My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me

Chapter 31: Fanwai Ji Liang


Qingyang's winter came too quickly this year. But at the end of October, two or three snowfalls had already fallen. Although he had entered the Golden Core Stage and was no longer afraid of the cold, Liang Zheng stomped his feet habitually and sighed in his palm.

Ji Changyun is still the iconic white robe of Qibi Mountain, and his body is like a bamboo. He looked at the abandoned house in front of him, frowning slightly.

"It's here."

Qingyang is a small county. Although it is not as prosperous as Changjin, the people have always lived and worked in peace and contentment. Only this winter, three or four people in the town suddenly disappeared in a row. Officials sent the people around to look around and there was no trace, so rumors spread that there were monsters eating people.

Of course there are monsters looking for cultivators, the magistrate looked around and found Qibi Mountain.

Liang Zheng also smelled the faint breath: "Is it a magic cultivator?"

Ji Changyun nodded: "The magic cultivator doesn't have a qualified lord to support him now, and his momentum is not as good as before, so he doesn't dare to set foot in the Central Plains easily. But occasionally there are a few who take risks and don't dare to kill cultivators, so they absorb the souls of mortals to practice Dao."

Liang Zheng also frowned, and the two of them lifted their feet into the hospital together.

In order not to disturb the people, the two of them always exorcise the demons after nightfall. The house is not very big, with the hall in the north and three wing rooms in the east and west, which makes it seem a little cold at night. The two of them were on each side, and they pushed the door one by one to check.

Liang Zheng was in the west, just pushed to the third door, a long knife broke through the door, and took his chest!

He quickly turned sideways to dodge the blow, and immediately drew his sword and slashed straight, pushing the opponent away. At this time, Ji Changyun also swept his feet, and opened the door with a sword!

There was only one scrawny red-eyed demon cultivator in the house. Seeing that he had nowhere to hide, he took the knife and rushed towards Liang Zheng! Liang Zheng took a few steps back, and another sword broke through the wind, and Ji Changyun also used his sword again, slashing Mo Xiu's chest.

In the late stage of Theravada, in the middle stage of Jindan, it is too easy to kill a demon cultivator. The two swords arrived at the same time, and both pierced the other's chest.

The two pushed open the door and entered, Ji Changyun pinched a trick, lighting up a corner of the place. This is a bedroom. There are several dead bones scattered in the room, which have been shattered beyond recognition. They should be people who have been drained of their blood.

Ji Changyun started sorting the bones to determine the number of people, Liang Zheng felt a little uncomfortable, looked away, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a white bone under the desk beside him.

Probably another commoner without a reason, Liang Zheng sighed slightly, and went to the back of the table to sort out the remains. Just as he bent down, a dagger suddenly slashed from under the table and was stabbing at Liang Zheng's face!

There is actually a magician!

Not as vigilant as when he was investigating the room just now, Liang Zheng had no precautions at the moment, and could only subconsciously lean back to avoid the blow. If the opponent missed a hit, he immediately slid backhand to his neck!

All this happened in an instant, Liang Zheng glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, the blade of the dagger was blue, it should be poisonous. But he couldn't hide anymore, he could only watch the dagger about to slit his neck!

Suddenly, a burst of sword energy rushed in, and it actually cut the dagger in front of Liang Zheng's neck abruptly. Liang Zheng immediately swept his feet and retreated, and at this time, Ji Changyun slashed with another sword, and opened the opponent with a sword. 's neck.

Seeing that the demon cultivator in front of him also turned into pink mustard, Liang Zhengcai realized that his head was covered in cold sweat.

Ji Changyun's face darkened slightly and asked, "Are you alright?"

Liang Zheng regained his senses and quickly said, "It's okay."

With the lessons learned, the two carefully inspected the house again. But at this time, the troops were no longer divided, and Ji Changyun no longer let Liang Zheng come forward, and only let him follow behind him.

Although it is incomprehensible, Liang Zheng has never questioned his junior brother Ji.

When the two left the house and walked to the street, the snow had stopped. Seeing that Ji Changyun's face still did not ease, Liang Zheng said cautiously, "Junior brother, I'm sorry, I was too reckless."

After speaking, he tried to ease the atmosphere: "We have been practicing together for more than 20 years. Master has always said that I am not as spiritual as my younger brother. Sure enough, I was so careless tonight."

Although it is to belittle himself, when it comes to Ji Changyun's spirituality, Liang Zheng habitually brings a proud tone. Ji Changyun glanced at him and asked, "Senior brother is not wrong, why do you have to apologize?"

Liang Zheng said embarrassingly, "Isn't Junior Brother angry because of this?"

Ji Changyun shook his head and suddenly said, "Brother, do you still remember Gu Xuanyan and Qin Mingxi?"

Liang Zheng was taken aback and said, "Of course."

"Back then, on the ice field, my senior brother said that for the most cherished people, everything else is dust and smoke. That's the case with Gu Xuanyan and Qin Mingxi."

Liang Zheng didn't expect Ji Changyun to suddenly say this, and after a while, he recalled what he said at the beginning, he couldn't help scratching his head embarrassedly, and whispered: "I'm just talking nonsense - Junior Brother didn't know it at the time. Do you agree, why did you mention it all of a sudden?"

Ji Changyun's eyes fell on Liang Zheng's face, and his tone was calm.

"Because today I seem to understand."

Liang Zheng was stunned, raised his head to meet Ji Changyun's gaze, his face suddenly turned red uncontrollably. He stammered: "Ji, Junior Brother Ji—"

Liang Zheng's face was so red that it burned to his ears. He looked up at Ji Changyun, his eyes sparkling in the snowy night, as if soaked in a pool of autumn water. Under Ji Changyun's gaze, he lowered his head in a panic.

After a while, Ji Changyun withdrew his gaze and walked forward, his tone was like the snow falling on the long street at the moment.

"go home."

It is late at night, and the bright moon hangs alone. There was no one else on the street, only the north wind blew through the night lights on the eaves, and a layer of snow accumulated on the ground, quietly shining with the moon.

After walking out a bit, Ji Changyun seemed to realize that Liang Zheng was not following, so he stopped not far away and turned around.

He stood at the corner of the street and looked at Liang Zheng, without urging him, and without the slightest impatience. On the contrary, Liang Zheng, as if he had just woken up from a dream, hurriedly ran forward and stood side by side with Ji Changyun.

The two continued to walk forward, the residual heat on Liang Zheng's face had not dissipated, and Ji Changyun remained expressionless, as if the words just now were just Liang Zheng's hallucination in the snowy night.

But after a while, Liang Zheng's hand was held.

His face became hot again, but he didn't turn his head to look at the other party anymore, only looked at the long street in front of him.

The weather is cold and the end of the year, frost and snow on the long street.

But there are people side by side, and they can always see the moment of the sunrise together.

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