My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 10: Abnormal murder case


Seeing that the call was from his friend Jiang Wenwen, Mu Yu hurriedly answered the call. When the call was connected, Jiang Wenwen's voice sounded like machine gun fire: "Mu Xiaoyu, your brother Yihan is getting married, do you know that?"

Mu Yu, who deliberately did not want to think about this matter, was reminded by her friend that her mood became depressed again and her nose was sore. She forced a smile and replied: "I know, he sent me an invitation today. By the way, how did you know? ?”

"I just saw him sending an invitation to our principal. His printing company has business dealings with our school. By the way, he also gave me an invitation and invited me to a wedding banquet. Xiaoyu, the man I love most wants to Are you feeling particularly sad when the bride is not you? "

Jiang Wenwen is a Chinese teacher in a middle school.

"Brother Yihan is getting married. As his sister, I should bless him and be happy for him. Why are I sad?"

"Okay, okay, stop pretending in front of me, I won't tell your mother. I don't have class in the afternoon anyway, can I ask for leave to accompany you?"

"No, no, no, I'm at work. It's my first day at work. The unit has a lot of things for me to do, and I'm so busy that I feel dizzy."

"Oh, okay, I'll see you tonight."

After hanging up the phone from Jiang Wenwen, Mu Yu was suddenly filled with a feeling called sadness. She hurriedly adjusted her emotions, because colleagues came in and out from time to time, and she didn't want to be noticed.

Thinking of the morning's case, in order to divert her attention, she turned on her computer and looked through the victim's information.

The victim, Sun Meilan, female, 48 years old, was a cleaner at Qingtian Group. She went out after dinner at 7:30 last night and was not heard from again until she was found dead in the woods in the west of the city this morning. The cause of death was heavy blow to the back of the head with a blunt instrument, resulting in excessive bleeding. Before death, the deceased's tongue was brutally cut off by the roots, chopped into pieces and thrown around.

Seeing this, Mu Yu quickly looked at the pictures of the deceased's mouth and broken tongue.

Looking at the bloody scenes, she felt a faint feeling of acidity in her stomach. She was afraid of vomiting it out, so she clicked on the cross in the upper right corner of the picture - after all, she was only a junior forensic doctor who had just started.

After drinking a few sips of hot tea, she finally calmed down and began to try to get rid of the murderer's mentality of cutting off tongues and then shredding them.

The injury to the back of the head was fatal. If it was a vendetta, why cut off the tongue and cut the head into cubes? Is the murderer mentally disturbed, or does he have a deep grudge with the deceased

Why did the murderer only cut off the deceased's tongue and not the ears, nose or other parts

Does cutting off the tongue and head have a specific meaning

As the saying goes, misfortune comes from the mouth. Did the deceased like to gossip so much that the murderer was angered and the murderer killed her in a fit of rage

Thinking of this, she shook her head.

If it was really because of a grudge, the purpose of killing by cutting off the tongue and head to vent his anger would be too obvious, and it would be easy to expose the identity of the murderer. Seeing that the murderer handled the scene cleanly and without leaving any flaws, it shows that the murderer is calm and has excellent psychological quality, unlike Such a brainless person.

"Xiao Mu, aren't you going home?"

A gentle voice interrupted Mu Yu's thoughts. She looked up and saw that it was forensic doctor Nie Yunchang. She immediately stood up and said hello: "Hello, Teacher Nie, how is Xiaoxue doing recently?"

Nie Yunchang's wife died of postpartum hemorrhage two years ago, leaving his frail daughter Xiaoxue to depend on him.

"It's still the same, I get sick every three days, so I have to take leave every three days." Nie Yunchang sighed, then smiled, "Fortunately you are here, Ru Bing can relax a little bit."

There are four senior forensic doctors in the forensic room, namely Nie Yunchang, Feng Rubing, Lu Xudong and Shan Rui. Lu Xudong retired a few months ago and has resigned. Shan Rui went on maternity leave, and Nie Yunkang often asked for leave, so the burden of the forensic office fell entirely on Feng Rubing.

Mu Yu responded with some embarrassment: "I'm still a rookie, so I can't help Teacher Feng in any way."

"There's a process. Don't worry. If you need my help, just let me know. Okay, I'll come back to get something. I have to go. It's time to get off work. You should go home early." Nie Yunchang waved his hand. Before Mu Yu could answer, the man had already left the house in a hurry.

Seeing that it was already past six o'clock, Mu Yu quickly turned off the computer, checked the power supply and made sure that everything that should be turned off was turned off before getting up and going home.

When she got home, she didn't want her parents to notice anything. She pretended to be happy and shared with them the fun of her first day at work. She also took the initiative to help her mother wash the dishes. While she was washing the dishes, her mother shouted from outside: "Xiaoyu, someone is looking for you."