My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 123: 114 Visitors


The bells echoed, the fog filled the air, the flies buzzed, and the earth trembled.

A huge monster broke through the fog, wisps of water vapor followed the curve of the mecha, and with a roar, it rushed heavily towards the square.

The slowly moving zombies were left far behind by the mecha that was sprinting forward, but soon, the buzzing of flies was heard, and a black swarm of flies broke through the fog and followed closely around the mecha.

Kirkland Sage stood in the bunker off the main street, the fire control and computing systems calculating.

[Almost done. Give me five more minutes.]

A familiar voice sounded in the channel.

Data was transmitted, arcs flashed, and the Crusaders scattered around the Sage immediately opened fire. The firepower was poured out under the Sage's careful calculations, and every shot hit the designated position.

However, the firepower did not hit the mecha, but instead fell on the swarm of flies beside the mecha. The overly dense swarm of flies burst into flames, and a large ball of flames exploded in the air. In a few moments, the dense swarm of flies beside the knight mecha became sparse.

Seeing this, the swarm of flies behind the mecha immediately flapped their wings, ready to fill the gap and provide defense for the mecha.



The bomb previously buried in a building next to the main street exploded, causing the building to collapse, bricks and dust to pour down, directly covering the huge body of the mecha.

However, in the sage's vision, the building made of ordinary earth and wood did not hurt the figure at all. The faint light of the ion shield flashed from the dust, and the tall knight mecha just paused for a few times before rushing out from the dust again.

[Keep firing.]

He knows what to do!

[For the God of All Machines! For Om Messiah! ]

Sage Kirkland shouted in the channel while dispersing with the Crusaders. After calculation, they concluded that the enemy's cannon firepower was enough to destroy their obstacles at this distance.

As expected, the moment the sages and some of the Crusaders withdrew from their defenses, flames shot out from the muzzles of the guns on the opposite side, and the place where they had just been hiding was immediately blown up, with ceramic steel fragments scattered everywhere.

The main street entrance, which was originally defended by most of the troops, is now empty, and the flat ground is covered with debris from defensive buildings and is full of potholes.

The Crusaders who didn't have time to evacuate or were caught in the fire were lying on the ground groaning, and some of them had been blown into larger pieces of flesh and blood.

Sporadic firepower lit up from the side of the street, like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and only left a few scratches on the mecha.

Seeing that the other side was already in a state of collapse, the Knight Mech strode into the ruins without any hindrance.

"Bang! BANG!"

The ground where a huge amount of gold and bombs were buried exploded! A hole more than three meters deep was directly blown up on the spot.

Tongues of flames rose up and burned through the outer shell of the mecha. The Knight Mecha, which was caught off guard, instantly sank into the pit. Since there was relatively soft soil underneath, the entire huge and heavy mecha was still slowly sinking!

Immediately, the originally scattered firepower around became concentrated in an instant. Instead of focusing on the driver above, they rushed towards the thinnest joint on the mecha.

The cannon on the Knight mech immediately fought back, but due to the scattered positions of the Crusaders, it could only attack a group of three at a time.

At the same time, the engine roared and the mecha began to try to climb out of the pit.

This wasn't a very deep pit, and the knight mech was about to climb out.

"A futile act!"

In the fog, the mocking voice of the Corrupted was heard.

The Kirkland Sage's computing engine was roaring, an expected visitor.

The odds of winning swung again, and reason and logic told the sage that this was doomed to be futile. least he can stop this one!

[For the God of All Machines!]

A Skitarii shouts over the channel—

In an instant, the blazing flames stopped, and the bright tongues of fire blossomed into a beautiful and quiet bouquet in the air.

The joints of the mecha suddenly stopped, but the previous attempt to struggle upwards was still continuing. The mecha, which did not react in time, was immediately torn apart at the joints under its own inertia!

The harsh metallic sound penetrated the space!

The knight mecha, having lost the support of its leg joints, fell to the ground with a whine, and mud and sparks flew everywhere.

Under the pull of gravity, the upper body of the mecha hit the ground heavily, and the black flagpole was knocked against the ground and the concave interface. Many of the originally densely packed transmission pipelines were immediately broken.

The white-haired woman lay quietly on the dirty ground, her ion shield flickering, but its protective effect was no longer necessary at this moment.

The corrupt who was watching the show in the fog immediately opened his hazy eyes in confusion, and thousands of small compound eyes began to flicker on his compound eyes.

In the middle of the knight's mecha's stagnant joint, a Crusader with only half of his upper body was holding the mecha's left joint tightly, holding a grenade tightly in his hand.

Stasis grenade!

Even though the body of the Skitarii was broken and covered in cables and flesh, the Corrupter could still tell that it was a Skitarii with reinforced defenses!

The feeling of being fooled surged into the Corruptor's heart, and the buzzing of flies sounded angrily.

It was originally staring at Hades who was undergoing repairs.

Why on earth would that guy be able to repair and operate the Blackstone Obelisk?!

But the tricked Corruptor was not panicked at all, because in his calculations, the knight mecha protected by the swarm of flies was enough to tear everything apart before that.

But now—

The corrupt rubbed his hands angrily and raised his right hand holding the whip.

The crowd that had filled the entire street burst apart. Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Countless half-human-sized rot flies flapped their wings. Among the dense swarm of flies, a swollen humanoid demon staggered to its feet.

However, as the sacrifice was not fully completed, the price of forced summoning in advance caused the Corrupter to stagger and fall downwards for a while.

A dense swarm of black flies that covered the sky and the sun emerged from the white mist and rushed towards Hades' position at a very fast speed!

Stop them, now, immediately!

The swarm of flies flew right over the Skitarii's lines.

Following the swarm of flies in the front, the Corrupter also flapped its wings and took off, but this time it was careful and deliberately dispersed the density of the flies around him to prevent the previous situation from happening again.

The first swarm of flies to reach their destination hovered above the black stone obelisk, dropping venom and spikes together.

Most of the Rot Flies began to charge towards Hades' figure.

Sage Kirkland held the Mecha Axe in his two main limbs and chopped at the swarm of flies frantically. The eradication rays were activated, and the violent flames burned, directly evaporating the venom like a rainstorm.

Jin also controlled the servo arm to help Hades clear out the swarm of flies that rushed to the front.

The figure of the corrupt was rushing towards them quickly.

However, under the crazy attack and the violent buzzing of the swarm of flies, Hades still stood on the obituary, as if he was out of it, and his servo arm moved weakly but quickly in the black stone obelisk.

It was fixed soon, and it was enough to just connect part of the passage.

Under the helmet, Hades' black eyes sparkled, and he even held his breath unconsciously. His hand speed became faster and faster, but he could not afford any mistakes.

He had already adjusted the power of the obelisk to the highest level. If nothing unexpected happened, the current that far exceeded its original power would quickly burn it out after it was started.

But that's enough.

The black light gathered and flashed violently around the black stone obelisk.

In the very center, the dense swarm of flies suddenly exploded!

[Run! Run far away!]

Hades' voice was distorted in the channel.

The last piece of the puzzle is about to be filled in -

Kirkland immediately ran to the outer circle, but on his monitor, the Corruptor's whip pierced through the swarm of flies and rushed straight towards Hades who was concentrating on controlling it.

The nearest friendly unit around here is himself.

Without any hesitation, Kirkland raised the Axe of Mecha and chopped directly at the whip.

The signal from the tactile sensor made Kirkland feel as if he was splitting a piece of pure gold.

The engine exploded to its maximum in a short period of time, and the sage felt his parts breaking apart.

But he succeeded in changing the direction of the whip by a tiny arc.

That's enough.

Kirkland wanted to evacuate immediately, but before he could stop himself, the extremely angry Corruptor whipped him away with a long whip!


The Corrupted One's hoarse and sharp voice sounded—

In the center of the swarm of flies, the black stone obelisk suddenly began to tremble violently, and violent black lightning exploded directly!

All creatures with souls suddenly saw darkness before their eyes.

Hades suddenly pulled himself out of his fully engaged state and gasped for breath. The huge amount of calculations before made his brain dizzy.

He turned around stiffly and looked at everything in front of him.

This is another kind of doomsday.

Hades felt that the whole world had gone quiet.

The original scene was still in view, but black and white images flashed across this world from time to time.

The swarm of flies was lifeless, falling and exploding directly, like a black rainstorm, hitting Hades' power armor with a crackling sound.

The Crusaders who had been standing just now collapsed to the ground, no longer able to control their bodies.

In the distance, the moving Nurgle armies seemed to have their souls sucked out of them. They fell stiffly to the ground and turned into a pool of dirty water.

The tinnitus in his ears continued, and Hades jumped down without hesitation, pulled out the obituary, and rushed towards the largest half-fly, half-human figure not far away.

Death is fighting with Exorcist for life.

Death won, granting it the final death.

The moment Hades' scythe fell, the vibrating black stone obelisk let out a shrill whine and trembled and cracked.

Cracks exploded and small pieces of black stone fell down.

The world has regained its color.

Hades turned around, wanting to check on the situation of the Kirkland Sage who had just been blown away.

A beautifully carved long sword pierced straight through Hades' power armor!


Hades suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

With pointed shoes and gorgeous clothes, the visitor stepped onto the designated stage calmly and silently.

Pale mask, bright smiling face.


The visitor bowed.

Hades looked at his visitor in disbelief.

At the side, the sound of Jin struggling to get up attracted the attention of the visitor.

The visitor tilted his head and fired two more shots in the direction of Jin and Kirkland.

There is one more, don't wait ()

(End of this chapter)