My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 98: Peeping


Fang Ze and Chen Qin chatted until about four o'clock in the morning. They talked about countless things. If Fang Ze hadn't stayed up late every day to memorize medical information, he would have fallen asleep long ago. Chen Qin, on the other hand, looked like a sleepy dog. Because of the stuffy heat, he even took off his coat and wore a small vest, but he yawned and refused to sleep.

It was as if he wanted to inherit Fang Ze's Huabei after he died.

Fang Ze almost wanted to kneel down in front of these sisters. We are men and we can't do that after death. Just don't stay here with me, okay

But at this moment, Fang Ze saw the little white tiger who had been lying at his feet to recuperate suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of the door warily.

Is there someone outside the door

Fang Ze looked outside in a daze, and sure enough he found a dark figure holding something like a mobile phone in his hand.

Fang Ze originally thought that it was Sister Mei or the staff of the villa who saw that the door on Fang Ze's side was not closed and came over to take a look, but it was definitely not the person taking pictures with his mobile phone.

Fang Ze patted the little white tiger and shouted, "Catch him."

The clever little white tiger heard Fang Ze's voice, and immediately roared, then flew towards the door. Fang Ze casually picked up the cup placed on the coffee table, poured himself a face of water, then reached up and touched it to wake himself up.

At the same time, the person outside the door saw the little white tiger rushing toward him and thought it was a white hunting dog, so he turned around and ran away. However, he could not get past the little white tiger. The little white tiger rushed out of the door without letting the man run away. Stepping forward, he pounced first, and the peeper immediately fell to the ground.

However, the peeper who fell on the ground did not lose his obedient attitude. Instead, he waved his cell phone around in an attempt to drive away the little white tiger.

The voyeur's actions angered the little white tiger. The little white tiger pressed one of its paws directly on the peeper's chest, then opened its ferocious tiger teeth, got close to the peeper's face, and let out a tiger roar at the peeper. roar.

Even though the little white tiger is only a half-grown tiger, his shouts are already very powerful like those of an adult tiger. At least the decibels are loud enough. The voice-activated lights in the entire villa are awakened by the roar of the little white tiger.

Fang Ze also walked out of the room at this time and saw the peeper being held down by the little white tiger. The peeper originally thought he was a dog, but the little white tiger's roar almost scared his heart out and he lay there in a daze. Motionless on the ground.

He never imagined that there would be a tiger in this place.

Because the voice-activated light in the corridor was already on at this time, Fang Ze saw the appearance of the man being subdued by the little white tiger.

At first glance, it looked familiar. When Fang Ze thought about it carefully, he was not the man who secretly filmed the cable car room with a woman using a sports camera two days ago.

When Fang Ze walked over, the man tilted his head guiltily. Fang Ze gently kicked the man's cheek with his foot, forcing the man to turn his head away.

"A few days ago, I was taking photos secretly, but today it has become a matter of stealing things, right?"

"I didn't. I'm a reporter. I came here to shoot legally." The man looked at Fang Ze and said softly. The reason why he didn't make a fuss as confidently as last time was because the little white tiger's paw was still pressing on his chest.

"Reporter, where is the press card?" Fang Ze said looking at the man.

"I didn't bring my press pass."

"Ha." Fang Ze was sure that this guy could never be a reporter. If he was really a reporter, he would not dare to mention the word reporter at this time.

It is common for reporters to secretly take photos everywhere, but if someone found out that they had entered such a private place in the middle of the night, they dared to say that they were reporters because they probably felt that they had held their press cards in their hands for too long.

At this time, the guards on duty in the villa rushed over under the leadership of Sister Mei, who was only wearing a long coat.

"What's going on, Mr. Fang?" Sister Mei looked at Fang Ze and said.

"Don't ask what's going on." Fang Ze looked at Sister Mei and said, "Are there cameras in this corridor?"

"In order to protect the privacy of guests, the villa only installed cameras on the outer walls. There are no cameras inside." Sister Mei said.

"Oh, I got it." Fang Ze glanced at the peeper who was pinned to the ground by the little white tiger. When the peeper heard that there was no camera, his face immediately regained some expression, and then he shouted loudly, "I'm just curious about this place, so come in." Look, you are not allowed to hit me, otherwise I have someone in the police station, and if you dare to hit me or arrest me, you will also be sentenced."

"Sentence?" Fang Ze sneered, then waved a guard over and said something. The guard quickly walked downstairs, and soon brought a deboning tool used by the kitchen to remove bones and meat. A knife and a pair of plastic gloves came over.

Fang Ze put on plastic gloves, held the boning knife, and squatted down.

Fang Ze's actions immediately frightened the man in the helmet, and he immediately shouted, "What are you doing? Don't chop my hand."

"Who cut off your hand?" Fang Ze said as he reached out and grabbed the wrist of the peeping man. He squeezed it gently and let the man's hand loosen. Then Fang Ze stuffed the boning knife into the peeping man. Fang Ze left fingerprints on his hand, and then Fang Ze took out the knife again.

"Bringing a knife to a house to rob a house is punishable by more than ten years in prison. Brother, you have something to play with." Fang Ze patted the man's face, and then said, "I'm too lazy to argue with you. I'll call the police right away. Wait a moment. The police will come to pick you up, and when they see it, it will be you or me who will sentence you."

After Fang Ze finished speaking, in front of this man, he turned to Sister Mei and said, "Sister Mei, find a few smart people to help string together the confession. Let's say that this man broke into the villa and was on the grass outside. He picked up the boning knife that the kitchen owner forgot to take back, ran into my room and carried out a burglary on me with a knife."

"No problem, Mr. Fang." Sister Mei nodded in agreement.

"No, don't." The voyeur who was held down by the little white tiger immediately collapsed and said with tears and runny nose, "I just want to come in and see what is inside. I was wrong, you Please let me go, please."

"Now I know I was wrong." Fang Ze looked at the peeper and said slowly, "Throw your phone and camera to me first, and follow the guard back to explain the rest."

When the voyeur heard Fang Ze's words, he excitedly threw his cell phone to Fang Ze as if he had been forgiven, and then cried and said, "Only a cell phone, no camera, as long as you don't call the police, I will cooperate with you no matter what you do. "

"Only a mobile phone." Fang Ze took out the voyeur's mobile phone. Since there was no password, Fang Ze opened the phone and looked in the photo album. He found that the voyeur had taken at least five photos of Fang Ze, all of which were Fang Ze and Fang Ze. Photos of Chen Qin together.

Because the room was somewhat well lit, these photos are clear. In addition, when taking these photos, the voyeur took them from behind Fang Ze, so these photos look very ambiguous.

(End of chapter)