My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 125: 116 Galaspa (above)


116. Galaspa (Part 1)

The Fourth Knight of the Death Guard, now.

The dazzling white light on the screen outlined a pale edge on Mortarion's armor. The entire command room was as dark as night, and the green and red lights of the indicator lights flashed from time to time.

The poisonous gas from Barbarus quietly settled at Mortarion's feet, then slowly spread outward.

Through the breathing mask, the Primarch's quiet whine could be heard.

Mortarion stared at the screen in front of him, the planet filthy with the hive's sewage slowly spinning.


He smelled the fear of the oppressed up there.

Tyranny turns people into the property of their rulers; they are no longer human beings, but merely straw to be harvested.

Tyranny tortures humanity with fear and crushes the human mind and spirit with nightmarish power.

Same as Barbaros.

He was also once deeply trapped in the nightmare of fear, and wasted his days in a daze under the torture of his adoptive father.

But not now.

Mortarion stared at the screen like a corpse, his yellow amber eyes unblinking.

He will bring justice and he will end fear.

This order formed by layers of planetary defense systems will be ended by the Death Guard.

After observing and pondering day after day, Mortarion saw the general outline of his strategy -

He needed a fatal blow.

Grab the enemy by the throat and squeeze hard.

In previous investigations, each level in this order must obey the command of the previous level, and there will be no next step without the order.

Once the supreme ruler is beheaded, order will immediately collapse.

The Knights' extremely autocratic rule also meant that their rulers would be bound to the throne.

Then it was obvious where they were going.

The Death Guard will march straight to the central hive of Galasper, Protacus.

Mortarion narrowed his eyes, fought quickly and decisively, chopping off the enemy's head before his bloated nerves could transmit the distress signal to his fat limbs.

If the enemy reacts, it will be the end of the Death Guard.

But he never escaped.

Mortarion closed his eyes, counting the time silently in his mind, while suppressing the fear that was overflowing bit by bit.

A subtle sense of uneasiness was also growing, and until the eve of the Death Guard's attack, no news came from Hades.

The biggest probability is that the loss of astropathic contact and obstruction of navigation were caused by the fluctuations in the subspace. Hades might return to the team after they complete this battle.

But in front of the entire legion, Mortarion chose to launch the attack first and pushed the matter related to Hades into a deep corner.

The blade has been sharpened, and death will not be late.

Tyranny must be eradicated.

They will bring liberation.

Barathin and Vorx stood beside Mortarion, waiting quietly.

But Mortarion heard Baratheon's uneasiness.

The Primarch opened his eyes and looked towards Barasin.

Barasin hesitated, realizing that the legion commander wanted him to speak up and express his concerns.

"My Lord, this will mean that the landing troops will be isolated and helpless, and will suffer from a force ten thousand times larger than ours."

Barasi had checked the Legion Commander's layout many times. This was a crazy tactic. In short -

There is no room for defense.

There is no possibility of retreat.

This was not a tactic that any of the legions Barasin had ever seen would adopt.

If they fail, if they fail to control the enemy's supreme ruler in the first place, then the Death Guard surrounded by layers of galaxy defenses will face doom.

The entire attacking army will be isolated and destroyed.

This is unbelievable.

Mortarion rejected the Empire's proposal to blockade and put the civilization on hold, claiming that the civilization would be put on trial with only the strength of the Death Guard.

But Mortarion vetoed.

There is no need for a war of attrition, a desperate gamble, a radical move, and death will come as promised.

"We are not landing, Captain."

Mortarion spoke slowly.

"The Fourth Horseman will personally attack Protarchus, bringing judgment of death upon the ruler."

Vorx took a step forward, raised his fist to his chest in salute, and looked at Mortarion. The legion commander motioned for him to speak.

"I mean no offense, my Lords."

"Captain, once again, I mean no offense, but you are a Terran."

Vox said.

"If you were born in Barbaros, you would know that such battles really existed. Every day when there is no defense, we can only attack, because defense has never been effective, and our only way to survive is to take the lead in defeating the enemy."

He paused, then corrected himself.

"As long as Master Mortarion stays with us and proves to us that we can win, we can survive. Before the Master arrives, if you must die anyway, it is best to die in the attack. The dream is simple, that maybe I can take an enemy to hell with me."

"All the people of Barbarus swear to follow Lord Mortarion until death, because we already know that the predetermined outcome is death, so it is better to die in the attack."

Barasin was silent.

After a long moment, he nodded.

"I see, thank you, Vox."

A hissing sound came from under the gas mask, and Mortarion smiled with satisfaction, but quickly regained his composure.

The mortal crew's notification sounded in Mortarion's channel.

Led by the Fourth Knight, the fleet began to slowly exit the Warp and emerged from Mandeville Point in the Galaspa System.

The plasma drives flared, and the fleet began to move toward its predetermined fate.

The countdown to death begins.

Mortarion took a deep breath, his breathing mask humming.

Then he opened the communication channel.

"My Death Guard."

He said,

"When I first met you, I called you my indestructible blade.

I promised you that justice would follow, and it would be done by us personally.

I swear that doom will follow us across a thousand worlds.

Today, doom will befall the first of them.

Humanity suffers in Galasper. The Knights rule the empire, and it is as filthy as its subjects.

Justice demands destruction.

Abandon all thoughts of mercy, for mercy is the plaything of cowards and the lie of tyrants.

Today, the blade will fall on the neck of tyranny. Nothing can stop us. No enemy can stand before us.

Death is the truth that awaits all of us. We walk with death, we are one with death.

Now, let doom and justice become one."

Remember to read the author's words.

This article is not v.


Not well written.

The original text "The Pale King" was quoted and modified.

(Source: Station B column, I really want to thank that translator, thank you very much...)

Among them, Vox's words are those of Carastyphon in the original text.

Mortarion's final speech is the original text. (Because it's so cool, I don't know how to write it myself)

Sorry again.

Book lovers, please read the book but don’t spread the word.

Extra chapter is released late, don't wait

(End of this chapter)