My Love Is Too Deep, It Will Be A Disaster

Chapter 126: 00126 is killing you


"Yeah! Hello, everyone!" I took the cake, walked to my place, and asked casually: "I wonder what you are discussing? It looks very intense!"

He Jinrong flashed a hint of impatience, as if he had never expected that I would come at this time.

Lin Zhuofeng didn't speak very much to Yang Lingxuan and said: "We are talking about the company's business, Yang Shao, what do you let an irrelevant person do?"

Irrelevant person? Are you talking about me

I still remember that when Lin Zhuofeng knew that Yang Lingxuan was the son of the richest man in Z province, he nodded and bowed. Now because of his investment, he has completely turned into a high profile. Without him, others will become dung. It's really ridiculous snobbery.

I opened the cake box, took the cake out, and glanced at Lin Zhuofeng with a smile: "Who is the irrelevant person? You? Or me? Or if you mean something..."

Yang Lingxuan shook his head imperceptibly to me, and He Jinrong introduced: "Mr. Lin, Pei Sansan... Pei Tezhu is the same person in charge of Yusuhe real estate development this time! It is not an irrelevant person."

As soon as Lin Zhuofeng heard this, his emotions collapsed and he came up and asked Yang Lingxuan: "Master Yang, are you kidding us shareholders’ money? Let a girl who doesn’t know anything be responsible for tens of billions of projects, don’t you? Is it ridiculous?"

Yang Lingxuan's face changed slightly, I think he should have thought that I didn't know that Lin Zhuofeng had invested in Yusuhe.

"Sansan, you..." Yang Lingxuan hesitated to speak.

I smiled at him and said: "It's okay, I already know it, I can unlock the password set in the internal file!" Other explanations. I can’t think of other explanation methods. Yang Lingxuan wouldn’t let me know. He would definitely keep me from knowing the reason. Since he didn’t let me know, I would not choose to know.

Yang Lingxuan said relievedly: "Mr. Lin, it is obvious that Pei Tezhu is not a yellow hair girl. She is the head of Yusuhe Real Estate Development this time. If you want to introduce a builder, please follow the formal procedures. The successful case of a builder, if there is nothing, there is nothing to say! I can’t follow the formal procedures on my side."

"What did you say?" Old Liu said gruffly, "Mr. Yang, what do you know when you are too young? My old Liu has a fateful relationship with Mr. Lin, who are you insulting now?"

He Jinrong frowned. Lin Zhuofeng was very proud. I got up and walked to Yang Lingxuan, and said to Lao Liu: "What are you talking about? Mr. Lin, how much did you invest in Yusu River? In proportion to the shares, yes. Are you talking about it?"

"Pop!" Lao Liu pointed at me and said, "What did you girl say!"

Like a ruffian, when you are a young and Dangerous boy

"Lin Zhuofeng, are you in this style?" I laughed: "Yu Suhe invested tens of billions of dollars, and no major shareholders have been like you. You don't have any money, even the builders are looking for me, you What do you want to do? Say that Mr. Yang does not care about shareholders' rights and interests? Have you taken care of the rights and interests of other shareholders yourself?"

"Also, He Jinrong, you are also one of the shareholders. For a builder who doesn't have any information, you come to build the house of the King of Shanghai City. We define it as a mansion, a three-no product, what kind of mansion to build?"

"Who do you say has no products!" Lao Liu had a very hot temper, "I'm here to show President Lin, you don't know how to praise!"


Yang Lingxuan opened the mouth and said: "Mr. Lin. According to the agreement, you are investing in late-stage construction. It is said that you have a share, but I have not seen your money yet. You have no right to speak, and you cannot appoint a builder. The project is not just give it to whomever you have a personal relationship with."

"Ling Xuan!" He Jinrong also walked over, put his hand on Yang Lingxuan's shoulder, and whispered: "You should try to believe me, Lin is always the boss of the investment industry, and the person he introduced can't be wrong!"

Lin Zhuofeng crossed Erlang's legs and smiled with confidence: "Yang Shao, Lin's late investment was good. You said you didn't see the money. Isn't Aixinjueluo Mohe's 200 million yuan money?"

Lin Yanli

Aixinjueluo Mohe gave Lin Yanli this shareholding certificate, and Lin Yanli gave it to Lin Zhuofeng. Sun, mud, grandson! A bitch.

"Of course it is money!" Yang Lingxuan did not deny: "It's just that Aisin Jueluo Mohe signed the contract with me. You said you have 200 million use rights. Do you have a license contract? If you don’t have Lin, please don’t be here. This exercises the rights of shareholders. Besides, Pei Tezhu is right, according to the proportion of shareholders' shares. You can't speak at all!"