My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 139: Learn to follow your heart


He, he really wants to divorce her

So, has he admitted his relationship with Yin Anran this time? Are you ready to officially accept Yin Anran

After a long time, Mu Yu recovered from the shock and sat down softly.

Although she had made such mental preparations countless times in her heart and warned herself before knocking on the door, at this moment, she still couldn't suppress the turmoil in her heart, and sourness suddenly spread throughout her body.

The name of the young mistress of the Qin family will soon be that of Yin Anran

Yin Anran's face, which was always full of arrogance and arrogance, flashed before her eyes. She was immediately unwilling to give up Qin Jinhuan and regretted that she had been so soft-hearted and forgave Yin Anran that day.

If she didn't forgive Yin Anran, Yin Anran would be trapped in the toilet and dehydrated, and she would definitely be in no condition to covet Qin Jinhuan.


Mu Yu suddenly became aware of it.

How could Qin Jinhuan care so much about Yin Anran, so cruelly force him to take such a heavy dose of laxatives, and block him in the toilet to prevent him from going to the hospital

She now has absolutely reason to believe that it was a show they made for her. It must be that grandpa didn't listen to her and secretly put pressure on Qin Jinhuan. He had no choice but to act with Yin Anran to deceive her.

No, no, if he was really afraid of pressure from his grandfather, why did he agree to divorce her now

"Every time something goes wrong between you and Young Master Qin, you either don't ask Young Master Qin face to face and make random guesses on your own, or you don't listen to Young Master Qin's explanation. This in itself is extremely irrational and disrespectful to both yourself and Young Master Qin. the behavior of."

Jiang Wenwen's words suddenly echoed in her ears. She thought about it and decided not to make random assumptions this time. After all, she still missed her relationship with Qin Jinhuan, although he always disappointed her.

After secretly calming down and organizing her words, she turned to Qin Jinhuan and hummed: "Hey! About the divorce..."

"We'll talk when we get back." Qin Jinhuan interrupted her coldly without even looking at her.

His attitude made her very unhappy, and she immediately retorted: "Why do you have to go back and talk? I want to make it clear to you now! We..."

"You can do whatever you want, it's up to you. Leave me alone now."

"What do you mean?"

"Draw up the divorce agreement and give it to me and I will sign it."

"You... Humph!" Mu turned around in a loud tone.

She finally took the initiative, but she didn't expect to encounter such a setback. It seemed that Qin Jinhuan was determined to divorce her at this time.


She sighed secretly in her heart, making her more and more congested.

no! Why should she be stuck alone

We must block it together!


Never leave!

As long as she still carries the name of the young mistress of the Qin family, Yin Anran and Qin Jinhuan will be the mistress who cannot be seen in the light together. It is natural for the main wife to tear the mistress apart.

When she goes back, she will ask her grandfather for some bodyguards. She will give Yin Anran a lesson if she gets the chance. If Qin Jinhuan dares to block or accuse him, she will make the matter bigger, hum!

Thinking of this, a sly smile appeared on her face.

Because the vicious murder cases of Sun Meilan and Zhao Yongli are still pending, people have a lot of doubts and conjectures about Qingtian Group. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, the entire Qingtian Group is now acting very low-key. Mu Yu believed that Qin Jinhuan, as the president of Qingtian Group, would definitely not choose such a time to appear in the public eye in such a dishonorable way. Besides, even if the people who eat melons don't make noises, grandpa will definitely not let him have good fruits to eat.

She didn't want to suffer the disadvantage of being dumb again, and she didn't want Qin Jinhuan to see the prelude to guard against her. She pretended that it didn't matter, took out her Bluetooth headphones and put them on, clicked on the music on her mobile phone, and then listened to the music with her eyes closed, while thinking about how to teach her a lesson. Yin Anran is the most relieved.

"Young mistress? Young mistress?"


Awakened by Bian Zijun's voice, Mu Yu realized that the car had arrived at the door and he had fallen asleep, so he yawned and got out of the car.

After just a few steps, Bian Zijun's low voice sounded behind her: "Boss, what should I do with this takeaway?"

takeout? !

What takeaway

"Let Huang Bo pass by safely."

Qin Jinhuan's caring answer made Mu Yu very angry.

You must know that he always denied his feelings for Yin Anran in front of her before. Unexpectedly, he just mentioned divorce and couldn't wait to express his concern for the mistress in front of her.

Hey, he thought this marriage was for him to divorce and marry whenever he wanted

He didn't take her seriously enough.

Mu Yu smiled coldly, went upstairs to his room first, turned on his computer, drafted two divorce agreements, and threw them to Qin Jinhuan who came in later.

"What is this?" Qin Jinhuan, half lying on the bed with his arms folded, glanced at the two pieces of paper from the corner of his eyes.

"Look at the divorce agreement I drafted."

"We'll see tomorrow." He flicked the two pieces of paper with his fingers to the half of the bed where Mu Yu originally slept.

see tomorrow

Did he mean to wait until we get to the Civil Affairs Bureau

Just watch it tomorrow.

Mu Yu didn't insist and said, "If you can't meet the requirements I mentioned in the agreement, I won't divorce you." Then she took her pajamas and went into the bathroom.

After the bathroom door closed, Qin Jinhuan glanced at the color of the glass wall out of the corner of his eye. Knowing that she had chosen the "wall" function, that is, the outside could not be seen from the inside, and the inside could not be seen from the outside. He immediately picked up a divorce document. The agreement looks like.

He wondered what she would ask for in their divorce papers.

Skipping the necessary words in the agreement, he focused on the key points and saw that Party B's only requirement was that "all property belongs to Party A, and Party B must also belong to Party A." He was immediately happy.

Party A in this agreement is him, and Party B is her.

Is this called a divorce agreement

But it seems like it would be fun.

He casually touched a pen, signed his name, and then touched another piece of paper. When he was about to sign, he suddenly found that the content of this agreement was different from the previous one. He put away the pen very unexpectedly and looked at it carefully. , was shocked at first, but at the end he laughed again, and this time he actually cried.

"All company shares, luxury homes, luxury cars, and cash in the name of Party A belong to Party B, and Party B belongs to Party A."

If he had known that she was just trying to scare him by proposing a divorce, he wouldn't have had to waste so many brain cells on the road. Of course, when he said the divorce, there was indeed an element of anger because of her distrust, but the most important thing was that it was a delaying strategy to coax her back.

How could he divorce her? She was the only woman he had ever loved.

Although he was unhappy when she scratched the white dress he gave her, he had long since forgiven her when he thought about the injustice he had done to Yin Anran.

"Ah Huan, you raised Yin Anran carefully until he was twenty-one years old. You have long since fulfilled your promise to Yin Anran. You no longer owe Yin Anran anything. There is no need to indulge Yin Anran like this anymore. I advise you to treat your sister-in-law more well now. Take a snack, otherwise you will lose your sister-in-law! Don't blame me for not reminding you! There is no regret medicine in this world."

After Wen Zeyu slammed the door and left that day, he took the initiative to contact him shortly after and advised him sincerely on the phone.

He also realized that he handled his relationship with Mu Yu inappropriately. Many times he was too self-centered and did not consider her feelings at all, so he wanted to find time to have a good talk with her. It's just that Yin Anran has been hospitalized due to illness in the past few days. Since Yin Anran is helpless in Ancheng, taking care of Yin Anran has become a habit for him, so he can't help but stay with Yin Anran. I took Yin Anran out of the hospital today. I originally planned to send Yin Anran home and then find Mu Yu, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big misunderstanding.

To be honest, the moment he opened the door and saw Mu Yu, the disappointed look in her eyes really made him panic. Even when facing a strong opponent at the negotiating table, he had never been so panicked. But he didn't show it, because now he has already Get used to showing your inner world without facial expressions.

He dragged her downstairs coldly, put her into the car, and coldly agreed to her divorce proposal. Only he knew that his coldness was just to cover up his inner uneasiness. But before he figured out how to communicate with her, he had to pretend to be cold.

After his mother passed away, he lost confidence in life, and the center of the world was only himself. Many times, he was the only one left in his world. At one time, he was so pessimistic that he no longer wanted to love anyone around him, and the delicate emotions in his heart had long since gone underground along with his mother. Even when faced with the Rong brothers and sisters who grew up together since childhood, and Wen Zeyu who grew up together because of his mother's relationship, he would often involuntarily choose to ignore their unreserved care and be stingy with their emotions. .

As time goes by, in his emotional world, the only thing left is to be loved. As for caring for others, he is no longer good at caring for others. Over the years, Yin Anran is probably the only exception.

However, his concern for Yin Anran was caused by guilt, a promise, and a responsibility. It gradually became a habit and had nothing to do with love.

In his love, there is only Mu Yu.

Wen Zeyu was right to remind him that he must reflect on himself at the right time and learn to let go of his love and lover, otherwise her heart will get farther and farther away from him - this is by no means his original intention.

Putting down the agreement in his hand, he stood up slowly, walked to the bathroom door, propped his elbows on the door frame, closed his lips tightly, and stared fixedly at the still closed glass door.


The door opened.

Mu Yu wiped the water with a towel and walked out with her head lowered. When she found Qin Jinhuan standing at the door, it was too late to stop her steps. By the time she reacted, she was already imprisoned in Qin Jinhuan's arms.

"You, what are you doing standing here?!"

Unable to deal with the situation, she instinctively reached out to push him away, but he didn't give her a chance, and instead hugged her tighter.

"Hey you… "

"Don't move, let me hug you."

His low and magnetic voice sounded softly in her ears, and he pretended to be warm, making her stunned.

Didn't he just say that he wanted to divorce her? Why did you suddenly become so enthusiastic again

What does he mean? Could it be that he has changed his mind and is not ready to divorce her

She suddenly felt secretly happy. Even though she knew that there must be another reason why he changed his mind, she suddenly didn't want to be so rational and delve into it so much.

It had been a long time since he had been so warm and close to her, and it had been a long time since she had heard his gentle voice.

God knows how much she loves this feeling.

If possible, she would like time to stand still.

"If you are more proactive and gentle with Mr. Qin, and dress yourself up more beautifully and sexy, I am 100% sure that Mr. Qin's attitude towards you will be greatly changed. Although not every man is like this The lower body thinks, but you must believe that a man’s lower body behavior will definitely affect his decision-making.”

She remembered Jiang Wenwen's words.


Lowering her eyes, she suddenly made a bold move, threw away the towel, hooked her arms around his neck, and quickly moved her lips towards him...