My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 69: Lin Xiaoxin’s weird habits (for Marvard’s helmsman


In fact, Fang Ze has not come into contact with many people in the past few days, and there are also very few people who have motives and possibilities for committing the crime.

It cannot be said that there are very few, it should be said that there are basically none.

After all, no matter how you look, you can't tell who around you has knowledge about hypnosis.

Moreover, being able to hypnotize Fang Ze without him knowing it is an incredible level of ability. Because regardless of how powerful hypnotism is touted in TV movies, in fact the conditions for successfully hypnotizing a person are very demanding, because hypnosis is much more difficult than suggestion.

Think carefully about what Hannibal said earlier, 'Let your brain automatically ignore something? '

So who needs this

Just when Fang Ze was thinking hard, the big cat who had had enough sleep suddenly ran to the table and meowed twice!

Got it!

A thunder exploded in Fang Ze's mind, and he finally knew who was most likely to hypnotize him.

I said that there was always something wrong with what Big Meow said that day. It turned out that this guy hypnotized me!

Fang Ze looked at Da Meow, the fat orange cat, and immediately rushed over and picked it up.

"Meow?" Big Meow looked at Fang Ze innocently, pretending to be cute. "Still pretending to be stupid." Fang Ze looked at Da Meow and said, "Did you hypnotize me?"

"Meow." The big meow meowed as Fang Ze held the back of his neck and couldn't move.

"Forget it, what are you saying to an idiot like you?" Fang Ze threw the big cat on the sofa and finally understood what happened. The hypnosis should have happened when the intelligent soul entered Big Cat's body for the first time, and the second time after Conan left and before Bruce came.

The first hypnosis was probably not very deep, it just hinted that it was the fat cat that Fang Ze had raised for so long. The second time should be the time when it spilled the beans.

Although I was a little annoyed that Big Meow had hypnotized me without saying a word, I still had to wait until Hannibal left before causing trouble for Big Meow. It was already midnight, and I should go to sleep.

Fang Ze was lying on the bed and sent Lin Xiaoxin a good night on his mobile phone. Then he took off his clothes and was about to cover himself with a quilt and sleep, when Lin Xiaoxin sent him a message back.

Lin Xiaoxin: "Remember to brush your teeth before going to bed. (Hold your chin)"

Fang Ze: "I'm sleepy. I'll definitely brush it up in the morning."

Lin Xiaoxin: "Don't be lazy. Fortunately, you are still studying medicine. Don't you know that brushing your teeth at night is more important?"

Fang Ze: "Did you read some popular science article from somewhere again?"

Lin Xiaoxin: "I couldn't sleep at night and didn't know what to do, so I got up and checked whether it was more important to brush my teeth at night or in the morning."

Fang Ze endured his sleepiness and went to the bathroom in his slippers while replying to Lin Xiaoxin, "What's the result?"

Lin Xiaoxin: "When sleeping, the human mouth is in a closed environment, and harmful bacteria are more likely to breed and multiply, so you must brush your teeth before going to bed at night. The most important thing is that dental care is very expensive."

Fang Ze: "I originally thought you cared about me and wanted to impress me, but I didn't expect you cared about money."

Lin Xiaoxin: "(angry), I just felt sorry for the money when I felt sorry for you."

Fang Ze: "Okay, okay, I got it. I'm going to brush my teeth right now. If I can't sleep at night, I can count the dumplings. Don't bother to check these messes." (Dumplings = sleep)

Lin Xiaoxin had a habit she didn't know she learned from. Every time she couldn't sleep at night, all kinds of strange ideas would pop up in her mind. For example, one night she said she wanted to tell Fang Ze a big power, and then Fang Ze expected After searching for a long time, she said that he went to Baidu to search for the Spanish national anthem and found that the Spanish national anthem had no lyrics.

Does the Spanish national anthem have lyrics or not? What does it have to do with you stupid lolita

Of course, this is not the weirdest thing. One night, she also asked which country has the largest air force in the world. The result was of course the United States Air Force, but the second largest air force in the world is also very interesting, it is the United States Navy.

Then when answering these questions on Baidu, she would also know some trivia and share it with Fang Ze.

For example, she once went out to play with Fang Ze. The two of them lived in a standard room. At three o'clock in the morning, Lin Xiaoxin suddenly harassed him. Then she told Fang Ze with a look of shock as if her outlook on life had been destroyed.

“One year the French Scrabble champion didn’t speak French.”

excuse me? so what? A foreigner also won the championship in China’s Chinese Pinyin Contest! Is it strange

In short, Fang Ze was used to Lin Xiaoxin going crazy from time to time in the middle of the night. After getting married, if she dared to harass him in the middle of the night, he should be prepared to be unable to sleep all night.

After brushing his teeth, Fang Ze casually took a photo of himself whitening his teeth and sent it to Lin Xiaoxin, but the profile picture there had darkened, which meant that this girl fell asleep after harassing Fang Ze again.

Bear with it, I'll settle the score with you next time.

Fang Ze finished brushing his teeth and lay on the bed in a daze until the next day. He woke up refreshed and took two bites of bread. Then he tore off a piece of bread the size of his thumb and brought a glass of water. In Hannibal's bedroom.

Hannibal has not woken up at this time. In fact, experienced people will not wake up at this time, because the quality of sleep is very poor when people are in uncomfortable postures or environments. In order to get enough rest, they can only extend their sleep. time.

This is why some people are active and active after sleeping for five hours a day, but you are as sleepy as a pig after sleeping for ten hours a day.

Of course, this example does not include students in elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities. Their sleep time depends on whether the teacher's words can induce hypnosis or not.

Fang Ze pushed Hannibal awake from a light sleep, and then saw Hannibal wrinkle his cheeks unnaturally, obviously waking up.

"Wake up and have breakfast. Skipping breakfast is not good for your health." Fang Ze said as he took the towel ball out of Hannibal's mouth, then pinched Hannibal's cheek and removed the towel. A small piece of bread was thrown into his mouth.

"Is this my breakfast?" Hannibal asked Fang Ze after swallowing the bread in two mouthfuls.

"That's right." Fang Ze nodded, and then said to Hannibal, "By the way, let me tell you about your lunch in advance, a small piece of apple. No dinner, because it is easy to lose weight if you don't eat after lunch."

Fang Ze said, inserting a straw into the water glass, and then stuffed the mouth of the straw into Hannibal's mouth. Hannibal quickly drank up the entire glass of water. It seemed that he was planning to use the water to temporarily cover up. Hunger in the stomach.

"I have friends coming over today, so I hope you can be quiet."

"Speaking of which, I can't help but be quiet in this state." Hannibal didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Fang Ze ignored Hannibal. When he saw that Hannibal had eaten and drank enough, he quickly took out his computer and asked Hannibal to translate a large paragraph of obscure words for him. Hannibal was also very honest and straightforward. He said what needed to be said and didn't say any extra words. Fang Ze also acted as if what happened yesterday didn't exist.

However, Fang Ze's attitude made Hannibal frown, which was even more uncomfortable than if Fang Ze ignored him.

(End of chapter)