My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 48: Sports car party


After a few people chatted for a while after eating, Fang Ze and Lin Xiaoxin left the school and went for a walk in the nearby market. When it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, Fang Ze was about to take Lin Xiaoxin to the hotel to book a room, but Lin Xiaoxin's phone suddenly rang.

Lin Xiaoxin answered the phone, said a few words to the other party, and then turned to look at Fang Ze apologetically.

"Well, I may not be able to accompany you tonight."

"What's wrong."

"A sister in the dormitory fell in love today and asked everyone to go to KTV to sing in the evening. As long as the people in the dormitory are not allowed to bring outsiders."

"That's it." Fang Ze touched Lin Xiaoxin's little head and knew that there was nothing he could do about it. If they are friends, just say they have something to do and turn it down, but this kind of group activity in the dormitory can easily make other people in the dormitory feel uncomfortable if no one goes.

Fang Ze also understands this situation. Boys' dormitories and girls' dormitories are the same. Unless you really don't care about the dormitory, you must go in this case.

The most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy, and the most important thing for a dormitory is to go out and play together.

For example, when Fang Ze lived in the dormitory, the friends in the dormitory often went out to play League of Legends together. Of the four people in the dormitory, three were Diamond Platinum or above, and one of them was Bronze Three.

But with such a big difference in rank, everyone still plays together. Because after the Bronze 3 roommate found out everyone's rank on the first day, he seriously said to the other three people, "Do you want Bronze brothers or King teammates?"

Fang Ze sent Lin Xiaoxin to the school gate, and Lin Xiaoxin poked Fang Ze's chest muscles with her fingers.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Fang Ze generously expressed his understanding.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Lin Xiaoxin blinked and looked at Fang Ze, "What I mean is, even if I can't accompany you tonight, you can't go hook up with the sexy bitch outside."

"Well, if you don't let me hook up with some sexy bitch outside, and my own one isn't around, what should I do?"

"You are a coquettish bitch." Lin Xiaoxin jumped up and wanted to grab Fang Ze's ears.

The king of heaven overshadows the tiger of the earth, Xiaoxin is 1.5 meters tall. The one-and-a-half-meter tall boy was naturally very difficult to hold Fang Ze's ears, let alone grab Fang Ze's ears. So when Fang Ze stood on tiptoes, Xiaoxin couldn't reach Fang Ze's ears.

"Well." Xiaoxin was like a kitten that had accepted its grievances, making an unknown sound in her throat.

"go quickly."

"No." Lin Xiaoxin looked at Fang Ze and said, "You have to let me scratch your ears."

"Okay, okay." Fang Ze finally chose to surrender, squatting down and letting Lin Xiaoxin catch his ears. Lin Xiaoxin grabbed Fang Ze's ears with both hands and rubbed them twice, then leaned her head forward suddenly, kissed Fang Ze on the forehead, then turned around and jumped away.

Fang Ze looked at Lin Xiaoxin who left and began to have a headache as to what he should do tonight. Staying in a hotel alone is a bit too luxurious, and going to an Internet cafe all night without anyone to accompany you is meaningless.

When Fang Ze was thinking about it, his phone rang, and someone sent him a WeChat message.

Li Zihao: Brother, are you coming out to play

Li Zihao, the wealthy man who drives a Koenigsegg that I met in the ghost town before. Fang Ze remembered who this was, but he didn't expect that he would ask him out.

Fang Ze: Where to go

Li Zihao: We have a sports car party on Chunxi Road, Luping District, and we want you and your friends to drive the car over to open your eyes.

Being idle was idle, so Fang Ze simply agreed to Li Zihao. At least he would have a place to go tonight and see Lin Xiaoxin tomorrow.

So after Fang Ze received the address from Li Zihao, he turned on the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile's self-driving function and rushed from Nanxiang County, where Haiping University is located, to Luping District. Luping District happened to be right next to Nanxiang County, and it took Fang Ze less than half an hour to arrive.

Luping District is considered a suburb of Haiping City, connecting Nanxiang County on one side and Haiping New District, a ghost town on the other.

However, because there is a lot of open land, the green environment nearby is also good. There are quite a few high-end clubs. The clubs choose to build here to hide their presence from others.

Lezhi Club is one of the best private clubs in Haiping. Because it is a garden-style structure, it has a large space. Many people also like to choose this place for company annual meetings.

But tonight, the club was booked by the second generation headed by Li Zihao for a sports car party.

Of course, the so-called sports car party does not refer to the kind of event that Li Zihao and the others raced on the road in the ghost town last week. Instead, they found a name to gather people in the circle to get together. Among them are rich second-generation people, some people in the sports car circle, and there is no shortage of peripheral women.

When Fang Ze was driving more than four kilometers away from Lezhi Club, he looked up and saw two pitiful girls blocking the car there. However, because there was very little traffic here, and most of them were carrying people. , so even two well-dressed girls did not stop a car.

One of these two girls is tall and the other is a little short. When Fang Ze drove over, his heart softened, thinking that they might be in a hurry, so he slowed down. Then Fang Ze asked the intelligent system of the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile named Xiaobat to lower the windows.

Fang Ze stuck his head out and asked, "Can I help you?"

The slightly shorter girl saw Fang Ze's Wuling Hongguang and subconsciously took a step back, but the tall girl quickly came up to Fang Ze and said, "Master, we are going to Lezhi Club, are you on the way? If so, Can you take us on a trip? We can give you money."

Fang Ze looked at the girl and thought that the disguise on the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile was invisible to ordinary people, so he nodded in agreement.

After all, Fang Ze is a doctor who has not yet entered the hospital, and his heart is not that strong yet.

"Thank you, Master." After hearing Fang Ze's words, the tall girl quickly went to pull the car door. Fang Ze knocked on the control panel of Xiaoba, and the rear door of the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile opened.

When the tall girl saw the car door open, she grabbed the shorter girl and said, "What are you doing standing still? Get in the car."

"But this car." The shorter girl wanted to say something, but the taller girl gave her a look. The shorter girl immediately shut up and followed the taller girl into the car.

Fang Ze saw what happened and just smiled without saying anything. He thought that these two people might also be going to a sports car party, and he was worried that it would be embarrassing to sit in Wuling Hongguang.

Fang Ze's Wuling Hongguang Batmobile has a changed design and added many functions, so the space is not very large, and there can only be one person in the back seat. Fortunately, the two girls have good figures, so they They squeezed together and barely sat down.

(End of chapter)