My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 121: 112 open for repair!


Hades stood there, looking out at the forest in the distance.

The "veil," or barrier, there is even weaker.

In the battle against Chaos, the weakness of the veil will be the key factor in winning.

Generally speaking, where the curtain is of normal thickness, creatures in the physical world need to spontaneously use various forbidden means to weaken the curtain in order to obtain the power of the subspace.

But when the veil in an area becomes weak enough, creatures of the Warp can freely enter and exit the physical universe without being affected by the veil.

It is obvious that the veil on this planet is not weak enough to allow demons to enter and exit freely, and Nurgle's power is also very limited in changing the terrain.

After all, weakening this barrier is not an easy task; it requires powerful psychics or sufficiently crazy crowd emotions.

After being exiled back to the Corruptor, the Corruptor cannot easily return to the physical universe again.

So Hades knew the opponent's second move.

If Hades and his men are determined not to leave the city, then they can use the human army that came out from nowhere to rush into the city. While attacking, they can weaken the barriers here again and summon the demon army.

With such a huge number of sacrifices, Hades is sure that this will summon a rather exaggerated army of demons.

Hades' victory just now was mainly due to his surprise attack. If the opponent tried to distance himself from him and kite him, the situation would not be very clear.

He couldn't always bet that he could chop off the opponent's head.

It seems that what will determine the outcome of the battle now will be how many believers the other side has prepared.

Hades didn't care much about the combat effectiveness of the human believers' army, because in previous surveys, the planet's overall armed forces were relatively weak.

He looked towards the forest again. Due to the large number of believers and their army in it, the spiritual energy fluctuations on the other side of the forest were extremely alarming.

A thick fog of corruption was floating in the air, and muddy yellow slime hung from the tall trees. Whenever the Crusaders who went to explore stepped in, it was as if traces of decay would quickly crawl up the metal.

The metal began to become soft and rotten.

They were trapped in the city and couldn't go into the forest.

The continuously growing forest provides suitable soil for preserving life. A large amount of life is stored in the forest, breathing quietly, waiting for the day to be awakened.

Now, the sleeping life wakes up from the endless dream and begins to move towards the deserted city.

They twist, push, corrupt, and weaken the barriers between reality and chaos.

Hades pulled his feet away, and the smelly mud dripped reluctantly from his power armor.

After initially deploying the Crusaders, Hades did not follow the scattered teams to hide among the densely packed buildings, but instead moved towards the center of the wide square.

He wanted to take a look at the black stone obelisk.

In fact, Hades had just realized that the Corrupted were deliberately preventing him from approaching the center of the square.

Hades subconsciously wanted to take a deep breath, but held it back.

Jin and he trudged through the mud; except for the two of them, everyone else had already dispersed to their designated locations.

When they arrived, Hades looked up at the black stone obelisk that reached into the clouds.

On the originally perfect straight line, a pit was clearly visible. The dark black parts inside and the slightly flickering electric light stimulated Hades' eyes.

Hades' pupils shrank, and his originally dark pupils suddenly became as small as a needle tip.

The structure and function of the obelisk flashed before his eyes like a sky full of shooting stars.

Thousands of years of wisdom have accumulated here, and the stars flow brilliantly through it.

He seems to be able to fix it?!

Jin stayed quietly beside Hades, watching Hades unconsciously walk around the space obelisk and start to choose clothes, muttering to himself.

Hades knew.

The Necrons' Blackstone Obelisks utilize existing spatial properties, infusing them into the Veil to strengthen or weaken the barrier that separates the Warp and the physical universe.

The layout of the obelisk and the space it is in determine its polarity.

Polarity determines whether it uses the physical world to strengthen the barrier or the subspace to weaken the barrier.

Now the initial setting of this obelisk is to strengthen the barrier.

If this obelisk is repaired.

Then even if the opponent's pre-prepared troops are sacrificed, they will not be able to summon the devil!

And under the cover of the Blackstone Obelisk, they can gradually eliminate the huge army and win a glimmer of hope.

"Buy me some time."

The electric sound of Sage Kirkland's agreement and support came from the channel.

Hades estimated in his mind that he could force it to activate in about one Terra hour.

Yes, I can catch up.

Hades took out the obituary, with the sickle head facing downward, and plunged it deep into the ground.

Then he naturally stepped onto the sickle, which was too thin compared to his body, like a falcon perched on a thin branch.

Jin stared at Hades in amazement, but the sickle stood firmly without a trace of shaking.

However, Hades, whose mind was full of complex structures and formulas, didn't notice what he did at all. He just wanted to reach the higher gap.

Hades controlled the servo arm behind him to unfold, and the plasma cutter began to slowly adjust to the appropriate firepower.

No, Hades blinked.

Something was not right with the interior of the obelisk.

There's a part missing.

The parts for detecting and utilizing the characteristics of space are missing.

No. No, if you force it open, it should be possible to open only part of the passage.

No matter how bad it is.

A crazy idea suddenly popped into Hades' mind.

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(End of this chapter)