My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 25: Interrogation Master


On a road rarely passed by vehicles, a Wuling Hongguang quickly approached a white Harvard H6. The people on the Harvard car obviously realized that something was wrong and began to increase their horsepower in an attempt to get rid of Wuling Hongguang.

But it was already too late at this time. The hook launcher in the Batmobile had already launched the grappling hook, firmly grasping the Haval H6, and then used its own huge horsepower to take the Haval H6 to the wilderness next to the highway.

Faced with the huge pressure of the Batmobile, the Haval H6 had no way to resist. The entire car was towed away. Only then did the people in the car think of jumping out of the car and escaping, but by this time it was already too late!

Because Harvard's grip performance is not strong, it quickly turned on the rolling mode under the strong pull of the Batmobile. The whole car rolled on the wasteland like a football, and was hit by bats while rolling. The car pulled forward.

Fang Ze saw the situation of the Harvard car through the video inside the Batmobile, and asked Bruce worriedly, "If this happens, will Senior Fan be in danger in the car?"

"No." Bruce said to Fang Ze while watching the situation of the Batmobile, "This level of rolling usually only causes minor injuries, and our approach will make the other party mistakenly think that we are just here to seek revenge. They are not here to save people, and they will not threaten us with hostages when the time comes."

Bruce said, controlling the Batmobile to swing its tail, and the rope connected to the hooks swung, and the Harvard car was rearranged and parked on the wasteland.

Bruce and Fang Ze got out of the car. Bruce first used a batarang to leak the fuel tank of the Harvard car. A stream of gasoline immediately flowed from the Harvard car. Now the Harvard car could no longer escape.

Of course, Bruce was not afraid of the car exploding when he did this because the car's fuel tank would not explode at all. In ordinary car accidents, most cars spontaneously ignite, and fuel tank explosions only exist in movies.

Bruce's tall body took the lead and came to the side of the Harvard car. At this time, a man climbed out of the Harvard car, carrying a short-handled machete. The scabbard on the knife had not been removed yet, and Bruce had already removed him. He grabbed him with a knife, and then punched him hard in the stomach, causing the man to completely lose his ability to fight.

Immediately afterwards, Bruce violently opened the door on the back seat of Harvard's car and tore the door off like a piece of paper, making the people inside tremble with fear.

Fang Ze quickly looked towards the car from behind Bruce and found that there were only a few men in the car, and he did not see Senior Sister Fan.

"There is no Senior Sister Fan in there." Fang Ze said to Bruce in his broken English.

Bruce nodded to show that he understood, then pulled all the other men in the car out, and punched one of them, leaving them lying on the ground without the ability to fight.

Then Bruce discovered that one of these people was obviously much weaker than the others in resisting blows, and his clothes were also very high-end, so Bruce lifted the man up and asked him, "Mobile phone!"

"What cell phone!" The man who was captured asked Bruce while enduring the pain in his stomach, "I don't know what cell phone!"

Fang Ze hurriedly called Senior Fan's cell phone again and found that one of them's cell phone rang.

Fang Ze walked over quickly, kicked the man on the head, knocked him over, and then took out his cell phone. Fang Ze found the caller ID of the call he made on the phone.

Although the phone card belongs to Senior Sister Fan, the phone does not belong to Senior Sister Fan.

Fang Ze clearly remembered that Senior Fan was using an Oppo phone, but this man’s phone was Xiaomi. Fang Ze carefully looked at the photos on the phone and found that they were all selfies of the person he had knocked down just now. So this is definitely not Senior Fan’s mobile phone, but just uses Senior Fan’s phone card.

Fang Ze walked over and told Bruce what happened. Bruce took the phone and looked at it for a few times, then said to Fang Ze, "This group of robbers probably took your friend's phone away not long after she kidnapped her." Leave it to my subordinates to handle."

"Then why is the phone missing but the phone card still there?"

"Because this person did not follow the boss's instructions and completely dispose of Senior Fan's mobile phone. Instead, he took the mobile phone card back and inserted it into his own mobile phone.

"Isn't he just giving clues to the police and us?" Fang Ze was a little confused.

"It's to save some money on data traffic." The 4G traffic sign on the screen of Bruce's mobile phone said to Fang Ze, "This person is probably afraid of being bored in the car, so he wants to surf the Internet on the road, but he can't bear the data fee. So he simply used someone else's card to use his own data, and when the card number was deducted a lot and the network was disconnected, he could just throw away the phone card and it was considered disposed of."

"Doesn't he know that the backend of the communication company will even know which pornographic websites you use your traffic to visit? Doesn't this completely expose your social account?!"

"In fact, it's not that serious. After all, we can only find some clues. If this group of people can escape abroad after the kidnapping case, they generally cannot be traced.

"Nonsense!" The weaker man in Batman's hand spoke, "We didn't kidnap anyone, the phone card was picked up from the roadside!"

"Don't pretend to be dead!" Fang Ze walked up to this man, looked at him and said, "Where did you catch Senior Sister Fan? Tell me quickly."

"Bah, you've been wronged." The man still looked disdainful.

"You have to think clearly. If you confess, you will be lenient and if you resist, you will be strict. When the time comes, no one will come to see you even if you are in jail."

In the face of Fang Ze's questioning, the man didn't say a word and continued to act cool. At this time, Fang Ze felt like a villain who had done all kinds of evil and was torturing an upright protagonist.

The effect of this interrogation was so bad that Fang Ze was thinking about getting an electric shock baton to shock this girl to let them know Yang Yongxin's terror.

But Bruce waved his hand, signaling Fang Ze to wait a moment.

Bruce glanced at the man and said to him, "Were you just married?"

The originally calm man suddenly looked at Bruce with a confused look on his face. Although he soon regained his pretense of fearlessness, it was already too late.

Bruce already knew that he had guessed correctly, so he continued to say to the man, "Being a father is still a daughter."

"who are you!"

(End of chapter)