My Life as A Death Guard

Chapter 90: Extra 4.2 Your name is Mortarion?!


Darkness crawled over the corridor like slime, corroding the tunnel with its breath.

A thick, pungent fog filled the air. The sound of a bell that could not possibly exist on the Endurance rang out, echoing in the narrow, dark corridor.

The damp and warm fungi and viruses are spreading and growing rustlingly.

The shiny beetles and fat black-haired flies gathered together and flew around in the cracks in the corridor.

Sometimes, a shrill scream broke the silence, but was swallowed up by darkness in an instant.

Dull explosions were heard from time to time; they were tunnel bombs that had been placed in advance.

Mortarion gripped the shaft of the scythe, Annihilation.

The first to arrive on the battlefield is a corroded body of a crew member, alive, or dead.

The loose white-green skin separated from his red and yellow muscles and fell like liquid, hitting the ground with a plop.

The eyeball was like a fat, soft worm, poking out of his eye socket, with the front part crystal clear and the back part cloudy.

A strange three-ring logo was branded on his forehead, a gift from a loving father.

Seeing the fully armed Mortarion and the Death Guard, the crewman drooled.

Liquid welled up from his eyes, wetting the worm.

The sound of the pistol's dark light was hissing, the air was filled with the smell of burning, and with an explosion, the battlefield returned to loneliness.

But [they] had already discovered them.

Mortarion's breathing was like a sigh, as if he was mourning the death of the crew, or ordering everyone to be on guard.

When the first Plague Warrior arrived, the war began.

The fierce hail of bullets immediately tore apart the first batch of enemies that arrived at the front line, and the broken flesh burst with pus and spread on the deck.

In the long and narrow corridor leading to the hall, countless plague warriors continued to pour in, seemingly knowing no fatigue or fear.

They just wanted to get here.

The foul-smelling flesh and blood gradually accumulated, and the dead bodies of the Plague Warriors became excellent cover. The enemy troops on the corridor continued to advance, and the stench and fog immediately enveloped the area they occupied.

Soon, the corpses of the plague warriors piled up to the entrance of the hall, and a pale mist shrouded it, making it impossible to see the other side.

But this time no Plague Marines emerged from the fog.

Mortarion took a deep breath.

They are waiting.

The bell rang again.

A dim pale light emerged from the mist, a tall figure—


Mortarion directly pressed the bomb switch buried at the other end of the corridor wall!

A huge amount of bombs directly cut off the corridor!

This is a one-way road. If it is blown up, it means that the enemy at the rear of the ship cannot come to the rescue immediately. The bait has been taken at this moment!

However, the smoke from the explosion dissipated and the figure slowly walked out of the fog.

[You don't really think this can stop me?]

[Mortarion] stepped out of the mist, seven Death Shrouds wandering around him.

Mortarion's pupils shrank rapidly—

That's, that's him.


The swollen body, like a corpse that had turned white after being soaked in water, was hidden between the seemingly shaky armor.

Pus oozed out from the gaps in the armor, and pale fat was squeezed in between, like a balloon filled with mucus.

The poisonous gas enveloped [him], and a breathing tube was inserted directly into his mouth and nose, growing together with his flesh and blood, rising and falling slowly.

The muddy yellow saliva mixed with tiny pieces of meat hung between his intricate respiratory tracts like a spider web.

[His] eyes were white and mist was floating between them.

The moth's huge wings folded and flew behind [him].

The pungent stench passed through the breathing mask and hit his soul directly. Mortarion felt his stomach rising.

This is... Himself.

He will become that

Mortarion felt dazed for a moment, and Hades beside him realized that something was wrong with him and immediately touched him with his scythe.

It's not just Mortarion, Hades feels that after Mortarion's appearance, something is wrong with the entire Death Guard!

Deathly silence fell upon them.

Hades blinked and activated the obituary. The roar of the chainsaw seemed to pull back some of the people's consciousness.

[Mortarion]'s meditation was also interrupted by him.

He turned his eyes away from this weak self.


[Mortarion] narrowed his eyes mischievously.

[I do not remember ever having such a death shroud.]

It's just one more betrayer.

"Because I'm not you."

"I won't be you either!"

Mortarion simply raised his scythe and charged forward. In the battle between the primarchs, no matter how experienced a Space Marine was, it was meaningless.

If [he] loses, then Mortarion can slowly clean up his ships.

If he loses, then [Mortarion] will corrupt everything that is left.

[For a weak person like me, it is not difficult to accept the fact.]

[Don't be deceived by lies anymore.]

Compared to Mortarion who was giving it his all, [Mortarion] seemed more calm, and his body, which was more than twice as big as his uncorrupted self, made him sure of winning this duel.

Having understood the loving Father, [he] has already been invincible.

[I am stronger than you.]

[Why are you still struggling?]

"I don't want this kind of power!"

Mortarion shouted, and the roar pierced through the space!

Fires flew everywhere! Scythes flew!

The two scythe-wielding Primarchs now danced their scythes to perfection, with myriad changes unfolding in the duel, and scythe-wielding moves that the Death Guard had never heard of emerged one after another.

[Mortarion] did not use the gift of a loving father, [he] would conquer him by force.

The duel between the two Mortarions is destined to be a protracted battle.

Near the two Primarchs who were fighting fiercely, Mortarion's Death Shrouds also began fighting. These warriors cursed by Nurgle were far more powerful than others, and they silently charged towards the veterans of the Death Guard.

As long as their scythes scratch a little bit of their armor, viruses and bacteria will swarm in, completely rendering these Death Guards incapable of fighting!

Hades shot a [Death Shroud] in the head, and Blanca took the opportunity to jam his scythe with a knife. Hades rushed over and tore open the Shroud's head with the Death Shroud.

A [Death Shroud] has lost his combat effectiveness.

[Mortarion] blinked in displeasure.


No, not really.

[He] thought.

[He] knocked Mortarion back with a single blow of his sickle, unfastening a handful of lichen-covered bells from his belt.


All [his] soldiers present immediately turned into a pool of pus, and the sacrifice summoned the reward of the loving father.

The bell rang and the plague came suddenly.

Except for Mortarion and Hades, all the soldiers present immediately fell down, holding their necks in pain.

Mortarion was not in a much better condition, he was trembling and trying hard to stay put.

[The good news is, you and I are one, so the plague loves us.]

[Mortarion] watched his own painful posture with amusement.

However, Hades in the distance instantly fired a bullet towards the face of the smug Mortarion.

[He] frowned, dodged the bullet with a sway of his body.

But Hades had pulled Mortarion back by now, and he placed the obituary on Mortarion's armor.

The plague on Mortarion subsided.

[Mortarion] opened his eyes wide, and the hazy white pupils showed a moment of shock.

[Untouchables? I have yet to see an untouchable who could banish blessings.]

But [he] smiled instantly,

[Please be loyal to me, my child.]

[Even if you are untouchable, I may give you power and glory.]

[The power of the Death Guard will be opened to you.]

He is just another Karas. As long as you tell him that the situation is over and promise him benefits, he will abandon his old master.

Hades held Mortarion and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, [Mortarion], but I'd rather die than become a plague pig."

Mortarion's mocking laughter mixed with coughs rang out.

Even though his body was still in pain, his soul was burning, and the screams of his offspring were echoing in his ears.

Hades always says strange things, but this word is very appropriate at this moment.

He doesn't object.

"See, that's why I said, I'm not you."

Mortarion said with a smile.

"Pig plague."

(End of this chapter)