My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 115: Rong Jian was rejected


Mu Yu would never have thought that the person who caused Feng Rubing to exclaim in the forensic room was actually Rong Jian!

At the same time, Rong Jian, who was holding Feng Rubing in his arms, did not expect to be bumped into by Mu Yu. He hurriedly let go of Feng Rubing and quickly straightened his slightly messy clothes while awkwardly explaining to Mu Yu.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, we, I..."

"go out!"

"Ru Bing, listen to me..."


Rong Jian, whose eyes were bloodshot, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just looked at her deeply, and then without looking at Mu Yu again, he lowered his head and walked around Mu Yu with a sad expression and left the forensic room.

"Uh, um... I'm here to sweep the floor."

Mu Yu picked up the broom and saw Feng Rubing sitting down with his back to her without saying a word. She didn't know what else to say to break the embarrassment, so she simply stopped making any sound and lowered her head to sweep the floor seriously.

"Mu Yu."

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, Feng Rubing suddenly made a sound, and Mu Yu hurriedly stopped and looked at her.

"What happened today..."

"I didn't see anything! Really!"

Feng Rubing didn't say any more, just turned around, smiled faintly at her panic, and then handed her a file bag: "This is the detailed information about Zhao Yongli's case that I compiled last night. I just forgot to give it to Rong Jian. You pass it on to him."

"Um..." Mu Yu put down the broom, took the file bag, and asked hesitantly, "Teacher Feng, is it because..."

Probably realizing that it was inappropriate to ask so directly, she immediately stopped what she was about to say about "wanting to avoid Team Rong" - she didn't know that in addition to Feng Rubing's own reasons for her being able to join the task force, there was another reason that came from Qin Xiaozhi's arrangements. .

"I haven't been feeling well lately, so I can't work too hard. It's all your fault." Feng Rubing, who looked a little haggard, said and yawned.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Feng Rubing's answer was not surprising at all. Mu Yu waved her hand in response, but felt a little uneasy, "I'm not afraid of hard work, I'm just afraid of not doing well."

"It's okay, you can do it."

"just in case… "

"Call me if you have any questions."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, Teacher Feng."

"It's okay." Feng Rubing glanced at the clock on the wall to remind him, "It's time to gather."

"Oh, then, then I'm going to go and take care of your body."

"Mu Yu!"

"Ah?" Mu Yu suddenly turned around.

Feng Rubing didn't look her in the eyes. He lowered his head to clear the table and whispered softly: "Find an opportunity to persuade Rong Jian and tell him not to quarrel with Director Xiao again if he has nothing to do. He should be more considerate of the difficulties of leadership."

"Ah?! Captain Rong and Director Xiao were arguing? Why?"

"He thinks the bureau does not have enough personnel for the forensic room. If he makes trouble again, the bureau will definitely make things difficult for Forensic Doctor Nie and Forensic Doctor Shan."

There are also two forensic doctors in the forensic room, Nie Yunchang, who is taking care of their daughter, and Shan Rui, who is on maternity leave. Mu Yu knows this. When Feng Rubing said this, she felt a little uneasy: "You mean, Captain Rong asked the bureau to give the forensic room more time." How many forensic doctors are there? Is there something I didn’t do well?”

Although Feng Rubing is young, he has considerable qualifications and a good reputation in the forensic field. With Rong Jian making such a fuss, it is no wonder that Mu Yu, who is new to the forensic field, has such thoughts.

"It's none of your business, don't think too much. Just do your job seriously. Go ahead and don't miss the task force."

"Oh. Then I'm leaving."

Mu Yu came to the hall in a depressed manner and saw Liu Xiaofan taking the call, so he hurried over.

After everyone introduced themselves to each other, they were ready to go.

Mu Yu was about to get in the car with everyone when Rong Jian's car stopped beside her: "Forensic Doctor Mu, you take my car."

"Oh, okay." She was smart and immediately guessed that Rong Jian had something to say to her, and she happened to be handing over Feng Rubing's things to him, so she immediately turned around and got into his car.

"Sister-in-law, today..."

"I did not see anything."

Knowing that he was going to explain this matter, she bared her teeth at him, and then handed him what Feng Rubing had given her, "This is all the information about the Zhao Yongli case compiled by Teacher Feng."

"She asked you to hand it over to me?"

"Yeah. She also asked me to tell you..."

"What did she ask you to tell me?" Rong Jian threw the file bag into the passenger seat and was about to start the car, but when he heard this, he immediately turned around.

Mu Yu was startled by his sudden eagerness and responded in a low voice: "She asked you to stop arguing with Director Xiao and let the Bureau arrange the personnel issues in the forensic room on its own."

"Oh, right here?" Rong Jian turned around with some disappointment and started the car again.

"Yes. Teacher Feng said that Dr. Nie and Dr. Shan are in special circumstances, and they are afraid that if you make a fuss, the bureau will call them back to work."

"I'm not asking the bureau to call them back to work. I'm just reporting to the bureau to ask them to recruit a few more forensic doctors. Now there are just the two of you in the forensic room, which is too busy for them. Ru Bing's health is not good to begin with. If you continue to endure this, Stay up all night, and you’ll have to be hospitalized again in a few days.”

"Stay up all night?!" Mu Yu was surprised. Feng Rubing's haggard and tired face flashed before her eyes, and she immediately asked, "You mean Teacher Feng stayed up all night last night?! Didn't she get off work earlier than me yesterday?!"

"She left a few minutes earlier than you, but I called her back before she got home because we have collected some more physical evidence that needs to be identified immediately."

"Then why don't you call me back?"

"I was going to call you, but Ru Bing said that she didn't have much time to live anyway, so she could be alone. I didn't expect that she would be busy all night." Rong Jian said this with no trace of distress in his tone.

No wonder Feng Rubing's complexion is so bad.

Mu Yu was very moved and felt even more guilty: "Captain Rong, if you encounter something like this in the future, you must call me! It's good to have one more person and more strength."

"Yes. When you left the forensic room, was Ru Bing gone?"


"Oh." Rong Jian didn't ask any more questions.

He just said that he was going to concentrate on driving. Unexpectedly, he spoke again soon, but instead of talking to her, he called Feng Rubing: "I have got the file bag. There is nothing to do now. You go back and have a good rest. Remember Eat something and go to sleep. I want to tell you about what happened just now... Uh, okay, hang up."

Rong Jian said nothing after hanging up the phone.

Mu Yu saw his frown in the rearview mirror and was a little curious for a moment. She couldn't help but straighten up and asked softly: "Captain Rong, Teacher Feng stayed up all night to work overtime by herself last night, so you didn't go to accompany her?"

"She refused to let me do it. She said I would be in the way and kicked me out of the laboratory."

"Can't you pretend to bring her midnight snacks and then stay in the laboratory without coming out?"

Rong Jian smiled bitterly: "The late-night snack was given to me. At first she asked me to take it away, but later she was helpless and I took the late-night snack, but she picked it up at the entrance of the laboratory and didn't let me take it into the laboratory."

Thinking of the scene she saw this morning, Mu Yu sympathized with Rong Jian very much - she could guess that today was another rejection of courtship without asking, but she didn't expect that Rong Jian would be so bold today and take the initiative to hug Feng Rubing.

Based on this scene, it was obvious that Feng Rubing didn't want to call him. All his love was going to waste.


Out of concern for Rong Jian, she thought for a moment and asked softly: "Captain Rong, how long have you been chasing Teacher Feng?"

"Chasing?" Rong Jian was startled at first, then responded truthfully, "I can't call it chasing, because she has always rejected me and never given me a chance."

"Then how long have you liked Teacher Feng?"

"It's been a few years."

"several years?!"

"Well, she came to work in the forensic room for a few years, and I liked her for a few years."

"Ah?! Teacher Feng seems to have been in class for five years!"

"That's five years."

"Oh my God!" Mu Yu was very surprised, "She rejected you for five years?! Does she have a boyfriend?! Or is she married at all?!"

"She doesn't have a boyfriend and she's not married."

"Ah?! Then, in the past five years, have you seen her dating anyone of the opposite sex?"


"Is there something wrong with her sexual orientation?!" Mu Yu originally blurted out, but after finishing speaking, he realized that this was a bit embarrassing.

However, Rong Jian didn't seem to realize this, and responded generously: "Her sexual orientation is not a problem, it's a personality problem. She doesn't like to interact with others."

Hearing this, Mu Yu couldn't help but ask: "How do you know her sexual orientation is okay?"

"Her sister said so."

"Her sister?" Mu Yu suddenly laughed, "Her sister actually said such things to you? Is her sister particularly attracted to you and wishes Teacher Feng could marry you?"

Rong Jian smiled awkwardly and nodded: "I went to her house several times to look for her, but she turned me away. Every time her sister opened the door for me. Her sister was very enthusiastic towards me. Not only did she accuse her of being treated like this. She also encouraged me over and over again not to give up, saying that she would try her best to help me catch her. To be honest, if it weren’t for her sister, I might have given up on my feelings for Ru Bing.”

Mu Yu was curious: "How old is her sister?"

"Qiqi is thirteen this year. She is a very cute little loli." Rong Jian suddenly stood up again, "You don't know, Qiqi calls me brother-in-law every time she sees me, and Ru Bing refuses to change her words after scolding her."

Hearing the word brother-in-law, Mu Yu suddenly thought of Yin Anran, and the smile on his face stopped. He hesitated and tried to ask: "Captain Rong, Ah Huan has a good friend named Yin, do you know?"


There was a harsh brake sound, and Mu Yu was unexpected and his head hit the back of the front seat.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, are you okay?" Rong Jian hurriedly turned around to check.

"I'm fine, what's going on?" Mu Yu touched her head and looked forward nervously - she had encountered some unexpected situation in the car before.

"It's good that you're fine. I just gave way to a passerby who didn't obey the traffic rules." Rong Jian was afraid of being caught, so he quickly found an excuse to cover up, then slowly started the car, and then responded vaguely, "Ah Huan's He has many friends, but my memory is not good, so I can’t name many of his friends.”

"Oh." Mu Yu didn't become suspicious and didn't ask any more questions. He just thought about finding another time to ask Wen Zeyu.

The car soon arrived at the gate of Qingtian Building. From a distance, the two of them saw Wen Zeyu, who was waiting eagerly. Wen Zeyu also saw Rong Jian's car and ran over from all the way. As soon as the car stopped, he hurriedly Patting the window: "Get out of the car quickly! I have clues to the murderer!"

"Clues to the murderer?! What clues?!" Da Xirongjian jumped out of the car without even turning the keys, and Mu Yu jumped out of the car immediately.

"Follow me." Wen Zeyu immediately ran towards the building.

Rong Jian and Mu Yu ran to keep up.