My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 120: 111 Why did you run away?


The swung sickle flashed with a cold light and headed straight for the head of the corruptor!

The Corruptor's pupils constricted as he realized that something was wrong. Without having time to use his psychic protection, he immediately raised the whip and cut towards his own head!

Heads with huge fly eyes whirled—

Countless densely packed compound eyes stared at the figure of the dead soul unwillingly, as if telling the reality that it would eventually fail.

Hades, who had not expected the Corrupted One to commit suicide, missed his attack, but he immediately adjusted his sickle, retracted the black domain, and hooked the connection between the Corrupted One's half-human body and the fly's body.

At this height, if there is no buffer, Hades will most likely not be able to land smoothly.

The huge headless corpse began to fall from the sky like a slow motion.

Without the Corruptor, the swarm of flies instantly scattered, flying around like headless flies, and were shot down one by one by the Crusaders who concentrated their fire.

Hades half-crouched on the back of the Corrupted Corpse, falling rapidly—



The huge corpse and Hades fell into the knee-high flesh paste, directly causing a torrential downpour of thick waves. The fat white and yellow maggots mixed with vomit and rotten flesh and blood drew graceful arcs in the air.

The swarms of flies in the sky were all cleared away, and the survivors stared blankly at the center of the waves, with the muzzles of their guns unconsciously lowered.

But the thick waves blocked the view.

When the waves finally dissipated, the huge black body of the fly, which had been smashed and flattened, lay quietly on the ground, with translucent green mucus slowly flowing out.

The figure stood there, the enemy's corpse fluid flowing along the curve of the armor, and the gun behind him emitted a faint smoke.

He held the sickle, like a god of death.

Behind the two, countless fly corpses fell to the ground, splashing ripples.

"Praise Om Messiah."

Jin looked towards Hades tremblingly, looking at the infernal drawing in disbelief.

He felt like his logic engine had stopped calculating. What on earth had they just experienced

This is hell!

When twisted flesh and blood gushed out from the ground frantically and when swarms of flies charged towards them, Jin felt that he was already dead. He only relied on instinct and the forced calculations of the engine to barely hold on and fire.

But now. He is still alive

Praise Om Messiah He is alive!

All because of that one person. Was that really Hades? The Techmarine he'd been helping

He is simply a killing god who returned from purgatory.

The last drop of blood and flesh fell into the mud, and the figure that had been silent all the time moved.


This was the first sound Hades made, retching.

The first thing to return to normal operation, rather than Jin's sanity, was the memory device regarding Hades' actions.

Ah, it's him.

Jin thought dryly.

Hades was now commanding the Crusaders to deploy obstacles, clear some of the obstacles that blocked the field of vision, create open space, and lay mines.

What is certain is that there is a large army outside the forest, and they are marching towards here in a hurry.

The city walls, which had long been weathered and corroded and destroyed by humans, could not provide any defense at all, not to mention that their military strength was not enough to support such a long front line.

The army will definitely enter the city.

Then we should use the city's terrain to divert them and then destroy them one by one.

Rather than defense, flexible guerrilla warfare is the first choice at this moment.

But guerrilla warfare also means that an individual can easily get into trouble, and the opponent's target is obviously him.

Hades once again felt hopeless.

Where is the rescue team? ! Help!

He just hoped the rescue team would arrive before they were almost gone.

But there is a high probability, Hades thought silently, there is a high probability that the distress message was intercepted.

Haha, Hades smiled bitterly, he found himself starting to pray, praying that the Forge World Fleet that was supposed to pick him up would notice something was wrong, praying that the Death Guard would discover a technical sergeant who had suddenly lost contact.

However, Hades calculated the time and thought that if he really waited until the Death Guard realized something was wrong and then rushed over, he would most likely be able to collect his body in time.

The sudden arrival of the corrupt, the unusual weather, the ambush in the forest, and the army that cut off its reinforcements, all proved that the enemy was well prepared.

It was obvious, based on the previous encounter with the Corruptor, that this was a trap set by Nurgle against Hades.

Using a broken Blackstone obelisk, he was lured out of the reach of the Empire, with only an army of Mechanical Magos to accompany him.

In this way, he can be eliminated with minimal consumption and impact.

Hades blinked and took a deep breath.

Let's see whether your layout is better or my sickle is faster.

Seeing Hades arranging defenses in an orderly manner, Sage Kirkland, who had been in a daze, walked over.

Hades touched the sage and ignored him, thinking that his soul was pure.

After all, the most important thing now is to arrange defense and observe the situation.

Hades also continued to use the management code to take over the Crusaders. Although this was not a very humane approach, another battle was imminent and he had no time to comfort their frightened minds.

But what Hades didn't know was that although the scene just now gave most of the Crusaders a great shock, seeing Hades's killing and his quick replacement of Sage Kirkland to issue orders and make arrangements based on the situation, the Crusaders' originally unstable emotions began to stabilize.

Rather than empty comfort, the ability displayed by Hades and the understanding of the enemy's image are the real keys to calming one's heart.

When faced with a situation that they do not understand at all, or even one that shatters their original three views, people desire a strong person to pull them out responsibly and forcefully and tell them what to do.

It was like...standing between them and the crisis.

The wetware conditions of many Skitarii are beginning to stabilize.

"Those are the creatures from the subspace?"

"Those. blasphemous existences?"

The electric sound of the Kirkland Sage sounded,

A creature that is completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, flesh and blood that grows in the most absurd dreams of mankind, without a straight line, without a single law, a life that is despised and spurned by the God of All Machines.

It turns out that he has been developing weapons against these blasphemous beings.


Hades snorted and continued to pay attention to the images from the Skitarii who were laying mines in the outer circle of the city.

"So, I have been developing weapons to target them?"


Hades snorted nonchalantly again.

The Kirkland Sage paused, seemingly struggling to comprehend it all.

“Oh my god.”

The sage spoke softly, and this meaningless word that did not fit into any mechanical dictionary was pronounced by the pronunciation machine.

"Now, I don't seem to care about that liar anymore."


Hades was confused. What did this mean

"Is that man a human?"

Kirkland knew that he was not a god, he was a human, a liar, a human with powerful psychic powers.

But are he and those subspace creatures

"Well, he's human."

Hades spoke without hesitation.

"And he has been working to combat the influence of Warp creatures on humans."

"That's why you're standing here, Kirkland."

Hades said calmly. He was so immersed in arranging the plans for the Skitarii that he was completely unaware that his voice was cold and hoarse.

"Because he needs your technology, we need your technology, and humanity needs your technology."

"These creatures will come again, these demons."

"Then the galaxy will burn and the planets will boil."

"Living beings are in ruins, and corpses are everywhere."

"So I have been working on finding anti-psionic weapons just to target them."


Hades blinked.

"I think he would be pleased to know that you have been working on anti-psychic weapons."

Sage Kirkland fell silent again, and Hades could hear the obscure clicking sound of gears inside Sage Kirkland's body.

"I see."

After a long pause, Kirkland spoke again.

He felt the engine of knowledge boiling inside him.

Among countless sages, he was chosen.

God of all things, he will step onto another battlefield.

Kirkland has no regrets about this.

Thank you for subscribing, happy reading (ω`)

Asking for monthly tickets at the end of the month!

By the way, do you have any popular science introductions related to military layout? The author's literacy is 0 ()

There is one more chapter, wait for me to code ()

(End of this chapter)