My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 115: 106 Don’t be afraid, just do it!



Mortarion stood on the observation deck. The dim shadows in the room enveloped the body of the Lord of Death. In the distance, the Galaspa Galaxy was like a bright dot, slowly floating in the universe.

There was silence, but Mortarion knew the people up there were wailing.

This is a completely twisted country.

The rulers of Galaspa, the Knights, brutally oppressed their people.

The sky of the main planet is shrouded in exhaust gas from chemical plants, muddy chemicals flow in the rivers, and people are humming in their nests. The people ruled by chemicals have long since paralyzed themselves, become numb and submissive.

The ruling class would be remodeled, with whipping instruments inserted into their arms and completely different chemicals injected to keep them brutal and aggressive.

And above these people who have been tortured by drugs and life to the point of losing everything are the carefree supreme rulers.

They only need to stay intact in the top nest, occasionally look at the data sent from the bottom nest and the middle nest, and then kill all the relevant tea-making workers because today's black tea is not delicious.

The tyrants of the Order lay lazily in their paradise, knowing that no one could shake their position.

In addition to the main star, countless satellite planets have been transformed, bulky anti-invasion systems have been installed, and huge turrets and torpedo magazines have filled the orbits of each satellite planet.

This is a galaxy that is heavily armed and extremely difficult to attack.

Even though this civilization doesn't have the technology to travel long distances, they don't need it. They just want to lie here safe and warm.

So they rejected the Empire's invitation.

The Empire's pioneer ships sent out to explore were shot down.

However, they are not the only ones who are timid and afraid of death.

Imperial Army bureaucracy shelved the Galaspar offensive.

Lock down, that's what they proposed.

The reason is that the Empire does not have enough troops in this star field, and the other two legions are fighting against the orcs.

In their deductions, the Battle of Galaspa would be a protracted tug-of-war, in which the Empire would need to surround the galaxy and then slowly tear apart its galaxy defenses bit by bit.


This is the conclusion drawn by Mortarion.

Tyrants are rampant and humans are wailing. Apart from the difference in race, the ruling class on Galaspa is no different from that on Barbarus.

The trial is over.

Mortarion looked at the cold Galasper system with indifference.

Let misfortune and death go hand in hand.

He will sentence them to death.

Let the Death Guard put an end to this.

Planet Sigma 373.

Hades shrank back like a fat rat and popped his head out of the shuttle again.

Jin stood outside the shuttle in confusion, with question marks on the display screen, waiting for their second long journey.

In the distance, the first group of Crusaders had arrived at the city and began searching and exploring.

Through sound wave detection, it was found that there were still food storage rooms underground, but no undead in pajamas.

Simple protective barriers were placed by the Crusaders around the square of the Blackstone Obelisk, waiting for the sages to go over and study them further.

Apart from the atmospheric changes in the sky, which still prevented the shuttle fleet from taking off normally, and an unknown fleet that received the distress signal previously sent, everything still followed a fairly typical planetary archaeology process.

There are no enemies, no sorcery, no large arsenals discovered, and the armament of this planet remains at a regional level.

There is only an agricultural system that still follows the established codes, and those carts loaded with food.

Hades scratched his head, was he too sensitive

After seeing those strange records for the first time, Hades decisively ran away, and then stayed here for a while, relying solely on the information sent by drones and the Crusaders to conduct research.

He carefully checked the information from the village again and called Sage Kirkland to discuss it together.

In the end they came to the conclusion that this was a normal civilization involved in the study of psychics.

Throughout the long history of mankind, there were many civilizations that designed psychics in the Golden Age, and many were even more extreme than this.

And the psychic research here is clearly still at the empirical stage of "you add this to this, mix it up, and then come up with that."

Of course, what is praised most about their technology is that it can relieve weakness and headaches.

This seems to be a side effect of exorcising the dead zone.

Although many things, such as illness, Mercury retrograde, and bad geographical location, can be hastily explained by weakness and headache, Hades still felt that this might be the manifestation of mortals being exposed to a low-concentration anti-psychic field.

Hades briefly sorted out the current information.

In short, the largest city on the planet is built around a black stone obelisk.

Farther away from the city, there is a "scientific research" village that studies psychic powers.

There should be two factions in this lost civilization at present

According to data from the frontline crusaders, there are a large number of churches and religious sculptures in the city.

Based on the record I saw before, it should be a relatively old-fashioned and traditional plot, with the technological faction replacing the religious faction or something like that.

But what's interesting is that the technology faction here seems to be studying psychic power, and the god that the religious faction supports seems to be the obelisk.

How did humans here become extinct

It’s so weird. It’s weird no matter how I think about it.

Maybe he just doesn't have enough experience.

Hades, oh Hades, he still has too little experience.

Seeing Hades silently thinking about life while looking at the information, Sage Kirkland was normal for once. He stretched out his longest limb and patted Hades on the shoulder from behind.

“That’s normal.”

Kirkland said,

"Sage, I have seen civilizations that uploaded their wills to wetware and eventually perished. I have seen couples who were addicted to mechanical simulations and eventually perished due to low fertility. I have also seen civilizations where rulers used virtual characters to control the entire civilization, creating a false faith that eventually led to extinction."

"There are countless small civilizations like this one that have not mastered biological cloning technology and have been gradually consumed by internal wars."

"There are more psychics who lead people to overthrow the original ruling class than the annotations in my code, the sage."

Yes, Hades has another doubt here. Why is the woman named "Ruibo" an untouchable, but she is promoting "psychic power"

But... Hades fell into deep thought in the sage's electric chatter. No matter how wrong it was, reality was reality.

The current situation is that no threatening things have been investigated so far, except that Hades himself has been making speculations.

And according to Sage Kirkland, the special weather in the atmosphere will disappear soon.

Was he really overthinking this time

After confirming again and again that there was no threat in the information sent by the Crusaders, Hades decided to go to the Obelisk Square to take a look.

And this time Kirkland Sage will follow.

■■, ■■.

"Save us."

Weak moans echoed in the empty underground space, and the stench was everywhere.

"Oh, boy, keep your voice down."

The rotten ones gurgled up from the pool of liquid.

A rotting body, it emerges from the densely packed human bodies.

"He's here."

The corrupt one muttered.

The moment the one despised by the loving father stepped onto this planet, the corrupt had already won.

He can't escape.

Carefully arranged bait, accumulated numerous sacrifices, at the weak junction between the subspace and the physical universe.

Eliminate existence and delay time.

A loving father will appreciate a corrupt person.

The screw stuck in the gear of fate is about to be removed, and fate will continue to follow the predetermined trajectory.

Thank you for subscribing, happy reading (ω`)

(End of this chapter)