My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 127: 118 Galaspa (below)


118. Galaspa (Part 2)

The planetary defenses roared, the artillery trembled, and bright flames burst into the air.

Billions of ammunition exploded on the front fireship like pouring beans, and they fell to the ground with a scream and exploded in the turbid earth.

Now, the last bit of defense in front of the Fourth Knight also disappeared.

The blade has been unsheathed, sharp and deadly, but also fragile and easily broken.

The opposing planet's main guns were still attacking, an act that was doomed to be futile.

Galaspa's originally turbid and dark atmosphere was burning, and a dull orange-red light shone behind the thick clouds.

The lumpy clouds were trembling, swirling from the hurricane-force winds into a huge gray-white vortex.

The atmosphere screams.

Outside the hive, on the wasteland, the scavengers looked up in panic, staring at the burning sky in amazement.

The bricklayer stood blankly beside the cesspool, watching everything he could not understand.

With his extraordinary eyesight, he saw—


He raised his hand, pointing at the swirling cloud, poisonous slurry dripping from his suit.

Above the main hive, a corner of a sharp giant appeared.

Above them, a silver-white skull with six thorns was looking at them without any emotion.

Death is coming, and fear grips everyone's heart.

The sound of breaking air screamed sharply, and the flames screamed and tore at the Fourth Knight.

Inside the ship, it was as silent as night.

"Take us in before the enemy fully reacts."

A sighing voice broke the silence.

"The engine is full."

They sped through the burning atmosphere and fell towards the polluted earth.

"Contact the fleet."

Mortarion said.

"Start retreating, get out of the artillery range of this planet."

The Death Guard fleet could not hold out for long under the fire from Galasper Prime.

"The enemy ships will soon be on their way. Eat them, then wait for my signal to return."

Unless the Galasper guns were disabled, the Death Guard capital ships could not get close.

If they can't get close, there will be no victory.

Everyone will die.

Mortarion took a deep breath, and his hands on the scythe of Annihilation loosened and clenched again, making a crackling sound.

This was his first battle, this was the first battle of the Death Guard.

Then let him see if they can survive.

He'll shut those people up.

If we can't live, let death end it all.

A flood of emotion gripped him, just as it had in the past.

However, an inopportune thought suddenly popped up in Mortarion's tense brain.

What would Hades think of such a plan

He suddenly realized that before on Barbarus, because of Hades, Hades had never discussed tactics with him.

Will he deny him

He put an end to the idea.

May we be more resilient than our fate, Mortarion prayed.

Outside the porthole, the fleet behind the Fourth Knight began to slow down and turn around, and soon, only the Fourth Knight was left moving straight ahead.

Below them, a corner of the dark, dingy structure of the main hive was visible.

In the hourglass, the last grain of sand flows to the edge—

"Reverse thrust, prepare for impact."

The hissing sounded and the flames exploded!

The arresting thrusters roared and spewed out flames, and the ends of the remaining flames even directly burned the outer walls of the hive city.

The Fourth Horseman trembled violently.

The change in gravity vector was nearly fatal to the mortal crew, and blood flowed from their shattered internal organs.

Those who were too slow to follow Mortarion's orders were thrown against the bulkheads, spines shattered and blood splattered.

On the bridge, Barasin and Vox struggled to stay where they were, clinging to the railings with their hands.

Mortarion stood there, holding his scythe, Annihilation.

He stood there, as if dead.


They arrived at the destination of their trip.

The Fourth Horseman smashed into the side of the main hive.

The Grim Reaper's scythe gleamed.

Death was flowing within the hive, and people were running away like panicked rats, trying to find a corner where they thought they were safe.

The terrifying sound of footsteps echoed along the complex network of pipes in the hive, and the sharp sound of gunfire rang out.

"Those who give up resistance will not be killed."

"Don't fight, don't get hurt."

Unfamiliar electric sounds and the familiar manager's voice alternately rang out from the loudspeaker. The digger huddled shivering under her assembly line. His brain, having just drank the third tube of silent nutrient meal of the day, was a mess and he had no idea what was going on.

However, with a sharp crackling sound, the butler's voice disappeared completely, replaced by "Put down your weapons."

She didn't know what it meant to put down the weapon. She didn't have a weapon yet. Was she going to find a weapon and then put it down

But only adults have weapons, and those of the lower class who touch weapons will be hanged.

She wanted to run out, but the footsteps became louder and louder. The digger couldn't help but shrink back into the corner. She covered her mouth tightly.

A huge bone-white object appeared before her eyes, covered with blood plasma.


She let out a small cry of surprise, but the giants took no notice of a tiny mouse.

“Go to hell!”

The familiar voice of the digger's supervisor rang out, but after a gunshot, everything returned to silence again.

Only the rumbling of footsteps

When the heavy and rapid footsteps finally faded away, the diggers climbed out from under the assembly line trembling with fear.

She saw that the supervisor who used to whip her was dead and his body parts were scattered everywhere.

The strong smell of blood caught her, and she turned back tremblingly—

The door of the workshop was blown open, and on the other side of the door, the supervisor's army covered the entire hall.

They are more than just giants.

The digger swallowed, red clouding her eyes and her heart pounding.

The gods came and brought the end of all things.

Fernando led the Undertaker Squad silently along the winding corridors of the hive city, following near the main force of the Second Company.

There are about a thousand people in their branch.

After the Fourth Horseman finally came to a stop, Mortarion spoke only one sentence to all the soldiers.

"Go ahead,"

He said,

“Whoever takes a weapon against you shall not live.”

Under the command of the Primarch, a total of 11,000 Death Guards were divided into companies and headed towards several locations marked as suspected command rooms.

Take down the opponent's head and win the game.

The Undertaker Think Tanks were dispersed in groups of two or three to different tributaries to provide support to the warriors.

The Untouchables did not come to this battlefield, as untransformed mortals could not adapt to the intensity of the battlefield here.

However, there was a commotion at the front of the company.

"Undertaker, we were attacked by a psychic."

They encountered a psychic army that was kept captive by the rulers.

The voice of the Second Company Captain came from the channel.

Fernando immediately led the team towards the front of the queue.

On the upper floor of this corridor, pharmacist Raton was looking at the countdown of the melta bomb with satisfaction.

"Thank you."

He turned around and spoke to the moss-covered psychic that had crawled out of the garbage dump.

"Thanks for showing me the way."

They were unable to end the battle before reinforcements arrived from other hives.

The intricate terrain of the hive and the endless sea of people slowed down the Death Guard's pace.

Death was devouring Mortarion bit by bit from behind, as the enemy used the heavy weapons in the hive to consume too much of his own strength.

But the Primarch knew what to do at this moment.

Mortarion ordered a squad to continue moving towards the main control room, while he led the remaining army to delay the reinforcements in the wasteland near the hive city.

The previous training experience for this situation was put to use, and led by Mortarion, they relied on their own tenacity to tear open scars one after another in the wasteland of Galaspa.


"Surrender, we surrender."

The tyrant's words came over the airwaves, and Mortarion waved his hand, tearing open the tank opposite him with his scythe, the driver's head splattering along with the metal.


Mortarion said.

"The Death Guard will not accept your surrender."

Tyranny must be eradicated, foul blood flows in every vein of it.

Accepting surrender means the retention of tyranny and means that this victory will be meaningless.

The enemy forces in front of him began to break up, but Mortarion gave no orders to stop.

His troops continued to shoot at the trembling people who had thrown away their weapons.

And above the hive city, the supreme ruler was still trembling as he opened his door, trying to make the other party aware of his goodwill.

Gunshots rang out.

I haven’t been in a good state recently, so I can’t write well… I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused…

That branch line was originally there, but it was removed because it felt too disruptive. Now it’s really abrupt... Apologies...

And Mortarion is like this... I will refute him in the next chapter...

(End of this chapter)