My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 113: The woman he misses



Mu Yu pressed Qin Jinhuan's chest and twisted his body to show resistance. However, as if he was addicted to kissing, he held her in his arms more and more wantonly.

If he had expressed intimacy like this in the past, she might have been addicted to it, but the situation today was different. His behavior against her will made her feel full of shame.

The hateful Qin Beast!

What do you think she is

A toy that hugs you when you are happy and kicks you out when you are unhappy.

Although she, Mu Yu, was not very impressive, she was not dissatisfied with this.

With a strong force between her teeth, she instantly felt the stiffness of his movements. The next second, she pushed him away easily.

"If you dare to treat me like this next time, I won't let you go so easy again!" She stood up with a cold snort.

"You want to go out?" He took her hand and was about to pull the curtain.

"Of course. I don't want to be with you for a moment."

"Go out and let Yin Anran come in?"

As soon as she said these words, her hands froze immediately and she looked back angrily: "You want her to come in?"

"If you leave, she will naturally come in."

"You! Let's go!" Mu Yu pulled him up angrily.

"where to?"

"go home with me!"

"I can go home with you, but not now." Without moving, he pulled her arm and motioned for her to sit down too.

Mu Yu, who only said that he couldn't let go of Yin Anran, was furious for a moment. He suppressed his temper and asked: "Qin Jinhuan, let me ask you again, do you want a divorce?"

"Don't leave."

Qin Jinhuan answered simply. Mu Shi narrowed his eyes and hummed: "Since you don't agree to the divorce, then correct your attitude as a husband and come home with me. I will never allow my husband to go out and mess around with women! Let's go!" ”

"Are you sure you want to leave now?"

"Yes! I don't want to stay here for a second!" To be precise, she didn't want to stay in such a small space with him - she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to resist his excessive teasing.

If this Qin beast had a temporary interest in playing ambiguously with her, she would be no match for him.

“Do you know what having the curtains up means in this theater?”

In the weak light, she saw the cunning look on his face. She glanced at the couple's seat that was tightly covered by the curtain, and suddenly understood what he meant. Her face turned red involuntarily, and she reached out her hand again, trying to remove the curtain. Pull it off.

"I don't want people to laugh at my short time."

"You! Shameless! You deserve to be laughed at." She angrily touched the switch that opened the curtain.

"Yin Anran will also laugh at you for being unattractive and uninteresting." Seeing her hand suddenly pause, he pulled her into his arms again and advised with "kindness", "Rather than go out and be laughed at, it's better to sit here with peace of mind. "

Mu Yu, who didn't want to embarrass him, let alone herself, thought for a few seconds and decided not to go out. She just turned her head and scolded him: "Let me go! I can sit by myself."

"Which leg do you want to sit on?"

When he asked, she noticed that he was sitting swaggeringly in the middle. The small space on both sides couldn't accommodate her. If she wanted to stay here, she had to sit on his lap.

"Sit aside."

"I'm not used to sitting on the side."

His righteousness made her very angry. She half-bent down, grabbed his legs with both hands and pushed him hard. However, after pushing for a while, he still couldn't push her. She became more and more angry, but had no choice but to take revenge. She sat down on his lap, wishing that this sitting would crush his thighs.

However, his thighs were not dead wood. He didn't even frown when she thought she was sitting in a posture that was like "mountain overwhelming". When she turned around, she could see a faint look of pride on his face.

It turns out that the person who likes to see her jokes the most is none other than him!

Damn Mr. Qin Beast.

She was furious.

More of a grievance.

A while ago, she was extremely eager to communicate with him, hoping to repair the relationship with him, but he was always cold-faced; now she wants to stay away from him, but he always appears in front of her no matter what, and she also waits for opportunities to tease him.

In the process of dealing with her relationship with him, she has always been in a weak position. In addition to being passive, she is still passive.

The sour nose made her finally lower her head.

She doesn't like to cry, but she just can't help it.

Because she was so close, her sobs could be heard clearly in his ears.

"Xiaoyu?" He straightened his body slightly.

"Qin Jinhuan!" She sniffed and asked in a heavy nasal voice as if she had made up her mind, "Since you don't plan to divorce, then stay away from Yin Anran. Let's live a good life in the future."

"You don't need to be jealous of Yin Anran. She is just mine..."

"Just because you treat her as a sister, it doesn't mean that she will treat you as a brother. The way she clings to you, a blind person can see that her feelings for you are extraordinary. Let her go, let her leave Ancheng ,us… "

"I won't let her go!"


"Because of the promise, I have to take care of her!"

"I didn't say not to let you take care of her. What I meant was that you find another way to take care of her, such as asking someone to take care of her, or giving her a sum of money - she is not a child and can take care of herself."


She didn't expect that his attitude would be so firm. She was surprised, and she blurted out angrily: "You just can't let her go, right?"

"Those are two different things."

"Then, then you just can't forget her sister!" This sentence was originally made by her, but she didn't expect that the moment she said this, she saw the inadvertent waves in Qin Jinhuan's eyes. This shocked her extremely - although he responded to her with the words "nothing", she no longer believed him and only believed in her own feelings.

Is there really any history between him and Yin Anran's sister? ! Is the so-called entrustment of a friend just an understatement

She called him brother-in-law. Could it be that Yin Anran's sister was his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend? !

Is he so doting on Yin Anran because of her sister's final request, or because he sees the shadow of her sister in her

Mu Yu suddenly felt a sense of crisis, because no matter what the reason was, it showed that Qin Jinhuan had deep feelings for sister Yin Anran.

He ignored her for a long time, but starting from today, his attitude toward her suddenly seemed like a different person. There may be only one reason why he changed so quickly: Grandpa.

Grandpa must have put some pressure on him again, or used someone or something he cared about to threaten him.

Listening to the weird dubbing in the horror movie, with the glass of sour plum juice and the large bucket of popcorn flashing before her eyes, she realized that what he was thinking about in his heart was not her at all, but the Yin sisters - it didn't matter whether they were older sisters or younger sisters. It is no longer important. What is important is that she has no interest in the relationship between her and Qin Jinhuan. The belief that Jiang Wenwen had finally helped her to build collapsed in an instant.

He was too deep in the world for her to see through, and she really felt tired as she wanted to get close to him.

Anyway, since he didn't dare to divorce because of his grandpa's power, and she really couldn't bear to leave him, then let's just make do with it for now, not only to give herself a process of slowly adapting, but also to do the last thing for the person she loves. Thing-when grandpa gets older he will be free.

Unexpectedly, after a lot of twists and turns, her thoughts returned to the beginning.

With a wry smile, she stared blankly at the curtain hung high in front of her, like looking at a movie screen.


Hearing his soft call, she responded calmly: "What are you doing?"

"Did Zhao Yongli really be knocked unconscious first, his hands and feet were tied, and then his chest was cut open alive? After the blood drained, his heart was cut out and he died?"

Unexpectedly, he suddenly asked about the case. She paused, calmed down a little and responded lightly: "Yes."

"The knife technique used to chop Zhao Yongli's heart tissue is the same as the knife technique used to chop Sun Meilan's tongue?"


"Are you sure the two cases were committed by the same person?"

"Yes. The bureau has merged the two murder cases for investigation and set up a task force. It should be stationed in the Sky Tower tomorrow to conduct a comprehensive investigation." Putting aside her dissatisfaction with him, she answered his questions seriously.

"What do you think of these two cases?"

"Do you know Zhao Yongli?" she asked.

"I don't know, I haven't dealt with him before. According to Ze Yu, he is stingy and greedy for small profits. He has been found to have abused his power for personal gain several times in managing the company canteen, but overall he has done a pretty good job and has standardized management. It is clean and tidy and has been recognized by the vast majority of employees. ”

Mu Yu immediately corrected him: "When you say 'approved by the vast majority of employees', you are referring to the company's employees who dine in the canteen, not the employees who work in the canteen. It is said that he is particularly harsh on canteen employees and often finds fault with others. The employees cannot get the monthly bonuses issued by the company, and all of these bonuses end up going into his pocket. Since the company's treatment is good, even if he is picked on, he will not be fined, so although the employees cannot get the bonus. , but he was still willing to stay and work, but everyone called Zhao Yongli a black-hearted manager behind his back.”

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, in addition to the year-end bonus, Qingtian Group will also distribute another fixed fund to each department every month, and assess and reward employees according to their performance (only awards and no penalties), and this assessment The power lies in the hands of department heads. The company only does this to enhance the prestige of supervisors and make employees more proactive in cooperating with supervisors. For the company, they only look at the performance of each department. As for how the supervisors distribute the bonuses, that is the supervisor's power. As long as there is performance, even if the supervisor keeps all the money privately, the company will not take care of it.

Qin Jinhuan frowned: "You mean that Zhao Yongli's heart-gouging might be related to him withholding the company's bonus? If it is really related to this, then the murderer is most likely an insider of the company."

"It's just a guess. Just like Sun Meilan's tongue was cut out, we guess it has something to do with her unforgiving mouth." At this point, Mu Yu changed his voice again, "But having said that, there is no personal deduction. Money, if you use such a cruel method to kill people because of this, it doesn’t feel unreasonable, because cutting out tongues and hearts is obviously an act of venting anger.”

"This person may have a deep feud with Sun Meilan and Zhao Yongli. I will immediately ask Ze Yu to check who in the company has a feud with them."

Qin Jinhuan was about to take out his cell phone to call Wen Zeyu when his cell phone rang. When he looked down, it was Wen Zeyu calling.