My Love Is Too Deep, It Will Be A Disaster

Chapter 12: 0012 A tuft of dung


Looking at the inch of gold in the prime area, I spurned it in my heart. The evil capitalist, the socialist vampire, is like the Qin clan! With so many real estates, I’ll be a charter wife when I change, and I’ll just wait for the money to be collected!

After taking a deep scent of the fragrance, holding 99 red roses, he was stopped as soon as he stepped into the Qin clan. The security guard said with a serious face: "This lady, the Qin clan has a policy that it is not allowed to bring large items upstairs! "

Large items? 99 flowers are not a big item, right

I smiled and said, "Excuse me, it is Mrs. Qin’s secretary, Ms. Yalan, who asked me to come and discuss business today. This is a trick!" I thought that Qin Dongli was talking about it, but I didn’t expect Qin Dong to talk about it at around 5 o’clock last night Li’s secretary beauty, Wu Yalan really called me and asked me to come over today.

The security guard looked at me suspiciously, and I said sincerely: "If you don't believe me, you can call Ms. Aran's inside line and just ask!"

The security asked me to wait a moment, and really dialed the extension number of Qin Dongli's secretary Yalan.

I feel uneasy in my heart. I'm going to wear the country. Aren't I just blinding me with so many roses? I hope Wu Yalan will not mention any tricks.

Otherwise, according to the temper of Miss Li Feier, the flowers were not delivered to Qin Dongli, maybe she could smash my shop.

The security guard was talking, his eyes kept looking at me and looking at me, his eyes made me a little guilty.

After a while, I didn't know what Wu Yalan and the security had said, so the security didn't stop me.

Passing by the girl at the front desk, winked at her, and went to the staff elevator.

Around 8.25, it was time to clock in at work and race against time.

I was holding a bright red rose, and no one was curious to look at it. Don’t people in big companies gossip

No, I have to squeeze into the elevator and send the roses to his office before Qin Dongli enters the company. Otherwise, it will be a dead word!

But who told me, how come I who wear flat shoes can't squeeze people who wear ten cm high heels

As soon as I stepped on the elevator, I was squeezed out again, hurriedly backed up, hit someone with my back, and stepped on the shoes of the person with my heel.

I quickly turned around and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't see..." The words were not over, and I was choking on my throat. Didn't Wu Yalan tell me that their boss, Qin Dongli, went to work at 9 o'clock every day? Who is the overbearing president with a cold face and expressionless face in front of me!

Qin Dongli glanced at the shoes with a low eye, and said to the assistant beside him: "Assistant Xiao, buy a new pair of shoes and bring it here." Finally, he glanced at me and said: "It must be exactly the same!"

I was holding the flower, smiling reluctantly, secretly spitting out in my heart, as to why, didn't I step on his foot, there is no shoe print, and no dust! As for

Assistant Xiao's forehead, "Yes, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Dongli raised his foot and got into the president's elevator. I smiled and nodded at him to show my owe. People looked very cold and didn't even look at me. The elevator door closed, and I breathed a sigh of relief, Ma Yeah, it's really not what people do to serve the rich.

Secretly swear in my heart that I will have the power to kill all the dogs that humiliate me that day.

Assistant Xiao said contemptuously on the side: "Miss, please don't do such a naive thing next time, please draw Mr. Qin's attention?"

I blinked and didn't know. So Assistant Xiao snorted, "No matter how much you do, Mr. Qin won't fall in love with you. Put away the thoughts you shouldn't have, and don't put additional burdens on others! "

Ah! Dare to love my unintentional kick, because I want to catch a big fish! Then I didn't step on Qin Dongli's foot, it was really my fault!

I straightened my chest and said, "Excuse me, sir, I am the owner of the Sanxian flower shop. I came here today to give flowers to others, and you Mr. Qin asked me to sign a flower arrangement contract for the reception! As for what you said To draw Mr. Qin’s attention, it’s nothing but nothing. Except for my boyfriend, I regard other men as dung. Sorry, your Mr. Qin is also one of the dung!"

After speaking, the elevator just came down, "Ding!" I opened it, and I lifted my foot into the elevator, completely ignoring Assistant Xiao's expression of swallowing a pile of dung.