My Love Is Too Deep, It Will Be A Disaster

Chapter 143: 00143 counterattacked the ups and downs of the river


Mingshan does not belong to the Shanghai city, because it is around the Shanghai city, and downstream of the Suzhou River, is Mingshan, which is an hour and a half drive from the Shanghai city.

Regardless of the red light, he drove all the way to the Mingshan Public Security Bureau and explained his intentions to the police.

Public opinion says it depends on my ID, I shook my head and said no.

They checked the system, checked my household registration, and then took me along and said, "Miss Pei, this male corpse was found today. He found his mobile phone in the concealed pocket of the male corpse's shirt, although after a long time It’s soaking, maybe the quality of this mobile phone is better, and the mobile phone card can still be used. The first number is your number, so we called you!"

Seeing that I didn’t speak, the police said again: “After preliminary autopsy in the bureau, this male corpse has been soaked in Suzhou Creek for more than a month. Although the corpse has not changed much, it was soaked in the water after all. One month, Miss Pei, you must be mentally prepared!"

The nail clippers entered my palm, and I calmly asked, "Can he fix this?"

Yang Lingxuan is cute and stinky, how could he let himself soak in the water for a month? How could he be so cruel in such cold water? Aren’t you afraid of the cold

The police stunned for a moment and said: "The level of operability is not great. The body will decompose microorganisms in the water. When the microorganisms decompose, gas will generally be generated, which cannot be emitted in human tissues, so the density is reduced. In addition. The corpse will absorb a part of the water and swell, so Miss Pei, you must be mentally prepared, because after more than a month of soaking, the corpse has turned white, floating, swollen and even a little broken. Wait a minute, I hope you don’t touch the corpse. Because the skin and meat of the corpse will fall off easily if you touch the corpse after a month of soaking, but fortunately, maybe there are no fish in the Suzhou Creek. This corpse is very well preserved! But... " The police changed the conversation: "What brand of cell phone does he use, the quality is really good!"

"Customized mobile phone!" I quietly replied: "Global limited edition, famous for its quality!"

The police suddenly realized: "It turned out to be so, but Miss Pei, this gentleman is a missing person in the public security system, is Mr. Yang Lingxuan Yang, president of Shanghai Wenjing Ventures?"

I have a meal, my aching heart is already numb: "I hope not, I am his fiancée, I hope you will not notify anyone for the time being, I instinctively reluctant to be him..."

The folks are a little puzzled: "If you don't notify anyone, the missing person management can be revoked. After Miss Pei's death of Mr. Yang, you think it is a corpse, we still need to make a transcript to rule out the possibility of murder!"

"Okay!" Murder is not murder. Yang Lingxuan asked them to murder. He Jinrong, Yang Lingxuan will not die if you come back, and Lin Yanli will not die if you don't marry He Jinrong.

With a bang, the police opened the door of the morgue, air-conditioning rushed towards their faces, opened the compartment, and pulled out the freezer. Pulling open the plastic coating, the police said: "During the move, because of the soaking for too long, the face was soaked and swollen, causing some facial injuries, which may cause some troubles to your recognition!"

"It's okay!" The steps are heavy, I lifted my steps and crossed to the freezer, stubbornly letting myself not shed a tear.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what he becomes, I can recognize him!"

The policeman did not speak, and stepped aside, with an outstretched hand, shaking, slowly pulling down the plastic coating that had been pulled apart.

Yushu is facing the wind, and it is charming and romantic. If in ancient times, Yang Lingxuan would have been a handsome and passionate man.

But now, he was lying in the cold freezer, his face was blurred and swollen, and the skin under his neck was bitten by fish.

He loves stinky beauty so much that he wears his clothes for one day and he doesn't want to wear it a second time. The requirements for everything are so high, and how heartbroken it is that he jumped into the cold Suzhou Creek, preferring to wander in the cold Suzhou Creek, and not let anyone find it for more than a month!

He took a deep breath and said to the policeman: "Can I stay alone with him for a while?"

The policeman glanced at me, "As soon as possible, if you are sure that this corpse is your fiancé, Mr. Yang, we need to revoke the missing persons report!"