My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 109: Cruel murderer


Here, Mu Yu and Feng Rubing walked to Rong Jian's car before getting in. Feng Rubing suddenly clicked his tongue: "I also have an evidence bag left in Zhao Yongli's lounge!"

"Teacher Feng, I'll get it." Mu Yu got out of the car immediately.

"Put it under the chair."


"Let's go back to the station first. You can see who will take the car later." Feng Rubing said as she took the toolbox in her hand.


Mu Yu turned around and ran towards Qingtian Building. At this moment, she saw Qin Jinhuan coming out of the building in a hurry. Seeing that he was about to meet him head-on, she immediately stopped and quickly ducked behind the landscape tree on one side - She didn't want to see him treating her like air passing by her. That would not only embarrass her, but also make her uncomfortable.

However, she didn't expect that when she poked her head out to see if Qin Jinhuan had gone far, she would see a scene that made her even more uncomfortable.

Yin Anran appeared out of nowhere and was hugged by Qin Jinhuan. He patted her back gently and moved his lips slightly, as if he was saying something intimate. She hugged him with her back. , the head buried in his arms nodded gently, as if in agreement with his words.

After a while, he let go of her, took her hand instead, and led her to the parking lot in front of the building. His steps were unhurried and slow, obviously to match the high heels on her feet. As he walked, he would turn to look at her from time to time, and she would turn her head in time. Although you can't see their expressions, you can still feel the warmth of their interaction.

Mu Yu stood there blankly, looking at their backs as they left intimately. Even though he kept comforting himself with the words of his grandfather and Weng Yun, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

She thought he would be upset because of Zhao Yongli's murder case. She was still worried about him just now and thinking about how to help Rong Jian solve the case as soon as possible. She didn't expect that he would become deeply affectionate with the little girl in an instant. She didn't expect it at all. This case is serious.

She suddenly felt very ridiculous.

She cared about him so much, but his heart was completely focused on someone else.

Mu Yu, what does it have to do with you whether he is hurt or happy? Is it okay if your heart is disturbed by a man who doesn't love you? Besides, being sentimental is not your style!

Don’t forget that you are the one with a mission now, stay away from mother-in-law and son-daughter love!

Hurry up and draw a clear line with him emotionally, stop paying attention to anything related to him, and quickly shift the focus of your life to work and the cases you are interested in!

After complaining in her heart, she withdrew her unwilling gaze and quickly ran into the Sky Tower. After getting back the evidence bag left by Feng Rubing, she took a taxi and rushed back to the bureau.

She found Feng Rubing in the laboratory who was analyzing the data nervously. She put the evidence bag aside and was about to help. Feng Rubing stopped her: "Xiao Liu bought breakfast and put it in the forensic room. You go and have breakfast before coming back."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not hungry now, and I won't eat later..."

"My cell phone is still in the forensic room. Please bring it over to me after you finish eating. I have an important call later."

"Oh, okay." Mu Yu was always happy to help Feng Rubing, so she turned around and ran back to the forensic room.

After looking for Feng Rubing's phone on the table for a while, Mu Yu finally realized that she had tricked him into coming back for breakfast, and he felt even more fond of this cold-looking colleague and teacher.

Seeing a lunch box on her table, she took out a spare toothbrush and towel from the drawer, washed them briefly, and then opened the lunch box.

There were four Shaomai in the lunch box. Looking at the distinct dark red fillings in the middle of the Shaomai, the chopped heart particles in the evidence bag immediately flashed before her eyes. She couldn't help but retched, and her appetite was completely lost.

She quickly closed the lunch box, ran to get a cup of hot water and drank it all. After taking a few deep breaths, her mood became more stable.

Afraid that Feng Rubing would look down on her if she found out about her unsatisfactory side, she thought for a while, took a book to cover the lunch box, and then came to the laboratory again.

As usual, Feng Rubing handed over some of the detected data to Mu Yu for sorting.

Mu Yu checked the data carefully while sorting it out. The more he looked at it, the more terrifying he felt about the murderer.

The chopped heart that was thrown on the ground was tested and determined to be Zhao Yongli's.

Although like the case of Sun Meilan, an organ from the body was taken out and chopped into pieces, the difference is that Sun Meilan was directly killed by the murderer with a murder weapon, and then the tongue was cut off and chopped into pieces.

Zhao Yongli was stunned by the murderer first, and then the murderer sealed his mouth with tape, tied his limbs with packing tape, and then cut his chest open with a sharp knife while he was still conscious. After slowly dying, the murderer cut out his dying heart, chopped it into pieces, and threw it on the ground.

From the traces of struggle at the scene and the scars on Zhao Yongli's tied hands and feet, we can see the inhuman pain and torture he endured at that time.

Too cruel!

This was Mu Yu's first thought after reading the relevant report.

In contrast, Sun Meilan died happily.

Cutting out the tongue and breaking the heart are just ways for the murderer to vent his anger. If Sun Meilan died from her vicious mouth, then Zhao Yongli died from his heart.

Heart...a vicious heart

"The methods of cutting up body organs in these two cases are consistent. It can be concluded that they were committed by the same person. We can start from their common social relationship." Feng Rubing said calmly as if he had seen through her thoughts.

Mu Yu was startled: "They are both employees of Qingtian Group. Are their common social relationships within Qingtian Group?"

"It's hard to say, but the possibility is relatively high. When the time comes, you will tell Rong Jian this suggestion and he will handle it as appropriate."

"Say?" Mu Yu, who knew that Rong Jian admired Feng Rubing, immediately tried to create opportunities for them, "Captain Rong may have some doubts about me, a new forensic doctor..."

"Let's just say it's the result of our joint testing and analysis."

"But… "

"These are the test results of the main report. You can sort them out and give them to Rong Jian. I will wait for the rest..."

"Hey, Teacher Feng, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Feng Rubing's body tilting to one side, Mu Yu quickly threw away the information in her hand and rushed to help her.

After Feng Rubing barely stood firm, she closed her eyes, shook her head slightly, and then gently pushed her away: "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

"Then I'll help you go back to the forensic room to rest."

"No, you sort out the report first, I'll go and rest for a while, and then I'll come back and do the rest."

"Eh… "

Mu Yu followed her out of the laboratory until he saw her walking into the forensic room, then turned back to the laboratory. When he entered the laboratory, he saw Rong Jian coming out of it and hurriedly said hello.

"Captain Rong, are you here to see the appraisal report?" In the bureau, she was still used to speaking to Rong Jian using honorifics.

"Yeah. Where's Ru Bing?"

"Teacher Feng is not feeling well and has just returned to the forensic room."

"Uncomfortable?! Where do you feel uncomfortable? Does it matter?"

Seeing Rong Jian's worry, Mu Yu said deliberately: "It must be serious, otherwise Teacher Feng would not put down his work and go back to the forensic room to rest. Captain Rong, there are only two of us in the forensic room, and I still have a lot to do. I don’t care about taking care of Teacher Feng. If it’s convenient for you, please help me check on her.”


"Captain Rong, I've already sorted out part of the appraisal... eh..."

"I'll ask Xiao Liu to get it later." As he spoke, Rong Jian's figure disappeared from Mu Yu's sight.


Mu Yu sighed softly.

Although Rong Jian is relatively careless in relationships, his concern for Feng Rubing is seen by everyone. Unfortunately, Feng Rubing has no feelings for him and refuses his approach.

It seems that in the emotional world, people who are more proactive always suffer more. Just like she was to Qin Jinhuan, Wen Zeyu was to Rong Ying.

She sat down silently and picked up the work at hand again. Before she started, her cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Jiang Wenwen's call, she immediately answered the call.

"Xiaoyu, I heard that someone from the Qingtian Group died again, and the death of the deceased was ugly. Is it true?"

"How do you know?" Every time she heard her friend's purring voice, Mu Yu's mood involuntarily improved. She clamped the phone with her shoulder and continued to write data.

"The news has spread all over the streets and alleys of Ancheng! Is it another perverted murder case? Hey, is the murderer this time the same person as the murderer who killed Sun Meilan last time? If so, it is a serial change. It’s a murder case!”

"I can't talk nonsense until the test report comes out."

"According to what you said, my guess is pretty much the same? Ouch, that's too scary! The perverted killer is targeting the Qingtian Group, and the Qingtian Group is in big trouble!"

"Okay, stop gossiping and go to class with peace of mind."

"Hey, Xiaoyu, did Mr. Qin explain anything to you about his mistress when he went back yesterday?"

Jiang Wenwen's sudden change of topic made Mu Yu's eyes immediately flash back to the scene he saw at the entrance of Qingtian Building in the morning, and his writing movements instinctively stagnated.

Seeing that there was no sound on the phone, Jiang Wenwen immediately heard the clues and said angrily: "This Young Master Qin is too much! Even if you are a contracted couple, he still has to take care of your face, right? What if you also get a big deal? If a man is seen walking on the street, I don’t believe he can stay calm.”

"Forget it, his affairs from now on have nothing to do with me." Mu Yu responded in a pretense of relaxation.

"Have you raised the money? Have you filed for divorce from him?"

"Yeah, but he hasn't agreed yet."

"What do you mean you haven't agreed yet?"

"Maybe I'm worried about grandpa."

"Haha," Jiang Wenwen said happily, "Since he is worried about grandpa not divorcing you, it means that he does not really love the mistress, but just plays it for fun. In my opinion, you can definitely find time to talk to the mistress alone. ”

"Talk? Talk about what?"

"Show your cards! Tell her to stay away from your man!"

"He is not my man..." Mu Yu smiled bitterly.

"Why not?! You guys have stamped the seal! With grandpa as your backer, you can show off the majesty of the young mistress of the Qin family! If the mistress dares to argue with you, you will tear her apart immediately! Be more ruthless! Don’t worry! Grandpa will definitely stand by your side to deal with the aftermath!”


Jiang Wenwen immediately sensed her friend's weakness and shouted loudly: "I'm talking to Mu Xiaoyu, after all you are also a forensic doctor with a knife, why are you not as courageous as me, a teacher with chalk?"

"I… "

"Okay, okay, if you are timid, I will be your vanguard when the time comes. Although Mr. Qin is not easy to mess with, I really can't bear to see you suffer such a big loss! Suffer such a great injustice! Oops, the class bell rang, I have to go to the classroom. I'll see you later. Bye."

"Eh… "

This guy.

When he put down his phone, Mu Yu, who didn't agree to start a fight with Yin Anran, shook his head, but his heart felt warm for his friend's generosity.

But she didn't have time to think about that at the moment, because she still had a lot of things to do.

Just as she sat down, someone knocked on the door and said it was Liu Xiaofan who came to help Rong Jian get the report. She didn't turn around, pointed to her side and said: "Everything that has been sorted is over there. I will give the rest to Captain Rong when the time comes." Send it over."

"Little words."

Qin Jinhuan? !