My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 20: 19Mosan, what is your Ninja Way?


Barbaros, Southern Swamp, Monitor Village.

The third year since Hades arrived in the South.


Thick fog rolled in, white waves were like waves, a hint of coldness eroded the temperature of the surrounding body, and the poisonous fog was constantly trying to drown the passers-by in it.

Hades and Mortarion sat in the middle. Seeing Hades, who had just been joking, suddenly become serious, Mortarion couldn't help but become serious as well.

"That. The God of Death."


"You're fighting for the people, aren't you?"

Hades carefully glanced at the thin young man leaning against Mortarion. This young man was a microcosm of the countless rebels who followed Mortarion in the uprising.

They abandoned everything in the past and remained silent in pain, just to make themselves stronger and stronger, to become the unbreakable blade in Mortarion's hand and fight for the liberation of mankind.

But what if Mortarion is not who he appears to be, fighting for the liberation of humanity

After Hades finished speaking, Mortarion's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his amber eyes appeared and disappeared in the mist, like the eyes of a hunter hidden in the jungle.

"I've been doing it all along, why are you asking, Hades?"

Hades sighed softly.

"What if an opportunity arises where you lose everything you have before in exchange for the victory of the people?"

Why do you ask

Mortarion clenched his fists silently. Of course he would. Why not? After all, it was the humans who gave him meaning after having nothing before.

"Of course I will choose the people. It is these people who chose me. They are willing to be my sharp blade, so I will definitely live up to the responsibility. And...Hades, you shouldn't ask such a ridiculous and naive question."

It was humans who made Mortarion find his own meaning, and he certainly would not abandon these companions who followed him.

"What if you lose everything, including giving up your revenge on the alien lord Nakre?"

Before Hades could finish his words, Mortarion suddenly jumped up, with his scythe pointed directly at Hades' head.

The sickle-like wind slashed through the fog waves, and the white fog in the sky was instantly split in half! The knife wind was still rushing, and the fog a hundred meters away broke open one after another!

Fuck, that’s too fast!!!

Hades had just managed to muster the strength to pick up the scythe to block, but the heavy and huge scythe unique to Mortarion was already on Hades' neck.

Is this the power of the Primarch

At this time, Mortarion was half-kneeling on the ground, holding the sickle in one hand and carefully putting the young man's head on the ground with the other hand.

His eyes were fixed on Hades, cold, suspicious, and fearful. Hades was sure that he had just seen a hint of madness in Mortarion's eyes.

Hades colludes with the aliens

"What did my foster father tell you?"

"No, I didn't. I didn't meet Knakre."

Hades tried to make his tone more relaxed, but it was obvious that the cold touch on his neck threatened him at all times - Mortarion even deliberately suppressed his strength so that the blade of the sickle just pressed on Hades' artery.

Mortarion was silent.

"Then why do you say that?"

Why was he asking that? Why was he asking this? Was he being controlled by the xenos? Did he not trust Mortarion anymore

"I want to know which is more important, humans or the plan in your heart."

"Are you helping humans because you hate Nak're, or are you fighting against the aliens because of humans?"

Is that all

Is that why he asked himself

But Mortarion himself had not thought about this question.

What about Mortarion's own answer? .

Hades felt that Mortarion's scrutinizing eyes were cutting him open again and again, as if he wanted to cut Hades open completely.

Of course he could feel Hades' blood pressure rising and his heart pounding.

It seemed to confirm that Hades had no ill intentions and was not controlled by witchcraft—


Mortarion put down his scythe, and the heavy scythe hit the ground, splashing some mud. The dull sound of hitting the ground slowly spread in the thick fog.

“That doesn’t exist.”

Mortarion said softly.

"Not true. The people here are oppressed by xenos, and these xenos overlords will never give up enslaving and abusing humans."

"As long as the aliens are not eliminated, there will never be true peace for mankind, and the liberation I promised them will never come."

And that bastard. That arrogant monster who relied on witchcraft. That scum who treated them like livestock!

"Nakre must be killed! I will kill him with my own hands and bring true liberation to mankind!"

Hades watched as Mortarion became torn between rage and regret.

Yes, if there was no man from outer space, the question Hades just asked would never have been established, and Mortarion would eventually accumulate strength and then kill his inner demon.

At this time, the question asked by Hades will have real meaning, and it is a necessity of existence.

Just like what is written in the original book,

He will come.

He would be sitting in a gorgeously carved, golden aircraft made with mankind's most advanced technology.

He will come on his throne upon the broadest and most fertile black soil of Barbaryus.

He would walk slowly and dramatically across the land, the poisonous aura of Barbarus lingering all year round automatically dissipating around him.

His face was handsome and blurry, his figure was tall and strong, and his golden armor gleamed with the most subtle colors that any human could imagine.

Everything on Barbaros pales in comparison to him.

The first Death Guard sentry to spot him would kneel before him, shaking and weeping.


The people you trust, the companions you are proud of, and the soldiers you rely on will submit to him willingly.

Even if you have given these people everything you have, even if you have promised them your future, even if you believe in them with full expectation.

But the man just stood there, he didn't even say anything.

They have surrendered, they have given everything they have.

After all, he is the emperor.

After all, they are human beings.

He would go forth and, with the most grace imaginable, treat the first wounded person he encountered, even if that person's injury seemed completely incurable.

He would heal him, and the wound would heal in an instant, and the others would kneel before him, singing praises to the miracle.

They will joyfully lead him into the fortress you have built with such painstaking effort, they will invite him to sit in the most noble seat in the council chamber, they will gather around him and listen to him tell of distant miracles and old dreams.

And you, Mortarion.

You have just fled in haste from a failed attack, and you listen in panic and horror as your sentinels report to you this miracle from outer space.

You want to make yourself look less like a loser, you muster up the courage to walk into your own meeting room, but the first time you see him -

You know you've lost it all.

You have been abandoned by your humans.

You are a loser.

"I am...your friend, and I came to Barbarus in search of a noble soul," he added. "In search of you."

"Thousands of worlds away, you have been away from the Empire for too long. My lost one, it is time to return to our arms. I promise you that glory and prosperity are just around the corner. The dawn of a new era is coming."

He wants you to give in, to follow him and leave.

How could you possibly leave

Barbarus, the people of Barbarus, this is everything to you.

But obviously, this guy has taken that away.

Except for his hatred for Nakre, Mortarion had nothing at this moment.

He also saw through it, so bet your hatred and future with him.

But you lost the battle with Nakre.

I lost completely and lost everything.

At this moment, the seeds of betrayal have been planted, waiting to sprout.

The "anchor" that locks the past, present, and future has been set.

He in the Most High Heaven smiled with satisfaction.

Hades looked at Mortarion in front of him, his eyes filled with anger towards his adoptive father Nakre, but also mixed with hope and determination to liberate mankind.

How can I change this predetermined fate

It is gratifying that Hades today is also working hard to improve his speaking skills in order not to become a stinky can.

I have sent this to all the groups countless times, (;Д`), just add QQ 2834827638, I don’t check QQ very often, so I may be slow to reply.

I've read Mortarion's mental journey. To be honest, when I read Mortarion's biography, I had this feeling: this guy hated the Emperor. In a sense, it was because the Emperor was too damn high-profile when he came, and Mortarion himself was a Primarch who was particularly bad at being high-profile and gorgeous - and then he died.

I will add 100 reasons why Mortarion hates the Emperor later. (Ahem, an exaggeration)

(End of this chapter)