My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 107: Grandpa's promise


"Grandpa? Grandpa? What's wrong with you?" Mu Yu cried in fright.

Fortunately, the Qi brothers were all calm and implemented simple and effective first aid measures for Qin Xiaozhi in a timely manner. By the time Lei Zhi and Rong Ying arrived one after another, Qin Xiaozhi's symptoms had eased.

Rong Ying further checked Qin Xiaozhi, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, she told the brothers of the Qi family to take good care of the old man, and then pulled Mu Yu outside the room and asked softly: "Who made grandpa suffer such a big stimulation?"

Mu Yu sighed and looked at Qin Jinhuan's room opposite.

After Qin Xiaozhi fainted, the Qi brothers carried him back to his room to take care of him. She also went to her grandfather's room. She thought that Qin Jinhuan, who was so angry with her grandfather, would come over to express concern. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she She found that he had closed the doors and windows of the balcony and closed the curtains, which made her feel extremely chilled.

How could she dare to expect a person who was so indifferent to her closest relatives to ask him to treat her better

The Qin Jinhuan she knew before was not so cruel, otherwise they would not have become a contract couple. She didn't know when he became so ruthless.

Rong Ying, who didn't know what she was thinking, expressed surprise: "Hasn't the conflict between brother Ah Huan and grandpa been resolved? Why do you want to make grandpa angry after everything is fine?"

"I'm not sure," Mu Yu, who didn't want to say anything, responded vaguely, then changed the topic, "Why are you here? Who called you?"

"Lei Zhi. Since my grandfather was diagnosed with a serious heart disease last year, I have been responsible for checking his condition regularly."

"Ah Huan, don't you know that grandpa has a heart disease?"

"I don't know. Because Brother Ah Huan and Grandpa don't have a good relationship, I was afraid that Brother Ah Huan would make Grandpa angry. I wanted to give Brother Ah Huan a warning, but Grandpa wouldn't allow it. Grandpa doesn't like people going against his will, nor does he like it. Others interfered with his family affairs, but I saw that his symptoms were relatively stable, so I didn’t interfere much except for increasing the frequency of regular check-ups for him.”

"So, you also know about grandpa pretending to be ill some time ago?"

"Well, I arranged all those experts." Rong Ying suddenly hugged her arm and laughed, "At first, I thought grandpa put so much effort into doing this to improve the relationship with brother Ah Huan. I didn’t expect it was to find you as a wife for Brother Ah Huan.”

These words made Mu Yu not only smile bitterly, but also smile bitterly.

She wanted to tell Rong Ying what happened today, but after thinking about it, she decided not to.

As Rong Ying said, Qin Xiaozhi doesn't like others to interfere with his family affairs, and he certainly doesn't want others to know about the unpleasant things in his family.

"Because of the death of my aunt, Brother Ah Huan has always had a grudge against Grandpa. Rong Jian and Ze Yu and I have been trying to reconcile it for more than ten years. Now Brother Ah Huan cares about you very much. You have the opportunity to try to reconcile. Well. Although grandpa has been too strict with brother Ah Huan since he was a child, we can all see that grandpa really loves brother Ah Huan. "

"I will." Mu Yu forced a smile.

"Grandpa is fine. I have to go back to the hospital. If you need anything, call me."


Mu Yu sent Rong Ying downstairs. After Rong Ying left, she went back to Qin Xiaozhi's room to check on him. Unexpectedly, he had woken up. Seeing that his expression had returned to normal, she happily went over to ask.

"Grandpa, how do you feel?"

"It's okay, did I scare you?" After Qin Xiaozhi signaled the Qi brothers and Lei Zhi to go out, he patted the bedside kindly and motioned for her to sit down.

Ever since the showdown between Qin Xiaozhi and Qin Jinhuan, Mu Yu returned to the Qin family. Qin Xiaozhi's attitude towards her has changed drastically. He treated her like a treasure and treated her like a treasure. Not only did he speak softly to her, he also asked all the servants in the family to do everything. He took her as his main priority and did not allow any violation of her wishes. He almost pampered her like a little princess. She was not used to it at first, but then her parents kept mentioning in front of her the love Qin Xiaozhi and his wife had for her when she was a child, and she slowly adapted and accepted this grandpa.

"Grandpa, why didn't you tell us that you had a heart disease? This is a very dangerous thing!" Mu Yu, who sat down on the side of the bed, expressed concern in a soft voice.

Knowing that she was reminding herself to let her grandson know that she had a heart disease, Qin Xiaozhi laughed disapprovingly: "Don't worry, grandpa's body has been through many battles, and it won't break down so easily."

"But… "

"You asked me for 20 million today. Is it related to the dispute with Ah Huan tonight?"

Mu Yu nodded and explained in a low voice: "When I signed the marriage contract with him, he said that if I broke the contract first, I would have to pay him 20 million."

"So you initiated the divorce today?"


"You filed for divorce because you bumped into Ah Huan and Yin Anran together? You misunderstood Ah Huan. In fact, they..."

"Actually, it's not because of Yin Anran's appearance," Mu Yu looked a little depressed, "it's because Ah Huan doesn't love me."

"Nonsense, how could he not love you? If he really didn't love you, he wouldn't be so angry with me because he misunderstood that I gave you to Yi Yunzhe."

"At that time, he may have questioned you out of an attitude of being responsible for me. After all, when he signed the contract, he said he would be responsible for my life."

"Don't get into trouble, I believe grandpa won't get it wrong." Qin Xiaozhi sighed slightly, then took her hand and comforted her softly, "During this period, Ah Huan deliberately neglected you because of grandpa's affairs, which made you suffer a lot. Grandpa knows this, but you can't question Ah Huan's feelings for you. He has been stubborn since he was a child, and he has always been against me since his mother passed away. Now he knows that you are my chosen one. It’s not surprising that my daughter-in-law would have such a reaction, it’s just that I shouldn’t have told him the truth so early, it was my carelessness.”

"Grandpa, this is not something you are careless about. You overestimated his feelings for me. Besides, even if I don't file for divorce now, he will file for divorce soon. I filed for divorce first, just because I want to give myself Save some face."

"You just asked him for divorce and he agreed?"

"No. Maybe he thinks..."

"Don't worry, he won't ask for divorce from you!"

Mu Yu raised his head in astonishment: "Why are you so sure?"

"Because I know my grandson! Don't be impatient. Put your feelings for him aside for now and find something you are interested in doing. Give him some time and give grandpa some time. I believe grandpa, it won't take long. In time, the Ah Huan you know will come back to you."

Mu Yu shook his head: "Grandpa, you are so confident because you haven't seen how good he is to Yin Anran."

"Yin Anran?" Qin Xiaozhi laughed disapprovingly, "You can rest assured that Ah Huan will never have feelings for Yin Anran. He just treats him as a sister."

Grandpa's words reminded Mu Yu that Weng Yun had mentioned that Yin Anran was the sister of Qin Jinhuan's good friend. Her curiosity was aroused for a moment, and she couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, what is the origin of this Yin Anran? She and Ah Huan are the same what relationship?"

Although she kept saying that she wanted to divorce Qin Jinhuan, and although Qin Jinhuan's behavior tonight made her feel heartbroken, she had to admit that from the bottom of her heart she was unwilling to leave him. He was the first person she fell in love with seriously. A man is also her first man - it's not that she is conservative, but this kind of first is of great significance to her who is new to the world.

"She... Ah Huan is familiar with her family. Before her family died, they entrusted her to Ah Huan to take care of her. Ah Huan is a person who values love, justice and trust. After agreeing to her family, he has been taking care of her until now. , This is their relationship, their relationship is that simple.”

Thinking that Qin Jinhuan's doting on Yin Anran was indeed a bit like a brother doting on his sister, Mu Yu felt a little better for some reason. However, she felt a little heavy when she thought that Qin Jinhuan turned a blind eye after her grandfather fainted.

"Grandpa, are you sure that Ah Huan is a person who values friendship? He didn't come to see you after you fainted."

"That's because he doesn't know that I have a heart disease and thinks I'm still pretending to be sick. When I let him know that I really have a serious heart disease, he will definitely regret his previous behavior. I’m sure I’ll have a sleepless night.”

"Will he?" She was doubtful.

"If you don't believe it, you should pay more attention to his movements after you return to the room later. Okay, it's getting late. You should go back and rest early. Listen to grandpa, don't think nonsense, and leave everything to time, you know? ?”

Seeing that Qin Xiaozhi was full of confidence, Mu Yu didn't say anything more. He stood up and said a few words of concern before returning to the room.

After she went out, Qin Xiaozhi called the Qi brothers and Lei Zhi back to the room and told them something in a low voice.

Here, it was already past two o'clock in the morning when Mu Yu returned to the room. She thought Qin Jinhuan had fallen asleep soundly, but she didn't expect that he was sitting at the desk looking at the computer. Thinking of her grandfather's words, she glanced at him subconsciously, but soon She looked away again - she didn't want him to know that she was paying attention to him.

He didn't look at her, and she ignored him. She took her pajamas and went into the bathroom to wash up. When she came out again, Qin Jinhuan was no longer in the room. This surprised her - where would he be so late

Turning around, she saw that there was no pajamas he had changed out of on the bed, and she immediately guessed that he should still be at home.

Could it be that he went out to find the Qi brothers to inquire about grandpa's condition

If this is the case, then grandpa really understands him!

Don't make any judgments too early.

Thinking of this, she was a little tired and prepared to go to bed to rest, but her eyes touched Qin Jinhuan's pillow on the other side of the bed, and she immediately thought of his coldness towards her, and she suddenly felt angry. She picked up her pillow and started to The cook took another quilt and moved to the sofa to sleep.

At this moment, she really couldn't bear to sleep with him in the same bed.

Not long after she lay down, she heard the sound of him opening the door and entering the room, then the sound of locking the door and turning off the light. After a while, she could vaguely hear the sound of him tossing and turning on the bed.

Lying on the sofa, she quietly listened to the sound of turning over on the bed, and she couldn't help but secretly praise her grandfather for his knowledge.

Grandpa said that the Qin Jinhuan she knew well would return to her soon. Could she have expected this

Is there really no love between Qin Jinhuan and Yin Anran? Would he really not mention divorce to her? Do you really still have feelings for her? Grandpa won't use anything to blackmail him into submitting to this marriage, right

She has been heartbroken by him today. Even if he does come back to her, will she still be able to accept him without grudges

She couldn't think of the reason, her mind was in chaos, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly several times.

Mu Yu, you are really worthless.

A voice scolded her in her mind.

Grandpa has already told you to put aside your feelings for Qin Jinhuan for the time being and find something to do and think about that interests you. Why do you still insist on worrying about this

Eh! When Qin Jinhuan mentioned Brother Yihan before, he said that his company had been in trouble recently, and he didn't know what kind of trouble it had encountered. Alas, I have only been concerned about the Qin family's affairs recently and completely forgot about Brother Yihan, who cares most about me. Let's take the time to see him tomorrow.

At this time, Mu Yu's heart turned from worry to guilt. She had no intention of paying attention to Qin Jinhuan and began tossing and turning on the sofa. She barely fell asleep until it was almost dawn.

However, not long after she slept, she was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone. She was very surprised to see that it was Feng Rubing's call and hurriedly answered the call.

"Teacher Feng?"

"Mu Yu, something big happened!"