My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 122: 113 Do not disturb, I am writing my will


Mucus, flowing slowly.

It slowly sank to the cold ground and then spread across the tiles as the man moved.

The man blinked in confusion, but there was nothing in the empty eye sockets. His eyes had long since rotted away. Through his open eyes, the thick and gelatinous flesh-yellow substance behind his eye sockets was clearly visible.

It hurts

The dull pain cut off his flesh piece by piece like a knife. He was rotting and sliding inevitably towards death.

But he is not dead yet, because the demon needs him to be alive.

Behind him, a huge storage pool was sunken, densely packed with naked human figures and fruits that had been crushed by humans' painful struggles. The rotten fruit juice and human body fluids mixed together, giving off a rotten smell.

The fruit continued to fall into the pool.

They were imprisoned here, alive, awake, and in pain.

But now, they will be exploited.

“Let’s go!”

The woman's scream sounded, and the man blinked in confusion. His mushy brain did not allow him to think too much, but he vaguely recognized that it was the voice of their leader.

"I will set you free."

He believed that Lord Ruibo would lead them to freedom.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

The adult was crying and the man tried to comfort her with a grin, but he failed to do so.

So he struggled slowly and dazedly to squeeze out of the pool of liquid. His arms became weak and could not be used very well, so he used his teeth to bite the hard wall of the pool to separate himself from the crowd.

He is a signal.

After the man, the densely packed crowd began to move.

The first zombie appeared from the west of the city and was discovered by the 26th Squad of the Crusaders.

A gunshot marked the beginning of the second phase of the war.

The bullet whistled with anger, accurately piercing the zombie's head. After a meaningless shake, the zombie fell down.

The images seen by the Crusaders were faithfully transmitted back to Hades and Sage Kirkland in the rear.

No, if it was just this serious, the backup team in the forest wouldn't have disappeared without a trace.

Hades, who was operating the plasma cutter to split the Black Stone Obelisk in an attempt to open a larger gap for repairs, allocated a bit of computing power to think about this.

It could be that there are too many opposing troops, or there could be an ambush in the forest, but it could also be that there are other high-powered troops.

"Watch out for raids."

Hades opened the communication channel and spoke to Kirkland.

Sage Kirkland stood at the last line of defense. Although he wanted to go to the front line, if the enemy reached the square directly again by surprise attack or teleportation, he would be the last barrier to protect Hades' repaired obelisk.

More and more zombies staggered out of the fog, and the fog that originally surrounded the forest began to spread towards the city with the arrival of the army.

The first echelon of Crusaders stood on the city wall, coordinating with each other to shoot at the zombies, and the sound of arc rifles continued.

Batch after batch of zombies fell down, oozing sticky body fluids.

Their companions behind them trampled on the pile of corpses unconsciously, continuing to move forward with one deep step and one shallow step.

Sage Kirkland was watching the images sent by the Skitarii at the front, and his computing engine was calculating precisely—

As another zombie fell on the pile of corpses, Sage Kirklan's order was immediately conveyed to the minds of the Crusaders.

[set fire.]

The incendiary bomb drew a graceful arc and landed accurately on the pile of corpses.


Relying on the huge amount of organic matter, flaming red flames exploded instantly, and the raging fire immediately devoured all the zombies that were attacking the city.

But the zombies behind were still moving forward unconsciously. They had long been accustomed to pain that was a thousand times more painful than this. The flames burned on their bodies, and the salty and astringent fat melted into grease, dripping between the flames and crackling.

Thick smoke rose up, and the stench of burning could be smelled even in the farthest reaches of the city.

"It's crazy. It's really crazy."

The Kirkland Sage whispered that the scene of the rotting crowd slowly but surely moving towards the line of fire was too shocking.

But the scene before him was very good. Those enemies were courting their own destruction, and their corpses were the best fuel for the flames.


"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

The bells rang and the praises were sung seven times.

The zombies trembled and stopped, blinking their confused eyes, and began to gather into a circle in groups of seven.

Sage Kirkland shuddered violently. Something was wrong!

Based on his own brief experience with the devil, the sage deduced that this was definitely not a good thing.

[Attack! Don't let them form a circle!]

[Prioritize attacking the team that is about to form a circle!]

The Crusaders immediately poured down their firepower, but the crowd gathered on the opposite side was so large that many seven-person circles were still completed.

Sage Kirkland paid close attention to the images coming in—

The seven men knelt down, and then, as if they were pinched by a giant hand, they trembled and blood, flesh and liquid flowed out from the upper and lower parts of their bodies.


Blood and flesh splattered, twisting and taking shape.

In less than a few breaths, a bloated creature the size of a human appeared in the middle of the sacrificial circle.

The extremely swollen body had large patches of rotten red sores stuck to the shit-green exterior, and mucus sloshed through the skin that had rotted to the point of being translucent.

Under the sharp horns of varying heights and shining with strange light is a single, light red eye the size of a scar.

A long, bright red tongue stretched out and licked its single eye.

After experiencing the demons that were like flies, Sage Kirkland was once again shocked.

But he glanced at Hades in the channel who was still working hard to repair the obelisk, and silently calmed himself down.

He will clean up all this profanity.

Information about the new enemy was quickly transmitted to the logic engine, and Kirkland Sage began to analyze and summarize.

At the same time, the refined and simplified intelligence was also transmitted to Hades.

The moment Hades saw the data sent by the sage, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Damn, this is a plague toad!

Plague Toads, which can be understood as a large water bag filled with venom, are lower-level soldiers in Nurgle's army, so the cost of summoning them is not very high.

But now this scene.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

"Suppressive fire, and then the first echelon will come down!"

As if responding to Hades' words, the plague toads outside the city wall rolled their eyes and then jumped up directly -

Some of the toads rushed directly into the crusaders on the city wall. The crusaders who were slow to react were crushed to death on the spot by the toads, or killed by the toads' tongues or spikes.

The quick-reacting Crusaders began shooting in panic.

However, the toad that was targeted exploded directly, and venom splashed everywhere!

Those who were splashed fell to their knees wailing on the spot, as the toxin and plague instantly broke through their wetware defenses.

The Kirkland Sage began to calculate.

The order was given forcefully.

Those Crusaders who were close to the plague toads and had already suffered damage suddenly rushed forward, holding back the toads in the upper city with their power swords, while the remaining Crusaders quickly retreated and dispersed into the streets, and when they were at a safe distance, they began to ignite and detonate the toads.

"For Ohm Messiah!"

Sage Kirkland did not control the voice-generating devices of the Crusaders, and screams and praises appeared together.


For a moment, the sound of toads exploding and the hissing of the corroded Crusaders were intertwined.

Some of the toads below the city, seeing that the firepower on the city wall had been suppressed, leisurely jumped to the side of the raging fire.


The venom that filled the entire toad was vomited out, and mucus surged to cover the corpse, and the originally fierce flames immediately became less powerful.

The zombie army began to advance again.

Using the personnel who had sacrificed themselves previously, the first group of crusaders successfully retreated to their designated positions. After ensuring the distance, those large toads were shot dead one after another.

Hades gnashed his teeth as he watched the video footage fade into darkness.

Md, I was careless.

Plague Toads are not a very advanced type of soldier. These creatures that wallow in the mud of Nurgle's Garden are even hated by Nurgle.

But now the other side is relying on these toads to break their first line of defense.

Although Hades knew that the first line of defense was bound to collapse, he was still very unhappy that he was defeated by the opponent in such a cost-effective way, and even killed several Crusaders.

The crackling sound of electricity caught Hades' attention, and he tried hard to control his breathing.

No, Hades, you can't be distracted.

After simply transmitting the more common Nurgle troops he knew to the Kirkland Sage, Hades gritted his teeth and continued to control the servo arm to go deeper.

As Hades repaired it, tiny black lightning began to wrap around the black stone obelisk again.

While Hades was concentrating on repairs, fierce street fighting began on the other side of the city.

The first zombies to arrive stepped on the mines that had been buried in advance without any fear, and the heavy machine guns set up at the control points on the main streets began to spray their firepower crazily.

Enemies fell in droves, and life flowed like drops of water on a waterfall, falling over the cliff and falling irretrievably into darkness.

But their goal has been achieved.

Even though these zombies had no means of long-range attack, and even though they fell in large numbers, the endless stream of zombies soon began to compress their encirclement.

The dense mines were swept away by the opponent with indifferent lives.

They walked silently and slowly on the familiar streets, and the fog slowly spread as they died.

But the Skitarii are no pushovers either.

When the zombies suppressed the area of the second echelon, the gathered crusaders were able to deal with the tide of zombies.

The alternating shooting was carried out after precise calculation, the firepower gushed out, the electric arc flashed, the skull trumpet flew in the air, singing the glory of the God of All Machines!

Even though they were controlled by the code, some brave and militant Crusaders began to spit at the blasphemy against them.

They were in a stalemate for a while.

But the deadlock was soon broken by an unexpected visitor.

A roar sounded, and a towering figure was vaguely visible in the fog.

The sound of footsteps hitting the ground heavily hits everyone's heartbeat.

The earth is shaking.

Soon, the figure burst out along with fierce flames!

Dense bullets penetrated the bunkers directly, spinning and tearing apart the shooting army.

The buzzing giant chainsaw sword tore through the fog, and the front-line Skitarii—

A huge monster over eight meters high suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Why. Why on a planet with a low military level would there be a knight mecha? !

Realizing what was on the other side, Sage Kirkland immediately let out a desperate electric wail.

It's over! It's all over!

The Knight Mech was originally a type of lumberjack from the Golden Age, but by the time of the Great Crusade, these powerful machines had long been monopolized by the Mechanicus and the Knight Families.

These knight mechas, which are larger than the dreadnought mechas and smaller than the Warhound-class Titans, can directly reverse the situation of the battle!

Without heavy firepower weapons and without another mecha or Titan, what can they use to fight the enemy

It is a question whether their current firepower can break the opponent's ion shield!

Sage Kirkland looked at the transmitted image in disbelief.

But in fact, there is no need for a channel. The tall figure of the knight mecha can be clearly seen even if standing at the edge of the square.

That's not a regular mecha.

It is smaller than ordinary mechas, and is completely black. Apart from the carved vines, there are no other decorations representing the knight family.

The most bizarre thing is that its pilot is not in the cockpit of an ordinary mecha!

On top of the broad arms of the knight mecha, a black pole shaped like a cross pointed straight up to the sky. The transmission pipeline climbed along the pole and directly connected to the broken limbs of the driver above.

On it, a white-haired woman with amputated limbs hung her head, tied to a flagpole by carved black vines. Her long hair covered most of her body and face. She was skinny and her ribs were clearly visible.

“Save them.”

She seemed to be dead, but in the sage's vision, information and data were flowing into the pipes from her broken limbs.

"Sorry. Sorry."

The pilot looked like a target, but in fact, the light of the ion shield was slightly reflected around the woman.

This. What is this

Oh, O Messiah!

But there was no time to lament, the sage controlled the crusaders to dodge and quickly collected information about the enemy.

What comforted him a little was that this mecha was not the fully armed model held by the Mechanicus, but was more simple than them.

Perhaps because of the strange driving style, there was no firepower deployed above its head.

The only weapons equipped are two chainswords and a long-range rapid-fire cannon.

Moreover, the sage realized with disbelief that the black pole was made of black stone, and the woman on it was an untouchable!

In a psychic army, an Untouchable appears!

Demons, these psychic creatures of the Warp, can exploit the Untouchables? !

Kirkland felt that what he had seen and heard today was enough to overturn everything he had seen and heard in the past years.

Under the sudden attack of the mechas, the Crusaders didn't even have time to retreat, let alone counterattack.

The dense zombies under the feet of the mecha also prevented the Crusaders from using melta-type weapons!

[Retreat! Retreat!]

When the engine calculated that the winning rate was zero, Kirkland chose to disperse and withdraw the existing Crusaders, because their existence could not delay the opponent's mecha for even a minute!

The huge mecha headed straight for the square!

Sage Kirkland has begun compressing information, transferring what he has learned and known to the most solid storage devices.

Although he was not happy for others to be in charge of his knowledge before, now, facing all this absurdity, Sage Kirkland must let future generations know this.

However, Hades, who was still busy repairing the machine, suddenly threw something at the Sage, interrupting the Sage's compressed information.

"It's up to you. Sorry."

The sage stared at the weapon thrown by Hades.

The pointer on the winning rate calculator moved slightly by one degree.

But it doesn’t matter. The sage continues to compress what he has learned throughout his life and prepares it for transmission.

On the other side, the gathered zombies began to perform sacrificial summons again.

The buzzing of flies was heard.

Thank you for subscribing, happy reading (_)

(End of this chapter)