My Little Happiness

Chapter 31


When Zhong Zhen looked at the familiar and unfamiliar game screen and ID on the screen, he was completely stunned, and looked at Wen Shaoqing in disbelief.

Wen Shaoqing looked at him calmly on purpose, "What's wrong?"

"'s nothing." Zhong Zhen immediately stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Wen Shaoqing didn't stop him, and let him run out.

Zhong Zhen hid in the bathroom and called Cong Rong.

Cong Rong sent Zhou Chengcheng to the gate of the community, but before returning, she called Zhong Zhen because she thought Zhong Zhen couldn't get in the house, and answered, "I'm going to see someone off, and I'll be back right away."

Zhong Zhen ignored her, and chattered: "Cousin, cousin! Do you know who Teacher Wen is?!"

Cong Rong was puzzled, "Who is it?"

Zhong Zhen's voice was full of excitement, "He is that Xinglin Chunnuan! That person you had a crush on in the game back then!"

Cong Rong stood in the cold wind and gritted his teeth, "Zhong Zhen! How dare you use the word 'secret love' again!"

Zhong Zhen's voice dropped immediately, "I didn't say anything..."

Of course Cong Rong knew that Wen Shaoqing was Xinglin Chunnuan in the game back then. She never told anyone, and Zhong Zhen just thought that they only met in the game, but how did he know now

"How do you know that Wen Shaoqing is that person?"

Zhong Zhen heard something wrong all of a sudden, and was even more horrified, "You knew it a long time ago?! I saw it on his computer just now, and I saw it when he logged in to the game. How did you know?"

Cong Rong's voice suddenly became gloomy, "Zhong Zhen."

The corner of Zhong Zhen's eyes twitched, "Huh?"

"If you let him know that I used your account to provoke him back then, you will die!"

Zhong Zhen was aggrieved, "Sister, you are a lawyer, how can you threaten people..."

"You do it yourself!"

After Zhong Zhen came out of the toilet, he looked at Wen Shaoqing differently, with a little disbelief, a little excitement, and a little guilty conscience. When Wen Shaoqing showed him the paper, he was also a little absent-minded, staring at Wen Shaoqing every few minutes.

Cong Rong stood in the cold wind and lost his mind for a while, then sighed after a while, and continued walking home.

Zhong Zhen went to the opposite door while Wen Shaoqing was showing him the paper.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stopped by Cong Rong, and he took out a bound document and threw it in front of him. On the first page, there were a few capitalized and bold words that stood out—standards for the identification of the degree of human injury.

Zhong Zhen froze, "Cousin, what are you doing?"

Cong Rong sat down on the sofa and replied with a smile: "Let's play a game. The name of this game is 'You Say I Do'. Say it yourself, which page and line are not included in the table, and that line says I will beat you into any kind of disability."

Zhong Zhen immediately hugged Cong Rong's thigh and begged for mercy: "Sister, I really know I was wrong."

"Say it!"


"I'll count to three, and if you don't tell me, I'll decide for you!"

Without even thinking about it, Zhong Zhen replied indiscriminately: "Line 7 on page 40!"

Cong Rong threw the document to him, "Look for yourself!"

Zhong Zhen tremblingly began to turn over, counting the lines, and then pointed to that line excitedly, "Cousin! Look, there are only two words in that line, drowning! I'll just go to the bathtub and hold my breath for a while, okay? "

Cong Rong sneered, and turned the document back to the previous page, "That's not page 40. When the page number was marked, the cover was not counted, but if the cover is included, page 39 is the real page 40. Then look at line 7 that says what?"

Zhong Zhen was shocked and dissatisfied, "Cousin, you even cheated on your own cousin! It's crazy!"

Cong Rong glanced at him indifferently, "Maybe this is lower than the drowning level just now?"

Zhong Zhen looked over nervously with a fluke mentality, and wailed after only one glance, Cong Rong said coldly: "Read!"

Zhong Zhen read out sobbing, his voice getting smaller and smaller, "All or part of the anal sphincter is torn, and even the anterior wall of the rectum is also torn..."

Cong Rong suddenly smiled softly, "Cousin, it seems that I have to find you a boyfriend too."

Zhong Zhen grabbed his collar in horror and resisted, "Cousin! You can't bend straight!"

Cong Rong glared at him, "Do you still know that it's not good to be persecuted? Then you still insist on finding me a boyfriend? I hate marriage so much in your eyes?"

Zhong Zhen was silent for a while, then suddenly withdrew his expression, looked at Cong Rong seriously and said, "It's not that I hate to marry, it's that I don't know how to marry at all. Sister, you give people the feeling that you don't need a man at all, don't you Cold, but it makes people feel cold. In terms of love affairs, it is very indifferent, except for... who, since then, I have never seen you pay attention to any man. Since childhood, you have the final say on your affairs, and never Rely on men. When I was in school, they all told me, Zhong Zhen, your sister is a goddess. Not because of anything else, but because you are really superior, and no boy will affect your emotions. Your superiority is not a gesture, It's about your mentality, you've always been indifferent to men, and you feel like you won't get married at all."

Cong Rong naturally knew who the "who" Zhong Zhen was talking about, but he was wrong, not because he hadn't paid attention to any man after that person, but he had been following that man all the time.

Those who have the heart are tired, but those who don't have the heart don't care.

She is not unintentional, she has someone in her heart, so she doesn't care about others.

Cong Rong's sudden silence made Zhong Zhen frown, and he asked cautiously: "Cousin, now you know that Mr. Wen is that Xinglin Huinuan, then do you... still like him?"

Cong Rong's eyes flickered, "I don't know."

Zhong Zhen became more and more sure, "That's what I like. Every time you don't want to answer, you say you don't know. You obviously like it."

Cong Rong sighed, "Maybe."

Zhong Zhen suddenly remembered something, "Then do you know who the person my boss said I like?"

Cong Rong shook his head, "I don't know."

Both siblings fell silent. After a while, Zhong Zhen clenched his fists and said solemnly: "It's okay, cousin! As long as my boss is still single, no matter who he likes, I will help you get him back!"

"Here it comes again..." Cong Rong rubbed his temples with a headache, "You can do whatever you want, I'll go to bed first when I'm sleepy, if you want to sleep here, go to the guest room, if you don't want to sleep, then go home, I don't care about you."

Zhong Zhen suddenly called her: "Cousin, cousin! Let me tell you something! Do you know why Doctor Qin hasn't spoken much today?"


"Because she seems to have a crush on my boss, the doctors and nurses in our hospital used to use my boss's and her CP in the hospital's forum before! She also named her 'Qingchu'!"

Cong Rong lacked interest, "What's none of my business?"

"Of course it's closed! I hope my boss will keep it for you! How could he run away with others?!"

"Thank you, you are really my brother."

"I think you and my boss also want to have a CP, let me think about the name..."

Zhong Zhen scratched his ears and cheeks for a long time, and finally came up with a word, "How about calling it 'Shallot'? Does it sound pure?"

"I think white garlic is better, what do you think? After all, garlic is more expensive than onions now."


"I've told you more than a hundred times, I have nothing to do with your teacher."

After Cong Rong finished speaking, he stood up and accidentally kicked a bag, "What is this?"

Zhong Zhen immediately picked it up carefully and put it on the table, "A set of toiletries, soap, shower gel, etc., my boss gave me."

"What did he give you this for?"

"Because the name of this series is very special, all the packaging says Nature and Science. He said that with this Nature Science series in hand, you don't have to worry about SCI!"

It was the first time Cong Rong had heard that Nature and Science published it like this. It seems that Zhong Zhen's teacher is not very reliable.

This Christmas Eve was spent physically and mentally exhausted, Cong Rong lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep, turned over but was crushed by something under the pillow. She reached under the pillow and fumbled out the picture frame.

In the dead of night, when Cong Rong calmed down, he realized how absurd his behavior was. At that time, she didn't know what medicine she had taken wrongly, but she stole it out by a strange coincidence. She is a student of the law, but she knows the law and breaks the law.

She took out the photo, threw the frame into the drawer beside the bed, and looked at the photo for a long time.

At that time, after Wen Shaoqing finished taking the photo, she planned to let him pass it on to her, but he didn't mention it at the time, and she was too embarrassed to ask for it afterwards. It was probably this regret that encouraged her to steal it back.

The slender fingers gently stroked the silhouette on the photo, which seemed to carry a familiar temperature. The temperature of his fingertips when he picked her chin, the temperature of his palms when he touched the back of her head, the temperature of his fingertips when he covered her eyes, the temperature of his fingers when he held her wrist...

The unnecessary temperature seemed to be slowly transmitted from her fingertips to her heart, ironing her complicated and troubled heart, and she soon fell asleep in a daze.

She didn't sleep well at night and naturally couldn't get up the next morning. When she heard someone knocking on the door in a daze, she turned over and ignored it. It was already 9:30 when she opened her eyes again, she hurriedly got up and washed, and went out after finishing. As soon as I opened the door, I saw an insulated box hanging on the doorknob. When I opened it, there were four small and exquisite apple pies neatly placed inside.

Cong Rong picked it up and took a bite. It was still hot. The knock on the door she heard just now was probably from Wen Shaoqing, right

After Cong Rong finished eating in two or three bites, he returned home to clean the insulation box, and hung it on the opposite door as it was. She looked at the insulated box and thought of the cherry blossom glass. She always felt that it was not good to take his things for nothing, and stole that photo again, so she always had to send something back to feel at ease. She thought about it all the way until she sat in the office and couldn't figure out what to give as a suitable gift. She thinks she still has the ability to read words and colors, and recognize people and judge things, but Wen Shaoqing is simply impeccable, and she can't see his preferences at all, which is really terrible.