My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 125: The pain in my heart


Brother Yihan? ! Did she mistake him for Xin Yihan? !

She still misses him? !

Qin Jinhuan, who was taking Mu Yu's temperature, suddenly frowned.

When he learned that she was sick, he left his clients and rushed home to take care of her. Unexpectedly, she thought he was Xin Yihan and cried into "Xin Yihan"'s arms!

"Brother Yihan?" Qin Xiaozhi on the side also frowned.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly felt awkward.

Brother Qi Hao and Lei Zhi hurriedly pretended to look down at their phones, as if they had heard and seen nothing.

However, their pretense did not mean that nothing happened, nor did it mean that Qin Jinhuan was not angry. He handed the temperature measuring device to Lei Zhi with a sullen face, said "Thirty-eight degrees eight", and pushed it away. Muyu.

"Don't leave!" Mu Yu grabbed the corner of his clothes and cried, "Brother Yihan, stay with me, I'm so scared."

"Xiaoyu has a fever and is not conscious. You should leave her alone and coax her to take medicine first." Qin Xiaozhi hurriedly reminded in a low voice for fear that Qin Jinhuan would push Mu Yu away again.

Qin Jinhuan twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not push Mu Yu away, nor did he hug her. He just let her bury her head in his arms.

Qin Xiaozhi felt relieved when he saw this, and then turned around and told Lei Zhi: "You should treat the young mistress well. I'm a little dizzy, so I'm going back to my room first."

Lei Zhi, who was about to prepare the medicine, immediately looked at him nervously: "Old man, are you okay?"

"You help Xiaoyu read it and come to my room to take my blood pressure." Qin Xiaozhi waved his hand, looked at Mu Yu who was still crying, and turned around to go out.

Brother Qi Hao followed immediately.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Lei Zhi already understood what Mr. Qin meant. He quickly prepared the medicine and handed it to Qin Jinhuan. After explaining the usage and dosage, he said, "If the fever doesn't subside by later, I'll come back and give the young lady an injection." He picked up the medicine box and hurried out of Qin Jinhuan's room.

As the door closed, Qin Jinhuan, who was still frowning, looked at the pills in his hand, and then at Mu Yu, who was still sobbing in his arms, and finally pushed her away, but his movements were very gentle.

"Brother Yihan, don't..."

"I won't leave." He stroked her face and comforted her patiently, "You are sick and need to take medicine. Just lie down and I will get you some water."

"Brother Yihan..."


Perhaps his voice was too gentle and pleasant to her ears, so she didn't hold him any longer, obediently obeyed his movements, and slowly lay down.

Soon, he brought a glass of warm water, put the cup on the bedside table, then sat down next to her head, helped her up with one hand, and fed her medicine.

After she finished taking the medicine, he was about to get up when a roar of thunder suddenly sounded outside the house. Her face, which was originally red due to fever, suddenly turned white. She screamed and huddled to the corner of the bed, holding her head and shivering.

Remembering that Jiang Wenwen had told him that she was afraid of thunder and rain, he hurriedly threw away the water glass and hugged her, caressing her back and whispering comfort.

She hugged her chest with her hands instead, tensed her nerves, curled up motionless in his arms and cried softly.

Looking at her who was uncharacteristically fragile and as fragile as a stray kitten swept away by the wind and rain, he realized that her fear came from deep inside, and he felt very distressed. He couldn't bear to be jealous of Xin Yihan for the moment and hugged her tightly. She kept whispering, "Don't be afraid, you'll be fine as long as I'm here." Tongjin cursed the untimely thunder in early winter in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, but the crying in his arms gradually became quieter. His hands and feet were a little numb because he had been in the same position for a long time. He carefully lowered his head to check and found that she had fallen asleep, so he helped her lie down with confidence.

"No! Don't kill me!" With her eyes still closed, her whole body suddenly trembled, and then she screamed and waved her hands wildly.

"Don't be afraid!" He quickly held her hand, "With me here, no one dares to kill you!"

"Don't leave!"

"I won't leave, I will stay here with you, always with you." Although he knew that she still thought of him as Xin Yihan, he didn't have any temper at this time.

"Stay with me." She hugged his arm tightly, like a pillow.

Realizing that this would make her feel at ease, even though this position made him very uncomfortable, he still didn't hesitate and slowly lay down next to her.

After he lay down, she stopped yelling and crying. She gradually calmed down and her breathing gradually became even.

Half of his body was a little sore, and he wanted to withdraw his hand, but before he could make a move, she trembled all over and unconsciously hugged his arm tightly, fearing that she would be agitated again, so he hurriedly stopped and did not dare to move. Let her.

She fell asleep contentedly again.

Seeing the tears still in the corners of her eyes, his heart ached, and he carefully turned around and wiped away her tears with his other hand. Only then did he truly realize her place in his heart.

He knew that she was afraid of thunder and rain, but he never knew that she would be so afraid. He suddenly wanted to know the reason.

Thinking that she thought he was Xin Yihan when she had a high fever, and kept begging him to accompany her, he immediately realized that Xin Yihan should know the reason very well - of course, he did not ask Xin Yihan about his thoughts on this matter, he did not want to see Xin Yihan.

Maybe ask her parents about it.

Just as she was thinking about her parents, she heard her cell phone ringing. He found her cell phone from under the pillow and saw the word "mom" blurred on the cracked screen. He hesitated and answered the call.

"Xiaoyu? Have you gone to bed?" It was Hu Meiling.

"Xiaoyu is asleep." Qin Jinhuan felt there was no need to tell her about Mu Yu's illness.

"Master Qin? You slept well. Xiaoyu slept well, so I'm relieved." Hu Meiling suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Jinhuan then asked: "Since when did she become afraid of rain and thunder?"

"Huh? Uh... She's been like this since she was very young. Since she's asleep, you should go to bed early. That's it, I'm hanging up."

"What's the reason... hello?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Meiling hung up the phone so quickly. Qin Jinhuan was a little helpless and was about to put down the phone when he accidentally clicked on her call page and the words "Brother Yihan" stood out.

Xin Yihan called her three hours ago!

Lei Zhi said that she got sick because she got caught in the rain. Could it be that she got caught in the rain because of Xin Yihan? !

Sure enough, she still misses Xin Yihan? !

No, not possible.

The person she likes is obviously him!

Qin Jinhuan curled his lips with some disdain, turned to look at Mu Yu, and found that Mu Yu had let go of his hand at some point and turned his back to him to sleep. He stretched his neck and took a look, and saw that she was sleeping deeply. He reached out and touched her forehead gently. It didn't feel as hot as before. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay down next to her, looking at the ceiling. Thoughtful.

At the same time, Hu Meiling was at home and warned Mu Ziyao anxiously: "You must never tell Young Master Qin that Xiaoyu has suffered from cabin fever! Young Master Qin doesn't like Xiaoyu very much. If you know that she has suffered from cabin fever, If you suffer from cabin fever, you will definitely dislike her even more!”

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin is not that kind of person," Mu Ziyao said with a disapproving look, "Besides, under Yihan's guidance, didn't Xiaoyu return to normal?"

"Can I rest assured?" Hu Meiling was full of worry. "Whenever there is bad weather, Xiaoyu still can't control her emotions. Those who know her past can understand her, but those who don't know her past, Shouldn't we treat her as mentally ill? I can tell that Master Qin's tone today is not right. I don't know when Xiaoyu will really get out of that shadow."

Mu Ziyao also sighed deeply after hearing this: "The reason why Xiaoyu's mood becomes unstable every time it rains or thunders. In the final analysis, it's because she can't forget the incident and doesn't dare to face it calmly. She’s still not strong enough.”

"It's just that that incident hurt Xiaoyu too much - not to mention she was just a child at that time, even us adults would be frightened to see such a scene with our own eyes. Oh, my poor daughter."

His wife's tears touched Mu Ziyao. He held his wife in his arms and comforted her softly. As he spoke, he couldn't help but shed tears.

After a while, he suggested: "Why don't you give Yihan a call and ask him to take the time to visit Xiaoyu and encourage and guide her on this matter."

Hu Meiling nodded and immediately took out her cell phone: "I'll call Yihan right now."

Mu Yu, who was still troubled by nightmares, had no idea what her illness had brought to Qin Jinhuan and her parents. When she was frightened and woke up again, she found that she was sleeping in Qin Jinhuan's arms. This was very important to her. It was like another nightmare, and she screamed and pushed him away with all her strength.

Qin Jinhuan, who was already asleep, was awakened. He instinctively reached out to pull her and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! I'm here... Hey! Xiaoyu!"

Mu Yu, who had already grabbed her cell phone, quickly jumped out of bed like a frightened rabbit and ran towards her "sofa nest".

He didn't bother to put on his shoes and hurriedly followed her, expressing his concern to her who had covered herself with a quilt: "Xiaoyu, you are sick! You have a fever!"

"Go away."


"Go away! Go away!"

Although the thunder outside the window had stopped, the nightmare scene kept replaying in Mu Yu's mind, making her so panicked that she had no intention of paying attention to Qin Jinhuan, let alone others. After he walked away, she followed what Xin Yihan had taught her and tried to take deep breaths to force herself to calm down.

Although she would still have nightmares and be scared every time it rained, her symptoms were obviously much milder than before. She had been very confident that the symptoms would be mild to non-existent in the near future, but the way she felt today made her lose all confidence.

Why do good symptoms worsen

Could it be because he met Wang Linhua twice today who looked similar to that demon

The sudden message notification sound on her mobile phone startled her. She suddenly found that she had a feeling of being in danger, which made her very frustrated. She sighed and opened the message. When she saw that the message was from Brother Yihan, she was very surprised and hurriedly Click to open.

"Since we can't avoid it, it's better to face it bravely. Xiaoyu, you can do it! Brother Yihan believes in you!"

The words "face it bravely" made her heart suddenly twitch.

Am I really good

She somewhat doubted her abilities.

"Okay! You can do it! Brother Yihan believes in you!" Xin Yihan's usual words of encouragement kept ringing in her ears, gathering her shattered confidence bit by bit.

Maybe I can give it a try. If I really can’t face it, it’s not too late to give up!

As if she had made up her mind, she nodded to the air, then dialed her father's phone and asked about the vicious murder that happened in Pingcheng Anju Community ten years ago.

When Mu Ziyao heard his daughter's question, he was surprised and nervous at first. After hearing her explanation, he felt relieved and immediately told her everything he knew about the situation.

After making notes on the notepad, Mu Yu hung up the phone and began to search for relevant information online.

She originally investigated the case to get herself out of her psychological shadow, but unexpectedly she uncovered another hidden story that made people sad and lamentable.