My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 126: Silently caring


Luo Mingan, who was an ordinary worker at a construction site ten years ago, ran away with someone else because of his wife's infidelity. In a rage, he stabbed his love rival and brutally killed his wife before fleeing. Three months later, he was found on the beach pretending to be him. The relics of the suicide note were not found due to the police's intensive pursuit for several years, and they later determined that he committed suicide by jumping into the sea three months after the incident.

Mu Yu, who barely overcame his fear, stared blankly at the information about Luo Mingan displayed on the screen, thinking silently.

Luo Mingan was thirty years old ten years ago. If he had faked his death, he would have been forty this year. According to common sense, the long-term escape and anonymity life will definitely make him miserable and impoverished. If he appeared in front of everyone now, he would definitely look older than his actual age.

Wang Linhua's face that looked exactly like Luo Mingan flashed before her eyes again - the reason she mistook him for Luo Mingan was because he was really similar to Luo Mingan ten years ago, especially his eyes.

Luo Mingan's eyes were very long, as long and narrow as a crescent moon. Even though they had a ruthless look, their unique charm was not affected.

She still remembers those eyes vividly to this day.

Crossing her arms and closing her eyes, she tried to actively recall that day for the first time.

She passed by the quarreling couple and threw away the trash. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard the woman let out a very shrill cry, and then a ball-like thing rolled to her feet. She didn't know what it was, but she subconsciously looked carefully. After taking a look, she was frightened to death when she saw clearly that it was a head.

At the same time, when the man rushed in front of her and raised the machete that was still dripping with blood at her, a flash of lightning flashed by. She saw the man's face, which was also stained with blood, and she suddenly became more frightened and instinctively waved. She started to scream "Don't kill me", and then her vision went dark, and she lost track of what was going on.

When she woke up again, she was already lying in the hospital, looking at her worried parents. She endured the pain all over her body and cried and hugged them. But after crying enough, she realized that she was not injured at all. The so-called "pain all over the body" was just an illusion caused by her mistaken belief that she was seriously injured.

She slowly opened her eyes and bravely looked at Luo Mingan's enlarged face on the computer screen. Staring into his eyes, she suddenly felt that he was not as scary as she had imagined.

Perhaps her fear of him over the years did not come entirely from him, but from the blood-stained machete he held tightly in his hand? Or was it the head that he chopped off and rolled in front of her feet

She smiled bitterly and shook her head, because she couldn't explain the reason herself. But no matter which one it is, in the final analysis it has something to do with him.

But the only thing she was sure of at this time was that Wang Linhua was not Luo Mingan, because Wang Linhua looked only in his mid-thirties, and Luo Mingan was not that young.

They look so similar, maybe there is some kind of blood relationship between them

Out of curiosity, she clicked on all the relevant information about Luo Mingan on the Internet to check, but soon she was disappointed to find that the subsequent messages were not much different from the first one she saw, and there was no new information at all. .

After thinking about it, she called Rong Jian. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she only said that her classmate was writing an academic paper and needed to analyze a special case. She wanted to know about the case ten years ago and his path. Guang, ask him to find a way to collect as much relevant information about Luo Mingan as possible.

Rong Jian on the other end of the phone didn't ask any more questions and just agreed.

Putting down the phone, she turned off the computer, lay back on the sofa, and looked at the ceiling again in silence. She didn't know that when she suppressed the fear in her heart and bravely faced the brutal murder case ten years ago, Qin Jinhuan also began to quietly pay attention to the case, because he had guessed that her abnormal behavior on the rainy day was related to the case. are closely related.

"Ten years ago, the young lady and her family lived in Anju Community in Pingcheng. One rainy evening, the eleven-year-old young lady went downstairs to take out the trash and accidentally witnessed a murder. She suffered from phobia because of the excessive fright. From then on, she did not dare to go out or socialize with strangers. She would become anxious every time it rained or thundered, and would be attacked by nightmares due to fear. Later, her symptoms were relieved and she recovered after her family moved to Anseong. Registered for the college entrance examination and successfully entered Anseong University.”

Early the next morning, Qin Jinhuan listened to Bian Zijun's report in the study.

"The murderer of that murder case was named Luo Mingan. He was from Luojiazhuang, Donghe Town, Tiancheng. His parents died when he was twelve years old. He was introduced by relatives to be an apprentice in a slaughterhouse in the city. When he was eighteen years old, he met and fell in love with his wife of the same age. Despite the objections of her parents, she married Luo Mingan, who had nothing, and gave birth to a daughter the following year. The relationship between the couple was good in the first few years, but after a few years, her wife gradually became dissatisfied with him when she saw that the family life had not improved. Later, she took her daughter with a wealthy man. The man eloped. After many twists and turns, Luo Mingan found them and begged his wife to return to the family, but her wife was determined not to go back with him. In anger, he stabbed his love rival and chopped his wife to death and fled the scene. Three months later, his belongings were found on the beach. It was discovered that there was also his suicide note. Two years later, the police concluded that he had committed suicide by jumping into the sea and closed the case. For the time being, I only learned this relevant information. "Seeing that the boss kept frowning, even though his eyes were red. Bian Zijun's face was still full of anxiety.

After a long while, Qin Jinhuan waved his hand: "Go back and rest."

"Yes." Bian Zijun immediately responded and went out as if he had received amnesty.

Then Qin Jinhuan also slowly got up and returned to the room. He was deeply touched when he saw that Mu Yu, who was still sleeping on the sofa, was still holding a notebook in his hand. On the notebook, the words "Luo Mingan" could be faintly seen.

They had been living in the same room with her in the name of husband and wife. He thought he knew her very well, but until now, he realized that he cared too little for her, too little to break into her inner world.

Only then did he realize how much concern and care he had for her in the two phone calls between Xin Yihan and Mu's parents last night, and not only did he not do anything for her, but he also caused trouble for her. No wonder she treated him The attitude is getting worse and worse.

Qin Jinhuan felt a little guilty. Seeing that the hair on her forehead was a little messy, he was about to reach out to straighten it for her, but she suddenly spoke: "Brother Yihan, don't worry, I will not choose to escape again, I will face it bravely."

His hand froze in mid-air, and when he realized that she was talking in her sleep, his eyes froze and his heart felt sour.

She was still thinking about Xin Yihan in her dream!

Withdrawing his hand, he stood up with a roll of his sleeves.


Because she was thinking about Luo Ming'an, Mu Yu didn't sleep peacefully that night. After being woken up by the alarm clock, she rubbed her sore eyes and got up with a yawn.

"Xiaoyu, has the fever gone? Does your head still hurt?"

When she went downstairs and heard her grandfather asking this, she was a little surprised: "Did I have a fever last night?"

"Yes, the fever is over thirty-eight degrees. The young master rushed back to take care of you. Or did he personally feed you the medicine." Yu Zhongguang explained while handing her the milk.

"Him?" Mu Yu glanced around subconsciously.

"The young master went to the company early in the morning."

"Oh." Mu Yu then remembered the scene where he and Qin Jinhuan hugged each other and slept on the bed last night.

It turned out that he was taking care of himself who was sick, but because of Luo Mingan's incident, he actually regarded him as nothing.

Flashing before her eyes was the scene where he was quickly scolded and driven away last night, and she couldn't help feeling a little warm in her heart.

It seems that he still cares about himself to some extent.

You are his wife, isn't it right for him to care about you? It's abnormal for him to care so much about Yin Anran.

Thinking of Yin Anran, and then thinking of the intimacy between him and Yin Anran, her originally warm mood suddenly turned unhappy, and she couldn't help but bite the bread in her hand with more strength.

No matter what, there are so many things waiting for you to do, so who cares!

He rolled his eyes at the milk glass, as if the milk glass was Qin Jinhuan.

After breakfast, she greeted Qin Xiaozhi and took Weng Yun's car to the company.

As soon as she left, Qin Xiaozhi summoned Qi Hao into the restaurant.

"Is Ah Huan's concern for Xiao Yu still a show?" Qin Xiaozhi looked unhappy because he had seen the change in the expression on Mu Yu's face just now.

"Maybe not, I think the young master is very kind to the young mistress." Qi Hao expressed surprise.

"Hmph, if he was really good to Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu shouldn't have called 'Brother Yihan' when he had a fever last night."

"You suspect that the young mistress is interested in Xin Yihan..."

"I have never doubted Xiaoyu's feelings for Ah Huan. What worries me is this brat. Keep an eye on Yin Anran's movements, and don't let her have the chance to play tricks."

Qi Hao was puzzled: "Boss, since you are so worried about Yin Anran, why did you try to drive her out of the company?"

"Forcibly driving her away will only worsen the situation, let it take its course." Besides, it was Mu Yu's idea to keep Yin Anran.

In fact, he knew why Mu Yu wanted to keep Yin Anran, but he didn't reveal it, because he knew that she and Qin Jinhuan had to pass the two thresholds of Yin Anran and Yin Anran in order to stabilize their relationship.

Here, as soon as Mu Yu arrived at Qingtian Group, he ran to Rong Jian and asked him about what he had entrusted last night.

"Here, all the information you want is here." Rong Jian didn't ask any more questions and just handed her the information he had prepared.

"Thank you, Captain Rong." Mu Yu took the information and walked aside to read it carefully.

When she found that the fear in her heart was much less when she read the information about Luo Mingan, she was very happy and immediately sent a message to Xin Yihan explaining the matter.

Soon she received a reply from Xin Yihan: "Xiaoyu, you are awesome! Come on!"

"Thank you, Brother Yihan, I will do it!" She was editing the reply message like she was drinking honey. Unexpectedly, she found Wen Zeyu walking towards her with a wink. She quickly clicked on the word "send" and then put her phone away. Back to pocket.

"Smiling so sweetly, it seems that you already know about Ah Huan's love breakfast for you." Wen Zeyu smiled and handed a lunch box to her.

It turned out that he thought she was interacting with Qin Jinhuan just now.

She curled her lips secretly, but didn't bother to explain.

"Sister-in-law, Wang Linhua refuses to come to work at Qingtian." Wen Zeyu only said that she was embarrassed, but did not raise any suspicion, and said while putting the lunch box.

"Oh? Why don't you come? The treatment you give him is not as high as what his previous company gave him?"

"He said it wasn't about his salary, but that his company's leaders took good care of him. He missed the old relationship and was reluctant to leave."

"Oh." Mu Yu felt that this was like Wang Linhua's style, so he didn't force it any further. Just as he was about to ask about the love breakfast, he suddenly heard Liu Xiaofan calling "Forensic Doctor Mu, we have to go out to perform a mission, come and gather quickly." He immediately put it down. After hearing Zeyu, he ran to the hall to gather.

Half an hour later, she and her colleagues arrived at Zhangshulin, a large bathing center in the east of the city.

According to the latest news, the night before Zhao Yongli died, he went to Zhangshulin for shopping and had an unpleasant encounter with a waiter named KiKi. They are now looking for KiKi to understand the situation. Because KiKi was a woman, they were afraid of any inconvenience, so they called Mu Yu over together.

As soon as they entered the camphor forest, Mu Yu saw a familiar figure and was very surprised for a moment.