My Little Happiness

Chapter 39


When Xiao Ziyuan called, Cong Rong was in court, and Zhou Chengcheng happened to be the clerk. Zhou Chengcheng probably hasn't come out of the haze of broken love, and she was seen listless throughout the trial.

After it was over, the judge took off his reading glasses and asked with a smile, "Feng Chengcheng, why are you unhappy?"

Zhou Chengcheng frowned, "Zhou!"

The judge immediately corrected, "Feng Zhouzhou, why are your eyes swollen from crying?"

The corner of Zhou Chengcheng's mouth twitched, and he choked out a word, "Cheng!"

The judge changed it again, "Cheng Zhouzhou, little girl, don't be unhappy."

Zhou Chengcheng was about to cry, "It's Zhou Chengcheng! Teacher Li, my name is not Feng Chengcheng, but Zhou Chengcheng! It has nothing to do with that young lady in Shanghai!"

The judge slapped his head, "Oh, that's right, you see, you are getting old and have a bad memory."

Cong Rong was so bent over laughing, Zhou Chengcheng came out holding her hand and complained: "I've been here for almost two years! Teacher Li still can't remember my name!"

Cong Rong was still trying to hold back his laughter, and just about to tease her, the phone rang, "I'll answer the phone first."

She picked it up and listened for a while, the smile on her face gradually dissipated, and it took a while before she had doubts: "You just said... who? Who fought and was taken away by the police?"

Cong Rong felt that something really went wrong recently. She just received a call from the traffic police team the day before yesterday saying that Wen Shaoqing was driving under the influence of alcohol. Today he was taken away by the police again

"Wen Shaoqing." The voice on the other end of the phone was clear and harmonious, with round words.

To be honest, Cong Rong didn't believe it. Speaking of drunk driving, she still barely thinks it is possible, but fighting... Wen Shaoqing's hands are for holding scalpels, not for beating people.

She paused, "Then who are you?"

The other side smiled and replied: "Xiao Ziyuan. Also, Wen Shaoqing is a military member."

The other side hung up after finishing speaking, and Cong Rong held the phone with a confused expression on his face.

Seeing her unusual reaction, Zhou Chengcheng asked curiously, "Who is it?"

Cong Rong didn't answer, and immediately called Wen Shaoqing, but no one answered, and then called Zhong Zhen, but no one answered.

Zhou Chengcheng saw her complexion darken, and put away his hippie smile, "Is something wrong?"

Cong Rong turned around and walked towards the parking lot, "I'll explain to you later, I'm leaving first, and I won't have dinner with you if I'm in a hurry."

When Cong Rong arrived at the police station, Wen Shaoqing was surrounded by a group of students, most of whom were familiar to her. Wen Shaoqing sat on a chair as steadily as a mountain, lowering his head to roughly treat the wound on his hand while teaching him a lesson.

"I told you to exercise your body well. If you don't listen, you know that you are not physically strong now, right? Do you think that you can learn medicine just by dragging someone along? Don't you know Huang Feihong? Only after learning kung fu can you dare to practice medicine. Which one of you is not The baby at home, it is a man's responsibility to protect himself and not let his family worry." After speaking, he glanced at a few female students, "This is the gentleness that a girl should have."

Several students said guiltily: "I'm sorry, boss, if you hadn't protected us just now, your hands wouldn't have been hurt."

"It's nothing, it's just a minor injury." Wen Shaoqing didn't care at all, and he didn't forget to comfort a group of children. "In "The Analects of Confucius? Xianwen", a passer-by asked Confucius: 'How to repay grievances with virtue?' The Master said: 'How to repay virtue? Repay grievances directly , Repay virtue with kindness.’ The sages of Confucius said that to stop evil with violence is the greatest respect for kindness.”

After hearing this, Cong Rong lowered his head and laughed, complaining directly? How can any teacher teach students like this

She held back her smile before walking over to call Zhong Zhen. Zhong Zhen turned around and saw her, and his eyes turned red with grievance in the next second, "Sister..."

Cong Rong felt a little distressed at that sister's call. She remembered that when she was young, the chubby little boy was bullied by his playmates in the yard, and when he came home with a muddy face and a shallow foot, he would wipe away his tears and call "Sister" when he saw her, tears Mixed with the mud on his face, he wiped it again, and it was a whole little cat, every time it barked, Cong Rong felt shivering in his heart, and filled with righteous indignation to help him fight back.

Coupled with the fact that Zhong Zhen's forehead was swollen scary at the moment, the blood hadn't been wiped clean, and the scratches on his face looked more like a little cat, and several other students were also disappointed, she couldn't stand it all at once up.

The policeman who happened to deal with this incident knew her well, and greeted her with a smile: "Lawyer Cong."

"Lawyer?" The group of people who had been beaten on the other side immediately regained their spirits when they heard it. They immediately stood up and said while pointing at Wen Shaoqing, "Lawyer? I invite you, I'm going to sue the hospital! I'll sue him! The doctor beat someone! "

When Cong Rong approached, he realized that Wen Shaoqing's hand was badly injured, and the blood oozing from the white gauze was shockingly bright red. She glanced at Wen Shaoqing, his face was tired and pale, she didn't know if it was because she was thinking too much or something, but she always felt that he had only seen him for a day, and his face was much lighter.

Wen Shaoqing sat there looking up at her, and smiled faintly.

Cong Rong didn't speak to him. He frowned and turned to ask another group of people, with a cold expression, "How do you prove that he was a doctor when he hit you?"

The people in their early years immediately withered again, they were all a bunch of rough people, how could they understand this, "Well... anyway, they beat someone! The doctor beat someone!"

The louder she shouted, the louder she heard, Cong Rong frowned. She had seen a lot of domineering people, and she was least afraid of this kind of paper tiger. She looked at them with a gloomy expression, "What are you yelling at?! Is it justified if you raise your voice? Go to court." Try shouting that too!"

She has a court hearing in the morning, and she has to go to the Bar Association meeting in the afternoon, so she is dressed formally. She is tall and tall, with a section of wide-leg pants exposed under the dark gray long coat, paired with silver-gray stiletto heels, she has become a lawyer After seeing a lot and experiencing a lot in the future, I have an indifferent temperament when facing nonsense people, and the delicate makeup on my face is just right. Even if I stand there and say nothing, the aura of a glance is enough to kill many people instantly. people.

Sure enough, a group of burly men on the other side were not so arrogant, and their voices also lowered, "It was a doctor who beat someone..."

Cong Rong looked at them indifferently, "Sorry, none of the laws and regulations I've studied says that the crime of beating a doctor is given a higher grade. Also, I don't accept your entrustment, you can go to the Lawyers Association Complain to me, my name is Cong Rong."

Soon there was foul language again. Cong Rong has been in criminal proceedings for so long, and he has never seen any scenes. The thing he is most afraid of is threats. He took out his mobile phone from his bag, turned on the camera function, and briefly described the time, location, person, event and background, and then turned the camera to the opposite side, "I'm sorry, in order to avoid any disputes in the future, I will start taking pictures now, please pay attention to your words and deeds, think about it before talking, think about it before doing it, Because from now on, every word you say and every action you take may become evidence against you in the end."

Someone tugged on Zhong Zhen's sleeve and whispered, "Zhong Zhen, your cousin is so cool!"

"That's right! Excuse me, do you still lack younger siblings? The ones who study medicine!"

Zhong Zhen held his forehead and refused, "No shortage, no shortage, I already have a brother who studies medicine, and now I need a boyfriend who studies medicine!"

After speaking, he looked at Wen Shaoqing as if hinting at something, but unexpectedly saw Wen Shaoqing looking at Cong Rong with deep eyes, with a complicated expression on his face.

This is the second time Wen Shaoqing saw Cong Rong appearing as a lawyer. The last time was the night before. At that time, the atmosphere was not so tense, and her aura was not so full. She just negotiated with the traffic police slowly, keeping her face Crushing the traffic police all over the place, it's completely different from what it looks like now.

The first girl who ran into him at the elevator, stood behind him and looked at him secretly after a flash of amazement flashed in her eyes, has long been honed into a real legal lady through years of schooling experience and wandering around in various cases. Rational attitude and thinking have long been her instincts. Even in the face of a powerful and difficult opponent, she remains calm everywhere. The cautious and calm expression on her face is the best accumulation of quality and self-cultivation.

Are you not surprised? Wen Shaoqing remembered the frown she had stared at his hand when she first entered the door, and suddenly she lowered her eyes and smiled, except when facing him, right

The other party was poor, so the leading doctor urged the family members of the patient to grab the mobile phone. Cong Rong quickly dodged and dodged. Soon the police heard the movement and came over to reprimand him, and then went to Cong Rong to discuss with her in a low voice. "Lawyer Cong, don't make a big fuss. It seems that the hospital has retaliated. This matter is at most a mob fight. You will go through the formalities and pay a fine later. You take them back. We will detain these doctors for a few days." Yes. Now that the relationship between doctors and patients is so tense, it’s not the first time this group of people have come in, and every time it’s nothing.”

"Forget it?" Cong Rong usually likes to mediate in private, but this time he was unexpectedly strong, "I'm afraid not."

The policeman looked surprised, "What's wrong?"

"That person..." Cong Rong raised his chin and pointed at Wen Shaoqing, "He's from the military."