocent."

"There is no connection between innocence and stupidity." Zhou Qian looked at Zhou Keke and said, "For example, there is no connection between your big breasts and your IQ."

"Don't touch me." Seeing Zhou Qian's eyes, Zhou Keke subconsciously covered her chest and turned around to lie on the bed.

"I called you husband yesterday, but I won't touch you today." Zhou Qian looked at Zhou Keke with a smile, but did not make a move. "It's so big when you touch it as promised."

"No matter how old you are, you won't have anything to wear." Zhou Qian lay on her stomach and whispered, "Why don't you let me imitate you?"

"You two." Lin Xiaoxin finished brushing her teeth and looked at Zhou Keke and Zhou Qian and said, "Next time we talk about big breasts, go out and talk about it. There is a simple little Gongju here."

"I understand, Your Highness Princess Taiping." Zhou Keke and Zhou Qian said at the same time in tacit understanding.

At mid-morning, the all-nighter ended. Fang Ze rubbed his eyes and turned to look at Rui Geer, who was sleeping soundly, and Wenbo and Zhu Longlong, who were still not feeling happy.

"Let's go." Fang Ze said with a yawn, "I don't know if I can get a taxi now."

"It must be difficult now." Zhu Longlong pushed the sleeping Rui Geer and pushed him up. "Let's walk a short distance. There is a bus stop in front of us. You can take the bus directly to the city."

"Okay." Fang Ze and Wenbo nodded, then left the Internet cafe directly, dragging Rui Geer, who was still dozing, and started walking towards the station.

After walking for a while, they came to a corner. The fields on the roadside were full of tall grass. Rui Geer suddenly said, "I'm going to have a tuba surgery. My stomach hurts."

Fang Ze took out a packet of paper from his pocket and gave it to Brother Rui, and asked, "Is it okay to be alone? Don't fall asleep while being pulled."

"How is that possible?" Rui Geer walked into the deep grassland and started to play the tuba.

Fang Ze and others turned their backs to him and started chatting.

But after waiting for twenty minutes, Rui Geer still hadn't come back. The three of them thought that he might have really fallen asleep. If his head hit the tub they just pulled, they wouldn't have to go back.

So Fang Ze shouted into the depths of the deserted grassland, "Tang Rui!"

"I, I'm here." A slightly panicked voice came, and after a while, Ruige ran over this time holding up his pants.

"You couldn't have really fallen asleep while doing it," the three of them said, looking at Rui Geer.

"No, it's not." Rui Geer was completely awake at this time, but as if he was frightened by something, he stammered, "I was too frightened to get up."

"What's wrong?" Fang Ze asked, "Is there a snake on the ground?"

"No," Rui Geer gasped, "Yes, he killed someone!"

(End of chapter)