My Love Is Too Deep, It Will Be A Disaster

Chapter 129: 00129 Who is the trick


Qin Dongli hugged me into his arms and sighed slightly: "I have no purpose. If I have to talk about the purpose, I just want you to change back to the smiling, carefree Pei Sansan, because my Sansan should be worry-free. Carefree smile brightly!"

Is it really just like this

I wiped away my tears: "Okay, I receive treatment, but I want to see all the contract projects are signed!"

Qin Dongli patted me on the back: "Of course, as long as you can restore your usual health, I can agree to everything."

"Is it really just because you love me?" I, who is not sure about anything, couldn't help but ask: "Why do you fall in love with me?"

Qin Dongli smiled straightly: "Fall in love with your stupidity, in love with you can hold the home, I just want a home, I want a smiling Sansan, it's just that, that's all!"

In the face of Qin Dongli's various languages, I couldn't find any rebuttals. I didn't sleep all night and didn't wake up until the early morning.

When I sat up, Qin Dongli was processing all the files in my bag, and when he saw me waking up, he smiled: "You can squint for another five minutes, I have done everything!"

I blinked and said, "Is that my job? When you're done, I'll just shake my hand as a shopkeeper?"

Qin Dongli raised his eyebrows: "You just count the money and spend it, and let others do the rest."

I got out of bed, walked to him, and took the documents he had already processed: "These are all invested together with Wenjing Ventures. The investment ratio is 5:5. I have asked Assistant Xiao to deal with the specific other documents. , At noon, you can go to Wenjing Investment together. Sign the contract!"

Facing Qin Dongli's tactics like this, I was a little scared, "If you want to draw a salary from the bottom, will Wenjing Ventures be over?"

Qin Dongli frowned, "You still don't believe me?"

I was a little embarrassed and said: "I didn't believe you, but I feel that everything is not under my control, I am a little frightened!"

Qin Dongli laughed and said, "Don't panic, I will do everything, you just have to go to recuperation and treatment with peace of mind!"

I looked at Qin Dongli, "Will you wait for me to come back. All this is just a conspiracy by you?"

"What silly thing to say?" Qin Dongli pulled me and sat on his lap: "I won't let you hate me, because we are going to leave for a lifetime. I forgot to tell you that I was a hard-hearted, determined thing. Will not change easily."

Sitting on his lap, like sitting on pins and needles, he told himself to calm down, "Have you called Jiang Han? Where is my treatment site?"

Qin Dongli put his chin on my shoulder, "Sanatorium. A high-end private villa, I will visit you regularly!"

Putting my hand on his, I asked cautiously: "Can I ask Yang Lingxuan to see me?"

Qin Dongli is willing to help. With his business talent, Wenjing Ventures has no problem with any project. If the price of this help is for me to go for treatment, then I am willing to...

I want to get better, get better with Yang Lingxuan...

Qin Dongli shook slowly: "No, Yang Lingxuan can't visit you, I can't visit you anytime, I can only make appointments regularly! Because I am also afraid that if I accidentally see you, I want you to give up treatment. Up!"

After Qin Dongli paused, he explained: "You also know that Jiang Han's treatment is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may lose all your previous efforts. I can't gamble with you, and I can't gamble with myself for the rest of my life. "

Jiang Han psychological intervention treatment, if the consequences are not cured, I may not be able to bear the suicide myself.

Suddenly, he hugged Qin Dongli tightly and asked in a low voice: "If I die, don't tell Yang Lingxuan, sprinkle my ashes on the Suzhou River, okay?"

Qin Dongli's body froze for a while: "What nonsense! Even if the treatment is not good, you are at most like the way you are now, you can't die, don't talk nonsense!"

I shook my head between his neck: "I know what the results of Jiang Han's intervention treatment will be. One is good or two is dead. There is no third possibility. Qin Dongli, don't deceive yourself, and I will not deceive yourself! "

"No, you believe me!" Qin Dongli tightly circled me: "We have a few days left. You have to arrange everything. There are still three months to celebrate the New Year. Maybe you will be well within three months, right? , We must believe that on the good side of things, things will always develop for the good side!"