My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 76: Bad neighbor upstairs


People like Lao Nao are good at everything. The only shortcoming that is not a shortcoming is that they are too serious.

Fang Ze originally just wanted to make a joke, but after hearing this, Lao Ao thought about it for a long time, nodded seriously and said, "I'll give it a try later."

Fang Ze didn't care about Lao Nao's words. After all, we were in the era of mobile games. How could anyone watch a video introducing those ancient games with the same picture quality and mosaics

While Fang Ze and Lao Ao were fishing for water from the bathtub, a tall and thin man was walking towards his house with two policemen.

The tall and lanky man's real name is Yu Yancai, which is a bit feminine. In addition, when he was a child, he was always bullied by his classmates because of his effeminate behavior. So when he grew up, he vowed not to let others bully him again.

Although he has no advantage over other men in terms of size, he can't even beat some women. But as a modern person, Yu Yancai believes that IQ is the most important, and the key point is to use the rules reasonably.

So after being beaten by Fang Ze, he believed that if he wanted to take revenge, he must outwit him.

But before he could figure out how to outwit it, when he went to the 4S store to pick up the car and came back, he found that the keyhole of his floor lock had been blocked, and there was broken iron slag mixed with glue and poured into it. Standing groundlock keyhole.

Now even his key couldn't open the floor lock. I checked online and found that unless I used a lighter to slowly bake the glue in the keyhole, I would have to find someone to remove the floor lock directly. Reinstalled.

On this hot day, using a lighter to bake the keyhole of the floor lock is purely performance art. Yu Yancai thought it was too silly to do this, so he came up with a plan. He smashed the glass of his car with a brick, and then smashed the car Stopped in front of the ground lock.

After going out and buying a few bags of biscuits and fruits, Yu Yan went to the old ladies who often sat in the community to enjoy the cool air. After bribing them with biscuits and fruits, Yu Yan led them to say that they saw Fang Ze carrying a brick into the back of the community. .

Then, Yu Yancai directly called the police, saying that the glass of his car parked in the yard was smashed by someone, and that he lost some money in the car.

Whether the ground locks in the community are legal or not, the police may not come back if you call the police, and they may not take care of it when they come. However, car smashing and robbery are a more serious problem. It is a criminal case, so two police officers soon arrived. The police car came over to deal with it.

After asking the old ladies who were enjoying the cool weather, they confirmed that they had indeed seen Fang Ze carrying a brick to the parking lot behind the community, and then Yu Yancai confirmed that his financial loss was as much as 10,000 yuan. Afterwards, the two policemen, led by Yu Yancai, arrived directly in front of Fang Ze's house.

But Fang Ze had already gone out at that time, and there was only one Hannibal in the house who was wearing earplugs. Although the police knocked on the door loud enough for Hannibal to hear the sound through the earplugs, it was impossible for Hannibal to go out on time. The door was opened, so Yu Yancai and the two policemen had to stand outside the door.

Knocking the door open with your shoulders is something that often happens in dramas. Facing a security door, you can only dislocate yourself with your arms. So the two policemen meant to wait for a while and if Fang Ze didn't come back, they would Go back first and come back the next day.

But Yu Yancai thought that Fang Ze was at home, but he just didn't dare to open the door when he saw the police, so he called and asked for the contact information of Fang Ze's landlord, and then called Fang Ze's landlord decisively.

It just so happened that Fang Ze's landlord lived nearby and could be here in seven or eight minutes.

At this time, Fang Ze was still wiping the moss from the bathtub with Lao Ao.

"It seemed like someone was banging on the door upstairs." Fang Ze vaguely heard the sound of banging on the door. Because Lao Ao's house was not downstairs directly opposite him, but downstairs opposite to him, so Fang Ze didn't listen. He knew clearly whether someone was smashing into his house or the door opposite him, but he still felt a little uneasy.

"The little kid upstairs is shooting basketball." Lao Ao said, "An eight-year-old child, my family bought a small leather basketball, and he beats it every day. I told him several times, but he didn't listen."

"There are also people that your veteran cadre can't talk to." Fang Ze laughed twice, and then said, "I will recommend a few methods to you."

"Tell me about it." Lao Ao stopped what he was doing and asked.

"If you have money, go to a store and buy a resonant speaker. If someone from the other side dares to make noise, you can turn on the speaker. The penetration is absolutely great and it will make the people upstairs noisy."

"how much."

"More than three hundred, some are cheaper, but the effect is not good."

"It's too expensive." Lao Ao shook his head. Yes, Lao Ao is generally a person who can do it himself without spending any money, so he feels a little sorry for the money.

"If you want to do it yourself, you can find a small motor, nail it to the wall with a nail, and turn on the motor directly. The effect will be good." Fang Ze saw that the bathtub was almost clean, so he took off the rubber gloves on his hands and continued. , "If you still think it's troublesome, just buy a crutch or a cane and wrap a cotton cloth on the top. If there is a noise upstairs, just poke the roof. If the effect is not good, wait until midnight when they are about to go to bed."

"Well, this is disturbing the people." Lao Ao was a little reluctant to do anything, mainly because he was afraid that the police would come to his door and cause trouble.

"What are you afraid of?" Fang Ze said, "Even if you call the police upstairs, you have to have evidence, right? If you don't do it at a fixed time, the other side can't record it. Besides, recording can't prove that it was your family. When the police come, If you hide your things before opening the door, he can still search your house."

"It's like fighting in a tunnel." Lao Ao shook his head and said.

"Evil people need to be punished by evil methods. If you still can't do it, Lao Ao, I will come to your door one day and tell you. If you still don't obey, I will stuff 520 toothpicks with them to block the keyhole of their house."

"You're just a kid studying. It's better to cause less trouble." Lao Ao said, "People are impetuous now. Who knows what will happen."

"It's important to keep quiet. That's how World War II started."

"That's too far-fetched." Lao Ao said, "But your method is still good. I'll try it another day by tying the hammer to a clothes pole and a towel."

Well, veteran cadre, veteran cadre, you are not at all as honest as you appear.

Fang Ze smiled, and then watched Lao Nao start to fill the bathtub with water.

"But having said that, everything still depends on the nature. There are children upstairs, and there is nothing that can be done about the children making noises. This stupid builder's failure to install sound insulation boards is the root of the problem."

"Just make do with it, I just climbed out of the fields and have been a farmer for a few years." Lao Ao was about to say something else. At this time, Fang Ze's cell phone suddenly rang, and someone called him.

(End of chapter)