My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 131: Please, don't do this


Seeing it was Qin Jinhuan, Mu Yu immediately went up to him angrily and asked, "Qin Jinhuan, please explain to me..."

"It's really not me! Ah Huan, you have to believe me!" A woman suddenly rushed into the office and grabbed Qin Jinhuan, crying, interrupting her words.

After discovering that the crying woman was Dong Wanqing, she was a little surprised, because this was the first time she had seen Dong Wanqing so rude.

"Ah Huan, don't listen to others' instigation, I really didn't..."

"Get lost." Qin Jinhuan spat out one word to her in disgust.

"It's really not me!" Dong Wanqing had tears of grievance on her face.

"If it weren't for you, why would you have this medicine in your bag?" Wen Zeyu, who came in later, heard this and immediately raised the paper bag in his hand.

Dong Wanqing was stunned: "What kind of medicine is this?"

"Don't tell me you don't know what kind of medicine this is." Wen Zeyu asked with a sneer.

"I don't know!" Dong Wanqing suddenly trembled all over, "Is this... a laxative?! No! Impossible! How could there be laxatives in my bag?! Someone must have framed me!"

She suddenly turned around and glared at Mu Yu, and said bitterly, "It must be you! I have already been transferred to the canteen department, why don't you let me go?!"

"What do you mean I won't let you go? It's obviously you who is harming me, okay?" Mu Yu didn't sympathize with her at all and coldly rolled his eyes at her.

"When Ah Huan demoted me to the canteen department, grandpa said that all the things in the past would be wiped out. Why do you still hold grudges now? You will take revenge on me when you get the chance?"

"Dong Wanqing, stop pretending to be confused! It's not my sister-in-law who is holding a grudge and taking the opportunity to retaliate against you. It's you who is holding a grudge and taking the opportunity to retaliate against my sister-in-law, okay? You actually put laxatives in my sister-in-law's meals for three consecutive days! How despicable! "Wen Zeyu rushed to refute Mu Yu.

"Put laxatives in your meals for three consecutive days?! This is impossible! You are just making false accusations! I have nothing at all..."

"Get out!" Qin Jinhuan yelled impatiently, and then quickly entered the lounge.

"Ah Huan, it's not like this, it's really not like this, listen to me..." Dong Wanqing ran over and knocked on the door of the lounge.

Here, Mu Yu remembered that Qin Jinhuan had eaten a portion of the meal for him, and nervously asked Wen Zeyu about Qin Jinhuan's situation.

"I've seen the doctor. I just took medicine. I guess it won't stabilize so quickly."

"What? Did you take medicine again? Didn't he say that he had taken medicine before?" She was afraid that Qin Jinhuan, who already had diarrhea, would be harmed by taking too much medicine.

"I told you, but the doctor said the amount of medicine was not enough, so he added more."

"Not enough medicine?"

It seems that the ingredients delivered today are stronger than yesterday and the day before yesterday!

Mu Yu then glared at Dong Wanqing angrily.

If she hadn't been smart, she would have been the one running to the toilet right now. Qin Jinhuan's physical condition is much better than hers, and his face doesn't look good at the moment. If it were her, she would have weakened her legs long ago.

Hateful Dong Wanqing!

He actually took advantage of his job to cause such harm, and he refused to admit it.

"It's not me!" Dong Wanqing understood her look and argued angrily, "Even if you really ate food with laxatives in the cafeteria, there are so many staff in the cafeteria, you have no evidence, why? Are you sure it was me?"

"Just because I found this in your bag." Wen Zeyu raised the paper bag in his hand again, "The doctor has determined that it is a laxative."

Dong Wanqing retorted disapprovingly: "So what? One hour before the cafeteria opens every day, I will come over on time to check the hygiene discipline. Every time, my bag will be placed on the chopping board to the left of the steamer. Every staff member in the cafeteria has it. If the opportunity comes close to it, it will be easy for anyone to put a small paper bag in it.”

Seeing that she refused to admit it, Wen Zeyu sneered: "Except for you, no one in the cafeteria department has a problem with my sister-in-law. Who would cause trouble in her meals without any grudges?"

"I don't know if anyone in the cafeteria department has any issues with her. I only know that I have never done such a thing! You can't even think of slamming a shit basin on my head! I, Dong Wanqing, dare to do anything I dare to do. If I do it, I do it. If I don't do it, I will do it. Just didn’t do it.”

Dong Wanqing's righteous and awe-inspiring look made Mu Yu find it funny. Just as she was about to make a mockery, the door to the lounge opened.

"How are you?" She temporarily put aside the unpleasantness Yin Anran had brought to her before, and quickly approached him with concern.

"It's okay." Qin Jinhuan looked through her at Dong Wanqing, his face darkened, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Dong Wanqing lost strength for a moment and argued weakly: "Ah Huan, I really don't..."

"You haven't asked the Finance Department to settle her salary yet?"

Wen Zeyu responded: "It's already being done."

"No! Don't fire me! Ah Huan, please!" Dong Wanqing rushed over and grabbed Qin Jinhuan's arm, crying bitterly.

Although she knew that she and Qin Jinhuan were no longer destined to be together, it was a happy thing for her to see him every day. If she was expelled, it would be very rare to see Qin Jinhuan again in the future.

Qingtian Group has an unwritten rule: no matter what the reason is for employees who leave the company, the company will not give them the opportunity to return to the company. Qin Jinhuan and Wen Zeyu, who were dismissed because of Fenghuanggou last time, returned to the company. It was because of their special status that the company became the first to do so. Dong Wanqing knew very well that with her status, once she was fired, she would never return to the company, not to mention that she was not willing to leave with such a big scapegoat.

"Why are you still standing there? If you don't leave, call security." Qin Jinhuan coldly shook off her hand and ordered Wen Zeyu.

"Yes." Seeing that Dong Wanqing refused to leave, Wen Zeyu called the company's security captain.

"No! Don't call! Don't drive me away!" Dong Wanqing begged from left to right, but seeing that it didn't work at all, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Wan Qing!"

"Aunt, help me, I don't want to leave the company." The helpless Dong Wanqing immediately cried and threw herself into Dong Yueyun's arms as if she had seen reinforcements.

"Don't cry, what's going on?" Dong Yueyun quickly pushed her away and asked softly.

She originally made an appointment with her niece to skip work in the afternoon and go shopping. She waited at the entrance of the company and couldn't wait for her niece to come down. The phone couldn't be reached, so she went to the cafeteria department to look for her niece. After listening to the discussions of the people in the cafeteria department, she got a little understanding of the situation. , and came here.

After listening to her niece explain the situation, she patted her niece gently on the back and asked Qin Jinhuan: "You are too arbitrary to conclude that Wan Qing did it just based on this small paper bag?"

"I didn't know there was such a paper bag in the bag!" Dong Wanqing, who was thinking more clearly, answered aggrievedly, "If I really did such a thing, I would definitely destroy the evidence of the crime as soon as possible instead of being so stupid. I stupidly waited for someone to find it out of the bag. It was obvious that someone was setting me up. Besides, no matter how stupid I was, I wouldn't be so stupid as to feed her lunch at noon for three days in a row. This was too easy. Exposed."

Dong Wanqing's words reminded Dong Yueyun, and she immediately looked at Mu Yu: "Aren't you a forensic doctor? Are you good at extracting fingerprints? If Wanqing really did it, she didn't destroy the evidence in time, which means she was unprepared and would be discovered. , then there will definitely be fingerprints on the paper bag. On the other hand, if there are no fingerprints of Wan Qing on it, it means she is innocent. I wonder if Miss Mu thinks my words are reasonable?"

Just as Mu Yu was about to respond, Qin Jinhuan's voice rang first: "There's no need to go to such trouble. Let's go."

"You, you still want to fire me?" Dong Wanqing was very nervous.

"Ah Huan, Wan Qing did nothing wrong, so you can't fire her!"

Qin Jinhuan's face turned gloomy: "What decision should I make, do I still need to listen to you?"

"No, that's not what I meant," Dong Yueyun smiled and persuaded in a tactful tone, "Ah Huan, you have always been recognized by the employees as a good boss. It is not your style to fire your employees for no reason. Don't do it because A little thing affects the good image in the minds of employees. ”

"This is my business, you don't need to worry about it."

Seeing that Qin Jinhuan didn't let go, he turned away. Knowing that he had made up his mind, Dong Wanqing, who was unwilling to leave, ran to him again unwillingly, grabbed his arm, cried and pleaded: "Ah Huan, is this really true? I didn't do it. Please believe me. Please don't kick me out of Qingtianxing. If you still feel uncomfortable, either you can remove me from the position of deputy manager of the canteen department and let me work as a waiter in the canteen department. “Sheng, is this okay? I just want you to let me stay in Qingtian, I really don’t want to leave Qingtian.”

"Wan Qing." Dong Yueyun felt extremely distressed to see her niece being so condescending, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"The security hasn't come yet?" Qin Jinhuan impatiently turned to Wen Zeyu, who had stood aside silently for a while.

"Here he comes. It's just Ah Huan..." At this time, Wen Zeyu also felt that Dong Wanqing might have been framed, so he didn't call the security guards in for a long time.

His hesitation made Qin Jinhuan a little annoyed: "Can't you understand me?"

"No, it's just that I think..." Qin Jinhuan's sharp gaze made him pause suddenly, then he looked at Dong Wanqing and said in a polite tone, "Miss Dong, the Finance Department has settled your salary for you, please... "

"I won't leave! I won't leave even if I die! You can't fire me for no reason like this!" Dong Wanqing walked in while crying, as if no one would dare to pull her away if she went in.

However, her crying and choking did not get any sympathy from Qin Jinhuan. Instead, it made him more and more annoyed. He looked through Wen Zeyu and shouted at the door of the office: "What are you still doing outside?! Why don't you pull out the rest of the people?" office?"

"Yes, boss." Several security guards rushed in and walked towards Dong Wanqing.

"No! You can't do this to me!" Dong Wanqing suddenly lost control of his emotions and suddenly threw himself at Mu Yu, crying and cursing, "I'm fired now, are you satisfied? You are a vicious woman and a troublemaker! You won't make it easy for me. , don’t even think about it!”

"Xiaoyu (sister-in-law) be careful!"

"Wan Qing, don't mess around!"

Mu Yu, who was secretly thinking about the words of the Dong family's aunt and nephew, unexpectedly exclaimed "What are you going to do?" while instinctively reaching out to push Dong Wanqing away.


"Oh my god—"


"sister in law!"

When everyone exclaimed, Mu Yu was also dumbfounded, looking at the gold scalpel that had been inserted into Dong Wanqing's chest with horror.

"I did not do that… "

Dong Wanqing, whose face turned pale, finished speaking weakly, rolled his eyes upward, and then fell straight back...