My Little Happiness

Chapter 67


She took a look and then picked up the phone when she heard Cong's mother's voice on the phone, "When will you and your brother come back! We're waiting for you to have a New Year's Eve dinner!"

Cong Rong froze all over, and quickly calmed down, and softly replied to the phone, "Mom, please wait for a while."

After speaking, he covered the phone and yelled at Zhong Zhen, "Zhong Zhen! Didn't you tell your family that you won't go home for the New Year?"

Zhong Zhen was stealing food at the table, and answered vaguely, "No, I thought you would say..."

After finishing speaking, I also realized that the chopsticks fell to the table, with a face full of tears, "Sister... what should I do?"

Cong Rong was also a little at a loss, Wen Shaoqing took away the phone, and while talking, beckoned Zhong Zhen to come over, and then the two walked out together, and when Cong Rong reacted and chased him out, he had already hung up the phone.

Wen Shaoqing returned the phone to her, "Auntie said, let you go back some time after the new year."

Cong Rong suddenly had a bad feeling, "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything." Wen Shaoqing looked at Zhong Zhen, "I just said you were celebrating the New Year at my house."

Cong Rongye turned to look at Zhong Zhen, and Zhong Zhen replied with a smile, "I told my aunt that this is the first time my sister came to the door, and I'm going to support her, so I won't go back for the New Year."

Cong Rong always believed that force could not solve the problem, but now he felt that it could at least solve the problem of anger, and greeted Zhong Zhen with slap after slap.

Zhong Zhen was so frightened that he ran away quickly, and Cong Rong turned his gun to scratch the instigator Wen Shaoqing, "That's not the case at all! Why don't you tell the truth!

Grandma Wen watched the two of them having fun, and passed by with a smile, "Have fun and don't fight, Shaoqing, give way to Cong Rong."

Cong Rong didn't dare to make a mistake in front of his elders, so he stopped immediately, stood at attention, and pretended to look at the scenery.

Wen Shaoqing tilted his head to one side, shaking his shoulders constantly.

It took a while for Cong Rong to remember, "Should I... help in the kitchen?"

Wen Shaoqing looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, "When people go to see their parents, it's always a performance that they are good at. Why do you do it the other way around?"

Cong Rong knew that he was laughing at her, so he pursed his lips in disbelief, "Not all of them have to test their cooking skills..."

Wen Shaoqing smiled narrowly, "Everything is a test of cooking skills?"

He calmly met his interested eyes, turned his gaze away stiffly, and muttered, "It's nothing."

"Our family has a low threshold, so we don't pay attention to those." Wen Shaoqing stopped teasing her, and dragged her to the kitchen, "But I can take you to put on a show."

In the kitchen, Grandma Wen was making the sauce for the sweet and sour pork ribs. When she saw the two of them coming in, she chased them away, "Why did you come here? Go out and play somewhere else."

Wen Shaoqing pushed Cong Rong forward, "Grandma, Cong Rong said she can't help because she doesn't know how to cook, so she wants to come and talk to you."

Grandma Wen looked up at Cong Rong in surprise, "Don't stand there, there are stools over there, sit down and talk."

Wen Shaoqing walked around the kitchen, found a reason and went out.

Cong Rong liked this family from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't feel uncomfortable while chatting. He heard Grandma Wen tell her about Wen Shaoqing's childhood.

After the last dumpling was served, Father Wen suddenly looked at Wen Shaoqing. Wen Shaoqing nodded knowingly, then turned to ask Zhong Zhen, "Do you want to go together?"

Zhong Zhen stared at the dishes in front of him with chopsticks, "What?"

Wen Shaoqing got up and walked to the kitchen with Father Wen, "The basic skills of a surgeon, go and have a look."

This kind of situation probably happens often, and other people are not surprised. Cong Rong was a little curious, so he followed to see.

There are pre-prepared cooked tofu cut into pieces in the kitchen, heat the pan, put oil, pick up a piece with chopsticks and put it in the oil, gradually change the intensity as the tofu is cooked, put it back on the plate when it is cooked, and replace it with another piece , the tofu cannot slip off the chopsticks during the whole process.

Tofu is tender and brittle. Holding tofu with chopsticks is a technical task. If the force is too light, the tofu will slip from the middle of the chopsticks; Just enough to hold the tofu in the pan.

After Wen Shaoqing demonstrated, he turned to look at Zhong Zhen.

Zhong Zhen hesitated, "What if we lose?"

"Losing?" Wen Shaoqing glanced at Cong Rong with a smile, "If you lose, give me your cousin as my wife."

Cong Rong frowned and glared at him, and Wen Shaoqing smiled even more happily.

Father Wen looked at the two people who were flirting, and smiled, "Let's start? Cong Rong will be the referee."

The three of them soon started around the frying pan. The father and son had nothing to say about their clinical experience. Their speed and success rate were comparable. Zhong Zhen still had to practice. Either the tofu was crushed, or the tofu fell into the frying pan halfway. .

Cong Rong couldn't look away, she suddenly felt that the doctor's hands were miraculous, amazing to make people awe-inspiring, when holding the scalpel with both hands, it could save lives, and when she put down the scalpel, she was fighting to pick up the scalpel all the time prepare.

Wen Shaoqing's fingers were slender and strong, and he picked up the tofu with a kind of calmness. When it was about to end, he suddenly raised his head and smiled at her, and the movements of his hands slowed down calmly.

At the end, Cong Rong counted, smiled and applauded, "Uncle won!"

Father Wen wiped his hands with a smile, took a deep look at Wen Shaoqing, turned around and left the kitchen.

It was rare for Cong Rong to have the opportunity to tease Wen Shaoqing, and he commented in a cadence, "Ginger is still old and hot."

Wen Shaoqing put his hands behind his back, bent over and whispered in her ear, "I could have won three years ago, but it was just to save him face and make him happy."

Cong Rong saw his complacent face, and poured cold water lightly, "How could your father not know that you are giving in to him, maybe who is making who happy."

Wen Shaoqing twitched her eyes approvingly, "Lawyer Cong is really as careful as dust, it seems that I will have to spend more time pretending to coax you in the future."

Cong Rong glanced at him, with a look of high self-esteem, "I am very sensible, and I don't need others to coax."

Wen Shaoqing pretended to be enlightened, "It turns out that's the case, and that's right. Attorney Cong has a hidden foodie attribute. There is no need to coax him, as long as he has something to eat."

Cong Rong glared at him shamelessly and angrily, "You..."

Wen Shaoqing looked at her leisurely, waiting for her next words, but Cong Rong was powerless to refute.

Over there Zhong Zhen was still competing with tofu, it was horrible, and finally threw his chopsticks with a look of frustration, "My self-confidence has received unprecedented trauma, and I need to bite an elbow immediately to heal... I left and went to eat. "