My Love Is Too Deep, It Will Be A Disaster

Chapter 62: 0062 is lost on the end


The city of Shanghai is quiet in the early morning.

Qin Dongli said: "Mr Ling didn't come back so quickly. From Jianglin City to Shanghai City, there will be four flights today. Just make a phone call and ask!"

I shook my head, "I haven't seen anyone, and I feel uneasy. I always feel there is too much impossible!"

Qin Dongli parked the car in the parking lot, "Miss Pei, you are extremely insecure and irrational!"

"Why!" I took another apple, got out of the car, and said to Qin Dongli, "If I were as rich as Mr. Qin, I would definitely feel safe. In fact, standing up like this would not hurt your back. It's quite annoying. angry!"

Qin Dongli twisted his eyebrows, locked the car, and said, "How about giving you a chance to make you as rich as I am?"

"Go to the Qin family to do your life for you?" I tossed the apple and barely split my mouth. "I'm sorry, but I am actually inferior and have a communication disorder with acquaintances!"

Qin Dongli stretched out his hand and fished out my apple, "You must be a pig. When will you come to work in the Qin family, when will you be as rich as I am? You can't change the mindset of a normal person, think about how to do it as quickly as possible. , As rich as me?"

I stared, it was my apple, turned and walked towards the airport.

Qin Dongli followed me, "Why? Can't think of a way, do you need me to hint you?"

I inadvertently glanced at Qin Dongli with a cold eye, "If there is nothing profitable, just your worth. Pulling out your legs will be enough for me to eat for a lifetime and turn around. I want to be equal to your worth. I will buy a set of 10,000 yuan. The lottery is all in, it's called daydreaming!"

Qin Dongli sighed helplessly, "Miss Pei, who would say that you are not a pig? I definitely lost his family when I played!"

It's amazing to have money. If you are so arrogant, your wealth is not too hard and you don't have this aura! !

Glancing at the plane in Jianglin City, I asked the information desk. Ling Wenjing's eleven o'clock plane finally landed.

Rarely in a good mood, he said to Qin Dongli, "Aren't you going to work today?"

Qin Dongli took a look at his watch, "The investment of losing his net worth has no income, I am not in the mood to go to work!"

In fact, I'm a little bit curious about what investment Qin Dongli made to lose his net worth this time. If you want to know his investment record, it is a legendary red book of 50w words.

"Why not? Take advantage of this time, I invite you to dinner?" You can't be too unconscionable, because someone tossed me back and forth.

Qin Dongli looked around the airport storefront, his mouth twitched, "A bowl of noodles at the airport is more than 8 yuan. I don't think that you who love money like your life will buy me coffee and bread!"


I was amazed. Thumbs up, "Really understand me, go, I know there is an alley selling ramen for ten yuan a bowl!"

Qin Dongli twitched his mouth, gave me a disgusting look, and walked into a very high-end coffee shop!

I shrugged my shoulders, followed Qin Dongli back and forth, looked for a place by the window, Qin Dongli went to the bathroom.

When I came back, I was refreshed, sat down, drew a paper towel, and gently wiped my fingers, "Are you not going to wash? Or are you used to washing after eating?"

Does high-end coffee have toothbrushes? Got a facial cleanser

"Okay!" I took off my bag. Put the bag on the seat and went to the bathroom, heh, there really is!

expensive! It makes sense!

Wiped his hands and shook them.

Qin Dongli sipped the coffee lightly, flipping the newspaper in his hand, his white shirt pulled to his elbow, his eyes focused like a sea star.

Under the light, Junyao's face exuded an elegant, noble and calm temperament, and several girls were taking pictures of him with their mobile phones one after another.

I sat back and said, "Mr. Qin, there are a few girls behind you who are photographing you, and suddenly I feel that you said you are money. That's right!"

Qin Dongli didn't lift his head when he heard what I said. He sipped his coffee and threw himself serious on the newspaper.

I took out my phone and the waiter brought it. Milk and cakes, matcha-flavored cakes, I like them!

After a sip of milk, I turned on the phone and greeted the evening.

She didn't answer, I raised my eyes to look at Qin Dongli, earnestly looking too beautiful, turned on the phone camera, and shouted, "Mr. Qin, what do you think this is?"

Qin Dongli looked up in surprise. When the shutter was pressed, Qin Dongli said coldly: "boring!"

I laughed, "A little bit!" Click to send it to the evening pro, and said: "Such a handsome girl, just like Jiang Qing, you said, how can Qin Dongli take up all the good things in this world? Big long legs , High IQ, good looks, good learning, first-class family background, he saved the universe in his last life, right?"