My Little Happiness

Chapter 72


Cong Rong didn't know whether to judge whether Wen Shaoqing was a crow's mouth or a genius doctor, because she really started to have a fever and cough early the next morning, and she couldn't even get out of bed.

Wen Shaoqing came back from the night shift, saw Cong Rong's car in the parking lot, and knocked on the door. There was no answer for a long time, so he took the key and opened the door by himself, and then found someone on the bed.

Ignoring Cong Rong's sad eyes, he forcibly put the thermometer under her armpit, took it out after a while, looked at the number on it, and exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Well, 39 degrees 2, you are amazing!"

Cong Rong was so angry that he coughed and stared at him hard.

Wen Shaoqing was surprised again, "Hey, why did you change your double eyelids?"

Cong Rong's double eyelids would change when she had a fever since she was a child. For a while, she wished pervertedly that she had a fever every day.

She feebly raised her hand to hit him, but Wen Shaoqing raised her hand to block it, then held it in her hand to look carefully, and even touched it a few times.

Cong Rong withdrew his hand, "What are you doing!"

Wen Shaoqing smiled, "I'm sorry, occupational disease, as soon as you stretched out your hand, I wanted to see if the blood vessel was punctured."

Cong Rong didn't believe it, "You're talking nonsense! Zhong Zhen doesn't have the same problem as you!"

Wen Shaoqing suddenly lost his expression, "That means he still has to learn, and he won't even think about graduating in a few years."

Zhong Zhen, who was far away from the school, sneezed, rubbed his nose and muttered, "Is the air conditioner turned on too much? Why do you suddenly feel so cold?"

Later, Wen Shaoqing went to the community hospital to buy an injection while cooking porridge, and gave it to Cong Rong himself.

He held the medicine bag and looked around, "Do you have clothes hangers or something at home?"

Cong Rong obviously didn't cooperate, "No, you can hold it for me."

She was very dizzy, thinking that he could always find a place to hang the medicine bag, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

But she didn't expect that after waking up and opening her eyes, Wen Shaoqing was still in the same position as before, holding the medicine bag for her.

She felt a little guilty, and slowly sat up, "Why are you really holding it up all the time?"

Wen Shaoqing didn't say much. He stretched out his hand and paused in mid-air. Seeing that she didn't dodge, he pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, then moved it down to the skin on her neck, and then laughed. "It's not hot anymore."

Cong Rong touched it himself, "It seems to be fine."

Wen Shaoqing looked at the medicine bag, "The drip will be over soon, just lie down for a while."

Wen Shaoqing stayed with her for a long time, and was relieved when she saw that she could eat. "Take a good rest today. You should be better tomorrow. Go to the hospital for a review and call me. I have a busy clinic tomorrow morning. You Come back in the afternoon."

Cong Rong shook his head, "No!"

Wen Shaoqing joked, "Why, did you give up the treatment?"

Cong Rong frowned, "I just have a cold, even if I go, why should I register your number?"

Wen Shaoqing spoke nonsense in a serious manner, "The hospital has regulations, and the first-asking responsibility system. I treated you today, and I have to be responsible for curing you."

"..." Cong Rong sighed.

Cong Rong went to see a client the next afternoon, and he didn't arrive at the hospital until he was about to get off work.

There were still a lot of people in the hospital lobby at this time, she waited in line for a long time before it was her turn, she filled out the medical record and handed it to the staff, "Wen Shaoqing..."

She paused and added two more words, "Professor Wen Shaoqing's number."

The staff wearing masks didn't look up, "Professor Wen's number is already full."

Cong Rong felt relieved, "It's full, it's good to be full, then I won't hang up."

She withdrew from the crowd, and just after she took a breath, someone patted her on the shoulder.

Seeing Cong Rong looking at him in surprise, the man suddenly turned his eyes, probably smiling, and then took off his mask, "Didn't you recognize me?"

Cong Rong quickly greeted with a smile, "Doctor Chen."

Chen Tu looked at the medical record in her hand, "Sick?"

Cong Rong nodded, "I have a cold."

Chen Tu asked casually, "Whose account is it?"

Cong Rong paused before speaking, "Wen Shaoqing's."

Chen Tu probably also knew that Wen Shaoqing should not call Wen Shaoqing when she has a cold. Seeing that the curve of Chen Tu's mouth deepened a few degrees, she coughed lightly, "He asked me to find him."

The smile on Chen Tu's face was put away, and he sincerely suggested, "He has an outpatient clinic today, so he should be very busy. Actually, it's good to see Chinese medicine for a cold. My girlfriend is a Chinese medicine doctor. Let me take you there to see it?"

Cong Rong asked with difficulty, "Your girlfriend? Is she also a doctor?"

Chen Tu nodded and walked out, "Yes, it's over there in the Chinese medicine building, let's go."

Cong Rong thought of the girl with the round face and the round eyes, whose eyes lit up when she saw something to eat, and hesitated for a while, "Is it okay if I don't look for her?"

There is still half a sentence she did not say, I am afraid of being put to death...

Chen Tu probably guessed her thoughts by looking at her, "She won't mess around."

Entering the Chinese medicine building, someone greeted Chen Cu from time to time, and Chen Cu suddenly said, "Actually, Wen Shaoqing is quite talented as a Chinese medicine practitioner."

Cong Rong didn't know why he suddenly mentioned this, "What?"

"His family has a long history and can be regarded as a medical family. The pedigree accumulated by several generations is inherently gifted. His grandfather is a famous old Chinese doctor, and he is really the kind of rejuvenation. His father studied Western medicine back then. His grandfather grabbed him to make up for his regrets, and took him to soak in the pile of medicinal herbs since he was a child, but fortunately he didn't grow into an old-fashioned look."

In fact, Cong Rong has always been curious, "Then why did he also learn Western medicine later?"

Chen Tu suddenly looked mysterious, "Well... I really don't know."

The two of them arrived at the door of the consulting room, and heard Sanbao's voice before entering the door.

"Dysmenorrhea is a problem. Generally speaking, it is not easy to treat. Western medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Look at myself, every time my aunt comes here, it hurts. Why don't you just take a few painkillers and take care of your body slowly? It is the root cause, but there are rumors that combining can cure the disease, do you want to try it?"

A girl asked with some doubts, "Fit?"

Sanbao coughed lightly, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

The girl understood immediately, and her face blushed immediately.

"Haha, it's good if you understand. If you have the conditions, you can try it, but don't kill anyone. It just so happens that I have a condom from the gynecology department. Give it to you. If it is not enough, you can bring your ID card to the lobby on the first floor. Take it from the machine."

There was no sound in the room for a long time, and Sanbao thought with a doubtful voice, "Why don't you take it, don't you like the smell? Or is it the wrong size?"

Soon a girl came out with a blushing face. Cong Rong looked at Chen Tu with a complicated expression, and Chen Tu smiled awkwardly, "Look again."

Immediately after, a nurse came out, and after calling the number, she led a pregnant woman in.

Everything was fine at first until...

"Doctor, since I was pregnant, I especially like to eat fruit corn, why is that?"

Sanbao's thoughtful voice sounded again, "Maybe it's because you're pregnant with a bear."

Now even Chen Tuo began to caress his forehead.

The next situation didn't get any better, Cong Rong sat outside the door as if he was listening to cross talk.

"Doctor, do you think men's size is also the cause of infertility?"

"What's the meaning?"

"My husband's size... a bit small..."

"Well..." Sanbao hesitated, "Then I suggest you learn a Latin dance."

When the nurse came to ask Cong Rong to go in, Cong Rong hesitated, and asked Chen Tuo in a low voice, "I feel better, why don't you bother your girlfriend?"

Chen Tu smiled knowingly, "Don't worry about it, she probably just met a patient who was just looking for trouble, and it's usually normal."

Cong Rong couldn't imagine, "Average?"

Seeing Cong Rong, San Bao immediately went up to her with a smile on his face, and when Chen Tu said that he came to see a doctor, he took her pulse, but she was obviously not in what Chen Tu called "normal".

Sanbao looked at Cong Rong and frowned, "Hey, why is your pulse so fast all of a sudden? Did you fall in love with me?"

Cong Rong was speechless, "Uh..." Sanbao turned to look at Chen Tu with horror, "Chen Tu! She wants to poach your corner!"

"..." Chen Tu patted her head helplessly, "She is sick, please take a good look at her."

Only then did Sanbao get serious, Cong Rong glanced at her badge, it turned out that her surname was Ren.

Later, Sanbao prescribed medicine for her, and Chen Tu was called away, so she sat at the door of the pharmacy and waited to get the decocted medicine. When she smelled the mellow and warm medicinal herbs and fell asleep, the WeChat notification sounded rise.

Why not come

It's Wen Shaoqing.

She thought for a while and replied: I met Chen Tu when I was registering, and he took me to see a Chinese medicine doctor.

Wen Shaoqing asked again: Where are you now

Cong Rong looked around: waiting for decoction in the pharmacy of the Chinese medicine building.

After a while, Wen Shaoqing really appeared, squeezed the prescription in her hand and looked at it.

It was the first time Cong Rong saw Wen Shaoqing in a white coat, slightly revealing the collar of the light green shirt underneath. It was a very picky color, but it didn't violate his at all.

The soft light of the setting sun shone in through the transparent glass windows of the Chinese Medicine Building and hit his side face. The clear and beautiful side face glowed with warm soft light.

Cong Rong looked down at his fingers holding the prescription, the nails were round and clean, and her eyes returned to his face.

I suddenly wondered what he looked like when he was seeing a doctor.

He will examine the patient in a gentle and calm manner, or listen attentively to the patient's description of the condition, or bow his head and write something in the medical record with those slender and beautiful hands. Generally speaking, he should be serious and polite.

When encountering patients who do not cooperate or make trouble unreasonably, they will activate the black-bellied and poisonous tongue skills, increase the combat value, and use a big move to instantly clear the opponent's life.

Probably her eyes were too presumptuous, Wen Shaoqing turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Quick response is the basic quality of a lawyer. Cong Rong explained very quickly, "I wonder if the skin color of the hands will be different from the face when the doctor washes his hands so many times a day."

Wen Shaoqing nodded without saying anything, then stood up and asked the pharmacy, "Is this patient's medicine ready?"

A young doctor ran out from the back of the pharmacy, looked at him with his probe and replied, "Not yet, Mr. Wen."

Wen Shaoqing pointed to the prescription, "Then replace this Scutellaria baicalensis with wine Scutellaria baicalensis, the patient's stomach is not good, the scutellaria baicalensis is bitter and cold, change it to something milder, add 15 grams of madder, 25 grams of white peony root, and change the medicine for the next few days according to this." .”

"Okay, Mr. Wen." The little doctor turned around and entered the pharmacy again.

After Wen Shaoqing sat down next to Cong Rong again, she remembered Chen Cu's words and asked, "You studied Chinese medicine in elementary school, why did you study clinical medicine later?"

Wen Shaoqing turned to look at her suspiciously, "Did Lin Chen tell you?"

Cong Rong was even more puzzled, "What did he tell me?"

Wen Shaoqing shook his head and looked at her meaningfully, "It's nothing, I thought you two were very familiar at that time."

Cong Rong felt terrified when he saw it, and didn't want to delve into it any further, so he changed the subject, "What are Qiancao and Baishao doing?"

Wen Shaoqing glanced at her, "Relieve dysmenorrhea."

"I..." Cong Rong was forced to face hot, "How do you know my menstrual period..."

Wen Shaoqing glanced at her, and seemed to say again, I don't know anything.

Cong Rong was looking down in boredom.

Wen Shaoqing suddenly held her hand, and she was startled, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you interested in my hand? You can touch it. If you still want to touch your face, I don't mind." He said and put Cong Rong's hand on his face.

The warm touch made Cong Rong subconsciously shake off his hand and fled.

He took her hand just now, and accidentally brushed his shaved chin, which made the fingertips itchy. She seemed to be able to smell the smell of aftershave in the smell of disinfectant.

The little doctor heard the movement and ran out, "Hey, where was the patient just now?"

Wen Shaoqing stood up, not seeing the frivolity just now, "Don't worry about frying her medicine yet, watch the time, I'll come and get it when I'm about to get off work."

When he returned to the department, he met Chen Tu in the corridor, Chen Tu greeted him, he squinted his eyes at Chen Tu, and said coldly, "Busy!"

Then walk forward without squinting.

Chen Tu was at a loss, and after thinking for a while, he realized that he was really troubled, and stopped Wen Shaoqing who was a few steps away, "Hey, didn't you say that was your student's parent earlier?"

Wen Shaoqing defended expressionlessly, "I am also the parent of a student. My eldest sister is like a mother. I will be a teacher for a day and a father for life."

Chen Cu was dumbfounded by a set of theories, "You...are you too shameless?"

"My mental quality is excellent, so I won't do much next time!" Wen Shaoqing glanced at him lightly, turned and left.

Chen Tu threatened behind him, "I'll go back and tell Sanbao your shameless words! Let her know that the brother she adores is a beast!"

Wen Shaoqing didn't turn her head back, "Oh, Junior Sister Ren will probably only praise me when she finds out."

So when Chen Tuo told Sanbao exactly what he said when he got off work that day, Sanbao frowned and asked, "Senior brother really said that?"

Chen Tu shook his head and sighed, "Yeah, disillusioned?"

Sanbao immediately stood up and said happily, "I knew my senior brother was a beast at heart! Looking at his gentle and gentle appearance, I knew he must not be an ordinary beast! After waiting for so long, I finally found someone who can transform him Yes! Brother Wen is indeed my idol!"

Chen Tu's head was full of black lines, "..."

In the evening, Wen Shaoqing warmed up the traditional Chinese medicine and sent it to Cong Rong, watching her drink it before leaving.

Lying on the bed, Cong Rong suddenly remembered Wen Shaoqing's eyes during the day, he couldn't be jealous of Lin Chen, right? ! Be sure to remember to ask him why he wants to study Western medicine next time.

A few days later, Cong Rong was forced to go to Wen Shaoqing for a follow-up visit.

He was the only one in the office, and he seemed a bit serious in his white coat, with no smile on his face, so he glanced at her lightly, "Unbutton the coat."

Cong Rong was stunned, "Huh?"

end the finale


Table of contents

Wen Shaoqing's reason was impeccable, "I'll listen to the lungs for any noise."

Cong Rong watched him stick the stethoscope to his skin, but the cold tingling sensation in his memory did not appear, instead it was warm.

It was only later that he realized that he seemed to have been holding the stethoscope in his hand just now, and his heart warmed up, and he looked towards him.

He just finished writing the medical record and handed it to her, "I'm going to attend a consultation on today's flight, remember?"

Cong Rong nodded, "I'll take care of it, do you need me to take you to the airport?"

He shook his head, "I'll go with the director, you take care of yourself."

Cong Rong nodded again.

Wen Shaoqing had nothing to worry about at first, but he didn't expect that he would only leave for a few days, and Cong Rong would make a new problem.

He didn't tell Cong Rong about his early return. He came back on an early flight, and when he got home, she happened to be going out.

Cong Rong was taken aback, "Why did you come back early?"

Wen Shaoqing frowned at her, "What are you doing wearing sunglasses in broad daylight?"

Cong Rong coughed lightly, "Shading the sun."

Wen Shaoqing shook the water drops on the umbrella, "It's raining today."

Cong Rong became angry from embarrassment, "I am willing, it's none of your business!"

Wen Shaoqing became more and more curious, "Been beaten?"

"No!" Cong Rong pulled down his sunglasses angrily, "Sty!"

"What are you seeing that you shouldn't be seeing?" Wen Shaoqing raised his hand to stop her from putting on her sunglasses again, and held her chin with the other hand to watch carefully for a few minutes, which made Cong Rong's heart beat faster. He asked, "Have you taken your medicine?"

Cong Rong nodded, "I ate it, but it doesn't seem to be useful."

Wen Shaoqing pulled her back, "When did it start?"

Cong Rong was discouraged, "The day before yesterday, it wasn't that serious at first, but it was swollen after waking up today."

Wen Shaoqing raised his hand and looked at the time, "Are you in a hurry to go to work?"

Cong Rong shook his head, "I'm not in a hurry."

When she got home, Wen Shaoqing explained to her while washing her hands, "Just put a few drops of blood on the tip of the ear."

Cong Rong resisted when he heard that word, "Bleeding?"

Wen Shaoqing pulled her to sit on the sofa, raised her hand to caress her ear, "Before school is over, I will massage it first to speed up the local blood flow. If the auricle is not congested enough, the bleeding will not work well."

Wen Shaoqing swears that he really didn't have any indecent thoughts at first, but later... massaging his fingers, he rubbed her earlobe uncontrollably, where it was cool and soft, and then the temperature got higher and higher, and the color became more and more beautiful. It became more and more red, and even her whole face turned red.

Cong Rong felt that her ears were about to catch fire, but Wen Shaoqing didn't intend to let go, she stiffly turned her head to one side.

Wen Shaoqing only persisted for a few seconds, then coughed lightly, and turned his head in the opposite direction, feeling hot and itchy in his heart.

In the past few years of practicing medicine, it was the first time that a charming thought occurred to a patient, it was simply terrible! When I touched her earlobe last time, I obviously didn't have such thoughts!

Fortunately, the rest of the process went smoothly. In the end, Cong Rong blushed and covered her ears and went to work, while Wen Shaoqing went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Cong Rong felt that this kind of life is very good now, she can't cook, and Wen Shaoqing can cook for her. I don't know how to wash clothes, Wen Shaoqing will teach her, and I occasionally make a small problem, Wen Shaoqing will be responsible for curing her, Wen Shaoqing seems to be there all the time, so when he suddenly wants to leave for a while, she will be so panicked.

When she came back from a business trip that day, Wen Shaoqing was on the night shift the night before, so she didn't ask him to pick it up. She received a call from Zhong Zhen just after taking a shower when she got home.

"Cousin, have you come back from a business trip?"

"Just got home, what's the matter?"

Zhong Zhen asked cautiously, "Have you heard about the outbreak of acute respiratory infectious disease in Lin Province? The hospital organized a medical team to go. I want to go too. Can I go?"

Cong Rong's voice was a little cold, "What do you think?"

Zhong Zhen explained, "Well... In fact, working in a hospital is also dangerous, you will be beaten, you will be infected..."

Cong Rong interrupted him, "Give me a separate reason."

Zhong Zhen paused, and said in a rare serious way, "Sister, I really want to go. I think doctors are a particularly sacred profession that can save so many lives. A few days ago I heard some children singing in the pediatrics department, Love to study, love to work and grow up to make contributions to the people, so I am so moved, am I so ridiculous?"

"It's not ridiculous. Go, I'll talk to little aunt, be careful." Cong Rong suddenly thought of something after explaining, "Is your boss going?"

"Go, he is leading the team. He is still in a meeting in the conference room. He will tell you about it in a while."

Cong Rong was stunned, "When are you leaving?"

"Leave in a while." Zhong Zhen waited for a long time without responding, "Sister?"

"I'll go find you now." Cong Rong hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

She hurriedly put on some clothes and went out. When she arrived at the hospital, several buses were parked in the open space in front of the hospital building, and the front of the bus was full of people.

When Cong Rong was looking for Zhong Zhen everywhere, he saw an acquaintance in the corner, Sui Yi was talking to Xiao Ziyuan.

Listening to what the two said, it seems that Sui Yi also joined the medical team, probably Xiao Ziyuan didn't want her to go, with a straight face, Sui Yi hugged his waist and leaned in his arms, acting like a baby, "Soon I'll be back, just let me go..."

Sui Yi looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so she tiptoed and kissed Xiao Ziyuan's side face very quickly, Xiao Ziyuan looked down at her, sighed for a long time, raised his hand to touch her face and finally compromised, " What should I do with you..."

Cong Rong didn't know that the gentle woman would be so charming when she acted coquettishly.

Sui Yi smiled and leaned against Xiao Ziyuan's arms, "You know what, the best love story you ever said was, what's wrong with our A Yi...every time I hear it, I feel very good."

The corners of Cong Rong's mouth raised slightly, and a male voice suddenly came from behind, "What are you looking at?"

She subconsciously turned around, "Nothing."

Wen Shaoqing looked at her with a relaxed expression, "Got it?"

Cong Rong wanted to smile but couldn't. He obviously adjusted his mood when he came here.

"Zhong Zhen said he didn't want you to send him off, so he won't come to see you."

Wen Shaoqing stepped forward and held her hand, "If you have time, let me take care of you."

Cong Rong nodded, "Well. When will you... come back?"

"Hard to say."

"be safe."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Cong Rong was silent for a long time, and suddenly mustered up the courage to look up at him, "Do you still have to meet the question you asked me in the elevator in the community?"

Wen Shaoqing thought for a while, "Stop pretending you don't know me?"

Cong Rong shook his head, "Next sentence."

Wen Shaoqing thought for a while, and asked hesitantly, "You told others that you like me? This sentence?"

Cong Rong immediately replied, "I like it."

Wen Shaoqing was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head and laughed heavily, then stepped forward and hugged Cong Rong.

The two hugged each other and talked quietly.

"I'm a soldier, and the country needs me. If Zhong Zhen is not willing, I have a way to keep him from going."

"He's not a child anymore, that's his life, what he wants to do, and no one has the right to stop him." Cong Rong looked up at Wen Shaoqing, "I hope Zhong Zhen can be like you, with a frank and clean heart." Live a pure life, do whatever you want, have dreams, hopes, feelings, wine, poetry, and a distant place.”

Wen Shaoqing caressed her eyebrows, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Cong tolerated it again and again, his eyes were still red, "I'm worried about you."

She didn't know how many medical staff were sacrificed in the war without gunpowder that year.

"I'll be optimistic about myself too." Wen Shaoqing kissed her eyes, "It's not that serious this time, really, don't think too much about it."

Cong Rong nodded heavily.

Wen Shaoqing hugged her again before leaving, "I have something I want to tell you for a long time, and I will tell you when I come back. When I went out yesterday, I stuffed an envelope in the crack of your door, and you put it away."

Wen Shaoqing had been away for more than half a month, probably very busy and tired, and the contact with her gradually decreased, and she could only learn about the situation there in the news.

She was at work that day, and the assistant came in with the document and showed it to her, "Lawyer Cong, please sign it."

Cong Rong picked up the pen on the table and signed it. After signing, the assistant was curious, "Few people use this color pen now."

Cong Rong looked down at the pen in his hand, yes, apart from students, probably only doctors can use this color pen

This was when she sent Wen Shaoqing off that day, she drew it from his chest, and she didn't know what she was thinking at that time, but Wen Shaoqing smiled and said to her, "When this pen is used up, he will almost be back."

When he smiled, his eyes were deep and clear, making the years long and warm, and she suddenly began to miss him.

While in a trance, the front desk called.

"Lawyer Cong, someone is looking for you. I'm waiting for you in the living room."

Cong Rong lost interest, "Who?"

The gossiping heart of the girl at the front desk can be felt through the phone line, "He's a handsome guy!"

Cong Rong's eyebrows moved slightly, "What does it look like?"

"Tall and handsome, especially bearing!"

Cong Rong immediately hung up the phone and got up and walked towards the living room. When he opened the door and walked in and saw the person sitting on the sofa, his heart was suddenly empty and lost.

Xiao Ziyuan's ability to observe words and emotions is very good, he smiled and took a sip of tea, "Lawyer Cong seems disappointed to see me?"

Cong Rong has always been as calm and calm as her name when facing others, "How come, is there something wrong with Minister Xiao's visit?"

Xiao Ziyuan stood up from the sofa, "I'm going to the neighboring province to give condolences, but in fact it's just to see my wife privately. Is Lawyer Cong interested in going to see the family together?"

Cong Rong nodded immediately, "Yes! When are you leaving?"

When Wen Shaoqing saw Cong Rong and Xiao Ziyuan who suddenly appeared, there was nothing unusual on his face, and after a few words to Cong Rong in a pleasant manner, he turned coldly to Xiao Ziyuan, "Who told you to bring her here? !"

Xiao Ziyuan sat on the chair and waited for Sui Yi, obviously absent-minded, "You seem to really want to see her."

Wen Shaoqing suddenly looked at him seriously and said, "I'll tell you something, you should be mentally prepared."

Xiao Ziyuan was also calm, "What's the matter?"

Wen Shaoqing replied word by word, "Your wife seems to be pregnant."

Bang, Xiao Ziyuan fell directly from the chair.

Wen Shaoqing watched Xiao Ziyuan get up from the ground in a state of embarrassment, and hurriedly ran out without even being able to help the chair, "Tsk tsk, Xiao Bu, you are not as calm and stable as the outside world said!"

How could Xiao Ziyuan have the mind to pay attention to him.

Wen Shaoqing took Cong Rong to see Zhong Zhen, and the two got bored for a while, still worried that she would be infected, so they drove her away. Cong Rong also knew that he couldn't help here and would delay his work, so he was relieved to see that he and Zhong Zhen were fine, and left soon.

It was another month after Wen Shaoqing's medical team returned to the city. When Cong Rong received the news and rushed to the hospital, it was already dark.

When she hurriedly opened the door and went in, he was sitting at the desk writing something, when he heard the voice and raised his head to see her, he laughed.

It was another month since I saw him. He lost a lot of weight and looked more handsome. When he saw her standing in a daze at the door, he got up and walked over, took her hand, walked in and sat down, "I said yes when I left, I will wait for you I have something to tell you when I come back, remember?"

Cong Rong nodded.

Wen Shaoqing stretched out his hand, "Where's the thing?"

Cong Rong took out an envelope from his bag and put it in his hand.

It was stuffed into the crack of her door before he left. She opened it and saw that there were three cards inside, without any words.

Wen Shaoqing held the pink card and turned it around in his hand, "Pink, the color that every young girl in love will like? At that time, you should go to middle school, right?"

After speaking, he turned on the film viewing light, put the card on it, and then Cong Rong's eyes widened.

When the light passed through the card, three lines of characters appeared on the card.

Cong Rong from Class 11:

Hello, I am Wen Shaoqing from Class 9.

Can I like you

Wen Shaoqing lowered his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Did boys at that time write love letters like this? I should be learning regular script at that time. You said that you would be in class 11 every time you were divided into classes, I forgot Let me tell you, every time I am divided into classes, I will be assigned to class 9."

He picked up the white card again, "White, do girls in college like this color? White skirts for girls, white shirts for boys."

Different fonts soon appeared on the viewing light.

Junior Sister Cong, it is said in the book that Cong Rong is gentle and peaceful, and the years are quiet and peaceful. We are a natural couple.

Wen Shaoqing looked at Cong Rong, "I should be using running script when I was in college. If we met in college, I should be your senior brother. Aren't senior brothers and sisters always having adulterous affairs? I read a few books on my own when I went to college , the confession is also full of bookishness."

He lowered his head to get the last one and put it on the film viewer, "Silver-gray, a mature and steady color, just in line with our current age and state. After becoming a doctor, I used the doctor's customary font, cursive, to write a lot of medical records. "

Cong Rong looked at it for a long time, and suddenly said, "What is this sentence written in? I can't understand a few words."

Wen Shaoqing stood by the viewing light and watched her speak slowly, "One frown, one smile, one face, one pair for life."

After speaking, he laughed again, "If you write a love letter at this age, you probably won't be able to write sourly about love anymore. What a responsible man should give a woman is a lifetime promise."

Before turning off the lights, his face was blurred and gentle, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Cong Rong heard her own heartbeat, she hadn't been so nervous for a long time, her heart was trembling, a little flustered, but also a little warm.

The three love letters are on the viewing lamp, which are Wen Shaoqing's wishes.

Cong Rong was at a loss under his gaze, and Wen Shaoqing waited quietly for her reaction.

After a long time, she said in a trembling voice, "Wen Shaoqing, you...why do you like me? It's because..."

Wen Shaoqing smiled calmly, "What do you think it is because of? Am I such an unprincipled person? I like it if I like it. Do you think it is logical reasoning? Do you have to figure it out step by step?"

Cong Rong looked at him quietly, the smile on his face was clean and warm, his eyes were calm and determined, his brows were handsome and warm, and he slowly smiled as he looked at her.

Due to her limited career, she has long liked deriving results based on evidence, but she has forgotten that some things cannot be reasoned by cause and effect. Isn't love all about being inexplicable? There is a person who likes you for no reason, and you also like her for no reason, and you can't tell why, everything is so inexplicable and wonderful.

Suddenly there were hurried footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door. He responded and a young nurse pushed in, "Doctor Wen, there was a series of car accidents on the highway, and some of the injured were sent to our hospital for emergency treatment." , it will be here soon, the director told us to go down and meet him."

After she finished speaking, she found that besides Wen Shaoqing, there was a woman standing in the room. The woman's eyes were reddish, and Dr. Wen was still holding her hand. She was a little embarrassed for a while, and she bowed her head and withdrew, "I'm going to call other doctors Tell them to come back, you can go straight down in a while..."

Wen Shaoqing responded, turned around and turned off the film viewing light, then put the three cards in the envelope and stuffed them back into her bag, before pulling her out, "I probably have to work overtime again tonight, you go back first, Let's have dinner together tomorrow."

After walking a few steps, I turned around and went back to get a medical mask and put it on for her. "It might happen, the smell of blood is very strong."

After speaking, he placed a light kiss on the corner of her lips through the mask.

Afraid of delaying him, Cong Rong followed him downstairs and left quickly.

When she walked to the entrance of the hospital, several ambulances roared towards her, and a group of medical staff quickly came to meet her, and she quickly stepped aside.

When the ambulance door opened, Cong Rong couldn't help but take a look. The scene was a bit unpleasant, so she took a quick look and then looked away.

He just came back from Lin province, didn't have a good rest, and talked to her for a long time, and now he has to go for surgery again, will he be very tired

When Cong Rong went back to search for Wen Shaoqing's figure, the emergency room was already in chaos, with medical staff and wounded everywhere. His white coat was covered with blood, but he looked calm and calm as he sat for the first aid examination. While talking about asking the people next to him to help, Cong Rong suddenly realized that he was also the one who walked around the blood all day long.

He always looked leisurely and leisurely in front of her, with such an elegant and profound image, it was really impossible to imagine the bloody scene of cutting someone's belly open with a knife in his hand.

When Wen Shaoqing came out of the operating room, the head nurse came over with a smile, "I heard from the little nurse that there is a girl who has been waiting for you. I went to see it, and it's not bad."

Wen Shaoqing was too tired to speak, but asked silently.

The head nurse couldn't hide her gossip, "The little nurse said she still talks to you in the office after get off work, is she your girlfriend?"

Wen Shaoqing's brows moved slightly, she didn't leave

Seeing the change in his eyes, the head nurse laughed again, "It's on the bench at the end of the corridor in the ward, go and have a look."

Cong Rong didn't know how long she had been waiting, the phone was out of battery and had already been turned off, she was in a hurry when she came out, and she forgot to wear her watch, she didn't know why she went and came back, she probably just answered that sentence .

When the love is strong, it is nostalgic. Even though she knew it was useless to stay here, she still wanted to be with him.

Cong Rong yawned, and boredly took off the mask and put it on. After putting it on and taking it off, after repeated several times, he still felt the smell of disinfectant in the air was a bit heavy. He just wanted to stand up and look for it when he put it on again. The clock saw Wen Shaoqing standing a few steps away.

He stood there without speaking, just looked at her quietly. In the pale and cold light of the hospital corridor, his face was resolute and calm, his eyes seemed to suck her in with deep eyes, Cong Rong panicked, and just as he was about to say something, he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Cong Rong was taken aback, "What's wrong with you?"

It took a long time before he let her go, watching her utter a word weakly.

He was wearing a mask, and only his eyes were exposed on his entire face. She was envious of his distinct eyelashes, but his eyes changed suddenly, and the emotions in his eyes became more and more intense. Spilled, out of control. Cong Rong's throat was dry from his sight, and he was about to say something, but he bowed his head and kissed him unexpectedly.

In fact, the two of them were not kissing in the true sense through the masks, but they could feel his breath, and the smell of disinfectant in the air seemed to have faded.

"Ahem", Chen Tu stood at the door of the ward a few meters away, raised his hands above his head, with a teasing expression on his face, "I really don't want to disturb you two, but... Dr. Wen, the patient inside flipped your sign."

Cong Rong blushed and kicked Wen Shaoqing. Wen Shaoqing held her waist and led her into the stairwell, avoiding Chen Tu's sight.

Cong Rong became angry and still struggling, Wen Shaoqing said in a low voice, "Don't move!"

She was stunned and forgot to struggle, so she gave him the opportunity to tear off the masks of the two of them with a raised hand, and covered her lips again, gradually deepening the unfinished kiss just now, moving from the corner of the mouth to the chin, with a gentle and delicate kiss rubbing her chin...

Cong Rong raised his head and panted lightly, his fingers unconsciously grasped the fabric on his waist, and there was an ambiguous breath in the air. His side face was tightly pressed against her cheek, and they were tenderly kissing each other. He spoke in a low voice. The first opening was full of coaxing, but he didn't say anything. He just called her name over and over again, "Cong Rong... Cong Rong …”

Chen Tuman's helpless voice ruined the atmosphere again, "Doctor Wen, it's really business..."

Cong Rong woke up suddenly, and started struggling again the next second, pushing Wen Shaoqing away.

Wen Shaoqing didn't force it this time, and let her struggle out of his shackles.

He raised his eyebrows to look at her, and suddenly smiled after a few seconds, rubbing her head, "Why are you always so disobedient, sometimes I really want to beat you up."

His tone was gentle and loving, and Cong Rong froze on the spot, staring at him without knowing how to react.

Wen Shaoqing frowned suddenly, and kissed her on the chin in her arms before letting go.

Before leaving, he laughed contentedly, "At that time, Shen Shen said that you have an attractive abstinence temperament, but I disagree, who would really like the abstinence department, it's all because people who like to watch abstinence have broken their precepts."

Cong Rong watched him go out of the stairwell in dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he scratched the wall angrily!

Cong Rong always felt that Wen Shaoqing's skills in teasing her were nothing more than that, but he didn't expect him to have a hidden big move. People say that if you don't marry He Li, Wen Shaoqing... From this point of view, his skills are full and he can kill her instantly.

That day she worked overtime for a few days, and was fed by Wen Shaoqing in the middle of the night, still looking sluggish. She yawned in a daze and went home to continue working overtime. When Wen Shaoqing stood at the door and watched her off, Suddenly he called out to her.

"Cong Rong."

Cong Rong turned around, "Huh?"

There is no trace of a smile on his face, and even the gentleness in his eyebrows and eyes is gone, "I will marry you, how about it? You don't have to work so hard in the future, resign and do what you want at home, I will support you .”

Cong Rong's face changed, "What did you say?"

Wen Shaoqing suddenly laughed, with a brisk tone, "I'm just joking."

Cong Rong's face suddenly sank, and he took a deep look at Wen Shaoqing. There were complaints, grievances and a little bit of anger in that look, "Don't you know that some things can't be used as a joke? I'll go back and write to you immediately." Lawyer letter!"

Wen Shaoqing clenched her lips slightly, "I said I was joking when I asked you to resign and go home. I know that your goal in life is not a full-time wife. When I said that I would marry you, I was serious."

His eyes were serious and solemn, Cong Rong looked at the man a few steps away, the man she had admired since she was in her 20s, she had loved for so long, so many years in between, they were so far apart, so separated She thought about many things, but she never thought that one day, he would stand in front of her and ask her, Cong Rong, how about I marry you.

The object of the subject was unknown, the time was not specified, and a sentence that had no legal effect at all moved her completely.

She lowered her head abruptly, tears streaming down her eyes.

Cong Rong hesitated, "Have you really thought about it? In fact, we...we've only been together for more than a year."

Wen Shaoqing took a few steps and stood in front of her, holding her hand, "Isn't it enough? I think the time is just right. We have experienced all spring, summer, autumn and winter, and we will spend each spring, summer, autumn and winter together in the future. You in January In February you slept next door, in March it rained heavily, in April there were roses all over the place, in May we sat opposite each other, as if in a dream, and in this way June arrived, and in June the grass was in full bloom and fragrant everywhere. In July, sorrow and joy are intertwined, and the waves of wheat roll together with the grass to the end of the world. August is August, and I keep my mouth shut in August. In August, I am the water in the bottle, and you are the cloud in the blue sky. September and October are two One eye, filled with the sea, you are in the sea, I am under the sea."

She had also read this poem by the poetess, and murmured, "November has not yet come, and through its window I see December. December is full of snow."

His palm was warm and dry. After a while, she finally plucked up the courage to look up at him. When she looked up again, there was only firmness in her eyes. "Wen Shaoqing, you should think about it. The marriage law only protects your property, not your love."

Wen Shaoqing smiled and pulled her into his arms, whispering in her ear, "I will protect my love by myself."

In the summer evening, the temperature has dropped, it is not so hot, the sky is still bright, and there is a sunset glow in the sky that has not yet disappeared. Cong Rong just took a shower, sitting on the wicker chair on the balcony to dry his hair, and watering the flowers and plants on the balcony while watching the sunset. Wen Shaoqing came out of the kitchen, handed her a glass of iced lemon soda, and sat next to her, watching the sunset while she watered the flowers and plants all over the balcony.

Let Yirang run out of the house with a box of yogurt in his mouth, Wen Shaoqing opened it for him, and he ate happily on the ground.

In the glass, there are mint leaves that he just picked and washed, floating lightly on the lemon slices. The fragrance is light and the aftertaste is melodious. When you stir it with a straw, you can hear the sound of ice cubes hitting the glass wall, and gurgling Bubble sound.

She took a sip, leaned her head on his shoulder and continued to watch the sunset, and he leaned towards her, took the cup and put it beside him, then held her hand and continued to water the flowers and plants.

The two of them didn't say a word, but they were unexpectedly warm and sweet.

When watering the flowers, water was accidentally spilled on Rang Yirang, and he rolled on the ground with his tongue out and a smile on his face.

Wen Shaoqing put down the shower and looked at it for a while, then said solemnly, "Lawyer Cong, it's time for Rang Yi to give birth to a younger brother."

"..." Cong Rong fell into his arms, why did he bring up this topic again!

The summer is long, the flowers are charming, the breeze is blowing, and the room is full of fragrance.

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