My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 128: 119 The good news is back, the bad news is about to die


Half a month later.

Mortarion stared at the sky with a gloomy face.

Above the gray sky of Galapagos, the roar of fighter planes' engines grew louder and louder.

They were the judges who assessed the Death Guard's first campaign.

Mortarion tapped the sickle in his hand irritably. The timing they chose was not very good, because the pharmacist told Mortarion that Hades, who was in a state of suspended animation, was about to wake up.

Let’s go back to a dozen days ago.

Mortarion had watched with satisfaction as the Galasper system collapsed under the attack of the Death Guard. After they captured the supreme ruler of the Galasper main hive, it was easy for the Death Guard to harvest the remaining panicked and defeated troops.

The news of the ruler's beheading spread, and after that, they did not suffer a single rebellion.

Mortarion was pleased to see that the order that the tyrant had worked so hard to maintain was destroyed by the Death Guard, leaving nothing behind.

But he didn't feel happy for long.

The expedited star message from the distant star field arrived almost at the same time as the transport fleet. Before Mortarion could even react, a small spaceship was stuffed into his hands by the passing Mechanicus transport fleet.

[We were ordered to transport the Death Guard's technical sergeants, but when we found them, they were not in good condition, and the commissioned sage was dead.]

[But the Kirkland Sage had contact with our Forge World.]

[We therefore provided the necessary medical care to the injured and asked nothing for what they found.]

[This is the full video of us finding them, as well as the video of our subsequent contact. ]

A mechanical sage who was obviously pushed out quickly said to Enrique, the master forger who came to greet the sage.

An encrypted video was sent.

After unloading the cabin and saying these words, the mechanical sage drove the boat away quickly.

Enrique had a bad feeling in his heart. He stared at the cabin, and the automatic door slowly opened.

A half-dead and unconscious Hades, a ragged and tattered servant of technology, a pile of sages' remains, an entire black stone obelisk that had been dug out and covered with mud (it was obvious that this cabin was so large because it was used to transport this obelisk), and a woman trapped in a stasis field.

Enrique's eyes went dark, but even so, he immediately called the Death Guard's pharmacist and the legion commander.

So, this is why, even though Mortarion had a pile of post-war documents to deal with, he sat silently in the single medical room with an expression that showed no joy or sadness.

In front of him, several pharmacists were busy, and cold liquid was dripping slowly from the infusion bag.

Mortarion originally wanted to call a few more pharmacists, but it was obvious that pharmacists were in short supply among the Death Guard after they had just experienced the Battle of Galaspar.

"Standard suspended animation, sir."

Finally, the pharmacist Leo stood in front of Mortarion, who exuded an aura of keep away from strangers.

Mortarion snorted, as if frozen in time.

"His second heart was pierced by a sword-like weapon, and then Sergeant Hades forcibly injected him with a stimulant drug, which caused a second injury to his heart."

Mortarion still remembered the report from Hades that this was just a "simple" scientific research expedition.

He stared at Hades, who was as pale as a corpse due to excessive blood loss.

The pharmacist's words interrupted his thoughts.

"In addition to this, Sergeant Hades is moderately exhausted, has extremely low blood sugar, and has some internal bleeding in the right hemisphere of his brain."

Mortarion blinked slowly, but the pharmacist across from him immediately continued, as if frightened.

"The good news is that after replenishing nutrients and going through a certain awakening procedure, Sergeant Hades can recover from his suspended animation."

"But it will take us some time."

This was indeed good news that reassured him, so Mortarion let the pharmacist in front of him go back to work.

He blinked, slowly turned his head, and stared at the mechanical servant in the corner of the medical room who was trying hard to reduce his presence.

"You are Hades' assistant, right? Explain?"

Jin, who was trying to reduce his size, burst out with a crackling lightning.

"I want you to explain what's going on."

Jin felt like he was just a hair's breadth away from death.


A dry wind blew.

Jin turned his life support system to the lowest power. He leaned on Hades who was in a deep coma, waiting for rescue.

After an unknown amount of time, a shuttle marked with the emblem of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the exclusive emblem of the nearby Forge World slowly landed in front of them.


Jin thought, but he wasn't completely saved.

He had to use his shattered mechanical body to force himself to stand up and negotiate with the sage opposite him.

Their current situation is like a windfall for the mechanical sages from other forging worlds.

The body of a sage, the storage module inside was not even broken, and there were some alien technologies. The sages who regarded knowledge as gold would not let them go easily.

But Kim knew what to do.

Using the information he had gathered from Hades's side, he successfully bluffed the other side and made a deal with them using Sage Kirkland's shuttle.

The good news is that the sages of this forge world were not so concerned about alien technology, so they quickly helped Jin pack up the obelisk.

So they returned in disgrace, and Jin only hoped that the Death Guards could give him some mechanical parts so that he could repair his mechanical body.

But now.

Jin looked at the Primarch in front of him who was staring at him intently.

Hades, wake up!

Talking to the Primarch is so scary!!!

Coming out of the medical room, the Primarch's heavy footsteps pounded on the corridor.

Captain Vox of the First Company, who had been waiting outside the medical room, immediately followed the Primarch and continued to report on various post-war affairs.

The Death Shrouds behind him also followed the Primarch's footsteps in silence.

The former captain of the First Company, Barasin, was ambushed by the enemy with a heavy mining machine while crossing a narrow corridor. He was seriously injured and fell unconscious. He was then hidden in a fearless mecha by the pharmacist and is now asleep.

So Vox, who was specially appointed by Barasin, replaced him, but it was obvious that Vox was still some distance away from becoming a mature chief captain, so the leader of the Undertaker, Garo, first took over some of the affairs of the First Company.

In addition to the dead and the wounded, the entire Death Guard is now very busy.

It's crazy busy.

So even Mortarion couldn't stay in the infirmary any longer.

An entire galaxy is waiting for post-war takeover. The Death Guard must ensure that no one will organize another rebellion. The entire legion is scattered on different planets in the Galaspa galaxy to deal with the post-war situation.

The Imperial bureaucrats who had previously clamored for a blockade, immediately sent tax collection agencies and the Mechanicus fleet to investigate after hearing that the Death Guard had recaptured Galasper.

Greedy and slippery, the mortal officials with a kind smile on their faces chattered incessantly, trying to connect with the Death Guard about management work.

Just like a fly.

Mortarion thought unhappily.

But the Death Guard will only ensure that the armed forces of this galaxy are eradicated and the tyranny is overthrown. As for the subsequent management work such as tax collection, that is indeed the job of the Imperial bureaucracy.

So no matter how reluctant Mortarion was, the Death Guard had to connect with them.

So he decisively gave the job to Garo. As the leader of the Death Guard's undertakers, Garo's job was easy. Even if he took over part of the management of the First Company, he could still add some workload.

He also decisively ignored the busy figure of Gala.

The Death Guard is still too short of manpower, Mortarion thought silently.

He had originally wanted to let Karas do something. After all, when he was above Barbaros, Karas had shared with him the leadership and command of the south.

Compared to Karas, Vokes is still a little green in management.

But Karas already had his work cut out for him.

After the Battle of Galasper, the Death Guard suffered heavy losses and were in urgent need of reinforcements.

Mortarion, who was busy with post-war cleanup, naturally could not go to Barbarus to recruit soldiers in person.

At this time, Carastiphon came to him and offered to return to Barbaryus to help recruit soldiers.

Mortarion agreed, of course.

Looking into Karas's deep black eyes, Mortarion suddenly realized that he had not chatted with this old friend for a long time.

After all, the final outcome of the last psychic incident did create a rift between the two sides.

"How about it?"

Mortarion was referring to the Battle of Galasper, but Typhon certainly knew what he was asking about.

Typhon was silent, his eyes sunken in his sockets showing that he was in deep thought.

Compared to Hades who likes to show his emotions, Mortarion is always unable to read Karas's expressions. He always likes to hide his expressions under his eye sockets and beard.

"We taught them a lesson, and we ended the order of this tyrannical civilization."

"Just as we did in Barbarus."

Finally Callas smiled easily,

"I am very pleased that the Death Guard can play such a role in the Great Crusade. I think this is also what Mortarion wants."

The consolation from his good friend made Mortarion, who had been busy for many days, feel a little relieved.

"Yes, that's right."

He whispered, and Karas took the opportunity to make his request.

"Too busy, Death, you are always too busy."

"I want to help you too, so let me go back to Barbarus."

That beautiful dark green planet. Ever since he woke up that day, an inexplicable longing has always lingered in Karas' heart.


Mortarion said finally.

The Primarch's direct order naturally did not need to be approved by anyone else. While everyone was busy, the Death Guard's recruitment ship towards Barbarus had already started.

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(End of this chapter)