My Little Happiness

Chapter 65


Facts have proved that it is very wise for Wen Shaoqing to call Cong Rong.

He picked up Cong Rong and went to the hotel, just in time to meet Zhong Zhen and a student going downstairs.

"What are you doing?"

"I haven't finished drinking the beer I bought at the dinner last time, and it's been kept in the hospital supermarket. Let's go and move it."

"Go and come back quickly."

The two finally moved back. The waiter who ordered food looked at it and pointed to the warm reminder posted on the wall, "I'm sorry, our store prohibits bringing your own alcohol."

Everyone froze and looked at the wall together.

Cong Rong was looking down at the menu, and suddenly said, "Does no one in your store understand the law? The "Consumer Rights Protection Law" clearly defines the unilateral mandatory regulation of 'no bringing your own alcoholic beverages' in the catering industry as an illegal act of 'invalid content'. "

After she finished speaking, she looked up at the waiter, "Do you need me to call 12315?"

Probably used to being strong and not being refuted, the waiter ran out of the box with a look of astonishment, and a manager came over after a while, brought a fruit plate, and said with a smile on his face, "Everyone eat well tonight, I will give you a 20% discount , Come here often in the future, you can bring your own drinks, we don't charge corkage fees."

Everyone laughed and responded, and they didn't reveal their true nature until the manager and waiter left the box.

"Zhong Zhen Zhong Zhen! Your cousin is so handsome! Can we take your cousin with us for dinner?"

"Sister, do you still lack a younger brother? The one who has studied medicine?"

"Boss! The teacher's wife is amazing! Can we have the overlord's meal in the future!"

Cong Rong smiled slightly, "Knowledge is power."

A group of people had dinner and then went to the top of the mountain to watch the sea of lights. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and everywhere was bustling, and it looked more joyful when viewed from a height.

Wen Shaoqing leaned on the hood of the car, squinting and looking ahead. He is a doctor and rarely drinks alcohol, but this time he got a little drunk unknowingly.

Several students ran to the best position to take pictures and take pictures together.

Cong Rong stood a few steps away and watched them making trouble, and was occasionally called over to take a group photo for them.

He vaguely heard someone singing, and turned his head only to find that he was humming something in a low voice with his head bowed.

During the meal, Cong Rong also drank a little too much. She thought she had read or heard wrongly, so she lowered her head and rubbed her head before raising her head again.

But as soon as she raised her head, she bumped into Wen Shaoqing's eyes without warning. Those eyes in the night were as black as ink, and there were tenderness and smiles so thick that they couldn't be melted. She listened for a few seconds before thinking about it. stand up.

It was a Japanese song called, Sakura Sakura Wants to See You.

In the breeze and night at the top of the mountain, Wen Shaoqing, who had drunk, looked at her with affectionate eyes and a smile on his lips.

After a long time, he stopped and stretched out his hands towards her.

Cong Rong stepped forward without hesitation and threw himself into his arms.

Someone noticed this side, and good-natured laughter and whistles sounded soon, but the two still hugged each other and did not separate.

Wen Shaoqing couldn't drive after drinking, Zhong Zhen drove the two of them back, Wen Shaoqing asked him to drive the car back directly, and just drive to the hospital tomorrow.

Zhong Zhen cheerfully agreed, and the car stopped after a few meters. He poked his head out with a box and called Cong Rong, "Cousin! I almost forgot to give it to you! New Year's gift! Benefits from the hospital, a calendar printed by myself, I snatched it for you, take it home and watch it slowly!"

Cong Rong took it with a puzzled expression, "What?"

Zhong Zhen looked mysterious, "Good stuff!"

Cong Rong turned to look at Wen Shaoqing.

Wen Shaoqing also looked mysterious, "Good thing, pay attention to the one in the middle."

Cong Rong was a little curious by the two of them, and when he got home, he stood at the entrance without changing his clothes.

Inside the box is a desk calendar, which is only A5 size. It is very delicately made. When you open it, there is a single photo of the doctor for each month. The date is on the right, and the photo is on the left. The basic information of the doctor is written, nothing more than age, name, education and qualifications.

She turned the pages, and when she got to the middle, she saw Wen Shaoqing.

He is wearing the simplest white T-shirt and black slacks, but his skin is even fairer, looking sideways at the camera, his collarbone and neck can be seen from the neckline of the T-shirt, on his feet are a pair of white canvas shoes, and the trouser legs are rolled up , slightly revealing the ankle.

This was the first time she paid attention to his ankles, and it was also the first time she equated the word Wen Shaoqing with sexy.

Just as she was fascinated, Zhong Zhen called, "Cousin, how about the gift I gave you? These 12 people were voted by the whole house! My boss got the most votes, isn't he very handsome? Can't wait to celebrate July?"

Cong Rong obviously duplicity, "That's it."

Zhong Zhen was splashed with cold water and refused to give up, "Cousin, why are you not excited at all? Not everyone has this calendar. I got it by lottery. How many people came to me to buy it at a high price and I didn't sell it. Specially reserved for you!"

Cong Rong's tone was still light, "So?"

Zhong Zhen finally heard what he wanted to hear, and replied with a smile, "So, you have to wrap me a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year!"

Cong Rong stroked his forehead, "Okay."

Zhong Zhen hung up the phone contentedly.

Cong Rongcai hung up the phone, and Wen Shaoqing's WeChat came over.

Come over for hangover soup.

Maybe it's because of that photo, from the moment Cong Rong entered the door, his eyes always turned around his ankles inadvertently.

In fact, Cong Rong can understand why this calendar is so popular. The doctors and nurses in the hospital are used to seeing these people in white coats on weekdays. Seeing them in ordinary clothes again, the visual impact is self-evident, but it has a great impact on Cong Rong. It hit... Wen Shaoqing's ankle.

Looking at the photos just now is one thing, but now watching the live version is another kind of shock. She was fascinated by it when she heard Wen Shaoqing knock on the table, "I'm talking to you."

When she was nervous, she almost spilled the hangover soup, "What did you say?"

"I said," Wen Shaoqing pointed to her chest, "you dripped vegetable juice on your clothes just now."

Cong Rong looked down, and immediately frowned, "This is my last white shirt that doesn't drip oil!"

Wen Shaoqing asked solemnly, "Are you showing off the size of a certain part of you?"

Cong Rong glared at him, then frowned at the oil stains on his clothes, "Can't it be washed off?"

Wen Shaoqing took a look, "It can be washed off."

Cong Rong looked at him in disbelief, as if to say, you can do what you want.

Wen Shaoqing nodded, "I'll wash it."

That night, Cong Rong sent the white shirt to the right door as if he was angry. When he came back from get off work the next day, there was a bag hanging on the door. Inside the bag was a washed and ironed white shirt.

She opened it to see that the shirt in the bag was not only stained with oil, but also seemed to be much whiter than before. She took the bag and knocked on the door, "What did you do to my clothes?"

Wen Shaoqing looked at the clothes in the bag, "What's wrong?"

Cong Rong had a look of disbelief, "Why did it turn white? Could it be that you couldn't wash it off, so you bought me the same one?"

Wen Shaoqing gave her a strange look, "Don't you know that there is something called oxygen net in this world?"

Cong Rong shook his head honestly, "I've never heard of it."

The first time Wen Shaoqing looked at her like an idiot, Cong Rong's heart was traumatized. Even so, she had to admire this man. In her eyes, Wen Shaoqing had gradually changed from a cook to a housework expert.

"Wen Shaoqing?"

"I was wrong last time. You won't be a butcher anymore, and you don't need to be a cook. You can also help others wash their clothes!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not short of money, and I have no plans to open a laundromat for the time being." Wen Shaoqing laughed after she clearly rejected her, "But I can help you do laundry for free."

Cong Rong resolutely refused, "No! It's just Oxygen! What's the big deal!"

Wen Shaoqing smiled weakly, "Well, it's nothing special, Lawyer Cong remembers to pour one bottle at a time."

Cong Rong knew that he was teasing her for using a whole bottle of dishwashing liquid last time, so she gave him a bitter look.

Wen Shaoqing was suddenly curious, "How did you deal with the white shirts that were stained with oil and couldn't be washed off?"

Cong Rong sighed, "... Throw it away."

Wen Shaoqing was speechless, "..."

Cong Rong explained weakly, "I'm a lawyer, and I'll be laughed at if I wear an oil-stained white shirt to meet the client."

Wen Shaoqing smiled, "The parties know that the white shirt you bought with their hard-earned money is a one-off, and they will cry."

"..." Cong Rong expressed frustration at the fact that he was once again defeated by a butcher, and handed him another ball, "This toy seems to have been given way, and it fell into my house. Here it is."

As soon as the words fell, a head popped out from the sofa, "Are you calling me?"

Cong Rong was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that he had guests. That face was somewhat similar to Wen Shaoqing's, and his temperament was also somewhat similar. He turned around and asked Wen Shaoqing, "Is your brother or brother?"

Wen Shaoqing coughed lightly and began to explain, "My uncle, my grandfather's youngest son Wen Rang, nicknamed Rang Yi Rang."

Ren Yirang jumped out quickly when he heard his name, squatting at Wen Shaoqing's feet and sticking out his tongue.

Cong Rong reacted for a long time, looked at the dog and at the person, and sincerely praised, "The old man is always strong."

Wen Shaoqing's uncle probably doesn't get along with him, otherwise who would use the nickname of the elders in the family on pets.

Wen Rang waved to Cong Rong, "Nephew and daughter-in-law, come in and sit down!"

Wen Rang was sitting where Cong Rong usually sat, and she didn't feel anything, but Rang Yirang watched Cong Rong approaching, and yelled at Wen Rang twice.

Wen Rang was surprised, and turned to Wen Shaoqing, "What's wrong with it?"

Wen Shaoqing explained, "You took the seat of your niece and daughter-in-law."

Wen Rang immediately looked at Rang Yirang with grief and indignation, "You yell at me? We have used the same name for so many years, yet you yell at me for a woman you haven't known for a few months?!"

Rang Yirang yelled at him twice more, and Wen Rang fell down on the sofa clutching his chest.

Cong Rong was a little embarrassed seeing the "little uncle" with such superb acting skills. He didn't stand or sit or pretend to look down at his shirt. When he saw the neat buttons, he suddenly raised his head and asked Wen Shaoqing, "Have you re-fastened the buttons for me?"

Before Wen Shaoqing could speak, Wen Rang, who was lying on the sofa, said meaningfully, "My nephew's hands are still as clever as ever."

Seeing Cong Rong's puzzled expression, he immediately sat up, "Hey, you don't know? What's the button button, he's really good at embroidery! Back then, he embroidered the whole picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival! Let him give it to you another day." Embroider a picture of a mandarin duck with a white head!"

Cong Rong's unbelievable eyes swept over Wen Shaoqing's darkening face, "Embroidered... flowers?"

Wen Shaoqing's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he explained coldly, "In clinical practice, the practice of finger dexterity is very important, and I was forced to learn it."

At that time, he threw away the Chinese medicine doctor he had studied in elementary school for more than ten years and applied for clinical practice. The old man was so angry that he ignored him for several months. Later, I don’t know if it’s to punish him or it’s really for his own good. I asked him to embroider a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival. It’s a beautiful name, to practice patience and finger dexterity, so that now his hands tremble when he hears those five words. .

Cong Rong endured the pain with a smile, then he lowered his head and said hello indistinctly before running home, he forgot to take back his shirt, and laughed out loud when the door was closed.

Hearing the vague laughter outside the door, Wen Shaoqing glanced at Wen Rang, "Satisfied?"

Wen Rang approached the sofa, nodded slowly, and smiled, "It's okay."

Wen Shaoqing glanced at the clock on the wall, "You've been here for almost two hours, what's the matter?"

Wen Rang recalled carefully, "It seems that there is something serious going on, but I can't remember it, and I plan to leave."

Wen Rang went downstairs and called Wen Shaoqing again, "I remembered something serious, old Wen told you to remember to look for Phalaenopsis."

Wen Shaoqing hung up the phone and suddenly remembered something, and smiled slightly.

When Cong Rong went to work the next day, it happened that Wen Shaoqing came back from morning exercise, and Wen Shaoqing called her, "Skipping breakfast?"

Cong Rong tied the scarf in a hurry, "Don't eat, I'm in a hurry, I have an important meeting today, so I can't be late."

Wen Shaoqing blocked the elevator door and suddenly asked, "Do you know anyone who can buy Phalaenopsis?"

Cong Rong thought for a moment, "Phalaenopsis? What kind?"

Although she doesn't grow flowers, she also knows that Phalaenopsis is a scarce variety in the flower market this year, not to mention the high price, and some precious varieties are even harder to find.

An inexplicable chuckle overflowed from the corner of Wen Shaoqing's mouth, "The breed doesn't matter, as long as it's blue."

"Blue? You really know how to pick." Cong Rong folded his hands on his chest and stared at his face carefully, "Aren't you kidding me? Phalaenopsis does not have the gene to synthesize the blue pigment delphinidin, blue It is a bad genetic disease in botany, very rare, where do you want me to find it?"

Wen Shaoqing wiped his hands, followed her example, put his hands on his chest, and smiled, "There are dyed ones."

Cong Rong snorted coldly, "Since you understand it, you should know how difficult it is to cultivate a plant."

"It's hard to find you." Wen Shaoqing's tone was full of provocation, "Why, doesn't Lawyer Cong not even have this connection?"

Cong Rong tugged at the corners of his mouth, and reluctantly agreed, "No problem, when will you want it?"

Wen Shaoqing smiled calculatedly, "As soon as possible."

Cong Rong pursed the corners of her lips, gritted her teeth and answered, "Okay."

In the next few days, the entire law firm knew that Attorney Cong was not doing his job properly, and finally found a few plants through friends of friends. On the day they were airlifted to this city, she delivered them directly to Wen Shaoqing.

The hospital was already on holiday, and Zhong Zhen was waiting to be on duty on the second day of junior high school, idling around with Rang Yirang all day long.

Cong Rong saw him at Wen Shaoqing's house, and she was no longer surprised, so she went straight to the topic, "Where's your boss?"

Zhong Zhen pointed to the kitchen, "Dinner is being prepared."

Cong Rong rushed into the kitchen, showed him the flowers with a showy face but pretended to be indifferent, "Here, the flowers you want."

Wen Shaoqing turned her head to take a look, then continued to cut vegetables, "My grandma likes Phalaenopsis, and every New Year's day, I will find a few plants, looking festive."

Cong Rong didn't catch the clue, "Oh, where will I put it for you?"

Wen Shaoqing looked up at her, "Let it go to you first."

Cong Rong was startled, "Huh?"

Wen Shaoqing washed his hands and smiled inscrutablely, "Didn't Zhong Zhen say that you will not go home for the New Year? I plan to take you to my house for the New Year. This is a gift you prepared."

Cong Rong was completely dumbfounded, she was not mentally prepared at all, "When did I say I was going to your house for the New Year?"

Wen Shaoqing replied as a matter of course, "You never said that, so I said this is my plan."

Cong Rong was speechless, "..."

Wen Shaoqing comforted her, "Don't worry, my grandfather is in charge of our family, and my grandfather will not dislike you."

Although Cong Rong didn't want to talk to him, he was still curious and asked after holding back for a long time, "Why?"

Wen Shaoqing swept her from head to toe, with a look of admiration on his face, "Blood stasis constitution, cold and dry, heavy humidity, what a good mobile case, you can't find it, my grandfather must see you Very happy."

"..." Cong Rong didn't want to talk to Wen Shaoqing anymore, turned around to leave the kitchen, took two steps and then turned around, hesitating for a while before asking, "Well... what if I can't find a blue Phalaenopsis?"

Wen Shaoqing looked at her and smiled slightly, "Go to the balcony and have a look."

Cong Rong went to the balcony to have a look, and there was an identical blue phalaenopsis in the pot, and even if she couldn't find it, he made room for it. At this moment, Cong Rong's heart was extremely complicated, and he didn't know whether to call him considerate or cunning.

She stood on the balcony for a while, when footsteps came from behind, Wen Shaoqing wrapped her shoulders with one hand from behind, "Are you angry?"

Cong Rong shook his head, "No."

"Then... come home with me for the New Year?"

Cong Rong knew in her heart that even if she didn't agree to Wen Shaoqing, there would be a way to get her to agree, so don't bother, and replied weakly, "Okay."

In the next second, a deep laughter came from my ear, "It's time to eat."

Cong Rong turned to look at him and nodded with a smile.