My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 114: Are you a man?


Fang Ze was sitting in the living room waiting for new guests to arrive, when a phone call suddenly came.

It is square.

Fang Ze answered the phone and Fang Cheng's voice came over.

"Fang Ze, is there anything missing that you didn't mention about the hit-and-run case you met last time?"

Hearing what Fang Cheng said, Fang Ze thought about the photo at that time. But logically speaking, if there was a car, it should be easy to confirm the identity of the victim who was hit at the time.

Whether the victim borrowed, rented, or owned the car, it would be easy to identify him, so a few photos should have no impact.

So Fang Ze hesitated and asked Fang Chengdao, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"There is indeed something wrong." Fang Cheng said to Fang Ze, "The car the victim was driving was stolen."


"Well, we checked based on the car's information and found out that this car is a car that was registered in Lingyun City next door a few days ago and was stolen."

"So the victim might be a thief?" Fang Ze asked.

"No matter who it is, the problem now is that the bureau has found the car that may have hit someone that day, but now the body of the person who was hit can't be found. Even the identity can't be confirmed."

"Furthermore," Fang Cheng lowered his voice and said, "On the day the car in Lingyun City was stolen, there was a death row inmate from a prison nearby. He somehow injured the prison guard and escaped. He hasn't been found yet. We are a bit confused now. The question is whether this prisoner on death row escaped from prison, stole the car, and then was hit and killed and his body dumped."

"That would be a big trouble. The escaped convict cannot be caught, the car theft case cannot be solved, and the hit-and-run case cannot be convicted without a victim. A person who may have turned into a corpse is involved in three cases at once. "

After listening to Fang Cheng's words, Fang Ze asked, "Didn't I say before that I found the car that might have hit someone that day? Wouldn't it be clear if we found the person who drove the car that day and interrogated it?"

"This man is more troublesome. He is a retired veteran. He is in his thirties. He drove by there that day because his mother passed away. He was driving to the new rural area to keep a wake for his mother. And although his car was photographed on the surveillance He passed that road at the time of the accident, but because he was rushing to his mother's funeral hall, his car crashed directly into the wall of a house."

"When we found this person, his car had been processed by his relatives using some car repair tools. Although we took the car to the police station for trace identification, his car was not directly related to the car that was being used. The stolen Junwei collided, so the traces were originally not obvious, but now after all this trouble, there is no hope of finding anything."

"What about the body of the man who was hit?" Fang Ze then asked, "If he went to the new rural area, the route he passed would be very short. Even if the body is dumped, he can still find it."

"We can't find it." Fang Cheng said simply and neatly, "We mobilized a lot of people yesterday and this morning, and we drove along the road and searched for who knows how long. So far, we haven't found even a single relic of the victim. , let alone a corpse.”

"Where is the perpetrator's home or warehouse?" Fang Ze then asked.

"I searched all places except his mother's mourning hall and found nothing."

"Could it be in the mourning hall?"

"No." Fang Cheng said simply and neatly, "Her mother's mourning hall is a public chess and card room. Behind the mourning hall is a residential building, which is fully enclosed. In front of the mourning hall, there are her relatives. Under guard. Apart from wreaths and other things, there is only her mother’s coffin in the mourning hall.”

After hearing Fang Cheng's words, Fang Ze also fell silent. Whatever he could think of, Fang Cheng and the others could also think of, and they must have been verified.

So the problem now is that the body of the person who was killed by Rui Geer was originally seen by Rui Geer, but now it has disappeared. Even if some methods of disposing of the body are used, it is impossible to recover the body in just two days. Dispose of the body cleanly.

Even if I take out the photos now and can't find the body, everything is in vain.

So Fang Ze still didn't talk to Fang Cheng about the photo. After the two talked for a few more words, they hung up the phone.

"The death row prisoner escaped from prison, stole the car, Chen Qin's photo." Fang Ze sat on the sofa with a headache.

If you connect all this together, it feels a bit like the black humorous story of "Crazy Stone".

The killer who was sentenced to death successfully escaped from prison with the help of mysterious forces. The condition of the mysterious force was to ask the killer to kill Chen Qin, so after the killer obtained Chen Qin's photo, he came to Haiping City to find Chen Qin.

As a result, he was standing on the side of the road to pee because he was in urgent need of urination, and was hit and killed by a passing car.

A few thieves is a story that only Ning Hao and Quentin can weave together.

Fang Ze was hesitating whether to tell Chen Jian about this, when the doorbell rang.

Fang Ze stood up and opened the door while thinking about things in his mind.


Where are people

Fang Ze looked straight ahead and found that there was no one outside the door.

At this time, a small hand tapped his waist.

Fang Ze lowered his head, and in front of his legs stood a pink and jade-shaped little loli who was so cute that he felt like he was in his heart.

"Hello, my name is Diana. Can I be a guest at your home these days?"

It’s so special.

Fang Ze looked at the little loli in front of him who would be regarded as a cute emoticon by others if he just took a photo and posted it on the Internet. He said happily, "My name is Fang Ze. Welcome. Of course you can be a guest at my house. How long will you stay?" God can do it.”

"Thank you." The little loli's voice felt like marshmallows, the kind that slowly melts into the ears and releases the sweetness.

Little Loli got Fang Ze's permission and stepped into the living room. Only then did Fang Ze notice that Little Loli was wearing ancient Western clothes made of leather.

Although the clothes are very simple, countless photos of handsome guys and beauties in school uniforms on the Internet tell us that there are no ugly clothes in this world, only the appearance that cannot support the clothes.

Therefore, even in this outfit, Fang Ze can still give this little loli a perfect score for her appearance.

If it's not enough, Loli can add another twenty points for appearance.

It is justice after all.

Although this little loli is still very young, her appearance seems to have been blessed by the gods, and her beauty is very flawless.

She came in and was very curious about the decoration of Fang Ze's living room. She looked left and right, and then she noticed that Fang Ze was staring at her intently, so she also cast her eyes on Fang Ze.

At this time, Fang Ze realized that he was a bit hentai. After all, a truly qualified lolicon should be a simple appreciator and should not make any uncomfortable moves, so he immediately put away his gaze.

Just when Fang Ze was about to ask this little lolita if she wanted something to drink, the little lolita looked at Fang Ze and suddenly said, "Excuse me, are you a man?"

Sub-question: Who is this little loli

(End of chapter)